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"I feel like I could eat the whole world raw."
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When one of us goes to war. We all go to war.
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Here's a limmerick There once was a team out of Haven with an outlook as black as a raven they were meant to fight BANK but our hearts all but sank WHEN WE HEARD THAT THEY'D RUN HOME AND TURNED CRAVEN
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When you realize you gotta make an IC intro post and just '...'
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The worst person is me.
Who knows maybe I messed up, who knows. No one.

@Crimmy @Plank Sinatra
Behind the Café

"Yes, I know... And yet." I trailed off. I knew whwat I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it. But for some reason it was still hard.

"I don't regret it at all. Because you're here with me and we're figuring this out one step at a time." I said still holding onto Gratia's hand with two of my own shaking slightyl still. "I'm sorry for the headache I've caused you, I know this has been more than you ever deserved to deal with. But I wouldn't hae been able to do it without you." I knew I didn't deserve the girl.

It was so odd.

She was smaller than she seemed.

To me Gratia always seemed larger than life. Massive even, like a huge pillar of will. Jericho was like that too.

I felt small in comparison.

"I don't know how I'll ever make this up to you. I think about it sometimes when I'm trying to sleep at night. How will I ever pay back Gratia Mindaro?"

"I don't know yet, and I don't think I ever will know. Just something I will carry with me, not unlike Vittoria's death. A feeling that no matter what, I owe you, that I need you to be a part of my life."

@Crimmy @Plank Sinatra
Behind the Café

I wanted to tell Gratia that it wasn't that easy. That I wasn't chasing normalcy out of some kind of idea that that would erase everything that had happened already. That I just wanted to feel comfortable again.

But she was right and I knew it.

"I understand." Then came the question of regret.

I wish the situation had played out differently....

“Your Mistralian sounds like you’ve spent a lot of time in the lower end, some poor lower class whor-“ Vitoria began, she was stopped severely and instantly by a palm striking the side of her face, in an instant.

The rain smashed into the side of the car with a similar amount of ferocity. Bianca hadn't noticed the rain at the time, only on going back and thinking on it did she remeber the weather that night. In fact, she was surprised by how much she didn't remember. They weren't in some dark void, they were on a street. With houses, the smell of baked goods infiltrated her memory. It was something she hadn't noticed. All she smelled was blood and gunpowder.

As Bianca watched Vitoria begin to reach forward she considered her semblance for approximately a quarter of a second, but with the amount of aura she had it wouldn’t have done anything. In less than one more second her ears rang uncontrollably, her hands shaking violently as Vitoria fell away from Gratia Mindaro and Bianca’s eyesight caved in from her peripheral vision focusing instead on what was directly in front of her.

And then it ended.

"Gratia I have always thought that my greatest fortune was having you for a friend. You're an incredibly strong woman and I believe that you could've snuffed Vittoria out in a moment." I started taking a grasp of Gratia's hand as it retreated back to the ponytailed girl's side. "But I couldn't risk losing you. I do not regret it at all."

@Crimmy @Plank Sinatra
Behind the Café

"Okay. I'll look up a few places, we can pick one together you feel good about and I'll start getting some professional counciling. Twice a week is the best I can do with my schedule." I said once more feeling the desperate pinch of Gratia's fingernails in my forearm. My flat expression began to give way to the stiffest upper lip I could manage.

"I'm sorry."

@Crimmy @Plank Sinatra
Behind the Café

There was truth and validity in the other girl's words. But...

I could feel the sting of her fingers digging through the thin fabric of my shirt and into my arm. It acted as a sort of grounding, to this moment.

"I'm sorry, Gratia. I apologize that you don't like how I'm dealing with this. That I'm not laying on the couch in some office expositing an entire history of how my father always wanted my sister to be the proper Nuit, and that no matter how hard I tried to impress him in everything that I was and did, he never offered as much as a second glance in my direction until my mother died." I stood up straighter and faced Gratia. "Then I could tell him about my mother's funeral, about how while I stood there alone crying after my father's eulogy and my sister had to leave to pack her bags for Beacon I was beaten. Dragged through the mud and the muck. Taken to a warehouse, beaten more, had my wings hoisted above my head for buyers to see, had the feathers plucked out by a disgusting bitch with an attraction to pain. Then I could tell him how that made me feel. How I didn't want to shoot her. Because that wouldn't be enough. I could tell him how I listened to other girls die in the same room as me. They pleaded for anyone to help them, that because my semblance couldn't break cast iron I listened to the death of fifteen other girls before I got the chance to send a letter. You think I'm chasing Jericho's dick?"

I asked my chest rising and falling faster than I had realized. Gratia's fingers and cold eyes still dug into me. But I couldn't feel the pain anymore. My eyes were still flat, just like my best friends.

"I'm chasing the fleeting sensation I had when I spoke to him for the first time on the cruise. I'm chasing normalcy and I'm not going to find it on the couch of a therapist. I know that I wanted her dead and I know that isn't the right thing to want. I understand that no one would ever consider that 'my fault' because of what I went through. I know the steps I'm supposed to take, the excercises I should be doing, that I shouldn't jump into new situations because my current state is fragile. I'm aware. I just don't care anymore." I finished staring directly back at Gratia completely unwavering. I had only felt two fleeting moments of normalcy since the night I was kidnapped...

My vision shook for a moment. This was Gratia, she was as much a sister to me as Estelle was. I loved her.

So why then?

Why was I so mad?

"You want me to speak with a shrink." I said back to myself, calmly and slowly. My mind flashed between a few images, feathers on the ground, my chains holding me to the ground, Vitoria's corpse on the ground. "I'm fine." I answered, my eyes adopting a cold flatness not unlike Gratia's herself. I didn't want to scream anymore. I didn't want to yell or tear my hair out. I just shut it all off once more.

This was how Gratia worried. I understood that. I knew it and before I might've loved it, even reveled it. But right now, I felt suffocated.

"I overstepped and I get that bugs you. So I'll fix it." I said watching as someone walked by Gratia and I and waited until they were out of earshot before continuing. "But you're going to have to give me a fucking minute to get over shooting a girl in the head." I said, my fist shaking a bit more than it had any right to. I knew I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me, my father always told me it was my ugliest side. I saw the car pull over to the side of the road. I was supposed to be picking up papa in that. Perfect timing, I wanted to leave.

"Thank you for your concern." I said moving past Gratia and towards the cafe to see if Jericho wanted to come along or not.

“Well in my-“

No come on girl, you know her you you’re talking to here. This is Gratia. Shoot up a Mafioso’s headquarters to get you back Gratia. Oh man.

“Something I shouldn’t have done.” I said looking down like a child who had been caught stealing. Gratia had this way of looking at someone. Whether she cared for them or not, that could make them confess all their sins faster than Jericho could get them out of you with any number of office supplies.

“And it was for a dumb reason.” I continued, knowing that the jig was up. But Hayley had been smiled at by Jericho! That was so unfair. The only time I had seen smile was…

I let out a long sigh.

“I have to give her the store and not make her move out to the wastes, huh?” I said glancing at Gratia’s statuesque face that refused to blink, breathe, react, or portray emotion. Yeah I did have to go give her the store to make up for it.

It was just that I got so angry. The only other time he had gotten so much as a grin was back on the cruise.

I studied the super spy in my bathroom. He leaned backwardss against the sink, stitching a stab wound on his right abdomen while I sat on the toilet seat. My handbag in my hand and my beautiful evening dress looking a little disheveled.

"Well the idea was, if he came in and he was the killer I'd kill him first." I said matter-of-factly to the waitor as he glanced up at me through the corner of his eye.

"How would you know he was the killer?" He asked paying more attention to the wound.

"Well the soundtrack would've alerted me probably." I said, half-joking. These spy movies always had their soundtracks.

"The...the soundtrack?" He asked, stopping and holding the needle for a second in complete bewilderment.

"you know? Ba duh, ba duh, ba duh ba duh ba duh." I said humming along to the classic tune.

"..." Oh, Jesus. He shook his head in disbelief before going back to the sewing, he wasn't doing a particularly great job, but in fairness he could barely see what he was doing. "So if you had walked in while I was listening to music and stitching myself up in there, you would have tried to kill me."

"Depends on the genre." I noted as he once again stopped and put the needle down. It seemed this conversation needed his full attention.

"The musical cue you just described is the backbone of four of my favorite six Ella Fitzgerald songs." He said staring holes through my eyes.

"Yeah well the thing about that is." I started standing up, almost triumphantly. "I didn't kill you did I?" I finished, cooly. This elicited a sarcastic chuckle from Jericho as I made my way over to the side with the stab wound. It was less of a laugh and perhaps more of a "I don't believe you." The wound was somewhat grisly.

"I was shirtless and disheveled in your bathroom. If my read on you is correct, you would have been distracted long enough for me to grab a makeshift weapon and incapacitate you had you tried." He lectuerd as I plopped my handbag beside him and got to work sewing the wound close, fixing the handiwork he had put himself through.

"But I was already holding my weapon silly." I corrected motioning towards my handbag, noticing his confusion a litle but deciding to ignore it.

"Your bathroom has seventeen that would have knocked you out long enough for me to finish stitching and sneak out." he said after a very brief moment of silence. That was quite the analysis, and he was right as far as he was aware.

"I think I may surprise you yet secret agent." I said with a small smile, dipping the needle into his flesh in order to seal the wound.

"I don't know if I want that." He responded abjectly.

"Oh you definitely don't." I assured him. "For example, you missed one of the weapon's in the room. There's eighteen."

"Enlighten me." He asked, confused, seemingly scanning the room once more.

"In the toilet filter." I replied remembering Gratia putting the handgun in the toilet filter should anything happen during the cruise.

"..." Heh. I caught the reflection of his lips curling ever so slightly into a small grin as he closed his eyes while I finished the final stitch. "Fair enough, rookie."

It’s like Gratia always said. “If you’re going to be a sociopath I’m going to have to shoot you.”


“I feel bad, I’ll go fix this. Thank you Gratia.” I said with a small voice. Leaning towards Gratia to give her a hug.

I'd like to bring this character over. I will then be creating one to two new characters if that suits the GM's alright.

@Melo, @Mae

I nodded at Gratia and nodded at Jer knowingly.

"Be back in a second." I said holding a finger up and winking. Happily making my way to the outside of the Café. I braced myself for the spring heat. Waiting for my friend, I held onto one of my arms with a small smile. But I knew the truth.

It was going to be difficult. Gratia loved few things. I was probably not one of them. Maybe on my best day. But definitely not recently. I was about to be chewed out.

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