Avatar of Stargazer6225


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3 mos ago
Current Last couple months have been weird. Dealing with a partially dislocated jaw on top of other medical issues. I'll try to catch up with posts soon. Sorry.
5 mos ago
TIL that your approval rating with Lae'zel only needs to be 'Fair' for her to want to jump your bones. Very unexpected.
5 mos ago
I've fallen down the Baldur's Gate 3 rabbit hole and I fear I may never climb my way back out.
6 mos ago
merry crisis
6 mos ago
Hide/Show Statuses comes in handy. Just sayin'.


If you can't differentiate between fiction and reality, then we're not going to get along very well. Claiming someone must be "toxic" IRL because the character they're writing is an asshole shows you've not matured enough to be engaging with anything beyond My Little Pony or Care Bears.

I don't touch group RPs, for a variety of reasons. 1x1 or nothing, amigos.

Most Recent Posts

Clearly, I have a problem. I needed to sort of reset myself, and in turn I ended up developing another craving. Any partners from the other thread are welcome to nudge me to continue RPs.

Hello. We've been down this road before. Alex, 30+, female and not picky about pronouns, CST but active at random times because insomnia and other things. Multi-paragraph, often novella length, but I don't expect anyone to match me. Open to doubling, but I make no guarantees I'll be able to if it's a different fandom altogether.

For myself, I'm only looking for something in the "Alien" universe. Y'know, Ripley. Xenomorphs. The dreaded prequel movies especially, because I'm hyper-focusing DavidxOFC stuff. Walter's the cinnamon roll, and sought after as well. I do like sweet slice of life types of RP from time to time.

But it's pretty obvious by now I've got a problem with 'bastards', even if David's got some pretty decent reasons to be one.

I'm not expecting to adhere to lore and canon settings 100%, as I do love me some headcanon stuff, and the OFC I wanna use isn't exactly canon-compliant at her base. That's negotiable to an extent. Expecting romance, smut, etc. Plenty of stuff that needs to be discussed in private. Don't contact me if you're not okay with any of that. I do have some pretty basic plots, but nothing set in stone. I also have an F-list for more detailed 'stuff', and some insight on the OC herself. Feel free to ask for it.

Include this in your message when you DM:

Here's my Discord: Stargazer#6225
Will be getting around to PMs soon as my brain allows me to.
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