Avatar of Tenma Tendo
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 726 (0.28 / day)
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    1. Tenma Tendo 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Just heard the news about Woojin from Stray Kids. I'm so devastated and literally shaking. This feels like a really sick joke, but I hope he and the other 8 members are okay. #ThankYouWoojin
5 yrs ago
For any kind of wound, there's always some kind of medicine or treatment.
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5 yrs ago
Remember kids, never let anyone convince you to take college physics over the summer! :'D
5 yrs ago
i don't know what to put in this now...
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5 yrs ago
No posts today or tomorrow. finals.


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Sorry for the wait, I'll definitely have a post up today or this weekend. ^^
@Illusion Oh, don't worry about it! I already changed it so it's all good. Plus, you put your form in the interest check before I did, so you get first dibs anyways :)

Sorry for the double post. I have to go to class and just wanted to get this out. Hopefully everything is okay. (Excuse any spelling errors, I'll fix them later ^^)

@Majoras End so I was thinking, since we now have two people afraid of ghosts, I could just change Eiko to have a fear of something else instead for originality? Is Hemophobia okay?
I'll try to get a post up tomorrow.
Fei Tendo
-- Day Two || Morning || Classroom --

Fei's eyes shot open once a slightly familiar voice got a little too close for him. It was then that the boy realized what he was doing, as the candles stopped shaking, but remained in the air. The male doll looked at the teacher with a saddened expression.
"...I-I um...I j-just--" Before he had a chance to finish what he was saying, the girl with the former bracelets spoke out, resulting in Fei loosing any reason to actually try to answer the teacher's question seeing as he lowered his head as quickly as he brought it up. This was when Emilia decided to intervene.

"Wow, you must be pretty ignorant towards other people's backgrounds if you can say something like that without being sarcastic." The girl sighed, as she pinched the bridge of her nose, directing her attention to the girl first. "Bit of a superiority complex much? Heh, I bet my brother has far more control over his powers when he doesn't have to worry about any baggage then you do." She put out there, before shrugging her shoulders to show her loss of interest on the girl and looking over at the teacher, leaning towards him so that she could whisper. "Fei...he has some pretty bad anxiety and panic issues, as well as PTSD. He's usually okay after a few days of coming to a new place, but is it okay if he sits this class out and just watches for now?" She asked, now looking at said boy, who had yet to raise his head or say anything else.

@Majoras EndI'll put up Eiko and Thalia again when I get to my laptop ^^
The girl let out a hiss of pain as her body collided with the ground once again. What was going on? Why couldn't she move properly? Was it because of the sudden transformation? Or maybe the fear of the approaching beast was getting to her? Regardless, the fox's face remained still, as she couldn't let herself show fear at a time like this. All that mattered what getting out of this alive!

As she was struggling to get herself back up, another hand reached out and helped her out, swinging her arm over his shoulder to provide support. Getting a better look at her supporter, the girl couldn't help but stare in surprise for a moment. This...man kept most of his qualities as a spirit, save for the head up, which had an opening swarming in a never ending sea of bugs of all sorts. It didn't disgust her as much as it should have, seeing as this man was actually helping her out instead of running away to fend for himself. It was actually pretty heroic in her eyes.

Before she had the chance to thank the man for helping her, he stated the obvious in order to build urgency. It was a little hard to discern where his voice was actually coming from, but the girl nodded nonetheless.

"...Y-Yes...Thank you..." She whispered, only to freeze at the sound of her own voice. Was...was that really her talking just now? The voice had a childlike tone to it, filled with innocence, but also having a wise air about it. It was definitely something she would have to get use to.

And with that, the two began their slow but steady trek to escape. She couldn't help but feel guilt for basically forcing this man to help her out, but what was done is done. Only one thing matters, and that's escape.

She didn't want to mention it, but she could practically feel the bugs underneath the man's skin, pushing on her arm; even they were struggling to ensure their safety as well. The fox wasn't planning on letting them down either, seeing as she was carefully taking her steps. There were times when her concentration was broken, as the androgynous figure began to speak to the whole group that decided to escape. A simple nod was all she received from the fox as she went back to her walking.

Eventually the small group made it to what looked like a bridge, crossing over a large sea of smoke. By that time, the girl had grown much more confident in her steps. In fact she retracted away from the man assisting her, her gloved hand now being on his shoulder.

"Thank you...I think I should be fine now, with the generous help of you and your little friends..." She spoke again, giving a small nod of appreciation before looking ahead to see a figure cloaked in black calling out to them? What was that all about? Could this person be trusted to help them out? What they were in cahoots with the Horned Guard and wanted to get them killed? All these thoughts rushed through the girl's head, but before she had a chance to decide, the figure shifted into a blood colored bird and flew off, screeching loudly to give off its location; unfortunately the girl couldn't help but feel that it was giving away their location to everyone instead... Ears perking up at the sound, the girl knew for sure that she would be able to help lead the others in the right direction if they lost sight of the bird...well, if they even were planning on going with the bird.

The sound of scuttling bugs caught her attention, as she was now looking around, eyes wide as she was now looking at disgusting, eight limb, monsters crawl around them in all directions. Once one screamed, the rest followed, as they appeared to be calling more to feast on them. The sound was rather painful, but the fox had to bare through it to get out of this situation.

She could only watch in awe as the androgynous figure vowed to take care of one of the sides, using their lantern to stop them. She was unsure if a tactic like that would work well in their favor, but the fox knew well enough that she couldn't just leave them to take care of this on their own.

Looking back at the man that helped her earlier, the girl leaned forward.
"...I'm going to go help her...if you know you can't do anything, then please run away." She wanted to repay the man for helping her...but this seemed like the only thing she could do at the moment.

"...Allow me to assist." She spoke out to the open as she pressed her fingertips together and moved to face off the group of monsters behind them. Slowly pulling her fingers apart, a shimmery orb began to form in between her hands, growing up to the size of her head before she grabbed it. The orb was cold to the touch, despite the fire that surrounded them. She knew that she wasn't cut out for this, especially since her ice could very well melt in seconds, but she had to contribute in some way. All they've been doing is helping her and the others, now it's her turn to help out.

The girl raised the orb up with one hand, and held two fingers out with the other. She pointed to the ground and squeezed the orb, watching as ice shot out from her fingertips, creating a line of sorts that the beast shouldn't past. She then began to freeze the rest of the ground with the utmost speed, hoping that she would be able to trap a few of them with her ice. She didn't hold back, sending ice to the ground up, as if wanting to freeze any part of the swarming beasts to slow them down. She could only hope that she could keep this up so that the others could escape...

Fei Tendo
-- Day Two || Morning || Classroom --

The twins watched curiously as the bracelets on the girl's wrists snapped off effortlessly. Fei didn't really understand what they were for, but his sister seemed genuinely surprised. Before he had the chance to ask what just happened, the scary teacher began to speak again, causing him to flinching unintentionally.

Mediation...huh. Fei furrowed his brows, as he didn't understand what closing his eyes and 'breathing' would do. Giving Emilia one more glance, Fei closed his eyes and took off his earbuds before forcing air in and out of his mouth. He was extremely uncomfortable to say the least, as with his eyes closed, he couldn't help but miss his sister already. Yeah, she's right beside him, but if he couldn't see her, then wouldn't that make him more alone than he though?

Panic now rising in the male doll, as the dimmed candles that were close to him began to rise into the air. Fei didn't want to get in trouble for opening his eyes, but he really wanted to see his sister...more candles began to hover in the air, some of them even shaking, sending small droplets of hot wax around. If he could stop them, he would, but Fei had no idea he was even using his powers since he eyes were still shut tightly. He could hear Emilia 'breathing' beside him, but he didn't want to interrupt her...what to do?

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