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5 yrs ago
*Lies in a gravestone reading 0.21*
5 yrs ago
AND I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD, posts will be coming out by the end of the week
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5 yrs ago
Been a rough week, but will get my replies out by the end of the weekend
5 yrs ago
My body has been awake for 24+ hours and I'm probably going to be awake for another 24; let's get posting
5 yrs ago
Finals are almost halfway done but oh well - slower posting due to that, back on scheduel next week
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[ UTC -8 ]

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Heavenly Steel // Black Peace
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It's not just you...I've been keeping an eye on the cast list and noticed the gender 'imbalance' within the houses...but like you said, it's not a problem whatsoever. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

One thing I'm glad (and surprised) is rather balanced are the levels/tiers. Not everyone is playing at top level and that makes things more dynamic.

Haha yeah

laughs nervously in Virtuoso with one character who is not a V2 only because she's too lazy to properly apply herself
@Briza Genevieve sounds remarkably well adjusted for having two mad scientists as parents. Having a flintlock in this day and age does bring that into question though.
In Vox Test Box 5 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
Hey hey! Just popping my head in to see if you still have rooma vailable? It's been a while since I've dipped my feet into the Naruto-verse, but I am interested in participating if you'll have me!
No worries for the wait! On my end I probably won't be able to get a reply out until probably next week, but I'll see what I can do#
Magic I can handle. Summons from another realm I can handle. Horrible nightmarish chimeric creatures I can handle. But this?!

Yes, your character shares a room with three others. The rooms are large enough so that there is ample space for everyone to feel comfortable.

In an academy setting?!

My suspension of disbelief is broken I demand a refund

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