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9 yrs ago
Current "Cats hate CDs [...] we don't make CDs for cat" - My university professor.


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What ideas do you have for Kingsman: The Secret Service?
Zelia laughed a little as Sanders continued his flirtations and offered for her to return if she wished. Although, he stated it in a way that sounded once more like Zelia and Trex were more than just friends. She shook her head slightly, as he kissed her hand, “It was wonderful to meet you as well,” She looked around at Trex’s family and smiled, “All of you. Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home.”

She gave into Sanders slightly and bid him farewell with a hug. Then they were leaving and leaving Trex’s family behind. She looked at him and could tell that he was going to miss them greatly. She was glad she this chance to meet them all though. Despite not talking a lot about it, she felt like she knew Trex better just by seeing the people he grew up around. His little quirks and intricacies made sense suddenly. She giggled a little as he apologized for his brother’s actions and shook her head, “You needn’t apologize… It was… Endearing… Cute…” She laughed a little more at her choice of words, realizing they could be taken wrong and be assumed as feelings, “Although, more like a cute puppy than anything else.”

She adjusted her bag on her shoulder a little, as they continued their walk in silence. Although, with them silence was never a problem. It wasn’t awkward or strange. It just was, they didn’t need to be constantly talking to be comfortable with the other person…

Besides, they would have run out of topics long ago.
Flynn roused slowly from his sleep only to feel the driver hitting him hard in the leg. He sat up with a start, “Oi. Needn’t be aggressive,” He informed the man with a bit of a smirk, “You don’t get to be a travelling wizard needing that kind of a wakeup call.”

He laughed a little and grabbed his bag. Flynn might have been able to sleep through the bumps on the road but mention his name and he was awake. Although, now and again he did need to be smacked away but this guy didn’t need to know that.

He pulled his bag onto his back and looked at Skye with a grin before he jumped out of the cart and held his hand out to her to help her down, “The walk is pretty short and an easy trek.”

He turned and started to head toward the city. He glanced over his shoulder at her, “I wonder where Trex and Zelia are back yet…”
Marrock chuckled a little when she commented on his rather lean physique, "Well, you've yet to see me with my shirt off," He teased, tugging slightly at his leather jacket, "Besides, big brawn almost always leads to little brains and that would hardly be helpful."

He nodded his head when she requested that he escort her to the cafeteria, "Anything for the Lady Lakshme," He said as he held out his elbow for her to hang onto before guiding her to the cafeteria.

The Next Day

Clem had woken early and bundled herself up in a scarf and sweater. That was yet another reason that she hated the Academy, it got so bloody cold. Clem was small and frail and her blood evaporated from her veins, she couldn't handle the cold! Well, she could but she most certainly didn't like it. She looked around her room for her boots before grabbing them and sitting on her bed and pulling them on. Her room was a single bedroom which she had been getting for the last few years after she gave one girl continuous nightmares, prevented another girl from sleeping, and a third tormented her. Of course, none but the latter were intentional. However, it was in those three years that the bullying reached an all time high that still sees little decline. With her boots on, her bag draped over her shoulder, and ready to combat the cold early evening weather, she ventured out of her room and into the night.

Clementine liked walking around in the early evening because not many people were out yet. The sun was just starting to set but the last rays lit up the school in a pretty beautiful way. As shitty as the school was, she did have to admit that it could be rather gorgeous. Not to mention, there was a lot to look forward to today... Like no fight classes... beyond defensive that is.

She walked slowly to the back of the school to a pond that she liked to visit. Most people around the campus forgot about it. They preferred to stick around the school rather than venturing out to the ward's edges. Not to mention, there had been a few instances now where a Strigoi had either gotten through the Ward or nearly managed to kill students that wandered to close. Needless to say, everyone was a little wary of the ward. Clementine wasn't as much, she was more scared of and for the Moroi and Dhampirs than she was of the possibility of Strigoi.

Besides, this pond, when the dying sunlight hit it just right, was one of the most beautiful places in the school. She walked to a bench that sat need the water's edge and pulled out a book and paints. She stared at the landscape in front of her and she looked down to the empty page before her as she ran a paint brush along it.
Clementine sunk back a little into the pillows when Ried told her that they would probably not be able to give her the tattoo, without her even asking for it. Too many uncertainties, too many complications. She tried not to let it get her down though because that was a silly thing to possibly effect others over. However, it was a little disappointing that she couldn't take away this power, this curse, permanently. She watched him still as he offered other options, things that wouldn't get rid of her powers but might help with them a little. She nodded her head a little, "My father smokes and drinks to help with that... Apparently not as much as he used to though. He is very against me taking up the habit," She said softly, a small smile pulling at the corner of her lips. The only evidence that it was more of a joke than it was a statement.

At offer of Xanax, she looked at him for a long moment. Her father had been wanting to avoid antidepressants because he didn't want to cut her off entirely from her magic. He told her it felt like you were missing a limb suddenly. So, she had never asked for it, not when others spoke negatively of it. Even her mother had suggested trying without it... Although, they both promised if it ever got really bad they would talk to someone, to give her a break. That was a major discussion topic this summer... She supposed that Ried was the last attempt before they did it. However, medication for anxiety and moodswings had never come up in conversation. She didn't know if any Spirit users had ever been on them which meant she didn't know how they would effect her. It was worth a shot though. She nodded her head, "Alright. I'll mention it to my parents as well..."

As he stood and fixed his hair, speaking of his lack of ability to care for people, a smile spread across her lips, "That's alright... I can teach you," She teased.

She nodded her head to him before she readjusted herself on the pillow, lowering a little onto the bed. She was going to be her for another hour or so alone, might as well take a nap. She rested her head on the pillow and looked at him, "It was nice meeting you as well, Ried," She said softly as he left.

Then she was alone entirely. Slowly, the feelings of other people seeped in but she managed to ignore them. Funny, that she couldn't feel anyone before... Only Dylan and only when she was close... She shrugged the pondering off and curled up, closing her eyes.

"You smell different," Marrock said as he walked up behind a girl with long brown hair. He looked down at her and smirked, "You aren't a Moroi, you aren't a Dhampir. Which means you are a 'transfer student'. But you aren't a werewolf, meaning you are the shifter."

He moved his hands behind his back and picked up the pace a little to walk next to her, rather than behind her, "This means that you are terribly interesting, Miss Rae. Lady Lakshme. Mademoiselle Serpent," He glanced at her and grinned, "My apologies, I might have sneaked a peek into our files... I'm amazed they've managed to keep mine together with the paper they've stuffed in there."

He stuffed his hands into his pockets, "My apologies, you haven't the foggiest who I am. Marrock Jean-Louis at your service."

Name: Marrock Jean-Louis

Race: Werewolf (loupgarou)

Gender: Male


Heightened Senses, accelerated Healing, enhanced agility, enhanced strength.

Pain Transference: Werewolves can absorb and alleviate pain from other people/creatures and can "heal" in some cases.

Memory Transference: Werewolves can transfer (give or take) memories by inserting claws into nape of an individual's neck. This ability can establish mind-to-mind communication and, with practice, allow for memory manipulation or erasure.

Personality: Marrock wasn't always a werewolf. He was once a young man with a caring heart the bite didn't change his physical mannerisms. He became cold and closed off, it began as a want to keep those around him safe but morphed as time went on. Marrock is aware that he good looking and often uses that to his advantage to ease the blood lust he often feels. Despite this awareness, he is not as vain as one might think. He can often be a gentleman as he finds that it is easier to woo girls in that way than it is too be an ass.

Marrock rarely stays one partner for any length of time. He says it is because he doesn't want to get bored but it roots down to his want to avoid hurting someone he actually has an attachment to. He is a lone wolf without a pack but he isn't interested in following someone. He likes being in charge of himself and isn't one to follow orders or listen to authority.

Marrock has a bit of a bad boy reputation with his leather jacket and the fact that he wholly believes that rules were just made to be broken.
Clementine smiled at her friend as she took hold of her hand. She could feel a small warmth in her chest, helping push away the other feelings that had been accidentally been pushed on her. She gave Dylan's hand a little squeeze in return, as if to tell her that she got what her friend was sending her. She nodded her head at her friend's parting words, "I'll come find you when I can," She said softly.

Then she was alone again with the man, Ried. Complete radio silence. It was nice and strange all at once. Dylan did her best to make it feel like this but no matter how much she pushed her own emotions down, no one could really stop themselves from feeling things. There was always a little bit of something but Clementine had gotten quite used to ignoring the small probes. If she couldn't do that she was certain she would go crazy. Never truly able to feel what she was really feeling.

She looked up at Ried as he rolled up his sleeve and presented his arm to her. She watched him for a moment before she carefully brought her hand that was not attached to a blood bag and ran her finger over the tattoo, tracing it slightly. She rose her finger off and away when he started to ask about other aspects of her powers. Although, it wasn't just the mood he was asking about it was the elements. Clementine had never seen herself doing any of those things. She just assumed that she was this strange breed of thing that she only had this one thing she could do... But... maybe not. She relaxed back onto the bed a little and gave him a curt nod, "I will... But it's hard to pay attention sometimes."

Then there was mention of what she could see. She cast her gaze downward, clearly just as uncomfortable with it as he was. She began to pick slightly at her fingernails before answering his question, "I've also pushed her to her worst... I've pushed a lot of people there," Her voice came out like a whisper. The mere thought making her relive times where she lost complete control and nearly forced others off the edge. Last year a Dhampir needed to be wrestled to the ground to pull a knife out of his hands when Clementine overwhelmed while in the cafeteria. It wasn't the first time it had happened though.... Clem was just glad that they finally realized how dangerous her not knowing her own ability was for people. Even her mother, who lived with her father's own emotions and darkness had had some breakdowns due to Clem.

With great effort, Clem rose her gaze to look at Ried again, "But I don't really need you to explain that to me..." She thought about it for a second before placed her fingers on his tattoo again, "Does it negate the powers of Moroi? If they were to get one?"
Clementine's eyebrows knitted together when he mentioned runes. She had never heard of runes. Nor did she have any idea of what they did that would possibly prevent her from feeling anything. However, he didn't seem intent on explaining it to her. Instead, he changed the conversation to her awareness of Dylan. She shrugged, "I don't know... Sometimes I feel people across the campus... if I know them well or if they are feeling something strong enough... the closer they are the more I feel it... or they feel... Negative emotions are more prominent..."

She was hesitant as she spoke, taking long pauses and speaking quietly. She jumped a little when he stood and walked to the curtain. She watched his and Dylan's exchange and pulled her legs into herself. The worry inside her slowly morphed and she felt her hands tightening into fists, "Go Dylan," She said a little sharper than intended but really... she couldn't help it.
Clementine looked up at the sound of the curtains in front of her rustling. Originally, she thought it was Dylan but the hand was most certainly male. Not to mention, Dylan would have just walked in. She looked at the hand, confused, until the rest of the body followed. Realizing that she had no clue who the man was, she covered her inner elbow where the needle was stuck. Of course, he could still see the tube and the bag but something about the action made her feel less vulnerable. And she did feel vulnerable. She had had people she didn't know storm in on her peculiar feeding before, mainly male Moroi, and not one of them had been pleasant. However, this man didn't appear to be Moroi... In fact, he didn't even look like a Dhampir... He looked human.

She kept her eyes on him as he addressed her, slowly pulling her legs into herself. She watched him from behind her light brown locks, still not really sure how she was supposed to feel about this intrusion. She listened as he explained just what it was he intended to do and made no protest when he asked for her cooperation. Although, she hadn't exactly agreed to cooperate either... Because she just continue to stare at him wordlessy. As it always, her magic took her fear and spread it to those in the room. She couldn't stop it, she didn't know how.

The man, Ried, continued on as though nothing were happening. Completely unaffected by her. He was still talking, explaining things, things that made Clementine perk up a little, "No attack classes?" She asked softly.

She wasn't sure if she had ever heard better news. After years of being at the bottom of her class and being told that she was destined to be a 'Blood Whore like her mother', it was over. A small smile of relief crossed her lips. She knew her father had been fighting for her to be taken out of those classes. However, it never seemed to get through to anyone that it wasn't that Clementine wasn't in shape, it was that her body physically couldn't handle it. She was weak and had broken bones a few times just due to falling a little wrong. Now, they had finally listened and Clementine was free of it all.

She leaned back into the pillows a little, her legs moving slightly away from her body as she relaxed slightly. It would be an understatement to say that that news had lifted some of the weight off her shoulders. That was when she was sudden sense of worry. It twisted in her stomach, making her squirm slightly, as though in pain. She took a deep breath, "Dylan, I'm fine... Stop worrying so much," She said loud enough for her friend to hear before she relaxed.

She looked back at Ried and focused on him for a moment. The worrying melted away but nothing took its place. She cocked her head to the side, confused, "Why do... I feel nothing?"
Clementine looked at Dylan as the girl grabbed her hand and explained her own avoidance of the blood. Clementine shook her head, a small laugh escaping from her, "Well, alright..."

She gathered her things and headed toward the building. She normally would avoid the cafeteria and feeding stations at all costs. Usually they were packed with students and teachers and far too many emotions for her brain to keep track of. When she was stuck in places with that many different emotions it started to hurt her head because suddenly she didn't know how to feel. However, classes hadn't started yet, meaning that she had today to be more or less alone in the feeding station. Not to mention, with less people there were less humans that were being fed on... and well, they sometimes gave her the worst feelings.

When they reached the door, she pushed it open for the both of them and walked in. At the sight of her, one of the nurses jumped up to set up a special spot of her. She supposed that was nice. No matter how busy the place was they always made sure to get Clem in and out of there quickly. They didn't need her making people make a fuss.

Clementine looked over her shoulder at Dylan, "Come sit with me when you're done?" She asked in a soft voice. As much as they made the process for her quick, they could never really make them any shorter than a couple hours, thus the reason she often went to the infirmary. Thus the reason she had an entire class block empty just for that. She wondered if the man was going to be speaking to her then to avoid taking the place of another class.

She went into the room and took a seat on the bed and sighed. This was where the feeders sat while the Moroi fed on them... The thought always made the two hours a little stranger but the place being somewhere that didn't beep with heartbeats or smell of Purell hand sanitizer was worth the weird thoughts. She laid back as the woman with the blood bag on a little metal stand entered. She held her arm out and didn't even flinch as the woman stuck her with a needle a few times trying to find her vein. She sighed, her arm would be bruised there tomorrow... Perfect.
Clementine looked up at the sound of her name and looked around. She caught the sight of a retreating male but thought nothing of it. He was probably just running away from the freak. Turning her head again, she saw Dylan. A slight smile graced her lips as her friend moved to sit next to her and kissed her cheek. She shook her head slightly, "You're gross," Despite the comment, it was clear that Clem didn't really mind it all too much.

She tapped her pen against the paper quietly and nodded her head, "Of course I'm a little happy to see you. It's just... everything else that I'm not so happy to see," She rested her own head against Dylan's and closed her book, "Nothing really... Just passing time till you got here..."

Biting her lip, she turned to look at her friend before she stuffed her book back into her bag, "My father said that they've brought in someone to examine me and figure out what I am... He thinks it's just so great... But he doesn't think about how people are going to react when then find out that 'Clemenstien' has someone doing experiments on her. The blood transfusions are bad enough."

She huffed before standing, "Speaking of transfusions, I should probably get that dealt with today before everyone gets here... It's always kind of nice to have that little bit of privacy..." She ran a hand through her hair and smirked, "You can go unpack if you want... Since watching blood slowly drip into my body isn't exactly any form of interesting."
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