Avatar of underworldqueen


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I need an Rp fantasy, werewolf would be great but will look at others. will do private 1:1 or groups.
4 yrs ago
are there any werewolf RPG's out there?
4 yrs ago
Been in the hospital, I had t get my gallbladder removed. Now Im laid up fro 2 weeks
4 yrs ago
Today is National wear your Pjs to work day!!
1 like
4 yrs ago
Baking a bunch of goodies, homemade cinnamon rolls, lavender cupcakes with a honey cream cheese frosting and some cookies...going to be a good day!


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Most Recent Posts

she smiled "you worried i will disappear?" she teased him. "my father would have to be mad to take me from your home" she says to him

"baby stuff, so you already knew before the appointment?" he said to her

Gage ordered 2 whiskeys. He gave Nathan the drink. Nathan was looked around them and spotted a women at the bar. he nudged Gage he rolled his eyes.

Nathan smiled and moved over to the left side of the women "hello" he said in a deep tone. "how is your time here going?" he asked her

Name: Gage
gender: Male
Speices: Vampire

Name: Nathan
Gender: Male
SPeices: Vampire
2 men walk into the house and into the ballroom. They were talking and laughing. they looked around and shrugged figuring this would do for now. they walk over to the bar and order a few drinks.
"really?" she says "you didnt have to stay with me. it had to be boring for you" she says to him

he held her hand as they walked into the house, he looks at the packages that were being brought in "what did you buy?" he asked her seeing bags.
"i dont want you to worry mouse" Brandon says to her. they soon get back to James's place. he oens the door and gets out then helps Elizabeth out.

Kali read for a few hours before setting the book down and stretching. She sits up seeing James still there. "what have you been doing this whole time?
tala was listening in on the conversation "excuse me, but i feel she met in the way of blood" she says to Eric and then looking at Serena

(you know you put nora in there instead right?"
Tala nodded and watched her walk over to Eric. she sighed here she had hoped to have someone to talk too, but the girl didnt return. she finishes the food on her plate and gets up and goes and asked a guy to dance.
he kissed her hands "you will make a great mother" he told her "our baby girl will be perfect" he says to her

she was back to her reading. "are you going to sit there and watch me read?" she asked him smiling.
Tala nodded "quite a bit actually, drama from a family, not mine, they arent here thank god" she said "someone elses" she says "oh that guy there walking around thats Eric the host of the ball, need anything just talk to him he can get it for you" she told serena.
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