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    1. Write 9 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
"I feel like I could eat the whole world raw."
8 yrs ago
When one of us goes to war. We all go to war.
8 yrs ago
Here's a limmerick There once was a team out of Haven with an outlook as black as a raven they were meant to fight BANK but our hearts all but sank WHEN WE HEARD THAT THEY'D RUN HOME AND TURNED CRAVEN
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8 yrs ago
When you realize you gotta make an IC intro post and just '...'
8 yrs ago
Big things are coming! Stay tuned ~
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The captain of my dream boat, Jericho Piper, dismounted the ropes in a fashion that told everyone: β€˜look how sweaty I am but in a hot way.’ He threw a sniper rifle over his shoulders and turned to his students, us.


"I know we're all coming back from PE or Survival. I'll give you guys one minute to catch your breath. Then we start."

Catch my breath Jericho? When you’re wearing that top?


But I did, I stopped stretching, found my own place and tried to make my resilience in staring at our instructor casual. Like it was hardly a thing that I refused to stop looking at that demigod of a man. Or like I wasn’t obsessed with how his hair could look so good so long in so many ways. Or his bandaged arm,

he’s a wounded man, I could help fix him up oh my godddddddd.


I need to ask Stella for her sexy nurse costume later.

But before I could think one more thought that could result in someone having to up the rating of my eventual docu-drama series on HBO I received a text from one of my darlings ~

>Can't really think of any
>surprise me

Luke!! Other than my scroll telling me who sent the message how will people know who you are without a cute little calling card afterwards??

Surprise him though, huh?

I guess he wants a little of everything!

I made a mental note (one of many, obviously) to place some orders towards the end of class so I could just get everything picked up afterwards and enjoy a nice dinner with my friends.

Wow, it has been such a short time but… I’ve really come a long way.

Jer glanced in my direction for what amounted to about fifteen seconds. Give or take, sometimes when he looks at me my heart beats fast enough to accelerate my perception of time, frankly. But I’m pretty sure it was my general direction for fifteen seconds.

God I hope he likes crop tops.

Bianca Nuit: The Girl that Beat Fate

@Kaithas@Plank Sinatra@Krayzikk

You might be wondering, β€œWho’s that Faunus with the wings, the crop tops, and that ass?”

Yup, you guessed it. That’s me, Bianca Nuit.

You might be wondering how I got 30 feet in the air celebrating my victory over fate.

Well come along, let me show you.

See, there I was. Sitting there, doing some stretches. It had been a while since I was in active duty and today was kind of like my first real day back in the proving grounds of Beacon Academy. So let’s check the scoreboard, shall we?

4th period saw me take on a Riesen-class Grimm with the help of an entire class of my peers. But more notably, Benjamin Lloyd who, to put it mildly, could play a young Brennan Griese if they ever decided to do a biopic on him. That’s the level of fit we’re dealing with. He pretty much confirmed in front of the entire class that what Bastille did during those last missions? Not a fluke.

And he couldn’t have done it without me.

5th period risk causing a moral panic that could take Vale by storm, and saw me face a monsoon and a sea full of Grimm. While my classmates secured a fast exit from a sinking ship, I was able to fend off a flock of Grimm from most of the non-fliers.

…To be honest, once we got to the beach I kind of zoned out gathering shells at the beach, but it started productive!

Unfortunately I couldn’t take the seashells with me… As they weren’t real.

Look, let’s just keep going ignore that!

And now here I was in 6th period. The end to a wholly productive day. I was prepared to come into practice, work out a little, get a sexy amount of post-workout sweat without ruining my hair, and then go make some dinner for my team. I was taking the world by storm. But the world noticed. And in the moment my supposed instructor came out, I knew something was off.

β€œAs you arrive on the field, please separate yourselves into seniors and freshmen. I'll be teaching Aura Control today for the seniors, Jericho Piper will be conducting Practice. You have a few minutes, talk amongst yourselves if you're inclined.”

Well, as you can now see, rather than β€œtalk amongst yourselves if you’re inclined” I shot up like a bottle rocket charged only by romantic victory.

There I was, proudly, heroically even, above my classmates when my eyes darted across the field to find him. While I couldn’t quite yet (he was probably being cute lifting some weights somewhere, I could feel it) I gracefully made my descent back to the field and landed with a small curtsy.

The other students would find their hero biding her time, stretching but with an ever-watchful eye, I didn’t need to warm up – my heart was already beating a mile a minute.
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