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It seemed there was no more need for words. Their actions would do the talking. The clash of combat was a natural state for knights such as them, after all.

From her speed and elegance alone, this certainly would be a dangerous foe. Even under the pressure of his will, the Saber was the faster of the two combatants.

His large hammer, too, was unwieldy compared to a simple sword. With his instinct telling him the direction that the attacks would come from, it was possible to swing the shaft, adjusting it to meet and repel the incoming attacks. There was no opening to make an attack of his own, though, at least not without opening himself up to taking damage from the Saber at his more vulnerable points.

He was on the defensive, and he had no way of knowing which of them could keep up the fight for longer. He frowned, thinking over his options. Perhaps for now it would be best to stall defensively, to trust Daisuke’s ability to take out the likely incapacitated opposing Master. If that proved too slow, perhaps he would have to use his trump card.

@KoL @Duoya


"Did you know, Berserker? Tokyo Tower is the largest structure in all of Japan!"

“The tallest..?” Edward nodded. “It certainly is impressive. Such a structure would have been impossible to build in my time. Imagine a tower like that on a fortress.” For a moment, Berserker imagined the kind of castles that could be built in this era. Perhaps these techniques could make a fortress worthy of being called a new Camelot.

"Good idea, Survivor! Hey, Berserker, do you think I should send my royal familiars to go and scout for the other masters? We'll find them in the time it takes Dracomar to clean out his food bowl, if their Servants stand out as much as you do."

“Information gathering is certainly important,” Edward said. “Scout as you wish. I’ll leave it to your discretion, since you know the area.” The Masters were less his concern than the Servants, but knowing the enemy was still paramount. It wouldn’t do to simply leave everything to do with them to Daisuke, but he had little to offer before they had gathered any intelligence.

It was then that Berserker noticed the presence of an enemy Servant ahead. Ever so slightly, he smiled. “It appears we’ve been anticipated.” He continued in his path unimpeded. It seemed the enemy had created a field to keep out any witnesses. An intelligent enough decision, though it hardly mattered to Berserker.

“Be ready for a fight,” He noted to Daisuke, before striding into view of the enemy. A woman in strange armour that was half a dress. It was perhaps surprising to face a female knight here, but Berserker knew better than to underestimate anyone who could be summoned from the throne of heroes.

"A knight, I presume. I'm the Saber Class Servant summoned for this Holy Grail War. It'll be my honor to challenge you to a duel,"

Berserker gave a brief nod. Certainly, any Saber was worthy of at least some respect, though how much would be determined by their battle. “I would be honoured to accept, Servant Saber,” He said, gravely. “Come, then. Test yourself against the Knight of the Hammer.” With that, he manifested his Noble Phantasm; a great stone hammer appearing in his hands. Certain Servants would be able to recognise such a famous artefact, but it was one that several people could lay claim to. Only its true name release would reveal his name directly.

The first ‘blow’ would be a simple one. Look away, Daisuke. If you want to witness this fight, use your Master’s Clairvoyance… But beware of the enemy’s own Master. With that warning, he glared. Edward’s aura of suppression flared up, pressing down upon the enemy’s mind and body. If the enemy’s Master was watching, they would feel the effects with even more intensity.

It was unquestionably an attack, but not one with lethal intent. Saber didn’t seem like the rebellious, chaotic type who were most affected by Edward’s will; the odds of it doing any phsyical harm were zero. But it was an opening to the fight nonetheless. Edward simply stood in anticipation of his foe’s first attack, his weapon lifted and ready.

@KoL @heroic2019 @Duoya


Berserker allowed Daisuke to guide him into another room, seating himself on a sofa. It was certainly more comfortable than the wooden throne of coronation that he had created. The time that had been wasted was already gone, and there was time to relax. Some, at least.

"The first thing a king should know is the culture of any land he visits - this here is Sukiyaki, a Japanese dish that is typically served on special occasions in the winter, such as the end of the year. This is a grave warning, so heed it well - It is fairly hot since I just cooked it, so be very cautious to avoid burning your mouth."

Edward nodded gravely, taking his fellow lord’s warning seriously. A special dish that one must consume carefully - that seemed to fit what he knew of this land. Picking up the cutlery, he took a tentative bite. “Excellent,” He said, muffled slightly by his chewing. A strange dish, compared to what he knew, but its taste was good.

"Oh my word, I have been uncouth - I apologize, Sir Edward, you should be the one talking. Do you have any questions for me? After we get you comfortable, we can start work on the war. Personally, I think the highest priority is your code name."

“A code name?” Edward asked. “My class name should suffice. Though if you want to attempt to obfuscate that…” He paused for a moment, thinking. “I shall leave it to your discretion. Nothing that provides any hint to my identity, mind.”

He calmly finished the meal, and then stood. “Come,” Edward said, walking from the room without turning to check if Daisuke was following. “I need to see the battlefield that I will be fighting on.”

There was no need to hide in spirit form; if an enemy wanted to challenge him, they were welcome to. As he strode through the city, the citizens around him took great notice of the tall foreigner in strange armour. He paid them no mind. If it came to a fight, his will alone would be enough to ensure nobody remained to witness it.

Casting his gaze towards the citiy’s skyline, he smiled. “Yes, that tower will be an excellent point to look over this city,” He said as if to an ally behind him, without checking if Daisuke had followed him. He began to move.

Heading to Tokyo Tower



For a moment, the Servant simply stood, staring intensely at Daisuke. At an impressive 187cm, the man cut an intimidating figure, the scars on his face only enhancing the frightening effect. His well-polished armour glinted in the light of the room. It was a dark suit of armour, heavy and thick. Not the shining armour of a true knight, but an efficient form of protection, fit for a king. It served to enhance his size further, casting an even larger shadow over Daisuke.

In the presence of this man, there was no doubt he was a Servant, an existence beyond humans. Under his stare, it was hard not to wither.

Not letting his gaze fall from his Master, he opened his mouth. “A king should control his subjects.” His voice was deep and resonant, and he spoke slowly and deliberately. It, too, contributed to pressure his presence exerted.

“Servant Berserker,” He said, an expression of distaste on his face. “Edward the first, of England. If you’d summoned me faster, I might have been placed in a Knight class…” Perhaps it was simply that he suited Berserker better, but that wasn’t a thought he wanted to voice.

Looking at the crown and cape that his Master was clad in, Berserker grinned slightly, for the first time. “This land, Japan? You are some lord here, it appears. I will require your guidance, but not your direction.” The demeaning name of ‘Servant’ chafed; serving a master was not something Berserker could abide. Whether those titles were literal hardly mattered, considering the prison that the command seals could form in the wrong hands.

Still, his ‘Master’ seemed worthy enough, at first glance. Not a significant enough lord to have been detailed in the information received from the grail, though few were. Certainly, bringing him victory in this war would allow him to ascend to greater power - if he proved worthy.

“Consider this an alliance of kings, then.” He held out a steady, gauntleted hand for Daisuke to shake.

@Parallel Hearts Any interest in making a discord for this? I understand if you're not interested, but it could facilitate faster pairing.
@Sakaki Chizuru Was waiting on seeing more masters, but things are speeding up. Think Edward and a Welsh magus would be an interesting pair?
Your character is basically alright as well. But I have to ask why does he get the benefits of being considered a rightful ruler by his NP of he stole it instead of being given it rightfully?

Not so much stole as conquered and took as spoils of war, but the two things aren't really connected. He's the rightful king of England, and the stone offers its benefits to any rightful king, even if they aren't its proper owner. After all, it went from Ireland to Scotland to England just fine.
Hope this one works. Might need some edits.

Got a Berserker idea, and some masters in mind. I'd be happy to join.
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