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Yatzee!! 2 in a row!
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Australians dont have nike they have crikey!!
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I guess its true... the media really IS trying to cover up Sound of Freedom with Indiana Jones for some reason...
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Honestly Twilight, you just need to try and focus on what makes other people tick.
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53rd Havelock Brutalists

Trooper Farrell

[19:00 Hours]

Trooper Farrell trudged through the dusty vehicle park where several "Drastics"* had been vehicle pooled. In the background there were several troopers huddling round a ration-lamp warming their food and there was a vehicle radio left on.

The floor was made dusty from the promethium gaslights that lit the courtyard. Farrell looked up and several of the overhead pipes and ducts had several imperial Aquila flags hanging from them, some were being newly installed by a group of 53rd Troopers. The fighting had been sporadic and unpredictable. The cult that ran the place had taken over the promethium junction control some years ago. However the victory almost seemed trite, most of the leadership had moved out along with most of their equipment leaving only a token force of their bravest and stupidest and most suicidal followers. Farrell walked into the red brick promethium junction control bunker to deliver his message to the brass and crossed through the open blast doors that were flanked either side by grenadiers with Lucious pattern lasguns, the sentries were still but their eyes flicked back and forth surveying all who entered the building. He took a right turn down a hallway with the grease stain on the wall, several attendants and batmen were busy bringing in equipment such as maps and radio cases to be checked over, one such wore a slate monotron on his left arm while others carried clipboards. He eventually found the room the officers were in.

The two door guards eyed him up and he entered. One had a Lucious and the other had a Plasmagun. They seemed to recognize him and he entered wordlessly. He could see that their pressure helmets lenses were lit up blue, most likely with intel on himself from the HUD. A young man with blonde hair came up to him with a clipboard, the name-patch on his jacket said "Trooper Keen". He spoke lazily "state your name and business."

"Trooper Farrell, squad seven, come to deliver intel recovered from enemy leader."

Keen just looked down on his clipboard and made a tick with his pencil. "Right, report to your L-T."

Farrell clicked his heels toghether as he stood to attention, then departed. On a small wooden desk on the left side was his Lieutenant: Douglas Orr who was reading something while a few other attendants and sergeants buzzed around him. In the middle of the room he caught a glimpse of "Fighting Man" himself, he was giving a speech to a few commissioned officers. He strained his ears to catch what was being said by his deep voice.

"... which is precisely why we need Duct B hubwards up and running and any shrines cleared out, with the emphasis on pacification..."

Then he looked back to Lieutennant Orr who was now sat up and looking at him. He moved off towards the L-T.

"Lets have it lad." Said Lieutennant Orr

"Trooper Farrell, squad seven. We just cleared out the east wing, minimal resistance, recovered this intel."

He reached into his ammunition pocket and took out a largeish velum tome. It appeared to have been made out of human skin. Rather disgustingly the user seemed to have collected one of every race he could find. The Lieutennant let two beats pass before he took it. He quickly dropped it on his desk with the tip of his fingers and then took a deep sigh. "Dismissed"

Farrell felt like a weight had been lifted from his heart and nearly skipped away.

I'd be way down if Cardinal Frollo sought out Canute for a favour. Maybe this is like a flashback and the reason hes down there in the first place.

I have a few other embryonic character ideas in development. But i've noticed i quite like middle-ranking characters, but i suppose i should take a crack at some ultra-high-rankging like the Cardinal.

Edit: Also working on a chimera variant for the leftover vehicles they have.
Actually come to think of it. Dr. Baxter is quite frightening. Even in human form. A genius intellect with a monomania about leaving his own fingerprint on history. This is actually quite dark.

Also you could experiment with other ninja weapons. What about a turtle that uses a different weapon?
I greatly support this kind of thing!

Have a bump.

I'd join if i had any more time leftover. Alas.

But yeah, making new characters for the original setting sounds super sweet!

I do think however that the original characters should instead be like npcs that are just happening in the background. For example shredder is actually quite frightening, way more than krang, from what i remember from the movies shredder is like a ronin samurai general with a penchant for tearing people up with tiny blades!! He should definitely be kept in the background as the big bad. I'd like to see people making analogs of bebop and rocksteady but on either sides, good or bad. Maybe someone could run just a regular nin from "the foot", or, hell, even a cop! Just a regular cop! Maybe with some kind of mutation.
Trooper Farrell isnt a main character.
53rd Havelock Brutalists

Trooper Farrell

The column of troopers was marching ten deep down the colonnade street in parade formation. Their massed footmarch created a somewhat reassuring thrum that echoed off of the walls. At various points along the street onloockers had gathered; small children, beggers, lepers and the like. All were shabbily dressed in drity thread-worn clothes and all had various facial expressions ranging from curiosity to fear. These sights, the destroyed vehicles at the sides of streets and the collapsed buildings did not worry the 53rd, partly because they trusted in their weapons, which they were told to keep loaded and ready.

It was a move, completely unscripted. The Commissioner Colonel had ordered his entire regiment to begin marching in the morning and by midday they had reached the underhive. On either side all was decay and erosion... not just of buildings, but moral erosion. Trooper Farrell didnt like the underhive. Not only was it a place hed hoped hed never see, but also a place he'd hoped he wouldnt have to stay for too long... but, it looked like he wouldnt get to see his wish. This didnt scare him, infact he enjoyed it. It was simply a challange set in front. A bump to be negotiated in the process of life. He was, afterall, a warrior caste and used to such things. He did, however wonder what "Fighting Man" had in his intention of dragging them all here.

It was most likely because he didnt want them going soft after the victory over the orkoid migration, yes, that had to be it. Or maybe they were just there to clean out a particular menace to the planetary governor, just as a favour like? Yeah, there could be many reasons theyd been dragged down here. He listened to the squeel and squeek of heavy machinery in front. The coloumn was being led by 3 chimera, some of the precious few that they had managed to preserve after the previous war. Every now and then they would barge a vehicle off the road with their dozer blades. Some guardsmen might find this frightening, thought Farrell. However ive been frightened by experts, and these arnt experts.
There it is. Its up. Not my best work, but i can always improve it as we go. Theres quite allot of headcannon behind these boys so this will be revealed later. I even statted some of the weapons so i could bracket what they can do and what they cannot do. Ive removed the weapon stats because i think they might ruin the actual writing. But they are always there in the background.
53rd Havelock Brutalists

Due to the local area being destabilized with the death of Cadia, our planet has been sent a few regiments of foreign imperial guard. The locals dont like these foreign intruders, but the Planetary Governors propaganda says they are there for security. They are infact there as a staging area for a counter-attack on the forces flooding out of the eye of terror, meanwhile the indomitus crusades is no where to be seen...

One such regiment is the 53rd Havelock Brutalists.

Their special issue gear is urban camoflage great coats with sewn in flak armour. They also opperate close support by a single sentinel powerlifters per squad armed with the power lifter of course but also an underslung chainsword. The best way to describe how they employ these is brutality. They use the power lifters for counter charges and on any of the imperiums more melee oriented enemies. They are grenadiers and have just been relocated after a victorious battle fighting an Ork waaagh. This Regiment is known for taking battle trophies from their foes, such as horns and fangs. Infact the squad leader is usually selected based on how many fangs they have collected. They are selected from the planets warrior caste.

Regiment Classification: Grenadiers
Recruitment Criteria: PDF lottery
Nature of Recruitment: Warrior caste
Home World: Hive
Home World Predominant Terrain: Urban
Regiment Core Units: Assault Grenadiers

Specialization: Hive and Urban Warfare: Preferred Fighting Style (Grenadiers)
Loyalty Rating: Beyond Reproach
Special Equipment: Hykon pattern helm
Special Vehicle: “Bruiser” pattern sentinel power lifter w/ sentinel chainsword
Trophies - This Regiment is known for taking battle trophies from their foes, such as horns and fangs. Infact the squad leader is usually selected based on how many fangs they have collected.

Regiment Creed: For the Emperor: Fervent belief in the Imperial cult and the righteous mission of the Imperium fuels this regiment.
Regiment Friends: Scholastia Psykana
Regiment Enemies: Eldar

Regimental Leadership: Primaris Psyker
Company demeanor: Cool-Headed (Always calm. All the time.) Pragmatic (Will use everything and every tactic to win.)
Regimental Favoured Assault Weapon: Acastus pattern “Companion” Boltgun
Regimental Favoured Heavy Weapon: Heavy Grenade Launcher

Acastus pattern “Companion” Boltgun

The Acastus pattern, which is locally referred to as the “Companion” is not great in any one particular field. But instead superb at fulfilling many roles in a competent and practical manner. Most Companions have the names enscribed in them of all the previous bearers, and they are usually recovered in battle and passed on, or adorned with various fangs and claws denoting its redoubtable qualities. It is particularly good at scenarios requiring overwatch and long durations of sentry duty because its most potent qualities require very little training to bring into activation. Due to the ease of manufacturing of boltguns it is not uncommon to see more than one of these in the squad.

Acastus pattern Heavy Grenade Launcher

A rather unusual weapon manufactured by a local forge world. It appears to have been designed based on historical accounts and paintings of astartese weapons from ancient times and pieced together from various parts of STC files by scribe savants. This culminated in a heavy two handed ballistic device with a rapid firing rotating cylinder. Due to recoil baffles it is possible for normal, albeit muscular guardsmen to carry and use it. However it truly comes into its own when used to suppress an advancing enemy line.

Hykon pattern Helm

The Hykon pattern helm is truly a marvel of technology. It is a normal pressure helm made from flak steel but has advanced helmet command and control systems. It has a microbead comms unit and connected battlefield HUD which tracks ammunition, terrain and orders. It also has an inbuilt targeter which automatically binds to the weapon used through some arcane means.

The Hykon helm is produced exclusively on Havelock and is jealously guarded. The original STC was found amongst discarded machine parts dumped on Hykon by the local forge world. It was adapted to use by the planets imperial guard and thus only has flak armour and replaceable rebreather canisters. However the original was said to have been very different in nature.

Colonel Malcolm “Fighting Man” Canute

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Deity: Emperor of Mankind
Age: 30
Body Type: Stocky
Height: 5’10” (surprisingly short for a leader)
Weight: 85kg
Complexion: fair
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Grey
Handedness: right
Scars: A small scar above the right eye and a set nose.
Relationship Status: Single


Malcolm comes from a long line of the warrior caste. He is by no means from a highborn noble house as is the case from other regiments. Instead his house has infact fallen on hard times, a trend which he had hoped to reverse. He, just like about 25 percent of his planets population, had been born into the warrior caste. He had, had to work his way up to his position from a low posting.

Malcolm, just like many from his planet is a pragmatist and resourceful. People from the rainy world of Havelock have had to repurpose and rebuild consistently for many thousands of years as their planet was used as a dumping ground for used and broken forge world cogs and equipment. He was mustered to combat the threat of an ork waaagh while he was still just a lieutenant, and in that great battle saw him promoted again and again up the ranks to the position of Colonel which is locally called a Commissioner-Colonel, as those above him were killed in action.

As a commissioned officer has the luxury to modify his own uniform. While it looks superficially similar to the great coats of the rest of the 53rd, his is custom tailored and cashmere lined which is infact 8 times more insulating than the regular ones. He has a fine pair of tailored brown gloves. He wears his “Commissioner” Carapace Armour over the top of his jacket. Apart from being obviously a good craftsmanship intended for the officer class, the carapace sports polished steel and raised gold lettering denoting his rank and regiment number proudly. As is tradition he wears the leather boots and gaiters of his regiment.

- Master Crafted “Companion” Bolgtun with belt feed.
- “Commissioner” Carapace Armour.
- Polished Hykon Pattern helm.
- Brown leather gloves.

Regimental Relic:

Skyspear: An ornate electro-spear of obvious archeotech manufacture. It is completely impractical to carry around in a modern battle but serves as a powerful token of authority, boosting morale and seemingly inspiring courage and tenacity in his fellow men. In combat it eliminates its foes with a massive cracking discharge of electrical energy that has yet to be understood. However it is best used ceremonially. It is considered a grave dishonour should the blade ever touch the muddy ground.

Warlord Trait: Old Grudges

Any enemy which Colonel Canute has faced off against that has inflicted heavy losses immediately becomes added to the “old grudges” list. During a battle the Colonel can select a single enemy unit for utter and complete distruction.

Command Squad:
Commissioner: Colonel Malcolm “Fighting Man” Canute (see wargear section)
Master of Ordinance: Bolt pistol, Ballistic Monotron “Burkmann”
Primaris Psyker: Bolt pistol, Psykana Staff “Grover”
Grenadier Sharpshooter: Acastus pattern “Companion” Boltgun, sword “Trooper Keen”
Grenadier Colour Sergeant: Power hammer, Acastus pattern “Companion” Boltgun, company standard, “Sarge”
Grenadier Medic: advanced medkit, power knife, Havelock pattern Lasgun “Doctor Lowmax”
Grenadier Heavy Weapons: Acastus pattern Heavy Grenade Launcher “Bison”
Each writer in this RP has elected to take on one of each of the following:

- Good
- Neutral
- Evil

Steel Legion
- Good
- Neutral: 53rd Havelock "Brutalists" (An offworld imperial guard regiment used to enforce curfew)
- Evil
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