Avatar of timelord1101
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 292 (0.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. timelord1101 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Had to google who won the super bowl. I guess congrats to the Cheifs on their second superbowl win. Go sports ball? I'm just waiting for MLB spring training
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1 yr ago
Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.
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1 yr ago
I get that. Roleplaying is my escape from the hell my life has been. PM me if you ever need to talk. That goes for anyone on the site tbh
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1 yr ago
since theres still a bunch of peeps online, if anyone wants to join a laid back RP with some incrdible writers -> roleplayerguild.com/posts/3…
1 yr ago
yeah dude, i remember reading it all about 2 years after I joined, i keep it bookmarked for when new stuff gets added. it definitely helped me
1 like


Hallo, bio update time!

Caucasian, Female, mid-20's.
I speak English, German, Russian, French, and still learning all 4 and more.
My favorite color is like a teal green?
My music taste is all over the place.
My good friend @Symstar99 introduced me to this place, and I love it so much, I keep coming back.

I'm into pretty much any role-play, I prefer 1x1 or small group but can also do large group/open. I love apocalyptic, supernatural, Sci-Fi, love and romance.

If you want to know anything or just wannna talk or RP, I'm just a PM away. ^_^

Co-GM: The Tavern
Co-GM: Age of Darkness: Despair of the Golden Goddess

Most Recent Posts

Also, I believe I have almost finished my next reply to the RP. @Dark Light @Alisdragon911
Hey guys! Anyone up for another Halloween special?? I'm thinking... Murder Mystery Tavern Night! @Dark Light What do you think?

VOTE: Thumbs up for- HECK YES! and Quote "No" for- That's f***ing dumb...

PS- Sorry I've been gone for so long... Just another chronicle in my life of not enough internet and too much work. *sigh* But I can go to a cool internet cafe while the Hubby is at work!

Thanks guys! Love you all. Happy RPing!
@Draconis That was Deadpool. I applaud you sir. Keep your cookie, I just like to see good pop-culture references in RP!
Not really sure how to write my response. Everything just kind of stopped.

But fear not, I will bring a new section of plot to the story!
I think timelord is gonna be gone for a bit.

Nope! Just posted. I had something partially written out but then my internet cut out and new stuff happened so I just re-wrote it. Aaaaanyways. I'm going to bed and I probably won't be around for the next 20-24 hours or so because work and adulting. But I will be checking in on my phone after work so feel free to reply, message, or whatever.

Also, Welcome @Draconis!

@Lunar@Dark Light@Song Book@Draconis@Alisdragon911@Blueflame

Night all! Happy RP-ing!
@Song Book@Dark Light[@Lunar}

Alex watches as Dorian and the mysterious redhead remove themselves from the dull air of what seems too common in the eyes of the regal. Dorian is far too pedantic to be seen lounging with the regular patrons of the tavern. Alex turns her attention to the swaying hips of the elegant and strange woman. She can't help but notice that her demeanor seems a bit forced, as if this was not her everyday personality. Overwhelmed with the need to know her, she keeps herself from the thought. The woman is already too enamored with Dorian, and Alex has yet to figure out Clay. Someone with the potential to be much more different and similar to her in a few all too familiar ways.

Alex is snapped out of her thoughts when she hears a loud thud and a drunken huntress call out, "Oh would ya look at that, I fell on my bum." Looking down, Alex saw the huntress passed out and Clay rushing to her side with a worried expression. What does 'e care that she fell ova, too drunk to sit? She's a fokin' hunter for christsake!

"Alex, could you grab a bucket, towel and some water?" Confused, Alex looks down at Clay with a raised eyebrow. She couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, but moreso interested in where Clay acquired these newfound feelings of sympathy for someone other than himself. Not that 'e's a selfish prick, just that e's' usually so calm about ev'rthing.

"A'right, a'right. Ah'll be back soon." Alex heads off to the utility closet for the bucket and quickly runs back to the storeroom for a few bottles of water. Since the washer and dryer for the bar towels are back here as well, might as well grab that too.

Before she can get too far, a small sensation on her hip pulls her off of the set task. She looks around making sure that she's completely alone. Taking out her knife, she admires the sleek technology it holds. The last update made sure that the only way to work it was with her own DNA marker; her thumbprint. She gently presses her thumb against the blade, near the hilt and a hologram screen comes to life across the top of the blade, like an overlay. "F-137. What do you have for me?" she whispers, quiet but angry. This was not a good time. The hologram, a woman with piercing green eyes and sandy colored hair, calmly announces that Alex has received her first assignment with the Guardians of Kerh. Many governments had access to Alex as a resource, but the very last people that she ever thought to contact her was Kerh. It must be a special case. "I'll forward the details to your wrist display. You will receive them in about 30 minutes. It will give you everything you need for the assignment. Do not disappoint or you will be hearing from him." *click*

Alex put the knife back in it's place and returned to the bar with the bucket, 2 water bottles and a clean towel from the dryer. "Oi, what'd ya do to the poor gal? She set down the gear and crossed her arms giving Clay the stern look that he had become so used to seeing.
@Alisdragon911 So I know its just a role-play, but I sure hope that Ayeka cured that wolfsbane right. There are about 250 different strains of Aconitum (IE: Wolfsbane) and some have different ways to cure them.

Anyway, I'm back. Again. I got a new job, staring college soon and moving into a new house by myself with my girlfriend, so yeah, life is interesting and pretty good.

I see a few new faces, @Lunar@Tokwa@Haterade I'm looking at you guys. Welcome! Hope to see you a lot and I see that @Lunar is off to a good start!

@Dark Light Was I right about that guy being Dorian? It's been a while since you brought him out of hiding.
@Lunar@Alisdragon911@Dark Light@Song Book@Snarfulblast

Out of all the commotion downstairs, it was the gunshot that finally woke Alex. She gladly jolted out of her least favorite dream and instinctually grabbed her knife. Barely dressed, she flings off her covers and swings the door open. Moving as quick as possible, she glides down the hallway and jumps down off the bannister and lands on the hardwood floor just a few feet from the stairs just in time to see a conversation starting between Clay and what she recognized to be a huntress. A very familiar huntress, almost like she had only ever known her in a dream, but known nonetheless. An odd shadow had just escaped the tavern doors, followed by Ayeka, and by now was already on another world. One of the least crazy things about her, the tavern, that Alex had come to appreciate.

Giving no notice to the fact that she was wearing shorts, a tank top and nothing else, she started walking up to the party and was about to inquire as to the mess, glass, blood and gunshots when the huntress materialized a small bell and used it to fix Clays wounds. Alex found herself on the verge of laughing. Doesn't she know what he is? No matter. Huntress magic or not, Clay would be fine. He's a tough sonofabitch and Alex has witnessed him come back from battles that seemed to be his last.

Flitting her eyes to the bar she noticed a pair far too sophisticated for this establishment. The woman was absolutely tantalizing. The dress she wore was a perfect match for her dripping ruby lips and auburn curls. The man with her could only be the owner of the bar, Dorian, which hasn't been seen by many in a while. They look busy, like they might be discussing some business. I'd would be wise not to disturb them. She turns her attention to Clay, crossing her arms and giving him a stern look.

"Clay, darling," She says sarcastically. "You make my job much harder than it needs to be." She slips the knife into the waistband of her shorts, though it pokes out the bottom, and crosses her arms over her chest while inspecting the damage to the bar. "I'm not cleaning this shit up." She laughs and beckons the bartender for her usual whiskey and a cigarette.
Hey guys! I'm back! I have internet finally! Still planning another move soon, but hopefully not too soon.

Clay had just slipped into a steaming warm bath when he heard the ruckus at his door.

Clay? It's Alex. Can I come in?

The hot water soothed his aching muscles as it seeped into his skin, the air above now grew increasingly chilly by comparison. There was no way he was getting out of the warm water.
Soft faint slithers of red swirled around on the ripples of his body before fading into nothingness against the larger volume of water.

He held his breath for a moment as he contemplated remaining silent but with a heavy sigh he eventually replied.

"If you must, but know that I'm not decent and that's unlikely to change."

His voice, although tired, held the usual tormenting, sarcastic and defiant undertones. After that he grumbled something to himself that Alex couldn't quite hear, it was probably for the best.

Alex rolled her eyes and chuckled, opening the door and silently closing it behind her. "I came to bring an extra blanket for you from the storeroom." She turned toward the open bathroom door and noticed Clay sinking into a steaming bath. "But it seems that you already have a way to keep yourself warm." She gave him a slight sneer before setting her blanket and the one she brought fro Clay down at the foot of the bed and pulled a chair around to the edge of the bathroom door frame.

She sat against the chair, crossing her arms over the back and resting her chin on her forearm. Cocking her head to the side and giving Clay a sly smile she asked, "Comfortable?"
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