Avatar of TheDookieNut
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: thedookienut
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1459 (0.38 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. TheDookieNut 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
If anyone I used to RP with comes back to check my profile and is wanting to carry on: sod it, dm me your discord, let's get started again
3 yrs ago
I miss the old RPGuild..


Fuck recovery

Most Recent Posts

@ilovepapa Sounds solid to me!

Also, I'll be about as of tomorrow, still out of it mostly due to the flu
Will get a post up tomorrow
@ilovepapa Was thinking pretty modern, unless anyone prefers old character builds like old Torb or whatever
Fab! I’m gonna head off to bed as it’s 3am and supposed to be up at a reasonable time tomorrow

But I’ll add all the extra stuff in tomorrow after work :)

@Fabricant451@Superboy@Hey Im Jordan@McHaggis@Superboy@ilovepapa

The concept is pretty simple;

  • Whether coach, team member, or manager - we're all part of a somewhat rookie team within the overall Overwatch League.
  • Basically open-divison.
  • After a the initial season went incredibly well, the group have taken it upon themselves to buy/rent a home together, as most teams do.
  • There will be intense schedules and more salt than a salt mine.
  • But mostly, gaming related fun.

Honestly, it's been a while since I was GM of a group RP but will be looking for others to take forwards the plotline instead of being fed it.


Main Tank
Off Tank
Secondary Support

As for character sheets - get creative!

BN Tag


Anything you think is relevent

I'm working on writing a full description and starting plot so will update this slot in a little while.

On another note, I have a fair number of ideas up my sleeve in terms of side plots and U-Bends to throw into the mix. Best to always play those cards closer to your chest then anything.

Will update soon
Sweet will hit up an IC thread in the next day or so
Nice to see you all interested :)

I’ll probably steal DPS because why not, don’t usually get the delight of those roles >.< not that I mind Orisa

Will get maybe one or two more, need to check and then will post an ic

@Fabricant451@ilovepapa@Hey Im Jordan
@Fabricant451 Behind every Hanzo is either an ex-support or someone who thinks they can snipe

The concept is pretty simple;

  • Whether coach, team member, or manager - we're all part of a somewhat rookie team within the overall Overwatch League.
  • Basically open-divison.
  • After a the initial season went incredibly well, the group have taken it upon themselves to buy/rent a home together, as most teams do.
  • There will be intense schedules and more salt than a salt mine.
  • But mostly, gaming related fun.

There aren't really any rules to go over aside from than the fact the next season starts in a week from the date of the start of the roleplay.

I strongly recommend players come up with unique storylines together - maybe they're thinking of quitting, perhaps they've been getting bad press due to something said on stream, caught cheating, even doping. Go wild.


Open for all roles, including:

Main Tank
Off Tank
Secondary Support

(Or whatever style we do with.)


Will probably add a little more if people are up for it -

If not, I'm up for a doing a one on one
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