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Having just completed a playthrough of P4G, I'd love to join a Persona RP though it might take me some time to come up with a character and catch up with all the posts on the thread. Tentatively brainstorming a Devil Arcana concept since that seems to be one of the untaken ones.

Issue # 1.02: The Crimson Room

The body has many visceral reactions to extreme stimuli. It’s specific response to seeing a demonic goat man missing half its arm and having its flayed face take form from your lunch happens to be barfing the rest of said lunch.

“Oh God!” Buddy exclaimed as he felt this urge, trying to fight this primal compulsion for expulsion. Much to his horror and dismay, the bits of his host still stuck inside him had started to crawl up his throat and out of his mouth along with bile it had taken along with it from his digestive tract. This left him heaving and teary-eyed, completely grossed out by this experience. However, instead of lying on the ground, the chunks of vomited meat started to gravitate towards their main host and began to reform the goat man’s form to completion. No sign of it being partially digested inside Buddy’s stomach could be seen at all.

“Welcome once again to The Red, avatar Baker. I see your guardian has found a way for you to bypass The Dreaming and reach us.” the goat man would state with a slight nod to acknowledge Socks.“I am of the Parliament but, in this form as your overseer, you may address me as Silenos.”

“Alright... Silenos…” Buddy took a momentary pause, still reeling from the clear violation of his personal space. “I don’t even know where to begin because this shit is insane!”

“Recall our first contact. We had reclaimed your body from death’s door and you had agreed to be our avatar – an agent that will channel The Red’s powers in the mortal plane to fulfill our interests. As for this location, it is your psyche’s sanctuary within our vast domain.”

This did nothing to clear Buddy’s confusion and frustration. Sensing this, Silenos had began to reshape the vast, hellish landscape to something more sensible yet equally outlandish. Red curtains appeared from seemingly nowhere and began to veil the endless vista and the reddish soil had now been covered by zebra-striped carpeting with an accompanying zebra head at the center of it all. The scent of blood and meat still lingered in the air.

“Perhaps this change of scenery is more calming. I recall one of our other avatars being partial to this setup for his sanctuary.” Silenos stated, now dressed in a three-piece red suit instead of his judge robes from earlier. Smooth jazz could be heard in the background.

“Wait, how did you do that?” Buddy inquired, curious as to how this magical force actually operated.

“It is simple. We are in The Red. As long as it is made of flesh, bone, or skin then we are able to manipulate it as we see fit and give form according to our desires.” As Silenos spoke, Buddy soon noticed that the drapes surrounding him were, in fact, thin slices of unspoiled beef which probably explained the smell. Knowing that he would be able to do what his host had just done, Buddy began to visualize something composed of any of those three components described earlier. His imagination raced at all the possibilities he would be able to shape. This was the power of creation! And yet, he could not think of what he could possibly…

“Chair!” Buddy exclaimed. Soon, bone as bright as polished ivory had risen beneath the zebra rugs and formed an exact replica of his studio apartment’s kitchen seat. Gazing upon it, he soon noticed his own reflection against the fixture. The injuries he sustained from earlier were still there but if Silenos could reshape half its missing body then, surely, he could fix a small laceration. Touching his face, Buddy could feel his own flesh bending to his will as if he was an artist shaping clay to the vision of his image.

“Quite impressive. Now, as for why specifically we choes ouy ot emoceb ruo ratava.” It was occurring once more. Silenos had began to speak in the same gibberish language he had been using the first time around. Before he could make sense of it all, Socks had placed his paw against Buddy’s leg.

“Your mortal form is in danger, Baker.” Socks would state before Buddy would suddenly awaken still in the middle of the butcher shop floor. However, an immense, putrid rot had taken over the room and a loud banging against the entrance amplified the headache Buddy was suffering from his collapse. A quick glance at the store’s stock soon revealed that all of the meat on display had suddenly decayed as if it had been doing so for months. The butcher was braced against the door, struggling to keep something from getting in. Multiple figures could be seen crowding against the entrance from the display windows next to it.

“Baker, they have found us. We must leave.”

“What, who?!”

The door swung wildly, knocking back the butcher but he was quick to get back up on his feet. Unsheathing a kitchen knife from his back, the store proprietor had stabbed the first figure to walk in right in the throat. This would only prove futile as the figure nonchalantly pulled the knife from his body.

“Agents of our rival – The Rot.”

Count me in too, always love a weird west RP.

Issue # 1.01: Meat and Greet

The weather was perfect for driving around serene San Diego. The sun was shining, the cool Pacific breeze was blowing in from the ocean to the city, and the out-of-state tourists weren’t back in full swing yet because of that big pandemic everyone just went through. This would have been the perfect day to bust out Buddy’s old 2006 Daytona Charger from his parents’ garage and it was all he could think about. Just a carefree day spent cruising around. In fact, he wondered how many of these perfect days that he missed out on while he was still stu-

“Baker, light post!” telepathically shouted his feline familiar.

Crash, bang, boom. Socks and Buddy were both lunged from their seats towards the nearby hard cement of the sidewalk. Luckily, the cat construct’s chassis cushioned the crash. No such fortune could be found for the fellow who fell flat and face first. Perhaps it was a good thing they weren’t in his dream car, or any car for that matter.

“Baker, it seems the bicycle has not suffered any significant damage though my basket carrier seems to be dented now. I request you buy a new one after our business at the haruspex.” reported Socks after a quick rundown of the frame, handle and wheels.

“Glad to hear it, dude.” Buddy would state with a muffled voice while give a thumbs up, still lying on the ground. He soon picked himself up and noticed his nose had become bloodied and his lip had been cut. While both of these were superficial wounds at worst, they were certainly damping the mood of what should have been a perfect day out.

“Explain to me again why we’re not taking my car to the whatever-pex. I wouldn’t have been daydreaming about it and we’d be there by now for sure!” inquired Buddy as he started wiping the blood off his face with his shirt’s sleeves. Instead of a straightforward answer, Socks had decided a visual would help the new champion of The Red understand his plea as he seemed to like dreams even when he’s not asleep. The blood he was wiping off started to pool together towards Buddy’s eyes, obscuring them before completely blinding him in crimson. He tried to scream but a loud roar from a distance had drowned his voice out. Over the horizon of pure red, a large shadowy figure in contrasting black had emerged and started rushing towards him. It projected a strong sense of tyranny on to Buddy which left him feeling paralyzed. The closer it got, the more of its full form and majesty were being revealed. There was no denying it: This was a T-Rex charging towards him! However, before the nightmare could reach him, the vision had stopped and Buddy had suddenly found himself in front of an unfamiliar butcher shop with Socks curiously staring at him by his feet.

“Baker, your automobile runs on the desecration of our mighty champions of old.” the cat would state before entering the establishment.

"Hey, no more voodoo blood dinosaur zombie magic!" Buddy would protest before following Socks in.

As they entered, a sense of calm that should not come from a butcher shop enveloped Buddy. It felt alive and nurturing though the slabs of cured meats on display were anything but. Behind the shop’s counter was an odd-looking fellow whose arms were covered in patterned scars as if they had become the newest trend in tattoo alternatives. His face was partially obscured by a hygiene mask but his eyes shone a bright yellow. Buddy’s initial thought was that he probably sucked at being a butcher if kept cutting himself. This thought was immediately backed up by the fact that he not once took the time to acknowledge him, even as he and Socks were the only customers in the establishment.

“Hey guy, we’re looking for some goats guts or something. Preferably ones in judge robes that speak in English.” said Buddy, immediately looking at Socks with a wry smile. His companion merely meowed in response.

The butcher did not respond, choosing to instead ring up an order on his register: a mystery meat wrap. Hungry and confused, Buddy nonchalantly accepted the snack though he really wanted a drink to go along with this. As he removed the foil covering the wrap, a voice entered his head.

“Champion, consume me and enter our domain.” it spoke with great authority.

“Um, I don’t really like the idea of knowing that my food is sentient but if you say so.” A big chomp into the wrap was followed by a big thud unto the floor as Buddy’s physical form collapsed. Before he knew it though, Buddy was back in The Red with Socks and magic meat wrap in hand. Something felt different this time but before he could deduce what it was, the wrap had floated away from his grasp and materialized into the goat-being from his dreams.

“You finally come to visit when you’re awake, boy.”

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"As seen on TV!.. What do you mean you don't own a TV?"

The Pacific Northwest is home to many a dreamer and Buddy Baker is proud to call the city of San Diego his home. Engaged to his high school sweetheart and getting to follow his dreams of silver screen stardom as a stuntman during the weekdays and the lead frontman for a cover band during the weekends, it seemed that everything was going Buddy’s way. However, this level of comfort fermented a social life filled with heavy action. If he wasn’t partying during his free time, he was certainly trying to start one in his studio apartment. While the binge drinking that came with his lifestyle was certainly putting a strain on his body, it would be nothing compared to the infection he would get from a friend’s yacht party. What started as a mild fever he had dismissed as the common flu ended with Buddy in an ICU ward in a deep coma.

Fever dreams wracked his mind, ranging from aliens dissecting him while he was awake to an argument with a script writer who claimed himself to be god. One particular dream was quite vivid, with a goat-like humanoid dressed like a judge speaking to the addled Buddy in tongues while standing on a podium made of exposed flesh. The only line he could understand was a plight: “Help us preserve our world.” Without much to lose and wanting the dream to be over, Buddy haphazardly said yes. At that very instant, he awoke in his hospital bed with a severe headache and an even worse itemized bill waiting for him. Over the next few days, both of those things would change his life but only the former would bring about power. You see, Buddy Baker now had the ability to detect animal life, understand their emotions with extremely debilitating empathy, and even temporarily copy their attributes and abilities. It was a nightmare for someone who just wanted to be cool and party.

Speaking of nightmares, those odd dreams of goatmen continue even to this day. They have been more lucid than before yet it always starts with a lecture he can’t understand and ends with the same plight asking Buddy to preserve the world. Again, not cool at all.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

So I actually haven’t been on RPG for quite some time but a good friend of mine had told me about this and the setting really just sparked some inspiration in me. I specifically love playing as Animal Man because he feels like a perfect surrogate for an everyman that finds himself in a fantastical situation. Though he has powers, Buddy always felt like a street-level hero and rarely got involved with world-ending threats. He seeks purpose and validation while also unable to truly comprehend the severity of what he’s gotten into. Not just in his new role as a superhero but also as a family man. I try to take inspiration from various sources, with Lemire’s and Morrison’s runs being the main ones. My immediate goal will be for Buddy to understand what the hell his dreams mean while long term goals are going to be shaped by player interactions.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

The Red – A nebulous and otherworldly dimension that is apparently sentient. It is the source of Buddy’s powers. It is controlled by the Parliament of Limbs, a group of humanoid animals in powdered wigs and ceremonial robes.

Ellen Frazier– Buddy’s highschool sweetheart and fiancée. Works as a storyboard artist.

Socks – a cat given form by The Red. Can telepathically communicate.

Silenos - a member of The Parliament of Limbs assigned to oversee Buddy's growth. Takes the form of a humanoid goat.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Blood, guts, gore and goats. It was the same every night. From the moment he closed his eyes to the second he smashes his alarm’s snooze button, Buddy Baker was stuck in a literal red wasteland that conveniently smelt nothing like how it looked. There was only one other thing with him in this dream who primarily spoke in a language he didn’t understand. Like any person standing before a member of the judiciary system of an unfamiliar land, this both scared and infuriated him.

“C’mon, I know you can speak English! Hell, I can even understand a bit of Spanish if you prefer that!” Buddy had exclaimed his frustrations. The being merely stared at him for a moment before continuing its demonic diatribe from a fleshy podium. Defeated by bureaucracy, Buddy simply sat down and started drawing on the mushy ground with his finger as if he was a kindergartner ignoring his teacher. First, came the shapes but then came the rudimentarily drawn animals from those shapes. A bunch of circles for the body, triangles for ears, and lines for the whiskers and limbs. Much to his surprise, an actual cat manifested in front of him as the flesh of the ground took form.

“Hello, Buddy Baker. I am your creation given life. Your inner psyche has given me the name Socks.” It spoke but not with its mouth. Rather, the thoughts instantly came to Buddy’s mind.

“… You know, this isn’t really that weird compared to everything else that has happened recently.” Before Buddy could continue to process what had just happened, the goatman had spoken the magic words and he awoke in a world not made of rotting meat but sure did smell like one. However, his apartment had one major change. The black cat from his dreams had suddenly appeared in front of him with a pet bowl in its mouth.

“Hey! Give me back my bowl!” Buddy would exclaim, beginning his day with a chase around his bachelor’s pad.

P O S T C A T A L O G:


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"As seen on TV!.. What do you mean you don't own a TV?"

The Pacific Northwest is home to many a dreamer and Buddy Baker is proud to call the city of San Diego his home. Engaged to his high school sweetheart and getting to follow his dreams of silver screen stardom as a stuntman during the weekdays and the lead frontman for a cover band during the weekends, it seemed that everything was going Buddy’s way. However, this level of comfort fermented a social life filled with heavy action. If he wasn’t partying during his free time, he was certainly trying to start one in his studio apartment. While the binge drinking that came with his lifestyle was certainly putting a strain on his body, it would be nothing compared to the infection he would get from a friend’s yacht party. What started as a mild fever he had dismissed as the common flu ended with Buddy in an ICU ward in a deep coma.

Fever dreams wracked his mind, ranging from aliens dissecting him while he was awake to an argument with a script writer who claimed himself to be god. One particular dream was quite vivid, with a goat-like humanoid dressed like a judge speaking to the addled Buddy in tongues while standing on a podium made of exposed flesh. The only line he could understand was a plight: “Help us preserve our world.” Without much to lose and wanting the dream to be over, Buddy haphazardly said yes. At that very instant, he awoke in his hospital bed with a severe headache and an even worse itemized bill waiting for him. Over the next few days, both of those things would change his life but only the former would bring about power. You see, Buddy Baker now had the ability to detect animal life, understand their emotions with extremely debilitating empathy, and even temporarily copy their attributes and abilities. It was a nightmare for someone who just wanted to be cool and party.

Speaking of nightmares, those odd dreams of goatmen continue even to this day. They have been more lucid than before yet it always starts with a lecture he can’t understand and ends with the same plight asking Buddy to preserve the world. Again, not cool at all.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

So I actually haven’t been on RPG for quite some time but a good friend of mine had told me about this and the setting really just sparked some inspiration in me. I specifically love playing as Animal Man because he feels like a perfect surrogate for an everyman that finds himself in a fantastical situation. Though he has powers, Buddy always felt like a street-level hero and rarely got involved with world-ending threats. He seeks purpose and validation while also unable to truly comprehend the severity of what he’s gotten into. Not just in his new role as a superhero but also as a family man. I try to take inspiration from various sources, with Lemire’s and Morrison’s runs being the main ones. My immediate goal will be for Buddy to understand what the hell his dreams mean while long term goals are going to be shaped by player interactions.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

The Red – A nebulous and otherworldly dimension that is apparently sentient. It is the source of Buddy’s powers. It is controlled by the Parliament of Limbs, a group of humanoid animals in powdered wigs and ceremonial robes.

Ellen Frazier– Buddy’s highschool sweetheart and fiancé. Works as a storyboard artist.

Socks – a cat given form by The Red. Can telepathically communicate.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Blood, guts, gore and goats. It was the same every night. From the moment he closed his eyes to the second he smashes his alarm’s snooze button, Buddy Baker was stuck in a literal red wasteland that conveniently smelt nothing like how it looked. There was only one other thing with him in this dream who primarily spoke in a language he didn’t understand. Like any person standing before a member of the judiciary system of an unfamiliar land, this both scared and infuriated him.

“C’mon, I know you can speak English! Hell, I can even understand a bit of Spanish if you prefer that!” Buddy had exclaimed his frustrations. The being merely stared at him for a moment before continuing its demonic diatribe from a fleshy podium. Defeated by bureaucracy, Buddy simply sat down and started drawing on the mushy ground with his finger as if he was a kindergartner ignoring his teacher. First, came the shapes but then came the rudimentarily drawn animals from those shapes. A bunch of circles for the body, triangles for ears, and lines for the whiskers and limbs. Much to his surprise, an actual cat manifested in front of him as the flesh of the ground took form.

“Hello, Buddy Baker. I am your creation given life. Your inner psyche has given me the name Socks.” It spoke but not with its mouth. Rather, the thoughts instantly came to Buddy’s mind.

“… You know, this isn’t really that weird compared to everything else that has happened recently.” Before Buddy could continue to process what had just happened, the goatman had spoken the magic words and he awoke in a world not made of rotting meat but sure did smell like one. However, his apartment had one major change. The black cat from his dreams had suddenly appeared in front of him with a pet bowl in its mouth.

“Hey! Give me back my bowl!” Buddy would exclaim, beginning his day with a chase around his bachelor’s pad.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Still accepting players? I've got a character that needs some minor tweaks that would hopefully fit in the setting.

I see, so were you wanting to take a grenade launcher? or just a bandolier of grenades?

Just the grenade launcher, though the latter is probably a great visual for a more desperate mission.

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