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3 yrs ago
Current The World Record 72 Hour, 100% No Sin, 100% Redemption Destruction of Death and Sin Speedrun- Jesus Christ, circa 33 AD.
6 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
@RumikoOhara That one's in like five months.
8 yrs ago
I beg to differ.


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There was a mix of disappointment on Scott's face- though it was mostly hidden by his mask- as his attempt at webbing the violent green... humanoid... went literally up in literal flames. He shot a glance at the... fan? stranger? fellow super-powered-person? However, he reacted before he could speak. At this point, certain things had become automatic for him. It seemed dodging flames was one of them.
As Strand began to flip in the air, a surge of sensation overtook him. He saw a short girl with red hair throwing half a car back at the big green ghoulie. He saw people running away- two groups of two. They weren't as clear, but one of them was bleeding. As the moment returned to him, Strand glanced at his wrist mounted web-device. Things were a little too high stakes to risk too many canister changes.
The figure emerging from the smoke and speaking to Marcus made it feel like blades of burning ice were running up and down Scott's body. That guy was bad news. But why did he seem so familiar? That... wasn't important right now. He had a plan. Or at least he hoped he did.

There was a loud thud and a resounding Crunch! as the half-of-car landed on the green... whatever. In an instant, it was completely hidden by the wreckage of the car. Scott had the feeling it wouldn't last for long. And that was saying something.

Raising his right arm, Strand fired a web-line out to a high point- an ornamental flying buttress on one of the buildings, and began to swing in a wide circle. With quite a notable slap, he landed near a tall, skinny lad and a girl who looked like she needed a bit of medical attention. They were heading through an alley- bad move.
"Hey, going through an alley isn't that bright of an idea with-" his words were cut off by the slamming of metal on cement, as the flaming creature burst from hiding within the time it took him to cross half the street and reach their position, "-that going on. Things are about to get real busy, real quick. I'd hate to see you guys get mugged, or crushed by falling debris. Stick to open streets if you're going to run. Be quick if you're going to fight," despite the concern in his voice, there was a bright, comforting smile on his face.
And with that, Strand leaped off, still holding tight to his web line. He could tell they had powers too. He wasn't sure why, or what kind, but they felt similar to how Marcus's had- similar to his. Spinning out his line, he circled back and landed next to the shorter girl. She looked beaten up, but his vision had been right- she survived. That was good.
His landing was a bit too fast, but he didn't have much of a choice. The impact left stinging in his arms and knees as he rolled along the street, and into an upright position.
"You can throw cars, huh?" he began, nodding absently as he paused, before resigning himself to action, "Watch my back."
With that, he ran off. For a moment, he seemed to be charging directly into the melee, until he veered off, and began to scramble up a wall. Making his way to a fire escape, Scott fired his last web-line out over the street. Even as it flew, aimed at the pyromaniac's feet, he shimmied his arm to hook the feed over a street lamp. From this angle, all he'd have to do was fall, and it would rip the... whatever it was... right off its... his? feet. This was, however, pretty risky for Scott himself.
"Watch your neck!" he called out, particularly to Marcus, as he took a dive off the fire-escape, and began plummeting to the ground, gripping the web-line tight.


...Connection verified. Begin search.

Search parameters: Compatibility with Crest virtues.


...Search complete. Compatible individuals located.

Begin transfer.

Episode 1: Different World

The wind swept hotly over the open summer sky, buffeting against the windows of a small, but decent hotel located around the Saitama district of Tokyo. A young woman with a petite yet curvy build in a tubetop- little more than a white sports bra, really- with a high cropped bomber jacket, rather short shorts, several belts, and tall boots rose from a crouch, stepping in behind a decorative tree, and up against a brick wall encircling the building. The duffle bag around her shoulder rustled as she crept towards the nearest window. Peering inside, she subtly passed each one, checking for items that were out of place. Finally finding a room that was empty, she pressed her hand against the lip of the window, and began pushing upwards.

A quiet cough behind her signaled that her efforts had, unfortunately, not gone unnoticed. She slowly released her grip on the window, turning to find a… little girl? Or boy? And not so little, either- just very short in stature, but with a bearing that radiated authority. The girl(?) was dressed in a sort of uniform- very official-looking, aside from the tinted goggles she was wearing over her eyes, and the black leather jacket draped around her shoulders. The tag on her shirt read, “Security.” She leveled an angry scowl at the intruder behind her tinted lenses.

“Y’know,” began the girl, in a surprisingly-deep contralto voice, “the front door is easier.” She gestured at the intruder to move away from the window. “Show’s over, kid. Come with me. You can explain why you’re skulking around here to the owner. Maybe they’ll be sympathetic, but I doubt that.”

With a shift of her heel, the dark haired girl leveled her gaze, though not directly at the shorter individual. Instead, she rolled her eyes, if only slightly, before stuffing her hands in her pockets and kicking her foot idly. “Can’t a girl get a shower? I mean, how could you make someone pay just for water. It’s a necessity, after all,” the purple haired girl responded, doing her best to stress her need and feign innocence.

The security guard was unmoved. If anything, the scowl deepened. “Can’t find a bathhouse for a few hundred yen? Pull the other one. Last chance, girl- come with me and you’ll probably be let off with a warning. Don’t test me on this.”

In response, the girl’s hands raised yet again, this time making eye contact with the security guard- almost. “Fine, whatever you say. Can’t blame a girl for trying, can you?” she then reached down and turned her pockets out, somewhat emphatically. “I’m broke,” she muttered, almost to herself.

“Does that look like my concern?” snapped the guard. “My concern is keeping intruders off the property. You're an intruder. So off. The sooner I get you to the office, the sooner I can go on break, and the sooner you can… I dunno, turn a trick? Can’t think of much else you’d be doing in that getup…”

In lieu of a verbal response, the would-be intruder simply gestured broadly with her arms, as if to say ‘after you’. There was no point pushing it any further, nor did she have anything to say- nothing that seemed like it would help her case at least. The security guard walked over to the intruder, grasping her firmly by the shoulder as she started to wheel her out from behind the hotel, but… something seemed… off. A strange weight in the air, like the gravity had increased. The guard shook her head.

“Whew. Must be hotter out here than I expected. At least that’s some silver lining for you, getting to go in—"

Her sentence was interrupted by a glowing ring suddenly etching itself into the ground around them.

“What--” exclaimed the guard.

--the shit??” the taller girl exclaimed incredulously, her downcast gaze able to catch the strange markings now opening up into a bright void that suddenly swallowed the girls up with nary a sound. The circle closed and faded away, the ground the two had stood on unmarked, as though neither of them had been present at all...

...Transfer successful.

Bearer/Courage: acquired.

Bearer/Love: acquired.

Begin transfer of remaining Bearers...

((OOC: For this first post, do as we do; have your characters go about their day, up until the glowing hole in reality eats them. Happy trails~))
A soft electrical crackle brought a blue tint to the otherwise soothing yellow glow that seemed to emanate from everywhere. Blue branches of lightning reached out, tearing a gap in space, as a large and radiant, yet beastly figure appeared.
Welcome back brother Cherubimon,” a demure voice spoke from behind a panel, observing various monitors, “What news from the world below?
Beside this figure, with elegant golden wings and a hood of fur over its eyes, were a host of lean, clawed beings in armor with smokey wings. The shimmering Cherubimon floated closer to the panel, letting out a soft, low breath, before restoring his placid gaze.
The rebels grow more violent. I shall report to the Father,” Cherubimon’s melodious voice answered.
Giving a nod to the silent guardians, Cherubimon drifted forth into the golden aether, and towards a barrier which until then seemed not to be there.
Brother, your eyes,” offered the monitor.
Giving a thankful nod, and a gracious smile, Cherubimon brought his great ears over his eyes, and with a flash, his eyes and brow became bond with a cross of his golden inscribed rings which previously sat neatly at the base of his ears. Another crackle of lightning later, and he was gone.

When Cherubimon reappeared, he was met with a figure in radiant armor, backed with ten blazing wings. High above, the radiant sky itself seemed to shimmer, sending a rippling wave of light down along towards the horizon and into the vast golden lightscape below.Both the armored figure and Cherubimon were witness to an unspoken voice.
With this, a building sound began to roar from down below, shaking the very firmament around them in a fierce tremor. Both the armored figure and Cherubimon were compelled to join the call, until the silence returned. The blazing one turned to his brother, extending a hand of camaraderie. Cherubimon returned the gesture, before beginning his harmonious report.
The rebellion grows vicious my brother. Our defenses are holding, but an attack is inevitable. Moreover, I fear for those below. Such an assault brings heartbreaking suffering.
“Indeed. Something must be done,” the armored one answered in a soft voice.
There was then a moment of silence that seemed to last an eternity, before anyone spoke again.
“Contact our brothers on the outside. The Zenith Gate must be opened.”
And with that, boys and girls, we have our group. We'll be starting shortly.
@BenG85 A bit better. I was wondering more about the face.
We've come to a decision. Welcome aboard.
@BenG85 Hey, so, I know this is a weird ask, but could we maybe get some more specifics about Monty's appearance? Just to give yourself some firm guidelines and so everyone else knows how to picture him better, if that's the kind of person they are.
Character concept is being considered and reviewed.
@Stern Algorithm I do not believe that this is a wise course of action.
@BenG85 That was a miscommunication on my part. You took it a bit more literally than I expected, which resulted in some tonal friction.
@BenG85 I've come to a realization; You're not as much making characters with a problem with their Crest, you're making characters for whom it'd take a miracle to develop in that way.
@Zelosse Give a submission a shot. Who knows, you could come up with something interesting.
@Stern Algorithm We're full.
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