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5 mos ago
2 yrs ago
Dude, it's called method acting. If Daniel Day Lewis can do it, so can you. Idiot
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3 yrs ago
"I HAVE NO BAN AND I MUST CRINGE." Rest in peace to the last of the good men in this world. I will shed a thousand tears and pour a hundred 40s of Olde English.


Armenia - Precipice of War 2017

France - New Earth Oracle

Korea - Our World in Turmoil

Mexico - Precipice of War 2020

New York City - Fallout: War Never Changes III

Persia - The Ghost of Napoleon

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Sex is pretty great. Can confirm.
<Snipped quote by Mihndar>

I believe I saw a screenshot of renamed tech tree thing from them, though I could be mistaken

Armenia tech tree:

*And then everyone died*
I don't know much about NRP, only been in two here on the forum before I stopped participating. (Actually it was one, but it had two parts.) - It is basically just what it says - it is more about the Nations overall than the characters. (Granted there are more character driven RP's.)

Basic break down is you create a nation using a sheet like a character sheet but you go more into the demographics, populations, politics, religions, resources, and more. You work with others to plot out schemes, over throw other governments, take over territories. It's like the board game RISK, just in type form. It's a lot more complex than that of course but that is just an overview. It can be a lot of fun, loads. It to me though just takes a certain type of RPer to enjoy it.

Rpers like @Monkeypants, @Isotope and others in the NRP section could give you a much better idea.

Eh, not as much as you'd think. Many NRPs actually function without a reliance on stats and the like, and without an emphasis on winning like a game like you've described. There are elements like demographics and GDP and whatever in play but it plays less like "I have 2000 tanks and he has 1000 so he's overthrown" but more of a way to set the story.

The way I view them is that they're bigger scale RPs where you display larger national concepts through your story. Take, for example, Precipice of War where I've been playing Armenia for about four years now. The characters are characters with their own stuff (a military policeman who wants to get out and become a musician, a gangster trafficking drugs to support his family, a president who's overworked and trying to protect his revolution's legacy, etc.) which would be similar to a regular RP except maybe with one guy playing more than one character... But deeper in it, it's not just a story about a military policeman detaining refugees illegally crossing the border, it's a story about the interplay between politics, ethnicity, economics, war, and everything else.

The characters are less the story themselves and more the vehicle for the story, if that makes sense. That's what I feel like the main difference is.

TLDR it's not a regular RP and it's not a stats/tabletop RP either. It's some sort of weird mix.
I finally understand why people don't like the nation section (I think). It's fill with dead roleplays and people who don't really care about it at all. If there are active people, they either do something and/or add something that's overpowering and defend it. They say that they "care about the story more than winning." If you cared about the story, why do you have eight overpowering ships. I am done with the nation section.

I was on the edge of leaving behind the section to rot, but I made up my mind. If there are more people out there that think it's fine to have overpowering shit, then I won't be able to stand it anymore. I can't take it anymore. The staff should delete this section and move the active roleplays to the Free, Casual, and Advanced section. The site would be so much better without it.

There are only a hand full of roleplays within that section that I have fun with. And I loved the players over there. I am not leaving behind the three other nation roleplays that I am currently in until it dies or the story is finished. I hope that the active users over the section do something before more people leave the section. Sorry for the long rant, but I needed to let it out of my systems before I do something stupid.

Don't hate on NRP, I think it deserves to be here. It comes and goes... It's going right now but I remember more activity.

And besides, it's the perfect spot for perfectly niche stuff like PoW. I don't think it quite fits under te Advanced section if posts are routinely thousands of words long.
It's been up for like ten hours, people have jobs and stuff. At least give it more than half a day for people to sort their stuff out...

We've confirmed Pre FO1, so sadly Enclave are off limits.

And New Vegas is done to death.

Yeah, it's been like five years or something, right?

I also wasn't sure what you had *confirmed* confirmed.
I'm down with getting my insurgency on and carbombing some commies.
Many moons ago on a forum far from here, I had a Fallout RP going with a buddy of mine. This was mostly set around the New York area and had my character, an Enclave separatist officer, diving into the Enclave and getting pulled into this brutal civil war after their defeat at Raven Rock in Fallout 3. My buddy basically was a synth from Massachusetts (keep in mind this was waaaay before Fallout 4 was even announced) who was escaping from her captors and enjoying the ride down the coast.

At the same time some people wanted to do New Vegas stuff so we set up NCR military policemen in an occupied New Vegas hunting down a gang or something. Although to be fair, the people playing the gangster duo were super Mary Sues and we were just looking for an excuse to shut them down a bit. The setting honestly wasn't as fun and inventive as our original characters.

Those could be some ideas.
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