Avatar of WingsOfBronze
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 333 (0.12 / day)
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    1. WingsOfBronze 7 yrs ago


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Current oh god. help.
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Anime is real.
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I'm here in my garage- with my lamborghini. You know what is better than my lamborghini? Knowledge. I have 3000 books and I read one book everyday.
7 yrs ago
I deal with self-sustaining depression that makes me aware of the deep wrongs of the society of the world that surrounds us.. no. not really.
7 yrs ago
A lone warrior surviving hundreds of battles, when it comes to losing, I'm the strongest.


Bio means life.

Boi means here come dat boiii. (o shit waddup!)

Most Recent Posts

@Landaus Five-One

moon hurts me eyes.
the battle is upon us!

@Etherean Fire@Crosswire@Holy Soldier
In the game, it doesn't matter if the player is OP, because no matter how it is, Sans just really have 1 HP. aaand maybe we can change that? So maybe I'll back up the idea of Sans entering Spyro world. Can Bartz participate at Smash before Spyro?

I'll make Sans linger around at EXP Events, make him stronger through it until achieved a Special Ability. His next general abilities would be the blasters and the psychokinesis. And uh, you can hit Sans if you just want his attention or it has no real reason to kill him.
@Landaus Five-One

you should be mr sunny. living in the sunny homes, in the sunny isles.. calling your sun sonny, stuff like that.
"I will go, but tell me exactly where. Maybe this time I'll actually try." Shanna giggled, floating at the nearby large window stepping on the ledge, her back facing Luna. She gazed at the land below her for a unit of time, the grass slowly fading from the grasp of sunlight, the trees darkening slowly without the shades of the sun, the clouds darkening into the lovely evening hue. The sun dramatically hiding behind the mountains.

"But.. You should also trust in the dark, for some are no bite and only bark. Use fear against fear, destroy the destroyer! That's how it's done! O-hohohohoho! " Shanna laughed overconfidently, as she gazed outside. It's nearly dark, and suddenly, Shanna shivers, her laugh stopping abruptly. "I think they are here." She said aloud, her eyes directly far away to an odd part of a far forest, the leaves are darker than the rest.

Shanna floated towards Luna, landing infront of her and pulling a white cloth from a portal that led directly to her room, her staff's orb glowed light blue, and Shanna snapped her fingers. Little amount of water splashed at the little cloth, making it damp. She offered it to Luna, taking her hand and placed the cloth on her palms. "A warning at this rate should suffice, I'll scout the forest- I'm off to the abyss!" Shanna smirked at her, she would offer her hand for Luna to help her stand up, but a little chainspeller cannot do that at her height and physical form.

@Holy Soldier

Spyro's World!! YeAH I'll use Sans since Bartz are in the Smash.

"Sure." Fasuto materialized two daggers that has electricity charged in it. "Ready, Ennave?" Fasuto faced his spider. The spider nodded and Fasuto smiles.
@Holy Soldier

thank you, man!
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