Avatar of thedman
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    1. thedman 6 yrs ago
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Current Who needs drugs when you can just stand up really fast
5 yrs ago
I think I need a new razor. Shaving feels like rubbing a slightly pointy eraser against my face five times.
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5 yrs ago
It sounds like God is taking a piss on my house outside
5 yrs ago
Just noticed that my total amount of reactions recieved is equal to the amount of reactions given. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
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5 yrs ago
Nothing quite like powering through an assignment through sheer anger at having to do it


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Yeah, i was sort of expecting that as well, however i never leave a game without making sure it is dead.
While i'd like to continue, i'd wager it's not gonna.

Yeah, same.
So, what is to be expected here?

It's been two months since the last post, I don't think anyone is expecting anything at this point.
So, I still have a space for a new power for Michael. I'm currently considering something based off of the health system in GTA V, where health regenerates to 50 percent when out of combat. Basically, it would be a sort of partial regeneration, that wouldn't fully heal him, but would be enough to keep him on his feet. Any thoughts?
<Snipped quote by thedman>

Yeah, but they were asking who intends to take any of them on as your second character, as opposed to doing something else with them.

Ahh. In that case, I will probably try to make Franklin a second character.
So, which of these spirits are people's second characters and whatnot? Because I don't think Blazermate's sentry gun can pick targets without her having a wrangler.

It looks like they're all different people's kindred spirits. I know one of mine is there.
If you want to start a RP, I recommend that you post an interest check. You'd get a lot more attention there.

Level 2- (17/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard - Bridge
Wordcount: 613

Still holding the rifle in his hands, Michael walked slowly, surveying the aftermath of the battle around him. A few members of the groups had taken injuries, with the Courier being the worst among them. While he didn't exactly feel bad for him, he winced as he saw the severity of the man's wounds. Fortunately, Blazermate and Bowser's Supporter striker were able to get him healed up decently. Nearby, the new member, seemingly frustrated by not knowing what was going on, demanded answers, brandishing his gun. While Michael could understand the man's confusion, he didn't like how he was acting. Fortunately, the others were able to calm him down somewhat, as they explained the nature of the situation to the newcomer. Michael knew little about him, but from what he had seen so far, he wasn't half bad in a fight.

Continuing to walk at a slow pace, Michael stopped for a moment to brush dust off his suit. He frowned as he looked down at his outfit, noticing that several dirt stains were visible. While he could live with getting a bit dirty, the fact that he only had one outfit bothered him. Given the lack of dry cleaners or clothing stores, he would have to make do for now. It was something that they'd have to consider once they got a break. That, and food. While he had seen some wildlife, they would likely have to hold off on going hunting until later. Wonder if any fast food places got sucked up by the whole light thing. I'd kill for a burger right about now.

Still looking over the battlefield, he watched as Blazermate went to the Engineer soul, and absorbed it. He was told that you could take a soul into your body, but this was the first time he had seen it happen. It was strange to him, as he watched Blazermate emerge, somewhat changed but still mostly the same. The sight of it was rather unnerving to him. While he understood the benefit, the idea of taking in someone else's soul disturbed him. It raised a number of moral and philosophical questions in Michael's mind, questions that he wasn't sure he wanted to think about. Disturbing as he found it, it might prove necessary in the future. He was one of the least physically fit members of the group, and binding to a spirit could enhance his abilities. But was that a step he was willing to take?

Before he could continue his train of thought, he was interrupted as he saw what looked like a flying house come crashing down into the moat. While the occupant of the vessel seemed to be alright, that wasn't what he was concerned with. The cause of the ship's crash soon arrived, and it was...Bowser? It looked nearly identical, minus the giant wings. He, along with the rest of the group, was stunned in confusion and fear. It seemed even Bowser was confused by the situation, trying to make sense of the existence of his doppelganger. Soon, the Courier began to speak, apparently trying to appease the clone Bowser. Soon after, he used his newfound ability to revive the man that Geno had dragged back with him. Michael listened in to the conversation between Geno and the newcomer, leaning that the man's name was Mario. Keeping his finger close to his rifle's trigger, he could only hope that the newcomer was telling the truth when he said that "beating folks like him are my specialty". While he didn't seem very intimidating, looks could be deceiving. If they had any chance of beating this enemy, they'd need whatever help they could get.

In hiiii 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I'll try to get a post up soon, but I have a bunch of homework to do at the moment. When I get a break, I'll get to work on a post.

Level 2- (7/20) EXP (+2)
Location: Scrapyard - Start ---> Bridge
Wordcount: 1045

Michael chose not to respond to the Courier's speech, instead trying to ignore him. While he might have brought up some valid points, it only served to piss him off. He knew the risks already, or at least he thought he did, and he thought he had done the right thing. Well...okay, maybe he's right on some of that, but he's still a dick. Fuck him. Dick. Fucking dick. Dickhead. Dick. To everyone else, it just sounded like Michael was grumbling about something. While he could have made a retort, like mentioning the fact that the Courier ran into battle before everyone else, he couldn't bring himself to do that. Something about the man just set him off. Probably the fact that he reminded him of himself a little bit. And he hated himself.

Soon, the Courier walked off, saying some bullshit line about how "bullets didn't work". That got another grumble out of him. It sounded stupid, but then again, he himself liked to quote old movies during his robberies, so it only pissed him off further. His therapist probably would have said something about it, but he killed his therapist, so it didn't matter. Blazermate tried to say something to break up the fight, but in return, all she got was the middle finger from the Courier and a grunt from Michael. "Yeah, whatever."

He continued to walk with the group, hearing the gunshots ahead that must have been from the bridge. He paid some attention to a conversation between the Master of Masters and the Courier, about how the Master had survived the light thingy that hit everyone. It was a good question, and the Master didn't seem to want to answer, only saying that it was a "long story". The hooded man was the only person they had found besides Kirby that wasn't totally brainwashed. As he thought about it, the pink one himself appeared, on his feet again. The little creature still seemed a bit strange to Michael, but if he could survive the initial light plus being shot by Michael's rifle, he must have been stronger than he looked.

To his surprise, Kirby approached none other than the Supreme Dickhead himself, waving his stubby arms to get his attention. Huh? What's he doing? Looking on with interest, he watched as Kirby suddenly manifested a bright pink heart, then pointed at the Courier. The sight of the heart stirred some forgotten memory within him, the sight oddly familiar. Soon enough, the Courier began to manifest his own hearts, proudly proclaiming that he was Kirby's "favorite". Michael let out another grumble, shooting a nasty glare in Six's direction. While the rational part of his mind saw that it was a good thing that he had the same ability Kirby used to bring everyone back, the other part saw it as a personal challenge. He grumbled again, walking forward as he continued to mumble incoherently under his breath.

Nothing much happened of note after that, save for the Master explaining keyblades to the newcomer, and then asking about Blazermate, who responded by flirting with him in a way that made Michael's skin crawl and brought visions of disturbing Japanese cartoons to his head. Eugh...goddamn basement dwellers... Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, he surveyed the battle in front of him as he approached the bridge.

There were a few things that were immediately noticeable. One, their enemies- two turrets, a larger one that somewhat resembled the "omnic" robots from before, and a smaller one that was nearly identical to the turrets the robots had tried to set up in the scrapyard, but with a different color scheme. There was also the man who Michael assumed was controlling the turrets, a simple-looking man in a hard had and overalls that reminded Michael of a construction worker. While he didn't look too threatening, he was holding a shotgun, and could be a threat to any close-range attackers. He was also, as far as Michael was aware, the first normal human enemy that the group had come across.

Looking away from their adversaries, there were plenty of things that stood out. The girl from before had...summoned some sort of large being? Whatever it was, it was protecting a few of the group's members from gunfire. Huh. So that's what she does. Looking up, there was a loud crash as a window broke, and flying out of it came a guy in a red hat and a wooden doll that Michael had not seen in a long time. Geno? The hell has he been doing this whole time? He vaguely remembered that he went scouting ahead, but that felt like hours ago.

Looking back to the battle at hand, he thought of what to do to make himself useful. Bowser was already moving up to engage the enemies, followed by his newly-acquired strikers. The Centurion and the Courier followed, with the armored man attacking in melee while the Courier swam into the moat. The Engineer, seeing that the fight was going poorly for him, took out some sort of remote and used it to aim the sentry. While he expected the man to aim for the heroes, he followed the laser beam to... ...oh. Shit.

Soon enough, the missiles went off, toppling the scrap tower over them. Running in the opposite direction, Michael was still far enough away to avoid most of the scrap, only getting hit by a wave of dust kicked up by the tower's collapse. Waving away the dust, Michael crouched down, finally pulling out his rifle and looking over the area. With the Engineer still distracted, and the other robot shooting at something else, he had a short window to line up a shot.

The larger robot had too many nearby allies to get a clear shot, so he turned to the Engineer and the sentry. While he could try to take out the Engineer, the man might make a useful ally later, so he instead focused on his turret. Steadying his breath, he lined up his sights on the smaller sentry gun, aiming for its center. Entering Bullet Time, he focused his aim, steadied his breath, and pulled the trigger, sending out a loud BOOM! that kicked up dust nearby.

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