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Kenza nodded, mute with fear. Opening the door was a mistake -- the creature was indeed alive and moving, and she'd announced her presence, however mutely. If the creature was anything like the lycan-like Wolfwing, it would have a sense of smell keen enough to pick up the hunters' scent after it awoke, but what was done was done, and Kenza closed the door slowly and silently.

Without a word, Kenza started down the hallway again, continuing in the darkness. Behind her, Mistletoe was silent as well, but with thought. The being they saw was clearly covered with fur, but that didn't mean it was the Wolfwing. But, then again, nothing drowsing with a blanket rather than trapped in a cell would likely be sympathetic to the hunters, and Mistletoe knew it was pure folly to chance it.

So, the three hunters progressed down the hall.

@hekazu@lord of evil
@Lord of Evil Well I'm actually pretty indecisive myself but, for the sake of time and plot, I've decided to step up my game xD
@lord of evil Your posts are usually pretty mellow / unopinionated on Derrick's part, so I hope you don't me calling the shots and pushing the plot forward xD
The sound rattled Kenza more than she'd like to admit. On one hand, it was just a sound -- one that wasn't loud or threatening and could very well be from something utterly harmless. On the other hand, it was also a sound, but it was a foreboding sound, pacing out the final moments until the hunters' deaths. Opening the door would be what a brave leader would do, but it was also what a foolish one was. The fine line between bravery and folly grew thinner with questions, and Kenza hesitated to make a call.

Sensing the other hunter's hesitance, Mistletoe figured she'd pitch her two cents in. "Best case scenario, it's some way out of here, or some useful stash of tools. Worst case, it's the Wolfwing," she said, "but I doubt the beast is capable of being so synchronized with its breathing, and it doesn't seem like it would be one to shiver." She paused, shrugging. "I honestly don't see how opening one door could worsen out situation all that much. Other than the Wolfwing -- and perhaps the winged beasts we met a while back -- this place should be empty. There was dust and there was mold, so I doubt anything's alive. Plus, it's not even locked, so whatever is in there -- if alive -- should have been able to come out already," she concluded. "So, I say open the door."

Kenza paused, thinking over the other hunter's words. Was she correct?

Mistletoe has the most experience out of any of us, and she has a point. How much worse can it get?

Meeting the other two hunters' eyes, Kenza inhaled, readying her weapon. "I'll open the door on the count of three," she whispered. When the other hunters got in position, Kenza pulled the door open wide enough for a large dog to pass through comfortably. Through the dim light of the hallway, the hunters peered into the room.

@hekazu@lord of evil
Leisy Takigawa
— Feyhollow —

“Florence! Is your Chikorita alright?” Leisy asked in alarm. At her side, Naunet was already waddling over to the frenzied bug-type, waving her wings in an attempt to get the Cutiefly’s attention off its previous target. “Is it bad? Will she be alright?”

Aiding the brunette’s Budew in paralyzing the Cutiefly by firing a few light Bubbles at it, Naunet returned to her trainer’s side and watched curiously as the grass-type Pokemon’s human fussed over the bug-type that had hurt her Pokemon. Although she couldn’t understand what all the objects the human pulled out were or did, the Prinplup could see that the brown-haired human was trying to help the previously aggressive Cutiefly, and she respected that.

“Should we head back first?” Leisy asked, concern clear in her voice. “The Cutiefly’s agitated and might end up getting aggressive again when it recovers from its paralysis, and we don’t have any way to contain it since it’s already registered to a Pokeball.”


Shanae Eller
— Ironforge —

A pair of round eyes stared down at them from behind the edge of a balcony, unblinking as two small jets of flame burned right above them. Judging by the reddish fur and the size of the flames, the Pokemon was by no means small — fitting the bill of the wanted smelter.

Knowing that it had been spotted, the large Pokemon dropped down from its perch above, a cheshire grin spread wide on its face. The Pokemon appeared to be a part of the primate family, a quadruped that also possessed the anatomy to be a biped, and a bright, steady flame was now billowing out from above its eyes, most likely dimmed earlier as to not alert the trainers.

“Endy!” Shanae yelled, quickly sending out the Lapras again. The large water-type was more of a deterrent than a threat since Shanae was just interested in gauging her opponent — for now.

“Timmy!” Marvin called, sending out an unfamiliar blue Pokemon with a peach face and what seemed like earphones on either side. Oblong in shape, the Pokemon’s opaque white fin of a tail waved as it moved, reminding Shanae of a Poliwag’s. A water-type, Shanae figured, figuring the small bit of guesswork would work for now.

A puff of smoke emerged from the feral Pokemon’s nose as it scanned over its opponents. The large, shelled Pokemon looked to be more of a danger than the smaller, smiling one, so the choice of which one to tackle first was easily made. Jumping up in the air, the bright red Pokemon launched into a spin, flinging itself through the air and directly towards Marvin’s Pokemon.

@Lord of Evil haha time zone > sleep, so feel free to post that post ;)
@Lord of Evil Happy Easter to you two as well! And hm, assuming that @hekazu is a gent (profile says so), I do believe that's "lady and gent."

Oh, and haha that really short post from last time... was because I didn't know what to say, but needed to move everything along so Hekazu would have to post a GM post (avoid doubts and stuff xD).
Although the dark obscured her vision and left her rather defenseless as an archer, Mistletoe was used to the black silence that came naturally with travelling alone. Though mysterious and sometimes dangerous, there was also something of comfort in the blackness, knowing that your enemy would have the same hindrances as yourself. This, of course, only applied to Mistletoe's human bounties, since there were many a nocturnal terror that she was sent to hunt down.

"Something's moving," Kenza whispered, alarmed as she registered the sound. Finding that it came from behind a wall, she was just as confused as Derrick -- what was it?

"It sounds like... shivering," Mistletoe said, thinking back to the icy cold hunting trips she'd been on. With a long career came a wide variety of experiences, including ones that she wouldn't want to relive. "But... it's not that cold in here."

Nodding at Mistletoe, Kenza crept closer to the door behind which the sound seemed to have been coming from and pressed her ear to the cold iron.

@hekazu@lord of evil

The library itself was a beige two-storied building located at the city center, just next to the town hall. Students went to and fro from the library, with their faces scrunched into masks of concentration.
"Someone must be assigning essays right now." he remarked as they stood inside, close to the librarian's massive desk up front.
"Indeed. Mrs. Sloan's english paper is due tomorrow." A perky lady, who looked to be in her early twenties, looked his way. Her blue eyes seemed to bore into him and a certain knowing light twinkled in her eyes.
"Anything I can help you with? We'll be closing pretty soon, and I've got to do inventory on what we have back in the romance section," she said.

“Yes, um,” Dionne paused, eyebrows furrowing when she realized that she didn't really know what to ask for.

Seth backed her up, "Yeah, we're here to find our destiny--.".

Oisin interjected, gesturing to both of them. "They're the two Argus was talking about."

The blond librarian raised her eyebrows. "It's been a while since that day." She nodded at the trio. "Come with me, to the back room, please. I've been expecting you"

As they followed her, Seth could feel anticipation welling up in his gut, eager to be privy to the details to his currently uncertain future. She led them into a study and shut the door behind them. She gestured to the leather sofa and sat in her own chair, facing them.
"Now we mustn't waste time. Argus told me that when you two would show up, there wouldn't be much time between now and until the time you must prove yourselves as demigods. Monsters will soon invade this quiet town in search for you. They will hunger when they smell your scent and perhaps will stop at nothing until you are theirs."

The raven haired teen sat quietly, trying to calmly process the information. Yet, her words kept circulating in his mind. Monsters? Like the Lamia? They'd invade the town in search for them, maybe even killing innocents along the way.

"Can't we fight them?" He asked.

"You can, but you'd die in the process," the librarian said, opening the door to the empty study room in the back of the library. "Go on -- there's nothing in there. Just some tables and chairs."

“What are we doing in here then?” Dionne asked, stepping into the room. The light flickered on, illuminating the empty desks. “Is there a secret passage or something?”

"No. But there are answers," the young librarian said, stepping into the room behind them and closing the door with a soft click. "All right, let's see if I can still do this properly."

“Do what, exactly?” Dionne asked, eyebrows knitting as the woman closed her eyes. The librarian's age seemed to melt away before coming back all at once in the form of a soft glow that spoke of lost wisdom and ancient experiences.

"Consult the gods," she answered simply, gently. Her voice seemed to take on a silent echo -- or maybe it wasn't so silent. Dionne wasn't sure anymore. But when the librarian's eyes opened again, they glowed. Her mouth opened, unmoving, but the thunderous echo in Dionne's ears said differently.

The peacock queen has laid her claim
Thus begins the clock-like game
Twelve trials have been prepared
Between fate and oceans shared
By blessed hands is havoc wreaked
Eastward lies the haven you seek
The gates will open after the final hour
Upon the discovery of true power

Then all at once the echo was gone, leaving Dionne wide-eyed and frozen in her spot as the librarian slumped over, hands reaching for her head as if to support it.

"The prophecy is delivered," the woman gasped, covering a haggard cough before looking up with somber eyes. "My dears, I'm afraid your future is a lot worse than I imagined."

"Eastward lies the haven you seek..." Seth quoted. Could it be the camp mentioned in his dream?

"Camp Half-Blood" Oisin clarified. "A haven for demigods. By the sounds of this prophecy, we will be travelling there. But twelve trials...?"
Seth looked to Dionne, "Twelve trials huh...the only thing that comes to mind is Hercules and his twelve labors. What do you think of the first line Dee?"

Dionne paused, mind flashing back to the dream earlier that week -- the chairs, the peacocks, the woman... The feather. Shaking off the slight tremble in her hands, Dionne retrieved the feather from her coat pocket, holding it up. “I think,” she started haltingly, “the 'peacock queen' might be Mrs. Sloan.”

"She wants us? What for?" Seth said, a little incredulous.

Oisin and the librarian exchanged looks. Oisin in particular, paled and shuffled his feet.
"I thought something was up with her...I just couldn't figure it out. She concealed herself very well. The fact that she takes interest in both of you might not necessarily bode well for either of us. This gives me an uneasy feeling, even when I saw the feather before." He said to no one in particular, his hands shaking.

It seemed the satyr seemed reluctant to share what was on his mind.

"Ozzy...What do you know about her?" Seth asked apprehensively. The satyr looked at him with wide eyes.

"Seth, normally the olympian gods and goddesses don't interfere in the lives of their offspring too much. But the fact that she -- I mean, Hera" he murmured her name as if he was scared he'd be overheard by the goddess herself. "--Look Seth...When she wants something, let's just say she gets it. Whatever she wants!" Oisin exclaimed, his voice a few octaves higher than normal.

Like some sort of Mafia Queen? He thought, picturing Mrs Sloan in a black dress and ordering men in pinstripe suits to do her bidding.

“We're dealing with a goddess?” Dionne asked, eyes wide. “What chance do we have then? We're just humans!” she paused, frowning. “Half-gods... Does that mean our parents — our godly ones, that is — will help us?”

“You may try to seek help from your parents, once you do figure who it is...but I’m afraid I cannot guarantee that they would be able to help as much as you would like. The gods are bound by rules imposed on themselves in order to have checks and balances, the lack of which resulted in epic clashes between themselves as well as the demigods. When two gods go to war against the other, their children are expected to support them and wage war against the opposition. A classic example would be World War II where Zeus and Poseidon battled against Hades for control of the world. I don’t think I need to go too much into detail as you know the outcome, but the massive destruction and death toll the war caused resulted in the three eldest of the gods, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, to form a pact. This pact would prevent them from siring any further children.” The librarian explained. Seth could see pity in her eyes as she glanced at them. She cleared her throat.

“There is not much time, you will come to realize this in the near future. The clock is now ticking and a great stirring has begun. Dark forces are trying to awaken once more after centuries of slumber to oppose the gods--” The ground shook beneath them and the light fixtures above rattled, paint chips fell on their heads. Seth gingerly picked white paint from his hair and nervously glanced out the window.

“--A dance…” The librarian spoke with urgency now, “you will find the infamous Nemean Lion there. You mustn't let it rampage through the town. After you deal with it, you’ll find the way.”

Seth sputtered, ”A dance? He glanced at Dionne.

“The school dance, then,” Dionne said, sighing. “That’s the only ‘dance’ I can think of. I’m already going. Seth?” she asked, looking over at the boy beside her. “If this isn’t a sign from god — the gods, rather — that you should go, I don’t know what is.”

Seth smirked. ”Yeah, I guess you got me.” he said, leaning against the table. ”Sorry, I got nervous the first time around...I was gonna say yes back there…” He felt cotton-mouthed as both Oisin and the librarian looked at him with raised eyebrows. Seth cleared his throat, his face feeling a little warm.
”I should probably let my Mom know too…and outfits?” He looked to the blonde. ”Should we go shop for outfits?”

“Yep. Just…” Dionne trailed off, finding herself feeling rather unsteady — on her feet, in the world, in her existence. But, at the same time, it was thrilling — all that was happening, although intimidating and perhaps dangerous — was more interesting than anything that had happened in her life. “Off we go then? The mall would be fine for this — I have my credit card, and you can take on a mental IOU if you need. Do you want to call your mom before or after?”


Monday, September 26th | Social Conscience, Mather Memorial High School

Brynn watched in silence as Renard continued to speak, finding that the man — although clearly a threat — seemed like less and less of an imminent danger. If he’d planned on killing the class and draining them of their energy, he would have done so already; Kit Renard was clearly strong enough to take on the entire class at once, perhaps without even breaking a sweat. He was clearly a man competent of picking his fights carefully and gauging his own strengths and weaknesses, so the only reason why he would feel comfortable teasing the class so — especially Sebastian, the most intimidating of the group — was because he felt that they were no threat. So, Brynn figured that Renard was here for some other reason — mysterious and unknown to the class, but prearranged by Lehrer. Indeed, Lehrer was the only reason why Renard had bothered with the students in the first place, and despite her distrust of Lehrer, Brynn found herself again willing to trust the teacher’s intentions, whatever they may be.

So, silently she sat, not uttering a word of protest — or concurrence since doing so would be inappropriate. It wasn’t her place to speak up, and although Winter was clearly uncomfortable being the focus of this particular group of students and staff, Brynn figured that her keeping quiet would escort everything on its way more quickly. Something had clearly happened at the party — something Brynn couldn’t remember — and Winter was the key to fixing that problem.

Her power — helping people “remember?” But she’s clearly able to see their memories as well so… Mind reading? Memory reading? Brynn wondered, both intrigued and threatened by her friend’s newfound powers. Although Winter said she was unfamiliar with her powers, Brynn wondered if that was wholly accurate. Perhaps the blonde had gained her friendship — and that of many others — through her powers? Unlikely, Brynn thought, but kept the thought in the back of her mind as she listened to Winter. Although she is quite adept at working with others.

When Aiden leaned forward and touched Winter, Brynn didn’t know what she expected to happen, but she had definitely not expected the silent stillness that followed. There they stood, Aiden and Winter, eyes closed and both clearly affected by something. Winter was using her powers, and it was clearly taking a toll on her, although Brynn couldn’t properly gauge how much. The blonde appeared to be intensely focused — perhaps to access her power, or perhaps in an effort to control them. Aiden, on the other hand, appeared to be rapidly paling, blatantly affected by whatever he was seeing. Not a pleasant memory, I’d imagine, Brynn concluded, crossing her arms on her desk as she waited. There would clearly be no class today.

When Winter broke the contact between Aiden and delivered the final statement — it wasn’t Kit Renard at the party — Brynn wasn’t surprised. Her prior conclusion that Renard had enough power to easily take the whole class out supported that he wasn’t the enemy, so there was no reason why he’d be the mysterious “hooded man” at the party. Did he set the fire? Brynn wondered. No — that was Aiden. But he had something to do with it.

Renard’s short explanation that came next — apathetically suave in a rough, business-like way with a steady confidence Brynn admired — was relatively horrifying to Brynn since she figured herself one of the said “incompetent.” Having just discovered her power — rather, just recently accepted that she had a power — she was clearly ways behind her classmates in fluency. Aiden, Sebastian, and Evander were definitely fluent with theirs, and Brynn wouldn’t have been surprised if Belle turned out to be as well. Winter was perhaps the closest to her, having said that she didn’t “fully know” the extent of her powers, but she’d just proven herself capable of doing something much more advanced than what Brynn could.

Again, she was frozen in her seat with fear, but this time of herself — of her own ability, because she was unable to meet the standard. All her life, Brynn Reyes had chased perfection — the highest standard, whatever that was — but it was clear here that she didn’t even begin to meet it. Her life of perfect scores had been speckled by some near-perfects, sure, but she was not being told that she had earned an F — a fail. She hadn’t passed, and she wouldn’t, clearly — not with her current skills.

”Removed” — from the class? Brynn wondered hollowly as Renard announced lunch. Rising from her seat, she joined the tidy file out of the classroom, moving more by instinct than by thought. While she’d been able to lead the herd at times, perhaps content to lend her leadership to others when she felt gracious, she now belonged at the back of it. She lacked the skill of a leader — perhaps even of a competent follower. ”Removed” — removed from the class, or from the world? she wondered, eyes lifting to glance at Kit Renard. Would an incompetent follower be weeded from the flowerbed, since they only served to drain resources in the first place?

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