Avatar of Tala Avana
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 100 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Tala Avana 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current @Magio Worn Feystones are dropped from tempered monsters, the higher the tier, the more likely.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Being too tired to fall asleep is bullshit of the highest order.
6 yrs ago
@Super Duper one of my old favorites is the Sword of Truth novels. Of course there's like, a dozen in the series and none of them are small, so have fun if you go for it!
6 yrs ago
Current mental capacity = moldy potato. Like holy crap I can't even do basic math.
7 yrs ago
Wake up in the morning, stretch, go into the kitchen to get some milk, see that it's snowing, go right the fuck back to bed because screw that. November, don't even start with me.


I have been RPing for a while. I'm not the best, usually only having a one to two paragraphs a post, but I do try to keep up with whoever I'm RPing with. I tend to go with smaller groups as I find it easier to keep going, with a strong like for 1x1.

RPs I prefer the most:

Medieval, both fantasy and not. Could be with normal people or mythical creatures, because Manticores, Dragons, and Lamias are simply awesome.

Pack/tribe style, having a small group that has to lean on each other to survive has always been enjoyable for me.

Freelancers, generally a very small group (usually 1x1) that runs around and does what they need/want to.

Post-Apocalypse, cus who doesn't like blowing up the world? Also, sometimes zombies, cus I like to make pretty splatters.

Spaaaaacccce, because exploring the unknown and getting into trouble is always fun.

Romance. Now, this does not mean adult material, I mean more of the cutesy moments that make my blackened little heart actually feel something. While I can go into the naughtier things, it's not something I'd just jump into. Also, I don't consider romance to be a stand-alone type of RP, only as a tag along with a larger story.

Also, if you put Pokemon (Feral or Gijinka) in front of any of those, I'd probably jump right on that.

I usually play females. I can do males but I'm not as comfortable with them. Also, I pretty much try to find any excuse to play a Kitsune, as they are adorable and I wish to hug them.

A small warning for the end of this, I can be rather mean to my characters, sometimes downright evil. Missing limbs or shattered minds have been known to happen with a few (more than a few) of my characters.

Most Recent Posts

Woo! Firefly! I actually have the box set for it, sucks they only got 1 season. I was actually planning on putting a reference in somewhere and hope someone knew about it.
Not all that good, but it's something, right? God I hate how many times I had to redo something that small. Most of what I had tried to put in there felt more like just barfing words on paper and calling it a day than an actual post.
Shyr's ears came up when she heard Katie approaching from the ramp. She looked.over to him, inspecting the figure as he welcomed them to the ship. It took a moment to figure out what he actually said, and she found both the fact that he had an even thicker accent than her, and that he had called her a 'fair lady' to both be extremely funny. Obviously he either wasn't informed about her species and prior... activities with the pirates, or the Committee simply hadn't cared enough to slap something together to warn them. Either way she decided to play nice for now, entertain herself by stringing them along until she was needed for some violence. She looked to him with a smile on her face.

"Ah! I take it your here to help us new members get acquainted with the ship!" She said in a cheery voice, a complete 180 from her earlier swearing. Always fun to keep people guessing. She heard something mechanical come up somewhere behind her, but she had her focus on the individual in front of her.
@Hawlin You have a post ready for the group arriving? I thought Katie had left to go speak with the Captain and the others with him?
Speaking of replies, sorry I haven't gotten anything out recently. Between snowstorm knocking our power out 4 times in 2 days and a personal shitstorm wearing on me I've been finding it hard to write anything for a cheery character. I'll try to get something out to work with soon.
Right, I should probably ask about swearing and such. Is it a no-no or is it fine, as long as it's used in moderation of course?
Shyr was just about to head into the ship when a deep voice rumbled out from behind her. One of her ears flicked around for a moment before she turned, promptly coming face-to-waistcloth. She blinked a few times before she shifted her gaze up, going past the scaled belly, large torso and wide shoulders before reaching his draconic face. After a moment she dropped her eyes back to his waist.

"You get to walk around with just that on but I have to wear this stupid thing!? Bullshit!" She exclaimed with a small flail of her arms. After that she looked back up to his face.

"I bet it's because you're tall. But anyway, if you on the Monroe, then yah I'm a recruit too. Just got here too so I have no idea who I'm supposed to talk to." She replied to the rather large individual as she motioned to the ship behind her. While she herself had an accent, she was rather fluent in the language as she had been getting used to it ever since she first joined in with the pirates.

@Hawlin Don't worry! You're still 10 times better then mine XD God I can't add flare to my posts worth shit, I like progressing quickly too much.
Shyr made her way through the station, eyes wide and a smile on her face as she looked around. This place was simply MASSIVE, and full to the brim with new things. She had only arrived a little over an hour ago at which point her 'guide' had informed her that it had been decided that she would be assigned to the ship called Monroe before leading her off, speaking of the criminal crew with a disgusted tone to his voice. After a few minutes of listening to him ramble on, she decided to find her own way and wandered off as he continued on without even realizing his charge was no longer there.

As she made her was around the station she gathered a lot of curios and confused looks, but by now they were expected. After all, she doubted any of them had ever even seen an Elg'Cahl before, let alone one that was wearing an oversized zippered black leather jacket that went down to her knees and a duffle bag that was almost just large as her torso. While her own kind never bothered with this clothing crap due to their fur, the other races seemed to be obsessed with the things. The only reason she was wearing this stupid thing was because they were so insistent, so she grabbed the first thing that was large enough for her wide shoulders and called it a day.

Eventually she managed to burn through her wanderlust and decided to ask around for directions to the hangars. It didn't take long for her to find someone that gave her some pretty detailed directions, so she eventually found herself walking between large containers and various ships. She threw a curious glance at every ship she went past, wondering if the next one would be the Monroe. After a fair amount of walking, she finally spotted it. A smile spread across her face as she beheld her new home, nice, big and heavily armed for combat. These last few months had been certainly interesting, but without that extra spark of violence it was simply not complete. With her arrival at the Explorers ship, however, she hoped that would be changing real soon as she took off at a quick pace to the Monroe.

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