Avatar of The Valkyrie
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 94 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. The Valkyrie 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current A whole two nights at work destroyed the good mood. Time to rest, recuperate, and go back in for four more starting Saturday. Le sigh
5 yrs ago
Mood: Oh, she's hot but a psycho~ So left but she's right though. At night she's screamin' 'I'ma out my mind'. Grab a cop gun kinda crazy~ She's poison but tasty~ And people say 'Run, don't walk away'
5 yrs ago
Been watching 'Lucifer' on Netflix and I must say... *in my best Marie Kondo voice* This one sparks joy.
1 like
5 yrs ago
If you're a night shifter and you have insomnia, what does that make you?
5 yrs ago
My hands always feel like death. It keeps my patients on their toes.


I guess this is where I tell a little bit about myself...

ER nurse by night... also gamer/RPer by night. Look, I'm not as strung out as Batman over here, so I sleep during the day. Cut me some slack!

As a night shift nurse, I work 3 to 4 days a week on 12 hour shifts and sometimes more as needed. This severely limits my ability to write/roleplay on those days

I'm 30, for those who care about age. I prefer to play as women--but am willing to compromise as needed.

I'm reliable for around a 3 to 5 minimum paragraphs with good grammar and spelling, usually more. However you would categorize that.

I enjoy most any type of RP as long as it has a well-thought out premise, characters with depth or whom have the possibility of development, legible writing, and of course a great partner!

I love fantasy, sci-fi, dark, steampunk, romance, intrigue, and mature themes more than others. I especially think that most any story can be improved with a bit of romance--if it makes sense within the context of the story.

Negatory on sexual assault or similar themes. I can handle mature, dark, and even very violent scenes. (I'm a trauma nurse at a level 1 trauma center, so you can't really gross me out) but I don't touch on the abusive for abuses' sake. I get enough moral injury at work; I don't need it here. 8P

As previously mentioned, I love games! I love pretty much every type of game--except for racing games minus Mario Kart. May be interested in the right game-based RP setting, but I really prefer original characters if that is what you are after. If I wanted to play the characters from the game... well, I'd just play the game. xP

Sound like someone you need in your RP? Message me! Happy to chat when I can. (8

Most Recent Posts

@Pundii I also edited the end of my post. I forgot you were standing behind Julianna as well. Obviously I need a few more hours of sleep before I can get my brain together. But anywho, I've added your tag to my post.
@Fabricant451 I'm just looking forward to her giving as good as she gets!

Didn't mean for that to sound like a double entendre but I will claim it nonetheless!

Also gonna edit my post and actually add some character description--which I left out in my hurry to make a post.
Sorry for my delay! Happy to finally post! Talk about an entrance... @_@

How anyone could dislike King Jack, I have no idea! ;<.<

Location: The Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With: King Maddox Auclair {@Scarlet Loup}, Future Queen Julianna Hardin {@HushedWhispers}, King Jack Numenor {@Bishop}, Lord Aedan Merryn {@Pundii} & Lady Amaryllis Ward {@Filthy Mudblood}

The Future Queen of Abhainn's Lady-in-Waiting was late in extricating herself from the carriage. Not being a true Lady yet, her carriage was nearer the end of of the procession and therefore one of the last few to come to a stop. By the time she took her first step into this new land, citizens and nobles alike were already pushing forward towards whom she could only imagine was the King of Abhainn himself. It looked as if her ladyship was already in attendance with her future husband and Keir was determined to be by her side as soon as possible. She knew how nervous Lady Julia had been before the trip started; she could only imagine her nerves now.

She gave her velvet, emerald gown a gentle lift to aid in the speedy pace she set for herself and began moving forward along the line of carriages; she had to brush the hair back from her face on occasion as she had let it more down than usual for the occasion. Thankfully, it was easy enough to move this way as the crowd was not inclined to stifle the surroundings of the horses. As she moved, her deep blue eyes drank up the sights of this new land. It was startling and yet comforting to see that many things in Abhainn were the same as in Sliabh. Much of the architecture appeared different in style but not in form. Not that she expected Abhainn to be full of wizard towers or other outlandish structures she'd read about in fantasies, but she spent way too much of the ride over wondering how different everything was going to be here.

Almost lost in her fantasies and daydreamings, Keir noticed a familiar face as she passed through the crowd. It was Lady Amaryllis looking lovely as usual and standing with another woman that she did not recognize. She looked to be having a conversation, but both of their eyes were fixed towards King Maddox and Lady Julianna. Had she not set her mind to returning to her Ladyship's side, Keir would have been inclined to slow down and listen in to the conversation, but her Lady needed her more than some gossip at the moment.

Just as Keir thought she was about to break from the carriages and be close enough to provide emotional support to Lady Julia, King Jack stepped from the carriage in front of her, knocking the driver down standing near his carriage door who was in the midst of introducing his highness. Keir took several steps back after the first punch to the face, clenching her fists at the first sound of bones breaking. She couldn't turn her eyes from the spectacle as it happened and it took nearly all of her constitution to keep her stomach from turning over at the sight of the poor man at the finish of it all. She'd been hunting with her father and even seen men slain in melee combat, but she had never seen such brutality as this.

Keir took a few deep breaths to steady her nerves, but with hands still shaking she hurried on to Lady Julia, giving her a reassuring touch on her left hand before standing back a yard or so; she took up her silent position next to Lord Merryn whom she would be hard-pressed to miss in his leathers and fur. It was her duty and great pleasure to stand with her Ladyship, but this was a meeting of royalty upon which not even she had the right to impose. Besides, Keir needed some time to completely regain her composure after that horrid scene. She hoped this wouldn't jeopardize all the progress for which the late Kings warred and worked. Needless to say, this was not the reception that most of those in attendance probably expected.
Just got home from work and about to sleep, so I can't post yet, but it wanted to make it clear in case it wasn't that Keir is from Sliabh with the future Queen and that she was at least allowed to keep her lady in waiting. Unless you want me to change it, which is easily done. Lemme know @HushedWhispers
Hold my beer

Sorry, quick question: I keep seeing it spelled Slibah and Sliabh. Which one is correct?

Also, I'm off tonight--right now--but will be working tonight and tomorrow night. I sleep during the day, so do not be alarmed if I am slightly late to the party! But I have Thurs, Fri, and Sat off. (8 If I can't get a post in today or tomorrow, expect one on Thursday. Sorry for any troubles this causes. I'll be thinking about my first post in the mean time. *thumbs up*
I've heard it is, too. I haven't made it to the newer seasons yet, though. Work, work, work. @_@
Honestly, loved him since I read the books. Loved him more when I started watching the show.

Glad we can all come together in this "We Love Jon Snow" RP. xP
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