Avatar of World Traveler
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    1. World Traveler 10 yrs ago


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Casual role player who enjoys collaborative posts and good stories!

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I should have my first post up before the end of day Sunday *didn't realize a major event was already happening!!!*

Is that too long a delay? If so I can try and work something up in the next few hours. If not you can work like my character softly followed the other students into the room in question and just poked around using a ruler instead of his hands.
I am very interested. please keep us in the loop on this! I would be very interested in a cartographer style character who isn't so much earning money by finding treasure but earning money by creating and drafting maps of the regions on the other side of the gate.
Okay silence speaks volumes in this case. I will be reopening this role play for applications at this time.


Are both of you interested in staying on and joining in the reboot of this role play or would you like to step down as well?
<Snipped quote by World Traveler>

Happy to be aboard! Also asking this question here, instead of via pm, in case others have a similar query: Are they (meaning the parents and our future spylings) part of Verita or native intelligence corps? Or both?

Your parents are a part of BOTH their direct intelligence agency as well as secretly members of Verita. None of the parents of our characters will be solely members of Verita. In part that is what the Academy program is designed to do (Create Verita only agents).
Welcome aboard @Infernal Flame!
Awwwwwww tuck it! @Ryteb Pymeroce getting in on this! Well get ready to have your writing responded in kind good sir. Cause this guy here is all about the replying in character to interactions with other writers in the story!
Addition Information About The Academy Program

Leadership / Teaching Staff

REDACTED - William Stephenson - Verita Leadership

REDACTED - Elizabeth Lew - Logistics and Travel Training

REDACTED - Nathan Hale - Information & Communications Training

REDACTED - Alexander Koral - Tactical & Support Training

REDACTED - Rose Greenhow - Diplomacy and Negotiation Training

REDACTED - Fritz Duquesne - Weapons and Firearms Training

REDACTED - Sherry Chen - Close Quarters Combat Training

REDACTED - Rabinder Singh - Resident Administrator

Facilities / Living Quarters

The Academy Classroom - At this location all pre and post mission briefs are held. Specific lectures also happen here as well as some communication with Verita.

Student Apartment Complex - All Academy students are housed in a single London Flat code named 'Black Box' but more often referred to as the 'shoe box'. The location has several safe rooms along with a full operations and support room, personal bedrooms and bathrooms for every occupant along with an indoor pool and gym facilities.

Oxford, UK - Hide in plain sight is a common phrase in the spy world. What better place to hide a secret spy program then at a city with over 40,000 students in it. Located an hour away from London by train the city is vibrant, young, and green. With several organizations that unknowingly partner with Verita.

The Academy 'Syllabus'

Training - Everything your sponsor to The Academy made you do led up to surviving The Academy training. Surprise exercise on and off campus are a regular occurrence. The only options besides keeping up is to fail and to do so is not an option. There is more than one way to succeed.

Exams - Exams are delivered in a myriad of ways that seem to only be limited by the training officers imagination. The only consistency is that Exams actually mean live mission exercise. Simply take a tour of a countries embassy all the way to assist with the extraction of an asset are a few examples of previous exams.

REDACTED Test - Very little is known about a students REDACTED test. What is known is that it is the most dangerous task assigned in The Academy with numinous students being labeled MIA or worse.

Final Report - Before a student is confirmed to have graduated they must undergo a Final Report debrief of their REDACTED test and entire time at The Academy. This is is said to be the most comprehensive meeting of an agents life even outdoing a retirement debrief. Reviewing everything from the students background and actions to that of their contacts and family members.

Graduation - Upon graduation a student from the Academy is granted full membership into the ranks of Verita and assigned to a director of a specific region or program. During the graduation ceremony a student is given their formal code name.
I should have a post up before end of day tomorrow! Great to be writing with you @SimpleWriter!
@World Traveler

Just finished watching knives out and heat. Gotta say they were really great movies. Knives out really brought back the gentleman detective while heat showed me the amazing back and forth between getting caught and getting away Scott free. Thanks to that I actually have a new idea :)

Ummm WOW THANK YOU! This might be the first time I actually heard of someone following up on a movie recommendation that isn't in theaters lol

Happy you liked Knives Out as it was the real surprise of the past few years for me movie wise. Also happy to say that they have confirmed a sequel (unsure if it will be mainly the detective character of the main woman who gets the story)

Check out Murder on the Orient Express if you liked Knives Out or Clue as they are both also murder mysteries done well in film form though MOTOE is a little older (1970's) so it isn't everyone's cup of tea. That said if you do like it then go back further and watch The Thin Man film series as those are some of my favorite of all time in the murder mystery films.

Happy it gave you some ideas :D
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