Avatar of Spirit
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 266 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Spirit 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I want to like, make a new rp group. But I don't have any super amazing creative ideas for one.
6 yrs ago
Why do I insist on asking idiotic questions? It's just going to make me feel more like an idiot.
6 yrs ago
No more procrastinating! It's time to get up and fight some boredom!.... You know... Like... In a minute...
6 yrs ago
Gonna get me some tacos.
6 yrs ago
Feeling pretty lonely today. Not many people want to talk it seems.. Work wasn't all to great either. I need a new job.


Well that poem was a fun place holder but I guess I should put in a real bio.

Well to start off, I'm a 22 year old male and writing is a huge hobby of mine in general. I've been rp'ing close to about 8 years now with various outlets but since it's hard to find partners after a while I decided to join up on a forum. I hate rp'ing in fandoms that allow for non-original content so you won't find me going into any Naruto or Star Wars rp's that take place in the era of the show or attempting to just live out the in show scenes. I hate posting less than I can describe when it comes to my rp's, and love to develop expansive in depth worlds. All this lead to me trying to organize open world rp scenarios, but time's a' wastin' and I want to get my writing fix.

I don't really have any genres I won't rp if I find them interesting, but I definitely prefer Sci-fi and Fantasy settings. Really I'm not sure what else to put here, I'm having trouble finding rp's to get involved in and I'm waiting to see if mine will go anywhere before I give up pitching ideas. I prefer characters that talk over using brute strength, and this usually lands me the role as the Rogue in games such as D&D or literally every rpg ever. I don't mind playing female characters at all and I have several I love to play, but not many males that I don't just make as I go. I am very willing to go 18+, feel free to approach me with pitches.

I know I'm forgetting something... I'll come back to this.

Most Recent Posts

Ok responded to everyone still waiting on me. And ironically, @Rune_Alchemist, yes that was actually part of the setting before you had a thought about it lol I based the location on the national park Big Sur in California, I loved the cliff sides there. Here's a picture of the thing.

This is Big Sur. It's what inspired me to make the port town the game takes place in as it's about 20 minutes away from Monterrey, my dad's family's hometown. Basically, large family history in these locations and I based this port town off this idea of a town on the ocean.

Monterey. Yeah this is what I used as a visual for a port town. Just letting you know that it was actually there before you mentioned it lol

"Master Rovi will be in very soon. He was just making a few preparations for his classes." There was a slight shuffling behind a wall. "Ah, it seems he has returned. Just give him a moment. Eat, eat! He doesn't much care for food in the classroom." He slapped his fellow dwarf on the shoulder as he laughed before digging into his sandwich.


The Rune Weaver lost her focus and the sign dissolved in mid air. "Oh! I apologize youngling. I did not notice you enter the room." She stood gracefully and made her way to her new student and sat down so that she was speaking directly to her. "This question of making others into a focus... This is troubling. Very troubling. Making others into a conduit to enhance your own magic is," Her pause was concerned and pained at the thought, "Less than admirable. It is even considered by some as a taboo... But where I come from, this could also be a bond of love. A connection shared between two people so powerful that their life essence itself is bound only to the aid of their other." She rolled up her sleeves and her fingers glowed again. "Now, as for where I hail from." She drew a very skillfully yet swiftly drawn map in the air that was immediately recognized as the continent they were on, the world as they knew it. "Across the many seas, past the fog that cuts the ocean in two," She drew small lines to the right of the map, "Far to the east. My homeland." She drew another medium sized land mass that was rather round but had a few breaks in the shape with a few islands off it's coast. "This is where I hail from. The Continent of Jiayun. Roughly translating to Homeland. It's cut off from the rest of the world by a powerful illusion spell that's part of a seal, it makes those in the land to perceive the edge of the barrier as the edge of the World itself. Even the bravest of the brave do not dare to venture past this point."


Her thought was actually well founded, out the window there was the south face of the school facing the cliff side overlooking the ocean. A large meadow of flowers and grass that rustled in the wind was immediately noticeable as untouched and peaceful. The teacher made her way over to her, "Oh my! I am so excited for the lessons this year. Today I'll be lecturing on what restoration magic truly is.
And as a bonus I'll be handing out a special present for all of you lovely students."
She walked around the room excitedly.


Thank you Rune. Diligent co-gm'ing.

Scarescrow posted just before we finished up the collab, I believe, and is waiting on a reply from you, I believe.

Thank you rune. Ok so that one's my bad, but Legion? Did I miss him?

You two, alive or out?

I've been trying to give y'all some time. Haven't seen hide or hare of you guys in a bit in or out of character. Kinda need to know, maybe I just missed Scarecrow's posts or something but Legion I'm 90% sure I'm still waiting on you and another character entered the room. Let me ask my co-gm.


Runey Rune, did I miss their posts? I've been all over the place lately.
things are slow atm everyone alive?

Try to remove yourself from any scenarios so you don't tie people up before you go.


It's alright runey rune, he told me that already. I was scared everyone had bailed while I was on vacay and he was like nah me and rune collaborating and shit and I was all like oh that's a relief.
Everything is caught up on my end I believe. @Legion02 you still alive out there?

The room was rather low in the foyer of doors that lead to the individual teacher classrooms and quarters. Deep in a low dip that led to a door nearly hidden from view with a bridge over it to allow more space above. A few doors were like this, but upon entering the room it was quickly unique. The tiles of the floor were illuminated between the cracks by a green ominous glow, and the room had few desks arranged in a permiter of a large circle surrounded by runes on the floor, slightly inserted further into the floor with two small steps surrounding it. This circle was made of a different stone than the tile that floored the room, and the circle was surrounded by a blue glow that stretched beyond the floor to the ceiling.

As the two boys talked, a dignified tall man with silver hair and dark grey skin entered from a door in the back of the room choosing to let them talk as he silently arranged his potions on the long stretch of table that went from end to end in the far left side of the room. The opposite of it on the far right of the room were bookcases, filled with copies of the same tomes sorted into rows. Likely textbooks for the class on their lecture subjects. When they finished their sentences, the man spoke from the corner where they had failed to notice his entry as they spoke. "Rather early for the lecture aren't we?" The man said, his voice booming through the room and alerting them to his presence.


"Ah, you may refer to me as Dolvin stonebrother." Dolvin's sight shifted to the Dark Elf that had made his way into the room. Immediately his eyes were drawn to the sword at his side as masterwork smiths do, and could tell that it was the work of a highly skilled Dark Elf smith. That used traditional... Dark techniques. The sword would have been precise, bloodthirsty, yet also collected and loyal to it's owner. Ready to cut anything at it's chosen wielder's command. It was a dangerous piece, that not just anyone would have. He thought to himself that this student was a strange one indeed. But the Arcanium have seen many in it's time, and plenty stranger than he; and so he let this little tid bit escape his thoughts.

Dolvin placed his hand on Garanin's shoulder, "No need to be tense brother. This man is the same as you, a guest here to our school. No need to hold onto the past." He turned his face to the Dark Elf and extended his blackened soot hand, "Good morning to you student. You seem to know my name, would you do me the kindness of giving me yours?" He moved closer to the dark elf to allow him reach of his hand. "A pleasure to meet you here today."
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