Avatar of Sundered Echo
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Would a sweet young man like Thanatos Thale lead a fire and brimstone mob trying to burn a mage (who was actually not a mage) in front of Lana's house?

What a preposterous idea!

I don't see anything wrong with your posts @Klomster

Ellri and I had planned that collab a little while back, but when ZB posted the latest post with Johannia doing what she did... It all just fit together perfectly and we were able to finish it up in a single night.
Ooooh The church is split. And there is anti mage sentiment on both sides.

This is going to be Fun!
From all the GMs of Aftermath, we would like to thank you, the players, from the bottom of our (probably cold and corrupt) hearts.

This RP has suffered a long, slow and painful rebirth. Mistakes have been made and accounted for as best as possible. Real life has stood in the path of the GMs at every turn - but at long last it’s here.

It has been a monumental job, and we couldn’t have done it without the continued support and excitement of our wonderful, creative, dedicated players.

Once again thank you players. We hope you enjoy the RP and continue working with us as we move forward towards a fun middle and successful conclusion for our beloved RP.
@Heat and @Angel

Your characters are all good to go, move 'em over to the Characters tab whenever you're able.
Kytra had sat wordlessly through the briefing, taking in her role in the upcoming operation. It was rather sooner than expected, but then, sudden missions and short downtimes were not that uncommon in the Alliance.

She was somewhat surprised when the Sullustan Major pulled her over after the meeting, half expecting that there might’ve been a task for her in her capacity as a noble, but that was not the case. Instead, he lectured her, in such a way as to say he was not confident at all in her leadership. It stung.

She scowled as she replied, but otherwise maintained her cool. “That is the spare, for when maintenance can’t keep up and one of the craft is stuck in pieces when we have to launch. But I can choose replacements.”

“I know that is what it has been in the past, though it is just something that is needed for now. When we meet with the fleet I’ll try and requisition another extra Y-Wing so that you still have a spare. I know it’s not easy to deal with leading a squadron while losing people, especially people who’ve been with you awhile.” As Chuckles approached the two of them, Nae waved him away.

He begrudgingly turned around and left.

Nae turned back to Kytra. “If you need help with the squadron, or even just someone to talk to. I’m here.” .It wasn’t unprecedented for Nae to make such an offer, while it took him time to get to know someone and trust them. Once he did the cold exterior tended to disappear, Kytra had earned that respect through fire.

Kytra’s expression softened as the Sullustan spoke. This was more like the understanding Major she knew. “How do you do it Nae?” She said, some of the energy draining from her voice. “How do you hold yourself together so well as your comrades fall around you?”

She looked up for a moment, her gaze unfocused and distant, remembering Verena and all the others she had lost in her time leading the squadron. She looked back at Nae and spoke again.

“I used to rely on Verena to keep my spirits high, but now she is gone.”

Nae sat in one of the neartime seats, and beckoned Kytra to join him. “I do it, because it’s my job. Don’t think it doesn’t affect me, I lost two recruits at Anaxes and my squadrons seen as many roster changes as about anyone else. These people look to us for guidance and support and that’s what we must give them. Sometimes it’s not hard, though remember that every life lost is for a cause, a cause that they believed in with all their hearts. We go on to finish what they started.”

He had seen the squadron in action, and the mention of Verena made sense. Kytra was the mind, Verena was the heart. Kytra would have to change herself in the coming days. “Just remember that Verena died for what she believed in, and as you would put it. Is one with the Force now, take comfort in that. You have the strength Captain Alde to lead these people, otherwise you wouldn’t have a position of command in one of my squadrons.”

“You’re right.” Kytra stated, sounding somewhat less dejected than before. “I do my house and our cause a disservice by allowing events to overtake me.” The words were inspiring, but it wasn’t the complete turn around that the holos often showed. “I’ll do my best.”

She sighed and stood. “Thanks Nae.” She said, turning to leave.

“That’s what I’m here for Captain. See that your squadrons ready for the fight, and that whoever you chose to field that bomber knows what they’re doing.”

“I will.” She stated and left the briefing room.


Thranta Squadron Common Area

The mood was subdued as Kytra entered the room. She looked at each of the members of her squadron in turn, trying to get an idea of their state before they noticed her. Yasinda was sitting staring out the window into space. That wasn’t unusual, the blue Twi’lekk was a very private person. Tolth was reading reports, but had a tenseness to his form, and he gripped the datapads just a little too tight. Kal and Dain were playing Dejarik in silence. That was a bad sign. Lieutenant Kal Barizan never played games, and Dain was never quiet.

“Thranta squadron.” She said to get their attention. Kal leapt up out of his seat and saluted her. Tolth and Dain looked to her (Dains hand quickly adjusting the Dejarik board while Kal wasn’t looking) and Yasinda merely turned her head a little. She saluted back to her Cathar lieutenant casually, not one to stand on formality, but making the effort for the regulation obsessed Kal.

“Command has another mission for us.” Silence. Harrowed looks.

“I know you’re all grieving. I understand. Verena was a good friend to all of us. I don’t want you to view this as a mission. I want you to view it as a chance to strike her killers, and honor her memory.” She thought that had an effect, but she wasn’t sure if she could manage the kind of inspiration Nae could.

“We’ll be carrying Ion torpedoes for capital ships - real bomber work.” That definitely got a reaction. Kal’s maned jaw was set more firmly and Dains eyes twinkled.. Yasinda even turned enough for Kytra to see her face.

“We’ll also be welcoming a new pilot to the squadron, flying the extra with me and Yasinda. Kal, you’re now the second flight leader.” She avoided saying ‘replacing Verena’ though they all knew that was what was meant. “Will there be enough time for the new one to adapt?” Tolth said, putting down his datapad.

“You will help him and make sure he is Tolth.” She replied. “Now get up and make sure the techs put your ships back together right!” She exhorted. “If your ship overheats mid flight you’ll have to deal with Verena’s ghost and me - just like she always said!”
They certainly could. I might even attach Thanatos Thale to them eventually.
Lana is rather in need of an enemy - though, if you don't want to be that enemy @ZB1996 you don't have to be.
This is the perfect moment, it seems, to ask how he feels about mages!

Zanna is accepted. Go ahead and put her in the characters tab.
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