Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Edward was looking around. He was hoping she wouldn't run away from him. He had no idea where she would go. It had been very hard for him to even help her. Part of him just wanted to leave and let her deal with things on her own. He was quite offended that she would even leave like that. He roared again. The dragon could feel the lightening forming around him. He really didn't want to leave her, He knew that somethin could happen to her.
Also he felt like she eased some of his lonieness and pain. Even if he had his brother and mother. He still wanted friends and somebody to love him. He knew that it was his own fault for pushing people away alot of the time. He was flyin fast, He wanted to make sure he caught up. He knew if he wasn't careful he would crash into the trees. The dragon though didn't care.

"Kyla!!!" He roared. He tried to catch up with her. He flew faster and ended up crashing into the trees and falling infront of her. He had been so determined to get there. The trees were all knocked down. "Kyla.. don't leave please." he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla heard the dragon roar from above and way to close for her liking, her escape was failing and Edward was so close to catching up to her now, she felt that even the trees were against her right now as she ran through their forest and it made her feel rather annoyed and betrayed. Kyla didn't want to face Edward again, not now with her attempt to leave him the way she did and after stealing his shirt that she still wore and everything else, though it didn't matter now anyway because he had found her and she knew that now she would not be able to get away as smoothly as she would have liked it.
Kyla was not expecting Edward to come any closer to the tree tops that he already was, knowing that it would be dangerous for him to do so, so it was a massive surprise to the red head when she heard the snapping of branches and the creaking of falling trees followed by the earth shaking fall of the storm dragon. Kyla had been forced to jump backwards a few paces in order to avoid being crushed by him in his large dragon form, visibly cringing as he looked like he hurt himself from the crash landing, and also for the trees though she didn't know why she felt their pain.

Kyla's panicked expression soon turned to annoyance as she watched the dragon but even quicker turn to sadness as she turned her head to the side so she didn't have to look at him directly.
"Edward...." she started in a quiet voice, wondering what she could say, after he had asked her not to leave the way he did broke her heart, "it's....it's better this way" she told him. She still did not lookout him, she could already imagine what expression he had, yet she made no attempts to continue fleeing, at the moment anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Edward was looking at her. He felt offended still. He had tears in his eyes. "I can't believe you would leave... After all I have done!" He growled "Don't you know how hard that was for me.." He shouted. He didn't see it as being best. "I can defend my home and you." He paced a bit. He wanted to just leave. He roared loudly. He was turning back to his human form. A deep offended look on his face. "I feel like you are throwing all I have done back in my face." He didn't look happy. He knew that his brother would be upset. At least Will was sleeping at the moment. He just hoped Will would stay asleep.

He knew that his brother was not well and needed the rest. "What ever happens we can do it together... Not so wrong to ask for bloody help. Maybe I should have continued pushing people away." he had tears in his eyes. He wanted to shout at her more. He felt so broken. The dragon knew that lashing out was wrong. He didn't want her to leave. He felt rather unstable with his moods again.
The dragon wanted to just loose his temper more and more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla was finding it so hard to keep herself under control as Edward shouted angrily at her, wrapping her arms around her self tightly as she continued to look away from him, even as he turned back to his human form she tried to hardest to keep her head down knowing that she was in the wrong here. When Edward continued his angry and hurt rant at her his words cut her deeper than she though they would have, she had no idea that he would take such an offense to her running away and that just made this all the more difficult, she had to say something Kyla just couldn't bare the thought of leaving Edward with such hate for her. But what could she say? what could she say to make him see that she did not run away because of him, or that she did it to spite him, no nothing of the sort, it was to protect him and his brother from those who hunted her.

As Edward continued to rage on now with tears in his eyes Kyla then lifted her head but kept her gaze down and started to approach him, reaching out slowly with her slender hands to touch him "Edward...." she spoke his name gently "I'm...so sorry, I didn't know...that you would feel so deeply" She placed her hands against his chest and brought herself close, hoping that the soft touch would be enough to silence him for at least a little so that she could speak, gently placing her head to him just under his chin as well as she continued to speak to her hurt friend.
"I don't want you to think that, those horrible thoughts, I would never run from you ever. I wanted to protect you...protect you from them" she sighed so quietly "They still hunt me, and I am afraid they will get you and your brother if I stay, and I just can't bare to think that" Kyla's voice started to shake as she moved her hands form his chest, and brought them around Edward's body to embrace him, moving her body closer to his "Edward..I don't know how to stop running away, I've been running so long...I just don't know how to stop, please...don't hate me..." Kyla fell silent after this while she continued to embrace Edward as close as she was able to in order to comfort him, and herself, She hoped that he wouldn't reject her and that he could see what she was trying to say to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The male looked at her. Struggling to calm down. Struggling to not be offended. He didn't want to be protected. He didn't need it. He could protect everybody. The dragon wasn't afraid of the men . He knew they could still hurt her as well. He didn't want her hurt. "I don't need protecting." He said. He felt more offended. "I can protect myself and my family and you, I don't want you hurt." It was easy to wound his pride and offend him. The dragon was sensitive. The dragon was growling more. He really didn't want to never see Kyla again. He closed his eyes crying more. He felt broken.
If she left, he wasn't sure what he would do. The dragon was fuming with anger.

Edward was looking at her "I can handle myself" He growled "And how did you expect I'd feel, your lucky Will is asleep." He didn't want his brother to know. He hoped he could convince her to return. He didn't want Will upset anymore. "Just come back." His eyes closed. The young man was shaking. The dragon cried harder when she hugged him. He truly had nobody else as a friend. "Just stay...," he was tense. The dragon was shaking a lot. "You can't run your whole life, problems don't go away like that." He said angrily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You are your stupid pride" Kyla mumbled as she clutched his shirt and held him tighter to her, and although she said that as a joke she wasn't laughing or even smiling, it was something she knew that she would have said if their relationship was as it was when they first meet. Kyla knew that it wasn't like that anymore though that they had grown much closer than she would have originally liked, in such a short time they had become friends to a point where she didn't want him to be hurt, no matter what his pride said.
Kyla still though was worried for these men who chased her, she had witness them take down a creature strong than any dragon and it scared her, she didn't want that to happen to the brothers she had become friends with. When Edward growled Kyla in reaction buried her face against his like she was afraid of him, afraid that he would never forgive her after this, then again he was a dragon and they are not ones to forgive from what she knew of them.

Kyla didn't know how to respond to Edward as he almost seemed to beg for her to stay with him, to return to his home with him and stay. She could feel him shaking and it made her heart break at how she could have upset him so, she felt so guilty about it and just didn't know what to do now that he had her, Kyla who still held on to him wouldn't let go until Edward returned her embrace though she didn't expect him to and still half expected him to shove her away.
When he told her that she couldn't run away from her problems Kyla shook her head, finally lifting her gaze so that she could look to Edward's tear stained face, trying her hardest to keep herself from feeling any more remorse than she already did. Kyla had to explain to him even though she didn't want to share her secrets, or make this about herself, he had to truly know why.
"Edward...I don't know anything else...I lost my memories, a few years back, and I don't remember who I am. Running away from my problems is all that I remember and all that I know" Kyla then lifted on of her hands to Edward's face and placed it against his cheek, wiping the tears away "I am sorry I hurt you so, I never realized you cared so deeply. "She spoke to him softly, sadly "You want me to return with you, so I will" She lowed her hand back to around Edward's waist and lowered her head back down to rest just nuder his chin, again not expecting him to return the embrace, he had no reason to and every reason to push her away "I won't ask for your forgiveness"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Edward was looking at her. He growled when she mentioned his pride. "I'm a dragon, what do you expect from me." He was trying to calm down. He knew that he was still rather upset about everything. He didn't take it as a joke. He took it seriously. Even if it had been said differently. He was just too angry and upset. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react in this situation. He hadn't expected all of this to even hurt so much.
Why was it? He had never cared enough about anybody other than his family. Everybody else was normally of no importance to him. The dragon finally had a friend. He held her close and cried more.

"I... , lets just head back." he had no words left. He knew that he would do what he could to protect her. The dragon knew he wanted her company. He was silent as he walked, He closed his eyes. He still was hurt and upset.
He knew he should slap her and push her away. Normally he would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla sighed as she slowly let go of Edward and took a step back, her head hanging as she gave a small nod when he suggested that they start heading back to his home, not knowing what else she was able to say to him Kyla was rather surprised that he did lash out at her, she would have expected it from a dragon to attack those who hurt them so.
As they trudged through the forest Kyla shot a glare to the tree that surrounded them, if it wasn't for them she would have escaped from Edward and would have been spared this whole ordeal, she did't want to hurt Edward but she still felt that she shouldn't stay in one place for to long, and she had already stayed with them for far to long.
Why was she even mad at the trees though? She didn't know why since the trees were always right, and because she didn't even know why she could understand them but she could, and it was annoying.

Once they cleared the forest and reentered the estates grounds Kyla quickened her pace so that she could get inside away from Edward, not because she didn't want to be around him, but to hide her shameful, guilty and embarrassed face as she thought that he wouldn't be able to look at her the same again after this, and she wouldn't blame him or expect any sort of forgiveness.
Once inside Kyla silently moved off to her given room and closed the door behind her, where she then proceeded to strip off her borrowed clothing and put back on her old street clothes, and even with the patch job on all the wear and tear they still made her look like a scruffy street kid. Discarding all her borrowed clothing into the corner of the room and then falling back onto the bed she let out a loud frustrated groan, placing a hand over her face as she tried to forget all that had just happened, At least Will wouldn't know any of this though so that was something good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Once back at the house Edward noticed she was trying to avoid him. He decided to just leave her alone. He knew that he should check on Will. He was worried about his brother. The dragon walked into his brother's room. "Will?" he replied.
He noticed his brother was shaking and moaning in his sleep. He stroked his brother's hair. He tried to comfort him. "Its ok Will, I'm here." He wondered if his brother would be ok, he sighed deeply.
Will awoke and was coughing badly, Edward tried to sooth him.

He goes and checked on Kyla in a few hours. He sighed and waited to see if she would let him in after he knocked. The dragon was looking down. He felt like things were a bit akward now almost.
"Kyla.?" he asked. The dragon was hoping that they could work something out. "I'm sorry if I upset you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla was still laying on her bed refusing to move even as her stomach complained for food, a pillow over her face and her arms laying lazily over the side of the bed, she didn't even move when Edward entered the room with is head hanging low and speaking her name. However when he started to apologize Kyla that babhen lifted her arm and went to shift the pillow ever so slightly, so that she could peek out at Edward.
"And why are you apologizing? we were both at wrong there, me for going away without a word and you for getting so angry and stopping me, even though I have a right to leave" She told with a frown.
"The only reason I came back is cause well...No one could ignore the puppy eyes you were making at me" She told him as her frown turned into a slight smirk, as she joked about what had happened just before. Joking seemed to be her way of getting over things and Kyla had clearly gotten over what had happened, or at the least she appeared to be over it by the way she grinned, though most of her face was still covered by the pillow.

Kyla then dropped the pillow back onto her face and moved her hand to point to the corner of the room where she had discard all the things she took "You don't need to apologize, it doesn't seem right for you to even think of apologizing, and by the way there are all the clothes I borrowed from you and Will, I don't need them anymore thank you" she waved her hand in the direction of the bag before dropping it back down where it lay again over the side of the bed. Kyla didn't expect Edward to come closer or to try anything else, she was still confused as to why he cared about her leaving so much in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Because I got too angry... I didn't mean to shout." He was looking down. "Its just being a dragon and I was scared I would lose you, I really enjoy your company." He wasn't sure what he would do. He had nobody else. The male was thinking. "I can get you some food if you are hungry." He looked down again. "I just don't want anything happening to you and I want us to work this out together, I don't need protecting."
He hoped that she would understand that. "I can always protect myself and my family." He added "And I can protect you too." he was still fairly confident about that. "It is safer to stay together then run away, I know you are used to running, but there are other ways than running."

"You are my only friend." He was hoping that she wasn't too upset, He sighed and heard Will get out of bed. "Dammit.. hes too ill to get up." he sounded worried. "Uh... I'll check on him and get you some food." He sighed. "You don't have to hide in the bedroom."
He was hoping that Will was alright. He goes to check on his brother. "Come on Will, lets get you back to bed." He sounded worried about his brother. He caught Will before the younger dragon fell over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla was silent as Edward spoke to her, rambling on about how he felt towards her, being his only friend and stuff like that. He had become so sensitive, no that she was complaining but it would be nice to have the stuck up Edward back, he made things interesting. She found this strange that she wanted that side of him, but shrugged it off as another of her strange ways, she had many strange ways.
Giving a slight wave to Edward as he left her to go and check on his brother, Kyla waited a moment before taking the pillow from her face and looking towards the door, a frown coming to her lips for a moment.
"You know....I can make my own food!" the redhead exclaimed loudly as she rolled off the bed and made her way through the halls towards the kitchen, she didn't care what Edward would say to her, as the girl was feeling rather mischievous at the moment, since she now wasn't allowed to leave to continue her life of wandering and instead kept here against her will. Reaching the kitchen Kyla started to pile all sorts of things onto a plate, never having such amounts of food before, this was amazing to her and she didn't want to let this opportunity go to waste.
Sitting down Kyla started to stuff her face, acting like the street punk she was with her lack of table manners, and lackof consideration to who ever may have entered the kitchen which she had currently made her own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Yes but you barely know where things are and don't really want you clearing out all the food." He sighed and gave up and went to check on Will. He knelt by the bed and was watching his brother sleep. He reached a hand out and felt Will's forehead.
He noticed his brother's fever was worse. He started cursing and panicking. He went to get some ice to cool down his brother. He was upset and scared. He had never seen his brother so sick. He was likely to snap at anybody who dared try to tell him Will would be ok.
Edward knew he was less stuck up around Kyla, That was because he had gotten to know her, he trusted her as a friend and was thus more different around her. "Will." he tried to wake his brother. Will was having nightmares and he awoke startled and threw up.
That seemed to cause Edward to panic.
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