Avatar of VKAllen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2938 (0.77 / day)
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    1. VKAllen 10 yrs ago


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1 yr ago
Current You've heard of BBW and BBQ, but have you heard of BMW? Neither have I, they never signal their turn.
7 yrs ago
@Cyndyr, ho ho! Jk, I don't have the power to track that down.
7 yrs ago
Whatever credit is left is flushed down the toilet for them. #CNNBlackmail
7 yrs ago
Critically failing perception checks is in muh blood.
7 yrs ago
I swear, I think Optus had some dickhead accidentally hit the restart button on their systems.
1 like


Thank you for visiting my biography.

I am just a typical Aussie Young Adult juggling social life and work at the same time.

I have not roleplayed in years. I thought maybe I'll re-login once in a while and see how the Guild is going.

I have lost touch with the friends that I've made while I was a resident here. Those of you who were my friends, know that I enjoyed my time roleplaying with you and I hope that it is mutual.

I hope to see you in another life.

Most Recent Posts

Magnificent writing, one that certainly puts mine to shame (as anyone else's always does...).

Time to make prompt arrival.
@rivaan been thinking them to keep my interest.
<Snipped quote by VKAllen>

What did you want me to reply here?

Seems I have misunderstood your previous statemebt. Please disregard my comment :P

@rivaan Yes, they do have superior senses to examine everything with great detail, but I think in terms of recognising a face through a distance might still require binoculars. We shall see anyway...

Uhh. You want me to reply? To what?

No. Question unclear.

@rivaan I wonder if Scilla noticed Ferghus.
@NecroKnight Henceforth I made a post that made my character approach without drawing conclusion to what is the scream. I simply will wait til the conspirers reveal it.
@Jones Sparrow what I read; "Theres no post order, but I do ask you for a post order."

Hurr hurr.

@ManoftheNorth based on his first post, its either late morning or mid afternoon at most.
@NecroKnight Glad you liked it. I have added that to Ferghus' relations.
@NecroKnight Absolutely. Something I can work with. How's this?

"Sometimes the people that he encountered in the Continent are far more interesting than the contracts Ferghus undertakes. Such was the case of a particular female individual whom he witnessed picking herself a monster contract on the notice boards despite of her blindness. What thickened the atmosphere further was when she had realised she was being watched-- a quick dart that Ferghus felt when the eyes behind the cloth had locked on to his."

Aight. So what are you meaning to ask with this? That Ferghus knows she isn't blind or not?

This depends on your decision if you want him to have taken contracts with her or not. If she did, very likely chance that he would know. If she didn't, then I'll do a simple first impression kind of blurb.
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