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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Althalus shrugged. "One man's eccentricities are another man's normal behavior." He replied, following the Demon. He kept a prudent distance away from Tyrael though. College teacher he may be, but he was still a Demon. Demon's were dangerous, and able to kill him before he could even put up a paltry fight. The Naga didn't seem pleased by his presence either, so he kept himself aware of where she was. The Demon appeared to be what she went by in terms of hostility, but it was always good not to run into the half-snake by accident. He has seen how those coils could crush a man slowly and painfully to death. On the flip side, they make wonderful coverups for murders. Althalus reflected, People are far to willing to believe that the Naga went insane and killed someone, rather than the stranger, who was mysteriously missing from the excitement, did it. He smiled at himself. "Once an Assassin, always an assassin." He quoted softly too himself. Damn old fool. Could have kept things the way they were...but no. He had to get paranoid.

Althalus's musings were abruptly stopped by the clanging of a gate behind him. Apparently, they were in the College. Just as Tyrael was about to interrogate them(Althalus couldn't really blame him. A strange man in black armor and a mask, armed, arrives suddenly? And then a strange plant person? It was prudent to triple check their stories.) again, another Demon arrived and whispered in his ear. Althalus picked up bits and pieces of the language, but it was largely...gibberish to him. As Tyrael's tone changed rather drastically, Althalus took a step backwards. Angry things tended to do rash things, and he wanted to be well out of claw range should the demon choose to lash out. Some would call it cowardice. Althalus called it caution born from experience. As the Demon stalked off, Althalus relaxed. Mar turned to them, and Althalus gestured to the plant thing next to him. "The Foreas. Her translator appears to be broken." It was fairly obvious why the plant would need a translator, having no mouth or eyes. Taking off his mask, he made a sweeping gesture to the Naga. "Lead on. I suggest we stop by the Rune expert in the College. Who knows. Maybe we'll find a teacher leading a tour on the way." Securing his mask on his hip, he waited, his eyes roving over the courtyard.

Well, he was finally here. It had only taken years and dozens of deaths to force him to move towards the College, rather than staying an assassin with a knack for hiding in the shadows successfully. Somehow...he suspects that would have been the easier course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith shrugged when Mei asked her question. "Maybe that Uicle guy is running into some more bad luck. I've never saw anyone that had so many unfortunate things happen to him in such a short time. But we could move to the front and see what's going on." With that, Leith started moving through the group of students, offering hushed apologies to people he pushed bit harder than he needed to.

Leith made it to the front just in time to see a student push the man in armor. A moment later, a rather large hammer landed where Uicle was standing. Leith turned his attention back to the teacher and watched him collide with a man. A box of daggers flew into the air, and then impaled themselves into Uicle.

Leith just stared. They had been there for less than half a day, and there had been a death already. Damn, that man was really unlucky, he thought to himself before he saw the man that had been carrying the box of daggers start pulling them out of Uicle. He frowned. Why was that man unfazed at seeing Uicle like that? Leith's question was answered when the man told Uicle to stop and Uicle got up.

Leith flinched. He had not been expecting that, and the more he thought about it, the funnier the fact that he flinched seemed to him. As he listened to Uicle's explanation, laughter was building up in his gut. He tried to hold it in, but after Uicle asked if anyone had any questions, all the air rushed out of his nose as he burst into a fit of laughter. He tried to stop, but he couldn't.

After what seemed like forever, his bout of laughter came to an end. His sides hurt, and he felt light-headed. He could feel everyone's eyes on him. He looked at Uicle and gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that. I'm a bit tired, and I tend to laugh when I get startled. Mixing the two seem to have some interesting effects, as you can see. Anyway, I think that we should continue with the tour, and again, I apologize for the interruption."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 1 day ago


Coco was pleased at the turn of events. She had half expected to be treated more rudely, and it was nice to not be treated as an inferior being at first glance.

Though the strange looking being had to leave, the half-snake human and the armored person were still near her. When the half-snake spoke, she nodded vigorously and pointed at her Speech Artifact, which was hanging around her neck as a necklace. Then the armored creature spoke, telling the half-snake exactly what she was and what was wrong with her speech. How did this man know such things? Not many even knew what her species was called. Hell, nearly no one even knew how they moved. But this one was well versed. She liked it.

"Rune Mast- BZZT - yes!" She said, her leaves quivering in excitement as she clapped her hands lightly- partly because she was in a good mood, and partly because she would see so much better with the added sounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mar listened to the man explain about the Foreas, her eyes flickered to Coco and registered the name with the plant, but her knowledge about the species didn’t extend any farther. It was little of a surprise since there wasn’t any such creature -at least she had encountered-in Yarsomere. She took in the image to memory, noting key absence of facial features, the leaves curved about the form and much more before turning back to Althalus. The man had taken off his mask, revealing his face to everyone, and then made a slight wave to lean on.

It was too bad the man was human her earlier scent caught had affirmed her thoughts as usual, or he would’ve made a handsome Naga. A few blond hairs peering over his face and rather pretty eyes that Mar had staring a little more than necessary, easily mistaken for determining if she was going to slap him with her tail for his gesture. Her attention was jerked in the plant creature’s direction when the Foreas hastily began to shake her head while pointing at her odd necklace. She still spoke in her broken sentences then lightly clapped when it seemed they found the right answer.

Mar nodded then in understanding. Slowly, her face still watched the man warily, mostly, she moved in front. There was little worry the pair would attack her from behind because in moments they would’ve been shot or stopped many of the vast teachers, staff or even a few students themselves. In the short time she arrived, the Naga had noted many of the students had been very capable of defending themselves when the need rose and their fellows despite some of the clear prejudiced views existing. Most thought she didn’t notice their unseen glances or whispers behind her back, but instead she paid it little mind. Words were merely just that and nothing more.

Her tail slithered over the courtyard scenery then noted the Rune master, Val, in conversation with… Mar stopped dead in her tracks at the bizarre sight. Reptilian and standing upon a long tail like herself, the creature seemed to have distinct features that both similar and very different from each other. Immediately her tongue flickered out to catch his scent. He had the strong Naga scent in addition with male, salt water and finally….a fish scent. She waited for the male to feel eyes staring at him before Mar even considered to approach, her instincts a bit unnerved to seeing the creature like herself yet so different and strange. Mar half expected it to be a trick of sorts by the other students as bipeds tended to like to be rather foolish creatures at times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

FallenReaper/Sundered Echo

The first sensation that returned to Auriel was that of touch. She could feel soft sheets under her, something she’d missed since leaving the Eanian capital. Where the stinging wounds had been, now she felt a cold but soothing feeling. She could hear footsteps on stone nearby and soon thereafter she smelled the clean smell of an infirmary. Her body ached - she doubted she would be going anywhere quickly any time soon. One eye flickered open for a moment, seeing only the carved stone roof. It was quite well lit, though it didn’t seem like sunlight to her. She kept her breathing calm and her eyes shut. Her left hand moved slightly to check if her dagger was there - it wasn’t. She tried to stop herself from panicking at being unarmed, and it took all her might to keep her breathing steady. She couldn’t let whoever had her know she was awake. She had to get away. Her heart was thundering in her ears. She’d never been so helpless in her life.

Samuel, or Sam as he prefered, had noted something odd about one of the monitoring bed runes. One of the small, lightly colored stone in the right corner upon the headboard in each bed, had started to flicker. It flashed at the same rate was it’s current patient. Almost in a pattern that seemed to race desperately in an unhealthy manner. The elderly man’s head tilted a bit in confusion. His soft, bright blue eyes narrowed upon the one that currently occupied it. A young Wood Elf form the look of her with her side bandaged up and slightly seeping again, he frowned at the sight, causing him to pick up small jar. It had pasty green goo made from College growing herbs grounded well with additional ingredients. Though the school had it’s own Vitamancer mage, the healers prefered more traditional methods as opposite to calling Lidda for every single wound. Sadly at the end of the day the woman would be utterly drained and in need of medical care herself.

Sam pulled up a wooden stool while he set the bowl, beside her dagger, upon the table at his side. His hands gently pulled the sheet back and then patient’s already very revealing shirt a little higher, his body twisted back to the bowl and dabbed his fingers to scoop up a bit. Then he generously applied it until it painted the flesh slightly green. Next he reached for the bandages he had stashed under the bed, the white cloth ideal for patching wounds and soaking up blood. A soft, merry little tune crept to his mind while he hummed it.

Auriel felt her leather singlet being pulled up, but stopped once her stomach was revealed. Right after, she felt the soft touch of a healer, she let whoever it was work for a moment. He, she could tell by the tone, started whistling in short order. Good. He was not expecting anything to happen. He was comfortable. Auriels eyes flickered open the same moment her hand began to move, grasping towards the mans arm. She rolled onto her side so as to make use of her other arm. As she did so she caught a glimpse of naked steel on the bedside table, her weapons!

She reached with her free hand towards her dagger as she twisted the old mans hand in her own. When her hand closed around the familiar, now clean, hilt of her dagger she suddenly found it stuck to the table. Her eyes widened in surprise and her heart raced even faster.

Sam wasn’t expecting anything eventful today but he sure got a surprise when his patient’s eyes snapped open. His teeth gritted when she twisted his hand, the aged tendons seemed to protest and cause his arthritis to flare once more. He was old so anything he could possibly do would’ve not been nearly enough to prevent it. Instead, he bore it, his other hand immediately dropped the bandages as they rolled across his lap and onto the floor. If she twisted any harder, even if she didn’t mean to, then likely she would break some bones. He noted her surprise when she realize her dagger was stuck fast onto the table top. Naturally she didn’t know about the twin runes, a Psychomancy and Electromancy, that read only the intentions of harm and caused the later to magnetize. The weapon wouldn’t move now, no matter how hard she tugged or jerked.

“Let go of my hand...or you’re going to break it.” Sam said through his twisted expression, his fingers feebly attempted to pry her own off his hand. It didn’t take much strength to beat him, even his seven year old granddaughter could out arm wrestle him, and so he failed in his tries. “You’re not going to be able to slit my throat and run for it, my dear. I was just tending your wounds was all. It started to bleed again…” he couldn’t finish until she had release his aching hand.

Auriel looked at the man in confusion, without her weapons all she had was her nails, and she could hardly scratch her way to freedom. “No.” She said sternly. Another, slightly longer look around the room revealed no immediate danger. “Why.” She said, a little less confident this time. Bits and pieces of what happened to get her here were starting to come back to her now. She remembered a snake and a woman, being carried by someone, voices.

Sam’s teeth gnashed a bite, his breath a little strained as he heard her answer followed up by question. “Just let go of my hand. If you break it, I can’t heal anyone else and I’ll be too busy withering in pain to tell you anything. You need to calm down and let go. I’m pretty sure you won’t need much to restrain a 58 year old man.”

He took a deeper breath and added, “I much rather not have the Headmaster get the wrong impression. Harming others isn’t allowed in the school and precautions are made to prevent it. Now, please… I’m not as young as I use to be.”

Auriel untwisted the old mans arm, but kept it firmly in her grip. He was talking about this being a school… Of course! She remembered then. She’d run headlong to the College. The college of mages. “Damnit! Rhach! Yaru! You’re telling me this is the Twilight College!” She’d spent years denying her magic, denying this place ever existed. Suddenly, a panic filled her once more. Did this doctor know about her mageblood? She had no clue as to how someone else could tell a mageblood from a normal person until the person used magic. “What do you know about me Doctor!” She asked with a raised voice, trying to sound like she was in control. She had to find out if this doctor knew about her mageblood. If he did, she would likely never get out of here.

Sam flinched a little less after the wood elf, seemingly a little frantic and upset by mention of the school, loosen her grasp. As the pain faded only a little bit, Sam didn’t bother to pull his hand out because he doubted she would release him. This wasn’t the first a student had reacted in such a brazen and threatening manner but it didn’t mean he enjoyed it. The healer didn’t like the fact she would hurt others, him or even herself if she continued to act this way. When she raised, the old man’s ears unwillingly caught every word and for a moment, sat there a little confused. What did she mean? He wondered, his eyes peered at her closely in hopes a hard enough look would reveal the reasons for her fear.

“I only know you were injured and bleeding. If you keep this up, you’ll reopen that wound and it will start bleeding again.” Sam said in the same calm manner.

However, another voice, slightly gravelly and sharp seemed to come behind Auriel. “I would suggest you calm down and let go of the old man…nice and easy, then lift your hands where I can see them. “To make sure she got his point, something hard pressed her in the back.

With a weapon of some kind obviously ready to end her escape attempt quite prematurely, Auriel let go of the old man, holding both hands in the air and open, the universal sign of surrender. She turned to face away from whatever was threatening her this time and swung her legs off the bed before stepping down off of it entirely. They didn’t know she was a mageblood. if she could just keep it that way long enough to get out… “Alright. Fine. You mages and your tricks have got me at a disadvantage. I surrender. Now who are you and what are you going to do with me?” She still faced away from the threatener with the gravely voice, but she assumed he was some kind of mage.

“Personally, if you had done that shit where I came from, I won’t think twice about slicing off your head and shoving it down your throat. Alas, I’m nice guy and you were nice enough to release the old man. As for being a mage… off by a long shot. Nice guess though but I think you’ll have to try again.” The voice said with a little cockiness in it, the speaker clearly smug about the wood elf’s choice.

When she slide from the bed, the blade followed slightly as a dark shadow emerged behind her and out of her line of vision. It was Zaad, a demon bounded to Khan, his four red eyes followed the little spitfire with as much trust he would’ve held for a crook near an open bank vault. His head tilted a bit to the healer. The old healer had started to rub his wrist slightly once Doll face had released him. He had a slightly relieved look that quickly turned alarmed, his next words aimed to defuse the intense situation. “She’s just upset and scared, Zaad there’s no ne-”

“No need?” the demon asked, his eyebrow raise in question then snapped, “If I didn’t come along then Doll Face here would’ve snapped your wrist and left you for dead old man!”

Auriel was initially slightly confused by the chatter between the two men in the room with her. Her course of action became clear as gravel voice finished though. She began to slowly turn around as she spoke “Doll Face? Did you just call me Dol-” She stopped quite abruptly as she clapped eyes on her insulter. Apparently she’d almost initiated a verbal sparring match with a demon. The moment of being stunned was very brief however. “Shit! Demon!” She yelled, leaping backwards. “Get away from me Demon or I’ll… I’ll…” She was armed only with her nails and teeth. She didn’t fancy her chances against a demon even with a weapon. Her mind was coming back to her though, and with it her fear was falling away, to be replaced by her usual bravado.

Zaad wasn’t surprised when the Wood Elf turned around and her sentence stopped dead in its tracks. Or fact she started to yell, her body leapt back defensively and seemed ready to attack him. Not that it would do her much good since she couldn’t do much unarmed. The medical staff had done a Rune check after all for any hidden weapons, aimed on removing any surprises, then set all them on the table. His eyes rolled at her quick shift then snapped, “Yeah, yeah, the whole damn demon thing again. And to be honest, Doll Face, I doubt you could do shit right now… You’re unarmed and helpless.”

The demon couldn’t help the smirk at the last comment, ignoring Sam’s slight glare at Zaad for scaring the poor girl. Both them knew Zaad couldn’t hurt the young woman, not without Khan’s instructions, but that didn’t stop the threat.

This demon had a lot of nerve. Auriel had engaged in insulting matches before though, and wasn’t entirely unprepared even now. Regardless, he absolutely could not be allowed to keep calling her that. “Call me Doll Face once more, demon, and Armed or no I’ll make you regret it. It seems to me you’re a demon of barking, with no bite at all.” In a brief moment of foolish bravery, she followed her taunts by sticking out her tongue at him. “Come and get me dusty.” She couldn’t resist. Angering a demon was generally a bad idea, but it was too much fun.

Zaad’s cocky grin faded a bit, annoyance clear on his face at her remark. If she only knew that he was forced, day and night, to follow his demonomancer’s leash. Then again, it was likely she would’ve been worse. His eyes narrowed upon her with a dark look, his body straightened before he replied. “I’ll bite you when I want to waste time, Doll Face,” he placed stress on the now sticking nickname, “At least I wasn’t foolish enough to have to be sa-”

The two hadn’t been aware that in the bed next to Auriel, their fighting had stirred someone awake. A young intermediate student who had been injured during in his last mission-one that unfortunately left a deep fear of demon within him- had started to wake, his brow dampened and hair sticking to his forehead in a sloppy mess. His sleepy eyes turned just to stop Zaad who immediately froze. He had met the youth before, the novice sent several flames his way, and quickly tensed when he noticed the fear edged to the student’s eyes.

“Oh shi-” Zaad started but never finished when the boy screamed, sending a weakened flare of fire right at him. The only problem with his aim was the fact Auriel was stuck in between them.

Auriel gritted her teeth at his use of the name. She couldn’t really follow through with her threat, but as she fumed at her powerlessness the hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end. Danger. What happened next was too quick for her to realise what she’d done. A great heat was suddenly at her back and in a blur she thought only to direct it towards Zaad. Flames roared around her, not her own, she knew, for there were far more than she’d ever generated on her own, not touching her skin or garments once and reforming into a bolt in front of her. It was messy and poorly controlled but pointing in precisely the right direction.

As the flames left her, a satisfied grin spread across her face. The demon would get it now.

Zaad’s eyes widened at the unexpected turn of events, namely the fact the elven bitch was a mage and she had the nerve to toss fire right into his face! The black sand crackled as heat dowsed it, instantly hardened like a stiff mask which fixed his features into a glass mask. His glowing red eyes dulled and took on a faded look while he just stood there. The flames had extinguished on contact luckily which meant nothing else was burning other than a black, smoldering demon. Zaad naturally wanted to snap her neck right then and there. HIs form rattled, the crystal like shard fell away only to recollect once more back into his form.

“You fucking bitch!” He hollered, seemed intent on straggling the Wood Elf right there. Until Sam’s clapping had stopped him causing the demon to turn and look at the old man, his rosy face turned up in a kind smile.

“Very good for a first time,” the old man said in assumption, “I’ve been waiting for someone to do something like that to him for a long time. I do apologize for Connor, the poor boy’s been through a lot lately and when it seems from not using his magic, any emotional stress will cause a sudden burst. It tends to happen with some mages when they try to let their magic fade. Instead of it just vanishing, it merely takes a bit of stress and it comes right back to life in a more powerful way.”

The healer then turned to the boy, still jerking and twitching from the sight of Zaad, to calm him down. Once eased, Sam added a comment to the young Elf, “I’m required to ask you something important but first, I think it might be ideal to introduce ourselves. My name is Samuel and that is Zaad, a demon attached to our demonomancer Khan who is current Headmaster of the College. So miss...?”

“It wasn’t me.” Auriel quickly exclaimed. “It was him.” She said pointing to the mage behind her. “I’m not a mage. No need to introduce yourselves… Can I go now? I’m going now.” Auriel could see this going downhill very quickly after that little display. She glanced around looking for the way out.

“You can leave… but you really shouldn’t lie about not being a mage. It tends not to work with this,” Sam pulled a small carved gem hidden in his robe, the small cateye was a brilliant sheen and very delicate. “You have a choice. We don’t force anyone to join if that’s what you’re thinking. Our role is to merely teach. What you want to do with that knowledge, either to harness the power you might have within yourself or allow it never to be use again is your choice. We only prove an environment that’s safe and built for such learning. If you would like, I will have one of the staff saddle a horse with supplies, and have the Vitamancy teacher heal you before you go. I much rather not have your wound get infected as I’ve seen many died that way before and wish on it no creature.”

“You mages and your runes...” Muttered Auriel as she began to turn away. ”Fine, I’m a mage. I don’t want anything to do with it though. I hope you don’t want the horse back. Thanks for the healing offer doc, but I can handle myself.” She walked to the table with her weapons and pulled them off quickly, half expecting them to still be stuck down, holstering both the dagger and the axe in their rightful places, then turning to head to the door. She’d gone barely a step before being interrupted.

The man made no effort to stop her, but Zaad on the other hand scoffed at her choice. “Figures Doll Face would be a coward not to stay. I doubt she could even learn to control her magic, let alone stick it out for a month.”

The demons words cut into her, stopping her in her tracks. Was she really going to let him be right? She gritted her teeth and thought about taking another step. “Screw you demon.” Not one of her best retorts to be sure. Would it really be so bad to learn magic? At least then she could stop dodging the conscription gangs. A great sigh escaped her as she decided, finally, to stop running. “Alright, fine. I’m not going to lay around any more though. Sorry doc.” She turned to the demon then. “I hope you like being turned into glass, Dusty. Because it’ll be your new pass-time now. I am going to stay. And I’m going to make your existence even more hellish than it is already.”

Zaad shook his head, then smirked, “You wish, Dollie, but you’re not my type and I’m not that desperate. I don’t think you’ll last, mainly since you were so eager to walk out the door not too long ago. I know your type all too well. Independent, hot tempered, and think you know it all. After the Opening Feast, your little ass will be shaking its way right out the front gate before I can say Fire. And that is likely to be a Fact!”

Auriel grinned, this was great! No-one had been able to keep up with her since Ghannos. Better yet, this one looked like she could stab it and keep going. “I’m sure you’d love to watch my ass shaking mister river sand, you really are a poor liar. I wouldn’t go near you anyway, since its obvious even the sand in Yarosmere rejected you and your face of horrors.” It wasn’t quite as easy to find insults when the opponent was a demon from the Inferno. This was actually something of a challenge.

Not missing a beat, Zaad snapped off his own counter, “This is coming from the woman that couldn’t make up her mind if she was coming or going. Which means, you’ll not stick with it!”

“Since you two are getting along so well,” Sam interrupted with a slight mirth hidden in his comment, “Would you mind taking the conversation outside? My patients need their rest after all.”

Zaad just rolled his four eyes and grudgingly obeyed. He still couldn’t help but add another thorn into the Wood Elf’s side as his sand floated towards the exit, “It’s not like she’s able to keep up with me anyway.”

Auriels grin was ferocious as she followed the demon of sand out of the infirmary. “Thats right dusty. Run away from me. I know you can't stand seeing someone prettier than you.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 12 days ago

Eirenver made it into the college when the gates first opened, on horseback wearing a silver-black tunic and black breeches. Once inside the guards directed him to the stables where he left his horse and was taken back to the courtyard where a large crowd of students stood facing an Esyire. Among the students, he noticed a large number of humans, it was to be expected, but that didn't make things any less uncomfortable for him. Looking down on their inferiority he walked between the crowd, forcing himself to apologize until he was somewhere along the middle when a cloaked figure fell into the crowd from the sky.

The crowd parted away slightly as the figure stood, apologizing. Curious, Eirenver thought to himself as he returned his attention to the Esyire, who happened to be the headmaster. Those large, idiotic creatures managed to do something right for once, he mused as the headmaster continued with his speech. Towards the end, a distant cousin - a snow elf - ran headlong into the headmaster - who didn't seem to mind - before being taken away by what he could only assume was another student. He'd only been there for a half hour at most and already he was beginning to feel the students and people here were far too crazy and strange for him to be having a normal experience within the college.

The students were then split into groups, following one of the two professors. Eirenver took the opportunity and followed the one they called Uicle, who happened to be the most unluckiest fellow he had ever met. Things took a turn for the stranger when they descended to the basement and the professor was stabbed by a number of swords and simply got up, explaining to them he was only a suit of armour without a body. Eirenver could have handled that, however, it was the laughter of the bald albino that made things a little too strange to bear. "You're all bloody mad," he said looking at everyone of them, a sneer beginning to form on his lips.

Not once had he encountered so many strange things at once, an Esyire as a headmaster of a prestigious college, a random student falling from the sky, a professor who didn't have a body, and a crazy albino student. Most of the students were eying him strangely, as if he were the weird one, and why wouldn't they? He was the one who broke out and said everything and everyone was crazy, all the while, the others just accepted it like it was a normal day.

Having enough of it, he broke away from the group and made his way back up the stairs, mumbling about something or another, while he walked, heading towards the one of the large stone statues that would guide him to his dorm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aruna heard Ssarak walk away and calmed down a bit. She still couldn't believe the gal of him. As she looked around the room she took in details for the first time. It wasn't very large, but it fit two beds and their respective clothes drawers. She studied the walls and saw the two buttons that the gargoyles said would change the room to It's users liking.
Not to shabby
Aruna went to the bed farthest from the door and, coincidentally, closest to the window. Her tail was itching like crazy from having her Tail whip strapped on for three whole days. She unstraped her tail whip and her shoulder sheath, then put them in the top drawer of the clothes drawer. After she had done that, she took off her long coat, being careful of her sore wings. She stayed in her black sleeveless shirt and pants simply because she was to tired to change. After stowing her knife under her pillow, she laid down and pulled the blanket over herself. Her wings almost hung limp as she sat on the soft comfortable bed. It had been so long since she had slept on anything so soft that she she almost moaned.
She pulled her knees up to her chest and pulled her tail around herself so that the tip of her tail was right before her face. It wasn't her most safe position, but it was the one that was most comfortable to her, and it helped her get over some of the anxiety of being in a place she knew nothing about and surrounded by strangers. Aruna closed her eyes and finally let the full extent of her exhaustion wash over her. She was asleep immediately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin watched the scene of Uicle getting stabbed with daggers. Somehow though, there was no blood, not even a yelp of pain from Uicle. He than explained that he was just a spirit in the armor. This did nothing to make any more sense for Mei. Leith seemed to get a kick out of it though. He laughed for a while, in the mean time Mei quietly slipped away. As interesting the tour was getting, she felt that she would like to scope the place out on her own. Many students already seemed to have done so themselves, so she figured it would be no problem.

After passing the courtyard, Meirin found herself in one of the larger buildings. Apparently this was the student lodgings, and Meirin was free to find a room for herself. She was glad, because she had been carrying all her gear since she came in. All her weapons and equipment weighed at least around a hundred pounds, and her shoulder was quite sore from holding them the entire time. A place to set them down would be nice. Of course, there was one problem: She had no idea where to go. Apparently not all the rooms were for students, so when she poked her head inside either she's obviously see that she wasn't suppose to be there, or someone would be there to spell it out to her. She went through at least twenty doors before she finally found what seemed to be a room.

The room seemed empty. Meirin quietly opened the door and took a careful observation. It wasn't very large, but it fit two beds and their respective drawers. She studied the walls and saw the two buttons that she didn't really know what did. She would investigate later, for now she needed to put her things away. Some of the weapons were too large into the drawers, but she put away what she could. The only weapon she would have to find another place for was her polearm; everything else she was able to tuck away. Sitting on her bed, she examined the blade of her weapon. She could see a hazy image of herself in it's reflection. She blinked, and than saw herself covered in blood.

Meirin threw her weapon against the wall and jumped to her feet. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not, but a quick check on her face proved that she wasn't bleeding. Picking up her polearm, she saw that her reflection was normal. "Haaah... Get a grip Mei. It's the past."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith Calder

Leith moved to the middle of the crowd and pulled his hood up after he had apologized. He watched the sickly-looking elf that had called everyone mad leave and gave a smile. "Madness takes the dullness out of life," he said to himself quietly. It had been Rehm, his mentor's, favourite saying. Leith felt the familiar pain of grief as he thought about him. He missed the eccentric old man.

He closed his eyes and smiled as he remembered when Rehm tried to make a new potion for pain relief, and It had blown up in his face, quite literally, which ended up burning one of his eyebrows off. The old man had complained about his missing eyebrow and how the one that was still there was missing his brother days after the incident before Leith had enough and suggested that Rehm shave off the other eyebrow and stop complaining. Completely deadpan, Rehm asked Leith a question.

"If you had hands that could grow back if they're cut off, and if you lost a hand, would you get rid of the other one so that the one you lost felt better? No? I didn't think so." Leith stared at the old man for a few moments before Rehm started laughing. It was a good memory, and it was what made Leith decide to stay and work for Rehm instead of going to the college. He had felt that he could live with him and repay his debt to the old man.

The feeling that he was falling shook Leith out of his thoughts. He opened his eyes and saw the ground rushing up to his face. His arms shot out in front of him and stopped him from having a broken nose. He stood up and shook his hands to try to relieve the pain in his palms. Note to self: don't slap the ground; it hurts, he thought to himself dryly. He looked around to see if anyone saw his fall and only saw a few of the students trying not to laugh. Good, not everyone saw that one. He realized that must have fallen asleep momentarily and actually fell over. He shook his head and decided that he needed to sleep, and as quietly as he could, he left the group and looked for the sleeping quarters.

When he got found them, he tried to find a room. Most of the doors he tried were locked, so Leith assumed that those rooms were already taken. When he found a door that was unlocked, he almost cheered out loud. He opened the door and gave a tired sigh of defeat before closing the door. It was occupied, and the occupant was sleeping. He tried the next room, which was unlocked but occupied as well. The difference, however, was that the Esyire that was in the room was awake. He gave a tired smile and spoke in a slightly slurred voice.

"Hey, are both of those beds taken? Because if not, you have a new roommate," he said as he eyed the two beds that fit in the room. It had been a week since he had been in a bed. What he had said registered in his head, and he frowned. Gods, do I always get this direct when I'm tired? He hadn't really been around a lot of people in the five years he worked for Rehm. He had only been around Rehm and the people that came to his house to buy his potions. Shaking his head, he took his hood down and spoke again, his voice a bit clearer.

"Sorry about that, I haven't slept in three days, and I'm just starting to learn how blunt I can get when I get tired. Let me start over." For the second time today. "My name's Leith Calder." As he held out his hand to the black Esyire, he chuckled to himself. What a day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


He raised an eyebrow at the sudden laughter. Or at least, Uicle felt like he did. He may have no body to speak of beneath his armor, but old habits die hard. Even if he couldn't make them, he could feel like he was. Deciding it would be best to force Aarem to have at least a little more creativity when it came to plaguing him with bad luck, Uicle decided not to move during his response. "Clearly. I'd suggest a good night's sleep before a day in the College. We-" That's when the Wood Elf, at least Uicle thought he was a Wood Elf, sneered at them all. Uicle let the mage go, chuckling softly. "This is a Mage's College. Madness is a very..flexible term. I would suggest you all get used to seeing what you would have once deemed as mad, because it will become at least an often appearance, if not daily." Before he could go on, the original laughing student passed out, if only so briefly. Uicle heaved a private sigh.

As tours go, this one seemed to be cursed. And he wasn't the only one. Before he could lose any more of the group, or have anything else happen to him for that matter, he went into a very brief and to the point explanation of the Forge and what they could do into it. "The Forge is where, well, things are forged. If you have a request for an item to be made, and what materials to make it out of, you bring it to the Forgemaster." He pointed the man out briefly. "If the Forge doesn't have those items in a large stock, you may be requested to deliver the materials yourself." With that, he decided they should leave. "Well. Shall we move on before any more mishaps occur?" Herding his tour group out the door, Uicle heaved a small sigh of relief. That had actually gone off without a hitch. He was sur- Just as he thought it, one of his metallic birds crashed into the side of his head. "What the-" What it whispered in his ear made him sigh. A deep, weary, resigned sigh. "Go and tell her to clean it."


He raised his eyebrows at the Naga as she stared longer than was entirely necessary, as if deciding whether or not she should slap him(likely with her tail). Well, nothing he could do about that except leap out of the way. Or, at least try to. Naga tended to be fast when they wanted to be. The Foreas spoke, or attempted to at least, indicating he had the right idea. Her translator was broken. It was faintly amusing the way her leaves quivered and she clapped, drawing a small chuckle from Althalus. It was excitement, certainly. Very few people, even if they were dependent on the sound for knowing what was around them, clapped lightly in fear.

As Mar moved in front to lead the way, still watching him, he gave her a smirk as if he knew what she was thinking. Of course, he had no clue at all, but she didn't know that did she? Certainly, it was far to long to be staring at someone if you were deciding whether to hit them or not. He was curious as to the reason why, but now was not the time nor the place. As they followed the Naga, Althalus's eyes wandered, looking for anything interesting(and noting quick escape routes. Old habits die hard, especially when you've only stopped for a few weeks.) They stopped when they saw the same thing that caused Mar to freeze. A Naga, obviously. But one he had never seen nor heard of before. Mar certainly seemed surprised at his presence.

"Well. That's a new one." He remarked to no one in particular, waiting for the ocean Naga to notice Mar staring at him. Althalus would listen, and maybe learn a few things from it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak had been in his new room for a while, without interruption, and was using the chance to meditate and clear his mind. Just as the gargoyles had described, touching the rune in his room molded it, or at least half of it, to his desires, which were fairly simple. He now had a large bed which could accommodate his size, as well as an armor rack and weapon display. There was now a large floor mat that seemed to be made from the skin of a creature native to the Scorched Lands, much like the ones that were often used in his village growing up. Besides that, the largest, and perhaps most welcome change was the fact that his part of the room was significantly warmer than the rest of the college, closer to what he was used to in his own homeland.

Ssarak had placed his armor and weapons on the display racks and was now wearing a pair of tough leather pants, and a sleeveless vest of the same material. They were moderately worn by this point, as he had been using them since leaving the Scorched Lands, but they were made to be durable. For a while after preparing his room, he simply sat on his bed, closing his eyes and clearing his mind. There would be a lot he would need to worry about over the coming months, but for the moment, he needed not do anything but relax.

Once the door opened Ssarak opened his eyes and stood up from his bed. The human who entered seemed confused and fatigued, but he was at least trying to be polite, it seemed. The implications of what happened with Aruna before did not immediately click in his mind, so his first reaction was to return the greeting and shake the man’s hand.

“Greetings, I am Ssarak Dyreackthanose and…wait.” He began before remembering what Aruna had implied. He immediately pulled back his hand and a nervous expression came over his face. If being a roommate had such an intimate meaning to humans, then what did this man intend? Were humans incredibly forward and open with strangers? Did they even have the same concept of what a relationship was as the Esyire? Nothing made sense to Ssarak, and he was very obviously confused. “I…when I asked Aruna to be roommates, she grew angered, I mean, she said…or implied, or…” He started, his stammering becoming more and more incoherent.

Ssarak took a few steps back, nearly tripping over his bed. “Aruna said being roommates was intimate for humans, and I…I mean I don’t...I am not interested in a relationship.” He said awkwardly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith Calder

Leith stared at Ssarak in confusion as the Esyire back-pedalled away. It took him a few seconds for Ssarak's words to sink into his sleep-deprived head, and when they did, his eyes opened wide. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he could speak.

"Wha- no. That's not what being roommates means at all-well, most of the time, that is. It's only like the way you say it is if the roommates are opposite gender, or the same, sometimes, but-" Leith dropped his bag by the smaller bed, sat on the bed, and sighed loudly. He put his elbows on his knees and rubbed his eyes. "I'm explaining this terribly, aren't I? It only becomes intimate if the roommates make it that way, but having a roommate of the opposite gender can have intimate connotations; even if there is nothing there."

He looked at Ssarak and smiled. "Just to allay your fears, I'm not looking for a relationship either, more-so with men, not exactly my kind of thing. Anyway, I really don't want to search for another room," he said with a dry smile. He was completely willing to go find another room, but he thought a joke might make the mood a bit lighter. "So how about we become roommates?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael began to drag the man further and further into the forest. The man had dark skin, bald, and very scarred. Blood mattered his face, likely from Tyrael since his fists were red as well. Once they were a sufficient distance away, Tyrael tossed the man against a tree and took out one of his daggers from the Inferno. He had the blade heated from the Inferno so when Tyrael cut into the man, it would burn the wound so he wouldn't bleed out. He'd still die... Eventually. But Tyrael had some questions to ask.

By the time the man had awoken, Tyrael had gutted him from groin to sternum. He was slowly, inch by inch, putting his intestines out from his body. While the man was very much alive and conscience. The man screamed for a while, but Tyrael paid him no mind as he continued to pull out the man's guts. Once the man began to stop screaming, Tyrael started asking questions. "Where is he? Elysion."

The man began to breath heavily, though it was muffled by the squelching sounds of his guts being pulled out of his body. He shuddered every time Tyrael tugged on a tight intestine. When the man didn't answer, Tyrael slid his hand into the man's body and poked his lung. "Where is Arrun Kamfer?" The man began to hyperventilate, but he also began to talk. "I don't know I don't know! Why are you doing this!? I don't know what you're talking about!" Tyrael kept pulling the man's guts out, seemingly uncaring about what the man said. "You know, they say that a human's body has a mile's worth of intestine int heir body. I do not know the exact number myself. But I imagine that if you do not tell me where Elysion is, I will be able to discover the truth soon enough." The man began to scream for help, but no one would hear him. They were far from the college now, just as Tyrael intended.

After some time, Tyrael had a small pile of intestines next to him, enough that he could throw it over the College wall and use it to rappel his way up. "Elysion. Formerly called Arrun Kamfer. Demonmancer. Cult leader. Formerly a unassuming candle maker. Your employer. Three days ago he vanished from his shop. Between those days and now, over fifty people have been killed 'In the name of Salvation'. You have been caught attempting to murder one of my chefs. Need I explain more, or shall I see what your entrails will tell me?" Tyrael wrapped the man's intestines around his hand and made a quick jerk, causing blood and fat to roll down his arm. The man continued to scream, but his throat had gone so dry and hoarse that Tyrael was somewhat concerned that the man wouldn't be able to answer. No matter, there was some time before the opening ceremony, and if the man wouldn't give him anything useful he'd just hand him off to one of his demons to get the man to start talking.

As Tyrael began to coil the man's intestine into more manageable sizes, the man spoke up. "He... Elysion... Has seen his coming... It will not... Be long... Kudd..." And with that, the man had finally died. Tyrael's eyes grew wide at the man's last words. Tyrael left the body behind as he went back out to the college. Once there, his mind was lost in thought. He went over many things in his head, information about demons, the current state of the Inferno, and occasionally the open ceremony. Along the way he bumped into a student absentmindedly. "I apologize, I was not... Wait a moment. You are Lucilia's guest, are you not?" The hulking demon had run into Colette the vampire.

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth watched with amusement as the unfortunate teacher continued to stumble through one unfortunate accident after another. She felt a little bit guilty at his bad luck, but it was still entertaining. She made sure to be extra careful however, as she was unsure if his bad luck would affect her somehow. Though after looking around, she noticed that Uicle's luck might be worse than just what's happening to him. Slowly she saw that many students were beginning to leave him one-by-one. Annabeth herself considered doing the same, but she didn't. She felt bad for the unfortunate soul, and it may hurt him emotionally to know that all his "students" left him.

Of course, it didn't help that it seemed that the exact scenario just happened. By the time Uicle had finally left the forge, the only students left was Annabeth a a couple that didn't so much follow Uicle as much as they were going in his general direction while they conversed among themselves. Annabeth just faked a smile, trying to make it seem like she was at least trying to pay attention. "Well, Sir Uicle.... I suppose that everyone wanted to explore on their own..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
"Wait, I am confused." Ssarak responded, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Nothing these Humans did ever seemed to make sense. Aruna was raised in their culture, and according to her, asking to be a roommate was offensive, but Leith was now telling him otherwise. Their rules seemed selective and variable, and not at all sensible. What Leith said seemed to indicate their rules varied by gender, which he also could not understand. In Ssarak's upbringing, societal differentiation between genders was nearly nonexistent, so the concept did not exist in his mind.

"So, is there, or is there not a rule among humans regarding sharing rooms? I am relatively new to this land, and I have already offended one person because of rules I do not understand. And what influence does gender have on this; that does not make sense to me. If sharing rooms is acceptable, then I have no issue with you staying, but I would really like to understand what is going on here. From my perspective, humans make no sense whatsoever, and have rules that apply only selectively, apparently to my detriment." Ssarak explained, staring attentively at the human and awaiting his response.The sooner someone set right his misconceptions about human society, the sooner he would be able to clear up any misunderstandings he had made with others, such as Aruna, so perhaps it was fortunate Leith had came along, even if it did seem as if he was only interested in getting to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith Calder

Leith looked down and ran his hands over his head as he pondered Ssarak's question. He was surprised at how difficult it was to explain something he thought of as simple. When his figured it out, he looked back at Ssarak.

"There is," Leith started slowly as he searched for the right words. "An unspoken rule when it comes to roommates. It isn't a rule that is set in stone, but it usually known by everyon- Humans, at least. Men don't room with women unless they are," he paused, searching for the correct word. "Together, but there are exceptions to this rule. Siblings can share a room. There are other exceptions, but I think that one is good enough. Back to the point, if the man and woman aren't together when they share a room, other people tend to think that they are. From the sounds of it, that girl, Aruna, right? She knew about the rule, and assumed that you were pushing for you two to be." Leith coughed nervously. "Uh, together."

Leith chuckled at Ssarak's earlier comment of humans making no sense at all, and after giving his explanation and having lived with a crazy old man in the middle of the woods, he agreed. Feeling that he had explained the situation as best as he could, he decided to start a new topic on a lighter note.

"So, what brings you to the College?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak sat down on his bed, staring Leith down as he tried to make sense of what he was saying. By the end of his explanation, Ssarak found himself...somewhat understanding the situation. It all still seemed counterintuitive to him, and Aruna's reaction still did not seem entirely logical. He had indicated quite clearly that he was not familiar with Human culture, so why would she expect him to understand their social rules? It did not seem to make sense, though from his brief glimpse into her past from what she told him, he had gathered that she was a slightly paranoid individual. Perhaps that played a role in her anger. Regardless, Ssarak sighed and leaned back against the wall on his bed, resigning himself to simply accepting the situation, as there was little he could do to change it at the moment.

"The same thing that draws most here, I suspect." Ssarak finally answered. "I wish to learn more about my blood, about psychomancy. It was not too long ago that I left my homeland, as you can likely tell. It was two years ago that I left, though I have been mostly alone since then. I worked as a mercenary for a while, but I attempted to keep to myself for the majority of the time, so I did not learn a great deal about interacting with Humans. I suppose I simply want something new in my life, something that does not revolve purely around fighting. I have lived the life of a warrior since I was but a child, and I do not desire to live it any longer."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Colette blinked when she felt someone bump into her and she turned her head when he heard a male speaking to her. She narrowed her eyes at his words and nodded stiffly but respectfully. "Yes I am Miss Lucilia's guest...who might you be if you don't mind me asking" by the time she had completed her sentence she had already turned her entire body to face Tyrael, her hands directly in front of her her hands resting entirely on top of each other right below her stomach. For the opening ceremony she had her long light pink hair down and her hair reached all the way to her thighs. 'Hmm I haven't seen him yet I wonder who is he and how does he know the one who saved me from the humans trying to kill me she thought her mental thoughts having hardly any emotions and it showed in her eyes that she was trying to block her emotions form surfacing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael crossed his arms, getting blood and gore all over himself. When he realized this he cursed quietly. "Tch. Swell..." Shaking the excess gore off of him, Tyrael looked at Colette once more. She certainly looked odd for a vampire, but than again he hardly had any dealings with them aside from the ones that Lucilia brings in. "I am Tyrael Machosias, Professor of Demonology. And an orc. You must be the new vampire that Lucilia had gone to save... Well, given that you are not soaking in blood, I suppose Lucilia had succeeded this time. No matter... Actually." Tyrael faced away and pondered something. Normally he doesn't bother any of Lucilia's guest so long as she didn't meddle into his affairs, but something about Colette pique Tyrael's interest. He couldn't place his finger on it, but he'll figure it out eventually. Turning his head back towards the girl, Tyrael had a question. "Lucilia has you on that Marrow Draught diet, did she not? Come with me. There is something I wish to show to you."

Whether or not Colette followed, Tyrael began to walk into the college's catacombs. He went further down than what Lucilia had showed Colette, and that's because of the fairly dark secrets the college hides. More importantly, the one that Tyrael hides. "You are not the first that Lucilia had brought to the college. Granted, most who came were uncontrollable and did nothing but slaughter. While she was experimenting with her draught, I had to keep the other vampires in line. And since she did not want me to kill them, I had to feed them. And since I cannot take mortals, I had to create my own." Soon enough Tyrael arrived at a large metal door. It didn't look like a traditional door, more like a large rectangle outline against a large metal wall. "I do not know what Lucilia has told you, but if you ever require feeding, come and find me. Unlike her, I will not feed you that synthetic alternative. After all, no imitation can truly compare to the real deal, do you not agree?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You sure about this?" the smooth voice came from beneath a heavy hood, drawn low. As he spoke, two long canines became apparent. "There's been no other place like this that we've seen."

"Exactly," another voice, feminine and soothing, "They say all mages are welcomed. Even those like you, Nhane. Come, do not stop. We are almost there."

As the figure began again down the road, he responded, "I still think this road ends somewhere very dark." He looked forward to the bounding figure ahead of him, appearing to the figure of an animal, a she-wolf. She ignored his comment. Her answer to that remained the same, and obviously intent enough to have dragged her 'master' along. More and more the title felt like a pleasantry extended by the one really in charge. "Shala, do not get so far ahead. Eagerness has never gotten us anywhere pleasant."

The she wolf stopped, looking back, though instead of bright lively eyes, inanimate eyes fixed on Nhane. Stone covered the golem from head to tail, inlayed with ivory in the face, chest and paws to resemble the natural pattern of her living counterparts. Three jewels set in the wolf, two small diamonds in place of irises, and sapphire upon her breast. Intricate carvings covered her form, resembling that of elvish sacramental burial markings, because they were. Shala existed as a statue of a fallen friend, before being animated in Nhane's rage and grief.

"Is something the matter, Nhane?" she asked, bringing the man to focus again on her.

"Aside from the obvious," he said coldly. "No, I'm fine. How much further?"

"Not much. Look, that is it on the horizon," she flicked her nose in the direction of a sharp structure appearing over the hill. With a deep exhale, Nhane quickened his pace.
"It's bigger than I'd pictured," Nhane's head up turned to the tip of the massive structure. The she-wolf padded off through the gates, "Hey, wait. We should-"

"Come, do not be afraid, master," with a grown the hooded figured went after her.

"SHALA," he barked, "Since when do we run blindly into daunting holds." This merited a simple chuckle from the she wolf, mocking the word 'daunting'. "Yeah, laugh. Wait until I send you on a swim," he said under his breath.

"What was that, master?"


A few students lingered around the area. "Oh my, what are those," the wolf bounded off.

"Shala, wait. Are you serious?" he ran after her. She seemed to be leading him to a few foreign, rather reptilian, creatures. A winged one stode before two serpentine. Shala padded to the side of the winged one.

"They are beautiful creatures. I've not seen anything like them," the wolf marveled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sundered Echo / FallenReaper - Xyden / Mar

Xyden paused quite suddenly in the middle of his conversation with the diminutive rune master. There was something on the wind, a smell familiar yet incredibly strange. His tongue flicked out to get a better sense of it. The air tasted of another Naga, but dry, sandy and feminine. Strange. If the Matriarchs had sent someone to watch him, she would not be so easy to notice. Xydens body twisted around on its coils, his head casting about to find the source of this strange smell.

There -it was another Naga! But none like he had ever seen before. Her scales were a dull brown-orange colour, her skin was the same colour as the humans and she had no fins to guide her in the water. A disturbed flutter rustled through Xydens own fins at seeing a Naga so mutilated. Taking ones fins made a Naga almost as helpless in the water as a human. He stood staring at the Naga for long moments, wondering where she might be from and why she was here.

After a minute of matching the Naga women's gaze, Xydens curiosity got the better of him. “Why… are you here?” he asked cautiously.

Mar stood studying the Naga’s appearance, absorbing the contrast and similarities they shared as a species. The differences however mildly disturbed her. He looked more like some Inferno demon that had taken a vague form of Naga, failing in his attempts to now resemble this monster yet his gestures and manners had ties close to her own. The reaction to her stare had confirmed he wasn’t just some demonic imitation in her mind as he spoke. His words sparked a sense of confusion in her causing her to reply.

“To learn magic.” Mar said simple then added with her name, “Mar. And yours is?”

This answer puzzled Xyden immensely. No other Naga of the depths wielded magic. He was the first. Yet this woman claimed to also have magic. She had to be lying. Her name was not right either. It didn’t sound like that of a Naga. Before replying, he rearranged his coils to more comfortably be facing the newcomers. The blunt end of his Trident made a resounding thunk as he planted it on the stonework, resting a little of his weight on the weapon.

“You lie. You... cannot be... Naga. No others have magic. You do not bear the name… of a Naga. You… are a crude Surface Dweller trick.” As he finished speaking his fins rose to a threatening state, making him look as large as possible and he took his weight off his weapon.

Mar’s eyes flashed with anger at the male’s arrogance to call her a liar, her hands tighten upon her bone scythe in response, before she rose to his height. She made a low hiss at his words and struggled not to slice the weak minded male in half. Her coils drew tightly underneath her while her voice made it very clear she wouldn’t tolerate his slander.

“I, Marya, Tyros of Yarosmere, wouldn’t dare lower myself to the biped standards of lying.” She seemed to fume, her eyes fixed around his eye level and dangerously close. It was a slight tactic among her people to provoke a reaction, something that excuse her into defending herself as well as lower his status thanks to his humanlike display. “To even assume or suggest is unwise. Is your tongue so weak it can’t tell the difference between a Naga and something else?”

Xyden let out a warning hiss as Marya drew closer and rose to his full height, Trident at the ready. The female dared to claim the status of Tyros when it was clear by her drab colouring and lack of fins that she was not one of the ruling body of the depths. He would’ve taken this pretender straight to the Matriarchs were he still in the depths, but here he was the only judge.

“Yarosmere… Is not one of the holdings in the depths. You... cannot be a Tyros. I know… all the Tyros... and you are not among them. As a Centurion of the Myrmidon order that safeguards the depths… I name you… pretender. Go back to the waters… and submit to… judgement.” He looked down on the woman and bared his fangs, glaring with narrowed eyes. The pretender was armed, and he was prepared to defend himself at a moments notice, though if he did he’d aim to disarm. Killing her would not only be dangerous because of Malice, but he had just agreed to stay out of fights and not cause trouble, and breaking this places laws would not be one of his first acts here..

“I’ve never heard of a Centurion of the Myrmidon. Who are you to deny me the right I’ve been bestowed or claim I’m otherwise? You’ve no right or standing to do such a thing, you aren’t a Matriarch. To do so in their stead is overstepping your rightful place if you were a Naga. This only proves you can’t be.” Mar snarled, not baring her fangs for she would immediate risk spitting her venom right then and there. Each of her points were made through a clear voice as she attempted to cool her emotions. The day had been rough enough, her body felt a familiar sensation upon her back that made her break for a moment within the conversation. Her pupils flickered to the side briefly. Instantly she noted the Head master’s eyes had narrowed upon the two. She saw the tension, his wings tucked in tightly in the same manner when she arrived, while he seemed ready to interrupt the pair at a moment’s notice. This wasn’t something Mar could allow or wanted. Banished from one place and now her display would risk it again.

“You look more like a demon from the Ravine then a Naga. The type we’ve kill so often, merely an illusion or mocking image though it is the first time my sense of scent has been deceived.” Mar tone retain the frustration from the orders this male creature barked. “As for the depths, I’ve little idea what you’re demanding. I never came from them and neither will I return to the place you speak of. My home is in the desert, not some water, and it was the Matriarchs that have sent me to this place originally. After my Mageblood caused an incident.”

Xydens prepared rebuttal was quite suddenly dashed by this creatures mention of hailing from the desert. Whether he could speak for the Matriarchs here was a gray area, but he was certainly their eyes on the surface, and if this naga truly did come from the desert, it would be momentous news for his people. “My… appearance… is that of all Naga Myrmidons. It is best suited for moving… in the water. I… Am the emissary of the Naga of the Ocean. I am their eyes… and I speak for them. You say you come from the Ocean of sand.. finless one. Are there more like you there?” Xyden had to learn more, and if this Naga told the truth, it might be that she was not a pretender or a liar. He was still on alert, but lowered himself back to her eye level, fangs no longer barred.

Mar’s tension settled a bit from the change in the male’s tone. He seemed to accept her words though his stance hadn’t changed much save for his fangs no longer out and ready to sink in her. Mar hadn’t any idea what would’ve occurred or cared to discover it, her posture remained the same. However she hadn’t made to move any closer or back away. She wasn’t sure if it was her desire to retain a threatening stance and prevent attack or her pride that kept her from backing off, either way it gave her strength and determination in her task.

She answered in a slightly calmer tone. “Yes, many more within cities like Mesa Gaan, deep under the sand.”

Xyden narrowed his eyes, withdrawing slightly. He couldn’t be sure if this was the truth. He didn’t want to attack though, especially not with Khan watching them. He wasn’t sure what to do, and so he simply maintained eye contact with the other Naga, watching her for any indication of hostile behaviour.

Naturally, Mar could’ve stayed there for the longest time, including when the sun went down and night swept over the College. The voice that interrupted however didn’t intend to allow that to happen. A thick, burly female voice spoke to the pair. “If ye aimin’ on fightin’ youse two, then yer goin’ to take it to the courtyard! Ye nea goin’ to do it in here. Unless ye want me to bang ye skulls together and drag ye to the infirmary. Believe, I’ve got the runes to do it too!”

Mar’s eyes shifted from Xyden to look at the small, scowling Dwarven Runemaster. The woman looked about to spit fire at any moment as she eyed both Naga up with a keen look, one that dared them to test her threats’ merit. Now likely having both of their attentions, the woman, Val, added, “ Now ye two goin’ to calm down? Or need I have to make ye?”

Xyden looked down at the dwarf when she spoke. She was fiery for a Land-Strider. Anyone willing to take on a Myrmidon was either foolhardy or incredibly brave, but in this case Xyden got the distinct feeling the Dwarf could and would back up her words. He backed down from both the Dwarf and the Naga, keeping his eyes on the other Naga but forcing down his fins to be flat against his skin. “I… do not wish to fight you… Marya. We will determine the truth… later.”

Mar just looked a little longer at the Dwarf, fighting with her pride and choices before she gave into reason. In the background, Khan had taken a few steps close as if to separate should Val’s words not work. She lowered her stance, grudgingly, when the male’s fins flattened and his appearance no longer seemed threatening. She sighed under her breath in agreement. “Very well but be aware. You attack me, even if what you say is true and you are a Naga, then I won’t hesitate to end your life and in a way to prevent you from entering Malice.”

With those words hanging in the air, Mar’s body quickly turned to detached herself from the scene. Any longer in the male’s presence would likely increase chances of something unsavory happening. Something that would cost too heavy a price.

Val merely let out a huff, her eyes stared at the Naga’s retreating back. “Bucket o’ sunshine the pair of ye are. Now, if thar’s nothin’ else ye been needin’, I’ll git to yer room preparations so they will hopefully be done before nightfall and the Feast tonight.”

Without delaying the Rune Master then started to move off from the less than pleasant event, mumbling something about Naga’s and foolish pride.
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