Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Empire of the Great Qing
A Message from the Zongli Yamen

The Empire of the Great Qing is pleased to hear of the many nations who have paid their deepest respects to the former Emperor. He reigned for only eleven years upon this mortal realm, and it is at the young age of thirty years old that he was snatched from amongst us - now he resides in Heaven, watching over our noble land by the side of the Yellow Emperor. It is our wish to honour his memory and ensure that the Qixiang Emperor may make his father proud in matters both at home and abroad, by ensuring a most prosperous life for the Chinese people and ensuring friendship with peoples from across the world.

On the matter of conducting friendly relations with the Empire of the Great Qing
In the spirit of our new era, we would like to announce that all nations who desire to conduct fair and friendly relations with the Celestial Empire may do so by contacting the Zongli Yamen, whose headquarters is situated by the Beijing Legation Quarter. It is there that the Qing Dynasty dearly hopes to receive dignitaries from abroad and light an eternal flame of friendship that shall be to the benefit of both ourselves and nations afar.

On the matter of the civil war plaguing the lands of America
We in the Middle Kingdom would like to state its position on the ongoing conflict that affects the states far across the seas of the east: we wish for nothing less than peace to be settled amongst the peoples of this continent. As such we look upon brightly the actions of the Empire of Brazil in seeking to bridge the differences between their afflicted brethren. Our congratulations goes towards Brazil, especially with their virtuous decision to house refugees of the war and host a conference of peace. They are a shining light of hope and justice in a continent clouded by the storms of war. Although the seeds of war have been sown, the Great Qing believes it is not too late for a bloodless solution to be found in Brazil.

May peace reign over the Americas.

- His Imperial Highness Prince Gong of the First Rank, Leader of the Zongli Yamen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I am disheartened that President Lincoln declined my offer of alliance but still is willing to support the Union by accepting to take any refugees from said nation and will remain ready to assist the Union if president Lincoln changes his mind. Also with the signing of the saint Petersburg treaty by Prussia we are ready to stand with the Prussians if any action is taken against them by any country and I am glad to have the Prussian brethren ready to do the same for The Russian Empire. We also would like to extend the invitation of alliance to the Austrian Empire Under the new Kiev treaty. As for The Passing of the Great Qing I and the Russian people are deeply saddened by the young death of such a great man and hope that his son shall grow to bring many years of prosperity and peace between our nation's and as such I wish to offer to him assistance in finishing the traitorous Tiaping rebels and is willing to send a division of Russian Troops to assist in destroying the remnants of Hong Xiuquans so called "heavenly army".We will also be willing to open our borders to any trade offered by the Chinese and as such are sending a number of diplomats in order to discuss such terms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

The United Kingdom accepts the Ottoman Empire’s invite to this conference in Constantinople. It is our hope that together with the other premier powers of Europe that we will be able to come to a decision regarding the stability of the Eastern Hemisphere. Considering this, we would ask that Russia withdraw their support of the Union by sending troops and naval support until after this conference. As our navy has already begun the process of moving towards the America’s it is a tenuous situation that could lead to conflict between the nation of Russia and United Kingdom. We have no desire for the war in the Americas to lead to a conflict between European powers. We commend the Ottoman Empire for offering this Conference as well as their desire to maintain peace with the Nation of Russia. We support their request for additional augments to a non-aggression pact and hope that Russia will accept the terms.

To the Nation of France, I propose that our Alliance be fully cemented in the eyes of the world. Our nations have long been enemies, but this new dawning era is one for peace and justice. As such; this is our Statement:
“The United Kingdom will stand with the French Empire against all aggressors whether foreign or domestic. This will be in all realms of government and life. Economically, Militarily, Educationally, Culturally, and Religiously we will stand with France to choose their own way of life.”

To the Nation of Brazil, you have truly shown yourself to be a Nation not only of peace; but also of Leadership. In that regard, we offer after this war between the America’s is over; to support your nation in becoming that leader of the Americas. The Union’s aggressive tactics have proven that they are unable to responsibly handle a doctrine such as the Monroe Doctrine. Considering this, we would offer to help your Nation take such a role after peace has been achieved.

To the Union we merely have this to say; “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” This is the word of God that “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” The Union has shown themselves by their actions not to be men of the Faith, but men of wrath. You may keep your bread and we shall keep the Word of God.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ampharos


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiserthum Oesterreich
The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire accepts the Ottoman Empire’s invitation to the Conference of Constantinople. We hope that, together, the Great Powers can maintain the Concert of Europe and ensure prosperity for people of every nation across the continent. With this in mind, we ask the Ottoman Empire to invite the Kingdom of Italy to the Conference of Constantinople so that we may discuss key issues, especially those regarding the status of the Kingdom of Venice and the independence of the City of Rome.

To the King of Italy, we hope that you will accept the Ottoman Sultan’s invitation, should he extend one to you. We have much to discuss at the conference, and believe that our issues may be resolved with the pen rather than the sword.

To the Emperor of Russia, the Austrian Empire is very much interested in discussing the terms of an alliance. We are interested in maintaining peace on the continent, and therefore, propose a Non-Aggression Pact between our two nations. As long as this treaty stands, neither shall engage in armed conflict with one another and attempt to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiation.

To the Queen of the United Kingdom, we are pleased to hear of your interest in ensuring peace in both Europe and abroad. Likewise to the French Emperor, it warms us to hear that the other Great Powers of Europe as concerned about maintaining the balance of power as us. We wish both of you well in this endeavor and have the Austrian Empire’s fullest cooperation in ensuring that there will be peace in Europe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 28 days ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

I humbly accept the French and British Alliance with open arms and believe that to further enhance our own countries a strong friendship will bond between us.

I hope for a future where every French citizen will know English and every Englishman know French.
When a Doctor in England may spread their wisdom to France and a French inventor can expand his creative mind in Britain.
Whilst London dines on French wine, Paris will enjoy Scottish whiskey.
Like siblings we have fought but, just like siblings, we forgive and band together.

I name this friendship
La Fédération Française de Grande-Bretagne (FFGB)
The French Federation of Great Britain (FFGB)

As the pleas for the US to begin negotiations continue to be ignored I fear war is imminent.
France is prepared to fight by the Confederates and the British.
I only hope the USA sees sense in what it is doing.

- Emperor Napoleon III, France
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Treaty of Friendship and Trade between the United Kingdom and the Empire of the Great Qing

Article I - Peace, friendship, and good faith shall henceforth exist between the people the United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty.
Article II -The United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty shall enter into a trade agreement in which the two nations mutually benefit each other. The United Kingdom will provide military training and technology in exchange for the influx of grains, rice, and other miscellaneous items of value from the Qing Dynasty.
Article III - The United Kingdom shall relinquish its extraterritorial rights in the Qing Dynasty in the name of goodwill and trust.
Article IV - The United Kingdom and Qing Dynasty shall enter into a non-aggression pact ensuring that neither will perform any acts of aggression.

[x] -His Imperial Highness Prince-Regent Gong of the First Rank, Leader of the Zongli Yamen; on behalf of His Imperial Majesty the Qixiang Emperor of the Great Qing Dynasty, Son of Heaven, Lord of Ten Thousand Years.
[ ] -The Viscount Palmerston, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

The Treaty of Friendship and Trade between the United Kingdom and the Empire of the Great Qing

Article I - Peace, friendship, and good faith shall henceforth exist between the people the United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty.
Article II -The United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty shall enter into a trade agreement in which the two nations mutually benefit each other. The United Kingdom will provide military training and technology in exchange for the influx of grains, rice, and other miscellaneous items of value from the Qing Dynasty.
Article III - The United Kingdom shall relinquish its extraterritorial rights in the Qing Dynasty in the name of goodwill and trust.
Article IV - The United Kingdom and Qing Dynasty shall enter into a non-aggression pact ensuring that neither will not perform any acts of aggression.

[x] -His Imperial Highness Prince-Regent Gong of the First Rank, Leader of the Zongli Yamen; on behalf of His Imperial Majesty the Qixiang Emperor of the Great Qing Dynasty, Son of Heaven, Lord of Ten Thousand Years.
[x] -The Viscount Palmerston, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom; on behalf of Parliament and Her Majesty Queen Victoria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Prussia reminds the powers engaged in the cause of the Confederacy that no one denied in 1776 the right of England to maintain her colonies, even those who sided with America only sided with America for political expediency. So too now do the Anglo-French. Prussia also questions this obvious lack of ideological consistency by asking all, specifically France, where this attitude towards self determination was when only four months prior, Great Britain and France engaged in a war of aggression against the Qing dynasty. Prussia also questions France why it did not support the Sepoy Mutiny only four years ago in India.

Prussia further warns France that any mobilization in France will be matched by a mobilization in Prussia, as Prussia cannot be sure the French will not take armies allegedly meant for America and march east.

The previous policy statement was authored by Chancellor Bismarck, and assented to by King William I
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

Pedro II came out to his balcony and there was a large crowd of people there. The Emperor said that he was going to give a speech there but wouldn’t tell what

Today citizens, we are recognized as a nation of peace and leadership all over the world! I'm proud of my country and my king from being us to where we are! The world has recognized us and respects us as a country that could be something. But, other nations might have thought it’s a bad idea, because we haven’t free slaves. But today, I here to tell you all that I support a bill that abolishes slavery and it’s called: The Golden Law. This law frees men, women, and child for working out in the fields all day and being beaten up so badly that they died. But, the beatings and the hard work for the slaves have to end. Now! I hope that other South American nations and other nations, that still has slaves gives them freedom soon.

People clapped and shouts of happiness began to roar as the Emperor was done speaking and he put his hand up in the air and waved as he left his balcony

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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Guns Blazing, Decisions Made, And The Snake That Lost Its Head

Mid-July, 1861, any peace talks finally broke down as the first blood was shed in the Civil War. The Union Army of the Potomac, under the command of Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell, moved south, crossing into Confederate territory. McDowell, despite his inexperience, was an ambitious leader who hoped to catch the Confederacy off guard before large numbers could enlist and be trained in the Confederate Army. Striking towards the major city of Richmond, the 28 000 men of the Army of the Potomac, the largest field army yet gathered on North American soil, reached the Manassas Junction on July 18. Opposing them was the 21 000 men of the Army of North Virginia, under the command of the world-renowned leader Robert E. Lee. Although both armies were in sight of each other, neither side was willing to be the first to act. So both armies camped and waited until the morning of July 21, when the Army of the Potomac recieved orders from Washington to engage the enemy.

The chaos of the Battle of Bull Run

Early in the morning, the Union began firimg artillery at the Confederate lines. The Confederates fired back, but poor communications on both sides meant that little damage was done to either army. Instead, the Union troops began marching. Battle was joined soon, and both sides realised what a cost this war would have. As the two armies engaged, inexperience caused many troops to flee or forget their training, spreading disorder and chaos throughout the armies. After a few hours of fighting, with poor logistics and communications rendering both commanders unable to tell the course of the battle, the orders where given and both armies withdrew. The battle of Bull Run, the first battle of the war, was inconclusive. The Union had lost more troops, but they had a larger manpower pool to draw from. Both sides quickly realised that this war would not be over soon, and began preparing for a long drawn out campaign.
(-2,461 regulars to the USA, -1,984 regulars to the CSA)

At the outbreak of war, there were many generals in the Federal army of Southern descent. General Lee was the most notable example - he was requested by Lincoln to lead the Union forces, but instead decided to fight for the CSA. But many other generals had not yet committed to either side. Hoping to capitalise on this, CSA President Jefferson Davis extended offers to many of these generals. William T. Sherman was not an abolitionist and did not believe in Negro equality, however he was a native of Ohio and, as some of his brothers and foster brothers were serving with the Union, Sherman followed suit. Winfield Scott, the 'Grand Old Man of the Army', also refused to leave the Union. Although Southern born, he had served in the US army longer than any other man and it was to the army that his loyalties lay. George Thomas was the only one who seriously considered joining the CSA - he had a close friendship with Robert E. Lee, and his family were pro-CSA. After agonising over the decision, he finally decided to resign his commission in the Federal army and join the Confederacy, much to the disgust of his northern-born wife, who left him.

At the outbreak of the war, it was debatable which side had the stronger land army. Not so with the navy - the Union navy dwarfed its southern counterpart. Under the guidance of Winfield Scott and approved by President Lincoln, the Union navy began to blockade the Southern ports. The ports of Mobile, Charleston, Savannah, and Norfolk were blockaded with little resistance, only some artillery fire from land based batteries - the Confederate navy was nowhere to be seen. It was only when the Union navy attempted to enter New Orleans that the location of the Confederate navy was discovered. As they entered the harbour, Confederate ships ambushed the Union navy and engaged. The more experienced Union navy returned fire, and managed to sink Confederate ships, but their own losses were too heavy to continue. As the Union navy withdrew some distance from New Orleans, the CSA celebrated its first victory of the Civil War. It was only a small victory, but for now, the Mississippi River remained open to the Confederacy, and more importantly, with New Orleans still in CSA hands, the CSA retained one slim lifeline with the outside world.
(-1 Screw Frigate, -3 Sail Frigates to the USA, -1 Screw Frigate, -1 Sail Frigate to the CSA, CSA partially blockaded)

Battle of New Orleans
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bigscreech


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Estados Unidos Mexicanos

The United States of Mexico does not condone the act of slavery but the recent actions by the Union have been incredibly hostile to a peaceful secession of the Confederate States of America. To economically and militarily try to strangle the Confederacy in order to force reunification is unacceptable. The United States of Mexico does not condone the actions of the Union but will not take any aggressive military actions remaining neutral. However the United States of Mexico shall openly engage in trade with the Confederacy and recognizes the legitimacy of the Confederate States of America as an independent country.

~Benito Juarez, President of Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

To the Emperor of Brazil, we commend your decision to pursue freedom for all peoples. Your decision to move forward in the arena of human rights in your Nation is proof that the United Kingdom made the right decision to support your Nation as the potential leader of the Western Hemisphere. It is our strongest desire that Brazil will free the slaves in a manner that will be both humane and without strife. The Empire of Brazil is truly one of peace.

To the United States of Mexico we commend your neutrality in this war. The United States of Mexico have chosen the side of Justice as opposed to tyranny. We are thankful that the people of Mexico are rational in thought.

We cannot say the same for the nation of Prussia. The mobilization of the French army is no cause for concern for their nation as Prussia has very little to actually offer that the French would want. Should Prussia mobilize, they must know that the United Kingdom will stand by our brothers with our navy and soldiers. If Prussia makes war against the French, they will also make war against the United Kingdom.

To our brothers in France, we urge you to continue your preparations and know that your allies in the United Kingdom will stand not only behind your nation in support, but on the front lines in cooperation.

The United Kingdom would ask that the other Nations of Europe stand with the French Federation of Great Britain in our defense against the paranoia of the Prussian Empire. We have no desire for war on the European Continent.

To the Confederacy, we commend your first battles as a nation in the defense of liberty from a tyrannical regime. Your nation has proven their valor against superior forces and done so in a manner of honor and justice. At this moment, our Navy is on the way to you and we will assist in the defense of your shores. We reiterate that the United Kingdom will stand with the Confederacy against the Tyranny of the Union.

To the Union; you have acted in a manner that is aggressive and spurned all attempts at peace. Your national government has proven itself to be unworthy of the responsibility it was entrusted with. Rather than attempt a peaceful solution with the Sovereign state of the Confederacy, you have chosen war. There is a time for war and a time for peace as the word of God states. Unfortunately you have forced the former.

As such, the United Kingdom as ratified by Parliament, signed by the Prime Minister and Queen, now declare that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland is officially in a state of war with the Union. May God have mercy on your souls.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 28 days ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

Brazil, France shares the support the UK gives to you, I hope that the future is bright in your country and that France may be a part of helping your country become even better.

To the Union, you are stubborn and bold. I can admire that. Yet you also have traits of stupidity and ignorance. You have created violence where it could have been avoided, and for that you will be punished. Lives will be lost, but I assure you for every Frenchmen killed one hundred union soldiers will fall.
The French Empire hereby declares war on the Unites States of America.

- Emperor Napoleon III, France
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ampharos


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiserthum Oesterreich
The Austrian Empire

This Emperor is concerned with the recent war preparations made by the Great Powers of Europe and warns that the Austrian Empire will do everything in its power to ensure the territorial integrity of the German Confederation and the prosperity its inhabitants. We urge all parties to convene at Constantinople to discuss the current state of affairs and prevent another war from breaking out on the continent.

To the French Emperor and the Queen of the United Kingdom, we urge you to withdrawal your declaration and find a peaceful solution to this sorrowful state of affairs. It is the wish of this Emperor that both the American and European continents will know peace. Once more, we urge our European brothers and sisters to stand together and bring peace, not war, to the people of Europe and the Americas.

To the Kingdom of Prussia, we likewise urge restraint on behalf of your people. As President of the German Confederation and Austrian Emperor, I am deeply concerned for the safety of the German people. However, I advise against a declaration of war against the French Empire. We do not wish the Rhine red with French and German blood.

In the interests of the ensuring the integrity of our Empire and Confederation, the Austrian Empire will mobilizing and urges its allies in Germany (Bavaria, et al) to follow our example, once more, so that we can stand together and ensure the integrity of the German Confederation and the prosperity of its inhabitants.

- Franz Joseph I, Austrian Emperor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

When Thomas Jefferson wrote "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" it wasn't entirely true at the time. There still remained that unspoken populace of the country, the poor enslaved negro. The practice of slavery has shaped every decision of the past eighty-five years, from the war with Mexico to the admission of Missouri and Kentucky into the country. A small coalition of Southerners like Polk, Calhoun, and Clay bullied, cajoled, and compromised their way to prop this wicked practice upright, like a dying man on a sick horse.

Now a small coalition of Southern politicians seek separation over the practice of slavery. They wish to keep those millions in bondage regardless of the bloodshed and the pain it causes the slave and the freeman. The matter of slavery is one that I will not get into fully, but let me say that the South's illegal rebellion must come to an end so that justice can be brought to this wicked coalition. Easier said than done thanks to an even smaller coalition from thousands of miles away. They feel that it is their right to impose their will upon our country, to tell us that our desire for a unified and free country is wrong. They wish to say that the direction of these United States is for them to decide. They ignore our rights and talk about a sham peace while they send warships and troops and attempt to block our trade. These men who wear crowns and practice that laughable practice of Divine Right, are a series of walking contradictions. They talk about Southern sovereignty and respecting its rights as a country, while they bully us and attempt to rip our sovereignty from us by force. They wish to enslave us like the South has enslaved the negro.

Our country stands on a knife's edge at the moment. The bloodshed has just started, but more bloodshed across the world seems to be the forecast. If I am given a choice of prolonged war as free country, or continued peaceful existence as a broken country, one that will kowtow to the foreign powers and lick the European boot? I choose war. I have no doubt that this war will be a difficult one for all of us to endure, but endure we must. We are on His side, the side of the angels. I believe He has shown us the truth, that truth will guide us and show us the way. I am only the sixteenth chief executive of this nation, and I will do everything in my power and ability to make sure that there will be a seventeenth and an eighteenth after I am done. This nation will be united, we will move forward into our destiny as one of the great nation states of the ages. His truth is marching on.

-- Abraham Lincoln
President, United States of America
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I must warn the united states of mexico to be wary of the southern traitors for surely if they are sucessful in their rebellion they will turn their eyes south towards your country again seeking to spread the damnable establishment of slavery to your fields of sugar cane and will like wise see you and your people working under the whip and chain in the same fashion in which they have the negro do so with their precious cotton. Different crop, different people, but the same sin. I believe Brazil has been aware of this threat also but believes they can avoid it through peace treaties and mere words of man which to the tyrants in the south mean nothing. they only respect one thing that is power and to believe you can avoid any conflict with them is silly and childish after the union they will have no where to go but turn south towards your people. we see this time and time again such as with my dearest friends in the union have done with the savages that roamed their west. they required more room so they took it. but the difference there is that they where fighting inferiors and primitive peoples but now the south will bring their armies down upon good willed god fearing people whom they will also seek to enslave.
As for Prussia's statement on the french, I support the acts of my Prussian brothers and believe their actions are needed to keep the french in check. I fear that the American Influance has spread too much into europe and I and I do believe President Lincoln will agree that we want the problems of Europe to be seperate from the problems of the Americas. While I do believe austria's attempts to prevent a war between the Prussians and the french are admirable they are sadly not going to work, and I do implore Austria to do the same and join us in our alliance to protect the integrity and seperation of the American and European powers. I shall stand strong with the Prussians against the french tide which hopes to destroy european neutrality in american problems and wars.
-Alexander The 2nd Tsar and Autocrat of the Russias, King of Poland, Grand Prince of France
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Confederate States of America

Excerpts from an Address to Congress,

My friends, Southerners, and countrymen, lend me your ears. For it has been a week - seven entire days - since Mr. Lincoln ordered the shedding of our own blood on our own soil, and I mean to meet him in kind! I am here to ask this Congress, convened here today, to take immediate action in declaring war against the United States of America.
One week ago today, at the Battle of Manassas, we all lost some of our friends, brothers, sons, or cousins. They fought bravely for their country, and now we must fight bravely for their legacy. We must not let what they fought for die in vain, my friends! We have estimates that the Confederacy lost between 1500 and 2500 good, young men only one week ago today.
One week ago today, we entered into a battle for the very Soul of the South. Will we let Mr. Lincoln abolish our way of life and slaughter our brave men? If we do nothing, then that is what shall happen. And the events that transpired one week ago today shall mean nothing. And it will be blood on our hands in the history books, my friends. If we do nothing, it is us that smear the image of those who died only one week ago today.
One week ago today is when we should have declared war, but it is not too late.

The Battle of Manassas was not the only battle that stains Mr. Lincoln's hands red. The Battle of New Orleans was a masterful victory by our own navy against a far superior force which attempted to put a stranglehold on us.
The United States of America may have blocked all of our ports to the Atlantic, but we still hold New Orleans. We fought back tyrants at New Orleans. Let it be a sign of things to come, my friends. I do believe that what happened at New Orleans was God foreshadowing to the whole world our victory against tyranny.
In this Glorious and Holy fight against tyranny, we have friends in Great Britain and France. I can tell you with certainty that Great Britain seeks to help us end the blockade of our ports and end the vice grip the United States had put on the Confederate States.

I say all of this to persuade you of the necessity of immediate action. Again, I plead Congress to make a declaration of war against the United States of America. Thank you, gentlemen.

- Jefferson Davis, Provisional President of the Confederate States of America (on July 28, 1861)

Later that day, the Congress of the Confederate States of America declared war on the United States of America.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Regno d'Italia

While relations between the Kingdom of Italy and Austrian Empire have rarely been amicable, we wish to extend our thanks to the Emperor not only for supporting Italian participation in the Constantinople Conference, but for continuing to work together with our Kingdom through diplomacy rather than war. As the Kingdom of Italy has great interest in seeing both peace and stability maintained throughout the entirety of Europe, it is our wish that the Sultan accept our request to attend the Conference. In that very same interest, we ask that both the United Kingdom and French Empire cease their hostility towards the United States at the very least until the end of the Conference. It is apparent that their current mobilization and hostility is threatening to start a conflict not seen since the end of the Napoleonic Wars.

Furthermore, it must be stated that it is not the desire of the Kingdom of Italy to echo the reckless actions that seem to be overtaking our neighbors in rampantly mobilizing over a war that Europe shouldn't be concerned with. We wish not to join the countless nations in their efforts to mobilize against the very real possibility of war on the European continent, but if this current course continues it will no longer be possible. However, in interest of maintaining the continued security of this Italian state, should the Austrian or French Empires begin mobilizing on our common borders, we will respond in kind.

- King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Confederate States of America

A Request to President Lincoln of the United States,

Mr. Lincoln, while we both claim to be fighting on the side of God and while we could argue which of us is on God's side until His Judgement Day, I would like to request that we both put our words about our faith into action. I kindly request a cessation of hostilities between us on the days of December 24th, 25th, and 26th so that our soldiers may celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ peacefully.

- Jefferson Davis, Provisional President of the Confederate States of America (on October 9, 1861)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

The war has finally come to the New World once more and this time, it's going to get bloody. I pray that God is with everyone that is in the war and hope that he has mercy on them all. I hope that this war ends quickly and that peace talks can be held in our home. I wish that war can be stop on the day, that Jesus Christ was born on, between the United States of America, her allies, and Confederate States of America, her allies.

As for Russia, I believe that they aren't going to 'enslave' Mexico or Brazil. They aren't dumb enough to attack Mexico and not be punished for it by the European powers.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
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