Avatar of TheUnknowable
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    1. TheUnknowable 10 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Dang it. I can't get Pokemon: GO to work on my cell phone. WHY???
8 yrs ago
Where are all of the Xmen games? Deadpool just came out on video and Xmen Apocalypse is about to come out. I was expecting more hype.
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@Pathfinderconsider your guy approved too, just make sure you fix his backstory before posting to the character tab.
@Azereiahyep. Approved.
As the meeting wound to a close, the four men working for hours to handle the logistics of building a prison under a mile of water, Anarchy decided he needed their help with one more thing; "I want to know what you think of my new recruitment video, for playing in stadiums and before movies." Anarchy pushed a button on the remote that sat on his desk, though he was ten feet away, and the TV screen across the room turned on.

As the music started, the screen filled with images of normal people going about their lives, but the images changed to those same people in Phoenix uniforms, then showed them fighting as a team, lead by Captain Boomerang, to take down the Reverse Flash as he tried to run from a bank he had robbed. Best of all, the footage of the battle was real, and was taken from the body cameras of his security officers, new cameras, and cameras in their cars.

The video ended with a splash screen stating "Become a Hero. Join Phoenix Security today." followed by their 800 number and Mark turned the TV off, noticing that Oliver was nodding, and Bruce looked thoughtful.

"Definitely emotionally powerful," said Mr. Queen. "Especially the real footage of a battle. Seven officers with tech taking on an evil superhuman. Should speak to a lot of people."

"Well produced, too." said Mr. Wayne. "Should help your employment problems."

"Yeah," responded Mark, "With all of the supertech and superpowers on the market, superhuman crime is starting to climb again, and my people are working overtime in some places. Then you have the various revolutionary groups that are attacking common people in pursuit of their goals."

"Isn't that what you did?" asked Bruce.

"No, I specifically targeted the government, and gave them a chance to stand down before using the least force I needed to remove them from office. These groups don't care who they hurt, and often don't even offer quarter to POWs."

Wayne shrugged. "What you did emboldened them to overthrow their governments too. You can't expect them to be as civil about it. Nor can you dedicate your people to stopping them, with all of the problems the power vacuum caused."

Mark nodded. "Yeah, I estimate at least another year, maybe two, before things stabilize enough that I can deal with serious problems in other countries." He pushed a button on his desk to buzz Kevin and the assistant walked in. "Kevin, do you mind showing them to the Zeta tube? Mr. Wayne is returning to Gotham, and Mr. Queen has a meeting in Beijing."

"Of course," Kevin responded, and motioned for the others to follow him.

Now that we have several players approved, I'm going to start the IC.
@AzereiahIt's fine, if a bit underpowered. Won't be going up against the heavy hitters, but should be able to handle a bourgeoisie hero like batman.
@AzereiahWhat? no gold?

Well, plenty of use for construction equipment. Lots of things need building.
@AzereiahPhoenix offers the drugs on a need only basis for its employees, but also sales them. Lexcorp is your best bet for cybernetics, as T. O. Morrow is on their payroll.
@AzereiahDoesn't sound like he'll get along too well with an Ancap like Anarchy either (though he totally rationalized away violating the NAP on several occasions).

Maybe we can get an anarcho-transhumanist and throw a party. I'll bring the super power granting drugs!
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