Avatar of The Fated Fallen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2785 (0.77 / day)
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    1. The Fated Fallen 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Alright, Inkarnate. You win the game of RP flex's, how does it feel? Do you feel like the hero you are?
5 yrs ago
I also bow down to you, Vox. You're still here and that's what counts!
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5 yrs ago
I bow down to you, Altered Tundra. Keep on keeping on, you legend!
5 yrs ago
I'm fighting my procrastination to try and keep my daily posts at 1.51 instead of 1.50. I didn't realise it'd be this much of a battle!
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5 yrs ago
Retail is just a cancer of the soul
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Most Recent Posts

So, how is everyone doing? Well I hope?

Are things getting even slightly better for you, @Fetzen?
With a final flick and frustrating smirk the enemy sorceress disappeared. Alice allowed herself a moments respite, the light she cast above the river extinguished itself as lowered her focus to the running water. That could have been far worse, she reflected, It's a shame the gods have too much sense of drama to let us never see the likes of that one again.

She plunged both of her hands into the water and let her mind go blank for a while. It had been quite a day so far, to say she needed a mental rest was an understatement. Alice closed her eyes and focused on nothing, allowing reality to seep back in at it's own pace. The rocks she supported herself on. The cold running over her forearms, the slow force of it. The sound of the running water. Finally the mish mash of river bed rocks and her two pale limbs stuck into it. The soft glow of the mushrooms.

She hauled herself upright, becoming aware of her comrades crowded around a captured dark elf. They'd captured a prisoner, that might help with the whole lost situation.

Alice felt good. Her senses had returned to her. They were telling her she was tired and about ready to give up on this whole endeavour but she kept returning to the conclusion that things had just turned out well, despite adversity. Alice looked down at herself and took inventory. Things might've gone better though she thought as she inspected her dilapidated clothing, the marshes battles and travel had taken it's toll. This wouldn't do her state of mind any good at all. She looked over at the party once more, deemed them in control of the situation and moved to a more concealed position to change into one of her spare dresses.


Posting tomorrow! Hopefully!
In 24 hours, post fall like...like...LIKE MELONS.

I love Oblivion's really calm thematic music playing along to the rain of melons XD
@The Fated Fallen I like the post, myself. Given that you didn't actually make any changes or additions to his actions, I do think the end result of Alice's spell on Sett and the sorceress is likely to want resolving by @POOHEAD189 rather than me, though; I'm willing to go along with whatever works, frankly speaking.

Awesome! That makes two of us
So... Me posting... Right. I haven't forgotten
Aha! I posted!

My post is quite important to @BCTheEntity, as it can be seen as god-mode-ing you're character. Which is why I specifically mentioned either Fineki would be able to disrupt the spell (or do whatever with it really) or that even a certain magical staff picked up would be able to do the same... Basically you've got options to either ignore the whole thing, make it your own thing or to just play it straight. Even to cancel the whole thing if you want

So yeah, if you have any problems or my post needs further editing to make things clearer let me know guys!
Ursaren's cry boomed out across the chamber, Alice had just enough time to scramble into line of sight before seeing a fireball break itself upon the old mans shield. Damn! She never had any luck at fighting other magic users and she had already expended a great deal of her own reserves before this point. Despite this Alice knew duty called, and though she was no knight it wouldn't do to deny it.

Alice quickly cast a light and raised it high over the river, trying to illuminate and thus allow the party visibility of the riverbed as a stumble could prove fatal at this point. Especially if the legends of Dark Elf sorcery and speed were to be believed. After her instincts as a comrade had passed it was time to rely on her instincts as a student. A sage voice sounded in her head going over the procedure on how to combat other wizards, and reminding her that once again she was out of her depth. Do not waste a single ounce of strength. First ascertain how defended they are, and get a good grasp on their strength. so Alice closed her eyes and cast detect magic once again, quicker this time than in the chamber. Interestingly the flora in this pseudo-valley radiated a small amount of magic, just enough so her vision was relatively unchanged and confusing her for a moment thinking she'd failed the spell. Soon enough though the bright patch in the shadows not only let her know she'd been successful but also where the sorceress hid herself, drawing her energies and focus for another attack.

The Dark Elf sorceress hadn't lowered her wards to hide, which was a mixed blessing. It kept her from being vulnerable to Alice's attacks, but it also revealed that the sorceress had taken to hiding as a reaction, not as a strategy which meant the party had surprised her. Unfortunately if the wards and the residue from the fireball were anything to go by the Dark Elf was far more powerful than Alice, and would be a challenge even for Geradin. The latter was certainly something Alice didn't see often.

Alice couldn't beat her, but she quickly formulated a plan that it might be possible to scare the Dark Elf off. Dwarves often spoke of the 'Dorcha' being a cowardly race at heart, though when you drank as much as the Dwarves did you probably considered every other race to be cowardly. Never mind that now. The Vrettonnian dropped her wards to hide herself from the sorceress and to reserve that little bit more of her strength, she would need it. With more of her willpower freed up she began preparing herself to channel her power through someone who could afford to be distracted, but was well enough back they could be seen by but not easily targeted by the enemy sorceress. The first step of turning the enemy magic user's surprise into panic, no sane magic user would face unknown variables.

She let her senses drift forward and eventually focus on... The priest. She wished she could have warned him of the tactic, and the side effects. If he was lucky his god would intervene and bless him to bypass most of the symptoms such as clashing emotions, disorientation and even hallucinations. But the effect on the enemy sorceress would be far more interesting, as it would appear like Settionne was a being of pure power, like a demon or even a god's incarnate.

Alice began funnelling all of her power into one mighty spell that would hopefully do the trick to finally scare off the Dark Elf, she just hoped that Settionne's god was okay with this sort of trickery and that he wasn't blessed with any powerful magical items by his church that would attempt to break the link. Neither of those grim scenarios would end well for any involved

Ummmm... Could I have an extension of one day? I had a headache all through yesterday and was planning to do it today but everything's gone to hell in a handbasket and I can only do it tomorrow because thankfully I have it off as holiday so...

I wanna cry
@POOHEAD189 Aye aye cap'n!
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