Avatar of Winter Star12
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1655 (0.72 / day)
  • VMs: 10
  • Username history
    1. Winter Star12 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
4 yrs ago
I'd describe the season of fall to be calm, peaceful, comforting and a bit sad. During fall, the world is preparing to rest for a quiet, cold, and grey winter.
4 yrs ago
The story lingers on.... but the version that is drawn is T̸W̸I̴S̵T̴E̸D̸
1 like
4 yrs ago
Let's save the pitiful children, woah! Let's save the pitiful children, woah! Let's teach the pitiful children, who just haven't a clue! - The Pitiful Children from Be More Chill
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4 yrs ago
"It hurts the most when the person who have you the best memories... ends up being a memory." - Jiraiya from Naruto


Hi! I'm Winter Star... I'm pretty shy except in roleplay. I'm interested into mystery, fantasy, and horror roleplay and maybe the occasional anime roleplay

Most Recent Posts

@XoXKieroBombXoX Oh a ghost character nice! He's accepted!!
@TheGrundlesnart Accepted!
I was once involved in a naked conga line. (Details at eleven)

I actually do kinda need details now that you mention it.... you've made me intrigued dammit!
@Winter Star12
I was diagnosed with something too. Years ago.

Asperger's syndrome buddies. :3
I was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome and I know I'm not broken... just a little different.
Granted but it costs my own happiness.

I wish I could be really good at being creepy. (Who needs happiness when you have creepiness?)
@Assallya She is accepted!

@Rusalka Thanks for letting me know!
Name: Mira Seishin (Everyone calls her the beginning of her last name Sei and she just goes along with it)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Moon Elf (I think it's a cool species so don't question me)
Looks: Pale blue skin, silvery eyes, long white hair pulled back into a ponytail, wears a black shirt, dark grey pants, and starlight silver boots, has her birch wood bow resting on her shoulder and her quiver is filled with arrows marked with a moon symbol
Personality: Quiet, fairly calm, can get annoyed easily, helpful at times, incredibly competitive
Skills: Very perceptive, keeps calm under stressful situation, a master of hand to hand combat as well as archery
Oh hey! Thanks for letting me know!
The second one, it allows members of the roleplay to have fun with it and do whatever and allows the roleplay to go on for a little while longer.
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