Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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In the year 2015, Humanity experienced one of the single most dreaded, yet highly anticipated, events of its existence; first contact with an extraterrestrial race. Unfortunately for all the UFO enthusiasts out there, it wasn’t the friendly “We come in peace” they’d always hoped for, instead more along the lines of “Take me to your leader.” Except there was no little grey alien holding a ray gun, at least not at first. What came to be known as the Invasion War opened with a series of pods landing in a German city. Curious civilians approached the first of the crashed objects just as it activated, causing widespread panic. Germany sent in a recon team by helicopter, which went down after coming under fire from unknown assailants. As a result, a squad from the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, or XCOM, which had been formed by the Council of Nations in the event that an alien invasion occurred, was dispatched.

Upon arrival at the scene aboard the Skyranger, what they found was nothing short of a massacre, with civilians trapped inside a strange green webbing, likely released by the pods, and the unit wiped out, with, as far as could be ascertained, no survivors. At least until the first message was received on the radio. “Hilfe” it had said, which Doctor Vahlen translated to mean “Help me.” Delta squad moved in, finding one member of the recon team torn apart like he’d been attacked by a wild animal and another dead from something exploding from inside his body, eviscerating him. Inside was the established standard operating procedure’s birth when it came to dealing with the Aliens, after a Sectoid Commander used its mind controlled meat puppet to kill a member of the squad, the other aliens were engaged and killed with extreme prejudice. The Extraterrestrials had just made it very clear that they weren’t interested in peace.

The Invasion War lasted for around twenty years, with Humanity facing severe casualties early on in the war. XCOM proved to be the most proficient fighters...

This RP takes place in something of an Alternate Universe from the timeline we got going from Enemy Unknown/Within to XCOM 2. In this story, humanity won and advanced after forcing the invaders off of our world. I'll take a small group, I'll take a large group, but I'm hoping this draws some interest either way. The above paragraphs are a bit of a sneak peak into the history of the RP from the point we'd be picking up in. Just, uh, let me know if you're interested by posting here. This is attempt number two after the first died due to vanishing members. Come have a grand time!
Just a soft bump to get this back up there for those who needed a reminder. Looking at dropping another IC here in the near future, MAYBE garner some new blood to join us.
Spartan Lucas Ryker

Nodding an affirmative to the plan their commander decided on, Lucas joined Aviza and Yalu in heading up to the western ridge. His DMR wasn't quite suited to this kind of bad weather fighting, but they should be close enough that his shots wouldn't be overly affected by the wind speed. Glancing at the others, he grins behind his helmet at the sight of Aviza's sniper rifle. WIth that, the plan should go over well enough. "So, how do we want to space out?"
Jason Connor

Deeper into the forest huh...Well, they aren't even sure, so that'll prevent double crossing us and leaving us lost in there for days...Not got a better choice. Nodding to himself and putting a hand on Connor's shoulder to try and calm him down, Jason steps forward and offers his hand. "I'll be happy to escort you into the Deep Woods, though I can't speak for my compatriot here, but first lets just clarify a few things. Trainers aren't adrenaline junkies. Well, most of us anyways. The easiest way to make sure the populations are recovering right now is to be out doing the field work and that's dangerous work. Also, wouldn't kill you to loose the attitude, we're not here to pull the rug out from under you. We understand this is important to you as well and wouldn't dream of taking your chance at it away."

He holds up a hand to shake, a sideways smile on his face. "So, if you're good with all that, then I'm good to escort you." This was probably their best bet at finding out exactly what it was that these maniacs were chasing and that the rumors were talking about. Knowing this was a rare bug type even before Cipher's crimes...that sincerely raised the stakes and just getting visual confirmation would be great, with catching it being something of a bonus.
Jason Connor

Jason thought on what he had to offer them in terms of information, humming thoughtfully. In terms of rumors, he doubted it was anything that they hadn't already heard themselves, unless they spent all their time out here chasing the slash marks on the trees, so there was those. There was the story about the Forest Deity that the fishing shop owner had told him about, but these guys came here to chase bugs fairly frequently he'd imagine, so they'd likely already heard the story. Skills though..."What skills would you need, exactly?" It was odd that they'd need anyone's help with anything considering Jason knew enough about bug types to know that they evolved quick and were decently versatile in most situations.

Realistically, as he waited for a response, there was only a handful of things that Jason could think of that might fluster the bug maniacs and none of them were something he had a direct counter to, though with Murus and Sable, he was a lot more confident in his ability to face and take attacks that would have left Slayer hurting. Perhaps getting another Pokemon before continuing on might not hurt either, but first he would find out what it was that these guys needed help with, or if they were just looking for something more to do with their day than chase the bug types out here all the time.
Jason Connor

Grumpy bastards... Something told Jason that mentioning the satisfaction of helping the region begin confirming the rise in its various Pokemon populations wasn't going to quite be enough for this group of bug fanatics. But between the Pokeballs and his new good rod, the young man didn't have much to offer monetarily either. That said, their refusal to share anything was more than a firm confirmation, but they still needed a location where they had the best chance to see it, even possibly catch it. Leaning over to Connor, Jason speaks so only he can hear him. "So...I have nothin' to offer these guys, except sore rear ends if they want to keep being rude."
Jason Connor

"To be blunt, sir, we're as curious about the slash marks on the trunks as you. The two of us are helping Professor Kapoc fill out his Pokedex, more or less employed by the good Professor. We were wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing any theories or ideas you might have with us about them." Originally, Jason had intended to be polite, but if this was how they were going to treat other people, people who's only crime was approaching them, then he was going to be blunt instead. While waiting for a response from them, he made a point to watch the rest of the group from the corners of his eyes, but maintaining the eye contact with the one who'd spoken up.
Jason Connor

"Hmmmm...." Jason looked at the various groups of Bug Catchers thoughtfully as he tossed Slayer's ball in his hand, up and down. "Well, we could challenge them to battles and say instead of money, they could give us information. Though...kicking their butts might not be the best way to win them over either, so that won't work the way we want either. Especially since if they're sore losers, they could just send us off in a direction for revenge..." The problem was definitely harder to solve than first met the eye. Seeing as they WERE competitive with each other to some degree, maybe some kind of contest outside of a battle would work, but he didn't have any bug types in his roster yet and he wasn't sure that Connor did either.

"Well, I suppose we could just ask until someone turns out to be friendlier than they look or just gets annoyed enough with us to tell us."
Jason Connor

"That it was, though in the end he kinda beat himself. Between his Growlithe being blinded by Mud Slap and his Rufflet confused to high hell from Confusion." Stepping back and looking around, he notes the suspicious way the bug catchers are eyeing both him and Connor and sighs, realizing getting them to open up might not be as easy as he thought. "And a Pokemon that hasn't been seen in years? Must make it rare, which would explain their reluctance. They specialize in Bug types and a rare one is like a fucking diamond for them. Though...wonder if there's any Scyther around here." Shaking his head, he focuses back on Connor.

"Anyways, since you're here, after I head into the village for some more Pokeballs, thought I'd ask if you wanted to team up and chase this rumor down together." After getting his answer, Jason would head into town and buy three Pokeballs, bringing his total back up to six, before heading back to investigate the source of the slash marks in the mighty woods of the Starbor Forest.
Jason Connor

Sighing when Adrianne hung up, Jason put the pokedex away and continued on his trek. Of course she would beat around the bush about the person falling out of rift in the sky, that's probably some top level government shit and frankly, he wasn't that curious. Content with what was said for now, the young man continues walking until he arrives at Starbor and upon initial arrival, can do little more than stare at the trees in awe. That's...holy shit that's huge. And there are people finding those slash marks on them? I'm sorry, but HOW? Deciding to save the questions for later, he continues past the border of the trees and into their proper, where the forest really showed off its size. Walking and looking up, he almost ran into someone on their way out of the forest and that was when Jason decided to actually pay attention to his surroundings outside of what he was walking through.

Finding groups of bug catchers was unsurprisingly easy as he saw the various bug types crawling around and living their lives. The bug catchers all seemed to alternate between watching and catching the various bugs, but some seem to be discussing things in various sized groups. However, what really caught Jason's attention was the sight of a familiar cowboy hat bobbing around further up the path. Jogging over, Jason smiles and rests a hand on Connor's shoulder. "Fancy seein' you here. You chasing those claw marks too?"
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