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Current The World Record 72 Hour, 100% No Sin, 100% Redemption Destruction of Death and Sin Speedrun- Jesus Christ, circa 33 AD.
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@RumikoOhara That one's in like five months.
8 yrs ago
I beg to differ.


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@TheNoCoKid Oh shoot, how did I miss that? Approved, but you are aware of what tends to happen to Leomon in the Digimon series, right?

Do not speak the accursed meme.
I remember that being mentioned, although I can't find anything to confirm it.

From this shot here, it appears that Greymon is ten feet at the shoulder, and in more of a long than tall stance. I understand not wanting Digimon too large at the beginning, though I was only looking for a visual reference, and not any kind of attack boost out of being that large.
And at least I'm not trying to pull this off :P

Although I do find this scene very funny.

Although on further inspection, Greymon is right next to a car overpass/underpass, it seems, which, if we can find the average height of one of those in Japan, should give us a general shoulder height of the Greymon from the OVA. But that's kind of off track and unnecessary.
The point was, OVA Greymon rarely talks, as does the big Agumon in the OVA, and that was more of the lead-in, tbh.
EDIT: I'd be happy with a ~3 by ~7 meter Greymon X. Smaller than a T. rex, but still considerably large without being absurd.
@tobiax Okay, I've read it. Approved.

@The World@tobiax Since all three of us have opted for X-Antibody Digimon, I've taken the liberty and added a section about X-Antibody Digimon to the opening post. Review that briefly before the RP begins proper, if you please. ^^

Sick, love it. It suits me just fine. Although, is it alright if I have my Greymon X be an homage to the OVA Greymon in its size?

Still looking for players. ;)
@Big McLargehuge Also, I wanted to ask this, but it doesn’t make a ton of sense for a massive AR game to have multiple controllers/digivices. I was wondering if you thought of restructuring the system like the Adventure 02 system? I.e. The kids had their digivices (the D3s), but they also had those pager things (can’t remember the name) that stored their digi-eggs. What if you used something g similar but the pager stored Farms, Mods, Digi-Eggs, etc?

From what I can tell, the Digivice SP and the Digivice V aren't "real" merchandise, but something that is including the characters in the larger world of real Digimon, hence the mysterious Inari(assumably) "Miko". Kind of like how, in Cyber Sleuth, the Digivice is just like some sort of PDA, but the Digimon Capture Program makes it actually function with Digimon. Though I could be mistaken on this.
@Crimson Flame@tobiax@TheNoCoKid@The World I've been doing some figuring, and I may have to simplify the DiM system from what I initially had in mind, as well as make certain rules for what kinds of DiM cards can be used by Digimon; for example, attack cards can only be from--at most--Digimon from one evolutionary stage higher than the Digimon that uses it. An example would be Aegiomon (Champion/Adult level) being able to utilize RizeGreymon's (Ultimate/Perfect level) Trident Revolver attack, but not being able to use Amphimon's (Mega/Ultimate level) Raiburn Break/Thunder Break attack. If any of you would be interested in helping me set this up, I would be very appreciative.

That sounds fair. It would be weird for like, a Terriermon to throw out a Poseidon Force. Particularly in an RP. That being said, though, I'm wondering how non-combat abilities, like digging and swimming, would be handled. Both if they'd be inheritable, and how much you see them playing into the story. I'd be down to help with anything.
I am down. This sounds like my jam. What are you looking for as far as characters go? I noticed you cited Cyber Sleuth, Tamers, and Ghost Game, but there's a bit of variance there when it comes to things like maturity and age. Tighter than most of the Digimon franchise as a whole, but I still find it worth asking.
Hey, look what I stumbled upon-
Mirror Interest Check, see the main in General Interest Checks!
Hello! I'm looking to start an RP based on the 1994 arcade classic fighting game Primal Rage. Not sure if it would go better in the Arena, or in a regular board, so, my interest check is here. It might be a bit before I'm ready to start, because I'd like to give people time to iron out their concepts, as you will be playing new characters, instead of the ones featured in the video game.
For those who don't know, Primal Rage is about god-like "DinoBeasts" who fight for control over the land and population of a ruined Earth, referred to in materials as "Urth". So basically, we'll be playing as kaiju with a domain and fighting game powers akin to those in Mortal Kombat, as far as theme goes. In order to balance out the naturally hectic nature of the premise, I'm considering using what I'll be calling "actionable terms", basically aspects of your character's bio/description that you can reference to solve situations, or possibly act against you.
Speaking of, it would be best if characters have a reason to at least expand their territory, if not have a goal that involves, or is assisted by, conquering "Urth" and defeating the other players. Most of the "DinoBeasts" were dormant under the crust of the Earth until a meteor strikes the Earth and destroys the moon. While the meteor doesn't awaken all of them instantly, it usually caused a chain reaction that lead to the characters coming to the surface to fight. Also, the human worshipers will be used as a kind of resource, and, along with territory, be wagered in fights, to a degree. I'm thinking of having a named chieftain slot on the character sheet, who can act as emissaries for your main characters. And given the nature of this being based on a fighting game, and the nature of the characters in that game, your characters won't really die. And if they do, it won't be for long.
Let me know if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. : )
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