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Current Just curious if anyone is interested in a Pathfinder 2e Revised game? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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2 yrs ago
Like Sci-fi? Like the Wild West? Firefly: Second Verse's lookin' for a Pilot, Companion, First Mate, and Mechanic: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
The crew is booking up for this class three Firefly. Get in while the git’n’s good!
3 yrs ago
Our Firefly game is finally up! Come gander over yonder: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Just put out an interest checker for a new Firefly game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Drop by if you're curious!


Linux makes me happy, Blender helps me art, and Solus solved a lot of my problems.

I'm here because I like to RP in depth with high quality writing. Now, don't mistake me for high quality; I'm just hoping it rubs off.

Sharing cohost/GM duties with Sail3695 of "Firefly - Second 'Verse." Advanced game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186036-fir…

Pretty much all my posts are collaborations posted by others on our game!

I put some art works in progress here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/185966-art…

Most Recent Posts


As Elaeshor quit the company of the common folk, he could hear laughter erupting, most certainly at his expense. A glance over the kitsune's shoulder would have confirmed as much had he seen the way the fisherman imitated the 'elf's' coat tails swishing. Still, the laughter didn't sound all that mean spirited; after all, the pair of jesters didn't really know Elaeshor, did they? Did anyone?

Alandri looked up from her work before lifting the next bucket to her cottage, which for a gnome, was quite a handful. She watched Saur during his explanation, interjecting with 'mmhmm's and 'oh's as necessary. Once he had finished his tale, Alandri mentally tallied the bevy of fish from all the heroes and looked back at the kobold with a sincere expression. "Yes, I think that's a fine way to make amends," Alandri conceded before handing her bucket to Saur. The live fish gaped at Saur, then at the sky, presumably happy to have been spared Jenk and his pitchfork, though feeling very much like a fish out of water.

Fleur's walkabout had been an informative one. She learned that the city itself was a large dais with the school, the Magaambya, at the center of the various rings of canals. As such, she gained a good sense of direction for getting back to the school, and more importantly, to Teacher Ot's office for their lesson. She remembered, in the cool of the morning, their sponsor bidding them to come back by midday for their lesson. Fleur arrived just in time to hear Elaeshor's query to the group at large, between the tripkee, the goblin, and the 'elf.'

"Surely she does not... expect us to be back to fish for her tomorrow as well, now does she?"

End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

Saur has his fish in a bucket, Fleur has rejoined the group. What happens next?
No problem, as everyone can see, I've had a bad week or so. Work has cranked it up for me here, and it hasn't let up.

Still, I'll get an update out tonight for everyone.

Thanks for the heads up @clanjos and @Vertigo. Best of luck to both of you, and we'll be here when you resurface.

Look for an update tonight gang!
@PatientBean I wrote your character as leaving after breakfast; after Fleur realized there would be "Manual Labor" involved. See this post: roleplayerguild.com/posts/5556197

Feel free to retcon this. I just posted a reason, but there could be a new and better reason she was called away for the morning.
@PatientBean Fleur can jump in now! They've just finished fishing and are looking at what to do next. :D
@Digizel Thanks, it's good to hear how people feel about the relaxed speed. Maybe we can organize specific scenes to be relaxed and some to be more deadline-driven.

Saur's thoughts and feelings here are exactly what drive us to do this! Saur is a member of a clutch, now. Why don't you have him appeal to the rest of the group as to his plans? Maybe they support him and suddenly it's a group scene as opposed to a one-off.

As far as Alandri is concerned, have Saur ask for/buy a fish as she's going back and forth with the buckets of fish from the bank to the shack.
Alright all the latest post is up!

Before we jump back into our agreed upon two-day rhythm, how did everyone feel about the relaxed pace? Was it nice? Was it too long? I know the game ground slower due to real life, but I want to see how people feel about the wait. Personally, I like 2-3 days between GM updates, but that may just be me!

On the bank of the river, a seemingly silk-clad elf and a ruddy-faced fisherman exchanged words in the waxing sunlight of morning. There was something about the elf, it could have been his elaborate dress or the way he moved his head to the side as he requested the fisherman's 'littlest of fishes' that made the old codger grin and push up his tri-pointed hat. "You lerk like a fancy 'chaise longue' escaped from the pal-lace!" The dirt-covered man shook his head, unable or unwilling to conceal his laughter. "Ooh, that's good. Tell you wot, Ah caught this one early, but hadn't throwed it back yet." The fisherman gestured to the bucket at their feet, in which swam a healthy looking fish. He looked carefully at the elf's manicured fingers. "Take the bucket. I'll bum one off Iyani, there." The fisherman gestured to his acquaintance with another laugh, stepping away from Tanraeth. As he left the elf and the bucket in his spot, Tanraeth could hear him say, "Iyani, wait 'til you hear about this feller!"

Tanraeth now has one live, green-pearlescent, fish swimming in a bucket. It looks up at him, gaping, as if joining the fisherman's jest at the elf's expense.

Jenk, taking full advantage of his bubbling scale's abilities, was successful in catching one more fish in his phase bolts which shot out in rapid succession. Once the goblin was finished with his onslaught, he would be able to gather the three fish he had caught in this way, or what was left of them after his phase bolts did their worst.

Saur redoubled his efforts, sliding through the water with ease. Thanks to his keen senses and patience, a group of confused fish swam dangerously close to the primed kobold, in an attempt to flee Jenk's ire. In one quick movement, Saur released the coiled energy in his body and surged forward toward the school. In the moments that followed the kobold was able to lay hold of two fish, stunned by his speed. Even though fishing underwater slowed movement, Saur's efforts had been rewarded.

 With a whistle, Alandri beckons her assistants to the shoreline. As the four returned, all bearing fish in various numbers, her gnomish eyes widen in excitement. "What a haul! You all have done so well!" Her gaze falls to Tanraeth's catch, then back to Tanraeth's clothing, and nods her head in understanding. 

On the shore, Alandri organizes the fish buckets into living and holey fish ('Still good for stew', she thinks). Alandri reaches into her pack as she approaches Saur, eye to eye, "You have done such a wonderful job," her purple locks fall every which way as her energetic movement punctuates her declaration. "Please, take this badge as a thank you for how you've risen to the challenge today. Your technique was inspiring. You caught more fish this morning than I do in a day." As the gnome hands him a Lion Badge, she bobs her head in thanks to Saur, a sort of nonchalant bow. 

Alandri assesses the fish Jenk caught with a nod, "I might have to get me one of those pitchforks! Thank you for all your help today." She hands Jenk a Lion Badge.

As she meets Starfinger's gaze, Alandri hands him a badge as well, "Your trap was a sight to behold; not a single timber, yet just as effective. You're quite resourceful; thank you."

As she turns to regard the group, she stops short, finger raised to the air, "I almost forgot!" She reaches back into her pack to distribute an additional Bubbling Scale to the entire party. "This is for tomorrow! See you then!" The gnome waves at each of you before beginning the trek back to her shack just up the embankment, one bucket at a time.

The party now stands on the banks for the Vanji river after this morning's exertions. It's not quite noon, but you all remember that Teacher Ot is expecting the group in his office at midday to begin your next lesson. The city streets of Nantambu are full of activity now, with carts and mules, merchants, and students from the Magaambya going about their business. The school at the heart of the city is about a twenty minute walk away.

What do you do?

End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

@vertigo Tanraeth caught one fish! "Caught" is a loose term... Tanraeth gains a Bubbling Scale.

@Digizel Saur critically succeeded! At a higher DC, he gets two more fish, for a total of four fish. He has earned Alandri's trust and respect. Saur has earned an additional Hero point for a total of two. In addition, he gains a Lion Badge and a Bubbling Scale.

@rush99999 Jenk succeeded! He gets one more fish, for a total of three holey fish. Jenk gains a Lion Badge and a Bubbling Scale.

@clanjos Starfinger's total is two fish! Starfinger gains a Lion Badge and a Bubbling Scale.

NOTE: A Lion Badge is a talisman worn on the armor. I'm going to adjust the rules for the badge so that the wearer is not required to be an Expert in Will saves, otherwise no one in the party could use them (and you may need them! (**FORESHADOWING**)).
@Vertigo Thanks for that! Looking at the mechanics, it looks like you get a Shameless Request, which can lower the DC of a check by -2 for an 'outrageous request,' and we'll say that the outrageous thing in this situation is that a silk-clad elf is asking a fish-gut-clad fisherman to 'touch the gross stuff' for them. The check for this particular request was 12, so that lowers the DC to 10! Tanraeth/Elaeshor succeeds!
@Digizel Are you thinking that Saur will continue his stealthy approach with a second try? If so, you can set another stealth roll with a +1 and a higher DC this time. If you want to try something new, let me know!
@Vertigo I'm having trouble finding the feat you mentioned "Nudging Whisper." I'm looking in PC1 and PC2 and on archive of Nethys, but I've had no luck. Could you give me the source?

I have yet to look at your post, but I wanted to get up to speed here first.
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