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Dude, it's called method acting. If Daniel Day Lewis can do it, so can you. Idiot
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3 yrs ago
"I HAVE NO BAN AND I MUST CRINGE." Rest in peace to the last of the good men in this world. I will shed a thousand tears and pour a hundred 40s of Olde English.


Armenia - Precipice of War 2017

France - New Earth Oracle

Korea - Our World in Turmoil

Mexico - Precipice of War 2020

New York City - Fallout: War Never Changes III

Persia - The Ghost of Napoleon

Most Recent Posts

Okay, made edits to my history based on what was said.
I still lack the editing software, I can't color in a map. I'm gonna need Aaron to do it for me.
<Snipped quote by Brithwyr>

Depends on your history and if Armenia lets itself fall into that sphere. You should probably work that out with Evan.

Yeah, Armenia is generally too proud to consider itself in a sphere (even if it kinda is, like IRL Armenia and Russia) since there's generally a huge nationalist streak going on. They'll accept foreign aid and assistance but they'll always try to do their own thing.

However, functionally, at least in the old days, Armenia and Persia generally matched interests so there were no problems.
Great War wasn't fought for decades lel. The Ottomans may have exited early, because IRL their beef during the war was mostly with Russians. They fought the British too but in PoW it's not clear for how long. After the Russians leave, it's likely they then focus their troops elsewhere and crush some of the rebellions and/or focus on the British. By then the British would not be in shape to fight in Anatolia since even IRL they had their fair share of setbacks. The Ottomans probably still got wrecked by rebellions and a long war, but Russia leaving probably helped them a bit.

As for Poland and Persian aid, that's iffy. This is a reboot and in this new canon Poland isn't powerful. The same may be true of Persia.

I'm on a phone and can't bitch to the fullest extent though so Imma just say Armenia stronk and the old canon doesn't matter.

Yeah, I think I dislexed the "1914-1929" thing to 1939 and then didn't reedit it. And also tried to take the Poland out, but I also forgot to edit it.
> TFW you walk into the thread at the wrong time and mildly political is apparently very political

Guys, go pick through this and figure out if this is what we think the Ottomans should look like. I know I'm taking a little bit of liberty (basically writing the history of the Ottoman Empire) with another country. However, I feel like it makes sense from a historical perspective and from what happened to the old canon.

That's all long-term stuff. Telsa sent some batteries but I don't know what they are being used for. All we have where I am right now is generators. I'm about ready to go back to the mainland cause this shit sux.

Could be worse, you could just have no power.
Second question: Industry was apparently set back a bit, but by how much? Are we still running around with Lee Enfields or has the AK-47 been built yet or what?

EDIT: And does anyone mind if I steal Azerbaijan for my glorious Persian Empire?

Azerbaijan was part of Persia in the old canon, I think. The whole deal was that Persia rocked in there to help the Armenians with their little problem there and wound up just annexing it.

Also, Persia and Armenia were like fuckin' BFFs.
Consider me back in the saddle as GLORIOUS REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA.

Sheet to come!
Hi guys.

چه خبر؟

Coming in straight from Tstan, I heard this was a thing. Now to figure out if I want to do Armenia again or if I want to try something else.
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