Avatar of Squirrel98


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I am Squirrel98 (25 years old), a woman from Belgium (Europe).
One can always message me to chat or start a roleplay.
These are the things you should know about me.

I am a university student (last year) and already working, so I don't have a lot of time. However, I always inform my partners when I am not interested anymore or when I want to stop the roleplay because of another reason. That means: if I don't answer you, then I don't have the time yet. By the way, I rarely forget a roleplay, so you don't have to worry about that.

Even though I can be pretty busy, I love to chat and often check the site on my phone. If you do worry about me not answering or you just want to chat, send me a pm and you'll get a fast answer in normal circumstances.

I am able to write as both male and female. In addition, I can play several characters at a time.

I absolutely love romance in my roleplays (although it is not necessary), but I don't write out smut. The reason for that is that it easily takes over the whole plot and that becomes very boring very quickly. I have experience with both MxF and MxM. I have never done a FxF pairing, but I am open to try!

I prefer to avoid roleplays which are situated in the past or in existing countries. I probably haven't been there, so I don't know the rules well enough to roleplay it.

I have a hard time writing fighting scenes. That means that I prefer the role of human in roleplays where magic is involved and that I prefer the innocent roles in violent roleplays. I have made exceptions though, so don't be afraid to pitch your ideas.

I have no limits with dark themes. All that you have in mind, I can handle it (just make sure that it doesn't contain smut).

I can work with long character sheets, short character sheets and no character sheets. I don't have a preference.

You will do the intro post. It happened too often that I put in a lot of effort in the intro post, made it quite long even and the partner never gave me an answer.

Current cravings (using OC's, not canon's):
- Miraculous (tv-show)
- Mia and me / Unicorn academy (our own version; not necessarily with unicorns)
- Fairy Tail (anime)
- Shrek (movie)
- Tell The Machine Goodnight (book)

Most Recent Posts

She was quite surprised when she heard the announcement of having to catch an animal outside and it immediatly made a big, bright smile appear on her face. Finally they would go outside, something she had been thinking of ever since she came to the club. It was the best thing he had said until that moment. She turned herself to the rest of the group and looked around. "So are we leaving? I am tired of this room, let's go the park!" She was looking forward to going there and to learn how to use her 'new' powers. Her eyes moved to take a look at her hands. The wind that blew through the room after she had put the talisman to her chest was still in her memories. It was the perfect power for her, weather manipulation, as she loved to be outside. It was so perfect that she wanted to be able to control it. What would she be able to do after she had complete control over the weather?

While waiting for everyones replies on what she had said, she heard some voices inside of her head. They were arguing about something, something that had to do with her. "What are you arguing about?" she thought, hoping that they could hear it, and she got it right, because she got an answer: "If we should tell you and introduce herself, but they are right. We should wait until you're a bit stronger to handle the secret." And with that sentence they disappeared. She was a bit weirded out by what had happened, but soon focused back on the other people in the room. "So? It's going to be a lot of fun!"
Heyy everyone

I have an idea that I want to explore with someone.
These are the rules:

- you have to be 18+ years
- don't expect me to answer fast, I will answer as fast as I can, but I have a life (sometimes I will answer daily, sometimes weekly and at other times once a month)
- as the answers won't follow fast, I want to have the post be AT LEAST a paragraph or two to compensate
- don't be afraid of ANY adult theme (or warn me beforehand instead of complaining afterwards)
- don't ditch me, just talk to me about your thoughts of the roleplay
- you are doing the intro post, I have had too many roleplays where I put much effort in the intro post and the person just disappears (this is NOT up for discussion)
- I expect you to be able to write something decent

This is the idea (it isn't worked out yet):

After two different families had some kind of trouble, they started to live together in the same house without anyone from the outside knowing. The two main characters are a boy and a girl.
The boy is a son from one of the two families, his family is living there with everybody from the outside world knowing. He lives his life that looks like one from a normal guy his age (even though it isn't, it looks that way for most). He doesn't get along at all with the girl, who is a daughter from the other family who can't go outside at all. To the outside world, they don't even exist.
If the parents get along is hard to tell, sometimes they fight and at other times they get along very well!
Even though the girl - who is an only child - doesn't get along with the son from the other family, she gets along very well with his older sister.

This is going to be a romance and drama roleplay, but it isn't going to be forced! It's going to grow very slowly. I do not want to roleplay smut, but I am up for drama and am okay with violence.

I will play the girl from the one family, you will play the boy from the other family. I prefer that your character will not be shy, the rest is up to you.
@golani She is approved ! I love her so much, she is perfect for the roleplay I had in mind, thank you so much :D you can move her in the character tab
@OrkytheOrc@golani I made the ooc, let me know if you notice something that you don't like (for example: with the items for you character sheet)

the rp

You are standing in front of the mirror, preparing for the upcoming show like you always do.

When suddenly a voice is echoing inside of your head, the voice of a girl from your age.

At first you find it a little weird, but you try to ignore it.
When the voice repeats itself, a fear starts to rise.
After a third time, you decide to go take a look.

Where is the voice coming from? It can't be your imagination, can it?

You are walking in the hallway with the bedrooms of the other performers and notice that others are coming out of their rooms too.
Is everyone hearing it?
Not just you?

You end up before a locked cage.
Inside of it is not a wild animal that is supposed to be used for the circus.

But there is a girl...
Maybe the girl you heard?

Who is she?

Is the girl good or bad?
Does she have to do anything with the attacks on you and your friends and with all the other things that are happening?

Are you going to save her and flee with her from the circus?
Or don't you trust her at all and have faith in your home?

It is all up to you...

What choice do you make?


This story is about "Merry Circus".

It is the place you work at as performer, but it is also your home and the home of many others.

All of you have a story, a sad and maybe dark one.

Because you are not a normal human, you can do something or have an appearance that is not like the others, and you don't have any family or friend anymore other then the other performers and your boss.

Your personalities are totally different: some enjoy the attention of the public, others are more nervous and full of stress. Some are happy about where they are right now, others prefer to have a family and a normal home. Some like being different, others want to be a normal human.

In this roleplay, the choices are totally up to you!
You can decide yourself what you do in the story and you don't have to follow the other players either, even if you find yourself at different places, you all get to have your own story.

As this is a casual roleplay, I would like you to be able to write AT LEAST several lines for every post.
Something that other people can react to.

For the kind of power/creature you are, keep it a bit realistic.
For example: your height can be out of the normal - if you want to be a giant - but you can't be bigger then the building or the circus itself.

For roles: the girl that the performers find, is played by myself.
All of you will be a performer - as the public will be normal humans - but if you really want to be someone from the public and a normal human, we can fit you in the story if you can give me a reason why you would be allowed backstage. Maybe if you have a family member there? A friend from the past that you want to appologize to for freaking out when he showed you his power?

I will not write down the basic rules as everyone probably knows them.
Everyone gets allowed one character (two can be discussed).

Put your character in this tab and move it to the character tab after being approved.

We begin the day that you meet the girl in the cage.
I myself will make an intro post as narrator.

@golani I will remember that ;)
I really like the concept of your character, so yes !!
@OrkytheOrc Yes ;)
@golani I was thinking about the modern times
Shocked by the announcement that her partner was chosen for the S-class trials, she froze. Her arms or her legs wouldn't move. Dexter, the one that she was always going on missions with and hanging out with, he was chosen. She wanted to congratulate him immediatly and be happy for him like she should, but she realized that she herself wasn't chosen for the trials. That morning she had been dreaming of Dexter and herself battling against each other for S-class and she didn't like the fact that her dream would stay as a dream. Normally she would be happy that she could stand by his side as his partner, but she was looking forward to fighting with him.

"Euhm... Congrats, Dex..." she said with her eyes still not able to look him in the face. She was so upset that she took one of the fries and started to nibble on it for some time. One could clearly see that she was not in her usual happy mood as she normally wouldn't take up on the Dexter's offer with the fries. The sad feeling was flowing through her body and she didn't know how to get it out, so she took a second of the fries to nibble on. "I guess my role in the trials will be to be your partner..." It wasn't that she didn't like to be his partner, it was just that she hoped to had the chance herself. She knew that it was quite selfish, but she couldn't think of his happiness at the moment.

Her hand was spinning the stick she always took with her around while she was focusing on her breathing, so it would become more stable. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again. She wanted to think about Dexter, but she could only think about herself and the fact that she wasn't chosen.

You are standing in front of the mirror, preparing for the upcoming show like you always do.

When suddenly a voice is echoing inside of your head, the voice of a girl from your age.

At first you find it a little weird, but you try to ignore it.
When the voice repeats itself, a fear starts to rise.
After a third time, you decide to go take a look.

Where is the voice coming from? It can't be your imagination, can it?

You are walking in the hallway with the bedrooms of the other performers and notice that others are coming out of their rooms too.
Is everyone hearing it?
Not just you?

You end up before a locked cage.
Inside of it is not a wild animal that is supposed to be used for the circus.

But there is a girl...
Maybe the girl you heard?

Who is she?

Is the girl good or bad?
Does she have to do anything with the attacks on you and your friends and with all the other things that are happening?

Are you going to save her and flee with her from the circus?
Or don't you trust her at all and have faith in your home?

It is all up to you...

What choice do you make?


This story is about "Merry Circus".

It is the place you work at as performer, but it is also your home and the home of many others.

All of you have a story, a sad and maybe dark one.

Because you are not a normal human, you can do something or have an appearance that is not like the others, and you don't have any family or friend anymore other then the other performers and your boss.

Your personalities are totally different: some enjoy the attention of the public, others are more nervous and full of stress. Some are happy about where they are right now, others prefer to have a family and a normal home. Some like being different, others want to be a normal human.

In this roleplay, the choices are totally up to you!
You can decide yourself what you do in the story and you don't have to follow the other players either, even if you find yourself at different places, you all get to have your own story.

As this is a casual roleplay, I would like you to be able to write AT LEAST several lines for every post.
Something that other people can react to.

For the kind of power/creature you are, keep it a bit realistic.
For example: your height can be out of the normal - if you want to be a giant - but you can't be bigger then the building or the circus itself.

For roles: the girl that the performers find, is played by myself.
All of you will be a performer - as the public will be normal humans - but if you really want to be someone from the public and a normal human, we can fit you in the story if you can give me a reason why you would be allowed backstage. Maybe if you have a family member there? A friend from the past that you want to appologize to for freaking out when he showed you his power?

Let me know if you are interested!
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