Avatar of Wildman13
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 644 (0.21 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Wildman13 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Problems with the internet once more.


Life is peaceful needs a little chaos in it.

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@o0V0o Ok now you can post your introductory post now.
Is interesting the word?

Maybe. it ain't the best word but I still want you all to still enjoy the RP.
Forgot to add a mention i was talking to the new guy

Its fine, I also need to keep you all interested bro. I'll start writing the second post, so that I can finally read your interesting reactions.

Are you done with your nation? we still have time though just reminding.
Get postin bro.

Me? I believe @Liotrent turn to post for now. But, I'll start writing the next post.
Well, here's my nation sheet. I await approval

Interesting, so an enemy of legacy then. I will accept the challenge. XD

Been waiting for an enemy of legacy to emerge, and by your post you would know something about the truth behind Legacy then. Now for the nation, I would say, yes it is approved but, I would still like to know more about your Laser, Railguns, and Coil guns prototypes. Your entrance in this world, would drastically alter the history of the world in a way but, since you have been quiet and didn't openly opposed legacy during the years. Also, if you have a character now add that first.

If you were however active just let me know. but, other than that you are ok to enter.
I'm interested.
Yes, I can have more time to improve the Rarians.
Yeah I think so, been busy these last few days so I may have missed something.

Its fine, just to let you know that we still time to let others join in.
This is the map of the world. For everyone that doesn't have discord or wants to see the world then you are welcome. The map was suggested by @Malta307

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