Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Dorian Alexander awoke with a splitting headache. He shook his head a bit and looked around. There were trees around. There didn't seem to be any wildlife around him, but that was too be expected. He assumed they be steering clear unless they were some sort of predator. Boy was he glad none of those were around. Still, upon closer inspection there were more than just trees. There were... Street signs? Traffic signs? "What the hell?" He asked himself before feeling a something poking at the back of his head. "Finally... How long you plannin on sleepin ya lazy oaf?" A strange voice rang out. DOrian immediately turned and grabbed the stick. "Look you damn..." Dorian began, but immediately stopped upon seeing the small talking... thing...

Immediately the young man began to pinch himself. "I have to be dreaming... I have..." Impmon immediately slapped his tamer and put his hands on the young man's shoulders. Which... Was probably only really possible because Dorian was currently on his knees. "Look... I know this is weird... But if you let me and my bud explain you'll probably not freak out as much. Just give us a sec. There's two of ya. Don't wanna waste time explainin it twice." With that the purple creature looked to the side. "Elecmon. The otha one up yet?" He called out rather impatiently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The first thing Danny heard when he regained consciousness was "Elecmon. The otha one up yet?" . Curious as to what was going he opened his eyes and looked straight into the face of a weird red and and blue quadrupedal animal standing on his chest. "Looks like it."The fact that the creature talked shocked him, and without thinking he pushed it off of him and got up ready to run if this "Elecmon" seemed dangerous.

It was only after he had gotten back on his feet that he noticed his strange surroundings as well as another weird creature and another human and after taking a few minutes to calm down decided to do the only sensible thing he could think of. " I don't suppose you know what is going on here do you?" When he asked he deliberately ignored the two strange beings and focused all his attention on the other human. While Elecmon didn't like the fact that his partner wasn't asking him he decided to reply to Danny's question anyway. "It would surprise me if he did, but Impmon and I sure do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

A screen came on in the darkness as Alistar clicked on the equipment. Typing in the coordinates that his handheld gave him he activated the camera in that area. On the screen shown two boys and digimon. A rubble in the darkness came from behind him. "It looks like they have finally arrived master."

"Yes my Dark Knight they have....yet you have still not collected all of the shards. We only have a few were we need MANY MORE!!" The figure in the darkness was very angry to see these two boys in the forest with signs. Alistar had been here a year now and in half that time he had wondered through the digital world and had encountered dangers along the way. He wasn't alone though he had his very own digimon named Ryudamon. He was a small dragon looking digimon and a fierce companion that followed him throughout his adventure. Finally he was faced with the figure in the darkness who offered him a way home with his new friend as long as he collected these shard things. Alistar had only collected a few because these things were extremely hard to find. One day Alistar came across a mural on a wall. It depicted faint images of what looked like other children. The darkness described it as the prophecy. Others would come to take the shards from him and then Alistar would have no way of getting home to his parents or sibling. "Go my Dark Knight observe them and use the equipment I gave you to stay in the shadows. You yet do not need to be discovered."

Alistar bowed to his master in the darkness as he grabbed his mask and placed it upon his head. It covered his whole face and his head. Getting up he grabbed his cloak, donned it and grabbed his digivice. "Come Ryudamon. We have work to do." Red eyes flicked open in the darkness and Ryudamon followed his master into the corridor that lead to a portal lead to different areas of the digital world. Through it they went and Alistar wrapped him and Ryudamon in darkness as soon as they were in the forest of signs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I wish I knew what to say." Dorian said calmly as he glanced at the little creatures. "WHAT? GOT A PROBLEM?" Impmon said getting rather annoyed. "Relax little dude." Dorian replied. "Listen..." He turned his attention back to the boy. "We're gonna need to listen to them. Okay?" He said before glancing again. "I get the feeling we can trust them. And right now we don't really have much of a choice anyway." Impmon began to tap his foot as Dorian spoke those words. "Listen! I don't wanna break up your little huddle, but we need both of ya to trust us and listen to the story. Now Danny! You AND Dorian need to sit down, shut up, and listen!" He was getting agitated. They know our names... Always a good sign... Dorian thought as he sighed and sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I hate to admit it, but you're probably right." This time Danny turned to face both Elecmon and Impmon." I'm sorry for ignoring you okay, please tell us what we need to know." After saying all that he sat down next to Dorian. "Still not sure if I trust them, however if they wanted to hurt they could do so while we were unconscious." Elecmon decided to accept his partner's peace offering. "I hope Impmon doesn't mind if I go first, but the two of you have been transported to the Digital World also known as Digiworld. And the creatures living on it are Digital Monsters or Digimon for short."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Yeah Elecmon's got it. Now for the more important stuff." Impmon sighed and took a deep breath. "The digiworld is tearin itself apart. There's these evils guys trynna find these crystal things called the dark shards. They get 'em and its ova. That's why you guys're here. If we have ya then you can help us reach new heights of power and grow stronger. That's how it was in the past apparently and that's how it is now. So we need you. And we'll protect you. Because that's what we need ta save our world AND your world." The little purple digimon spoke in a rather quick and hurried tone. Just fast enough to get through and still be understandable. Dorian thought for a moment and then stood up. "Alright. I got it. So let's do it. I'll help however, I can." He couldn't be sure how right this info was, but the digimon hadn't given him a reason to disbelieve as of yet. "What do you say... Um... Danny right?" He asked his slightly younger companion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny couldn't believe he and this other kid were brought here to save two worlds. It was almost enough to make him think this whole thing was a a dream, in fact he had even secretly pinched himself while Impmon was explaining that part. He was just about to ask something when Dorian turned to him and asked him about his name. " Yes that's me and I guess your name is Dorian. Afterwards he turned to the two Digimon."But why were we of all people chosen? I don't know about Dorian but I'm just an ordinary kid. And I also have no idea how we are supposed to help you guys get stronger."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Who knows why you were chosen. Could be any number'a reasons." Impmon said calmly. "In other words. You're as in the dark about this as us." Dorian said calmly. His words seemed to have struck a nerve as Impmon froze for a moment. "So what if I don't got all the answers!? What?! You wanna go?!" Impmon shouted calmly. "Oh cram it. I'm just making an observation little dude." Dorian replied in a rather nonchalant manner. Honestly, he was handling this a little well. Almost too well. Nobody would be this calm right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Xander woke up with a groan, instantly reaching down to turn off the shrill alarm that was going off on his phone.once that was done he opened his eyes to find himself in the middle of a forest. crap he thought to himself. this is not where I fell asleep, that was... Um... I think it was the library hall... sighing he got up and stood up. well my sence of direction ain't go a help me, I better get walking... But first, music! and at that he takes out his phone and turns on some tunes, outing headphones in. Then he randomly decides a direction and starts walking.
He doesn't see the little figure until he nearly bumps into it. Quickly he takes out his headphones, turning off 'game over'. "Hey watch were your walking twerp! I got a meeting with a human and I'm late so... Oh, that's you, I suppose youse should come with me. The name's Candlemon, come with me we're late to meet the others."
"Others?" Xander asks , a bit perturbed. And a bit taken aback by the talking candle, but... This isn't all that bad.
"Yeah, the digidestined. Follow me and I'll tell ya all about it!" And at this he starts walking and telling Xander all about the current situation. Shrugging Xander takes it at face value and follows, he doesn't know where he is and this thing does... After a few minutes they make it to the other two, and Xander is all caught up, more so even then the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Ebony opened her heavy eyelids and looked around. She was in the middle of the forest leaning against a tree. "This must have been where I ran off to after my parents yelled at me." Ebony said standing up and stretching, "Although this forest is nothing like the one behind my house. It's greener and brighter. Wei-" She stopped talking when she saw a white creature in front of her. "It is different! You're in the digital world and I'm your new friend! Now please follow me so we can talk to the others that came from the human world." Lunamon said smiling brightly at Ebony.

Ebony frowned and shook her head. "I don't do friends. Never have. Never will so why don't you run along and send me back to the human world." Ebony said bluntly while she crossed her arms. Lunamon wasn't fazed by her harshness. "Then we can just be partners then. I'm Lunamon by the way but you can just call me Luna." She said still smiling brightly at Ebony. "Look leave me alone you little bunny creature. How 'bout I follow you to this little meeting and then you can send me back." Ebony told Luna getting slightly annoyed.

Luna's smile became slightly smaller but then she just nodded and lead the way. Ebony climbed a tree and followed Luna by jumping from branch to branch.
When they reached the clearing Luna walked over to the others while Ebony sat down on a branch about 10ft off the ground just watching the group. Luna had filled Ebony in as much as she could on the way there even though Ebony didn't really care much, although Ebony still did listen thinking this would make an interesting story for her to tell people to make them think she was insane. Luna smiled at the three human boys and their three digimon partners. "Hello!" She greeted cheerfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny was surprised to see other kids around their age show up, though the fact they were accompanied by Digimon seemed relatively predictable all things considered. "Looks like we're not the only humans here. Nice to meet you guys, I'm Danny and this guy here is Elecmon. " He said pointing at his new partner. "You can call me Red for obvious reasons, if you prefer. " The mammal Digimon introduced himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well, I'm Xander, but you can call me Fox. And I suppose this little guy is Candlemon, weird little guys aren't they?" Xander says, waiveing a little bit. "Candlemon here told me that we are here to save the world, but I think he's telling me that we are missing an important aspect... He calls them digivices, and he says we need them to bethe real digidestined. I wounded how that's going to happen, I have a feeling we have a ton of work to do on this one. But in any case, it's nice to meet you... As long as I'm not as crazy as the kids at school think I am and this is real."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hiding in the shadows Alistar watched the group of kids. He wasn't sure what to do at this point because the seemed harmless. Wait! That's it! Alistar thought. "I will test their strength and evaluate them from there." Ryudamon growled in agreement. Alistar brought up a portable screen and moved his finger through a list of digit on that were under his master's control. Nothing to powerful that would kill them off easily, but something that would rattle their chains a bit. Finally he settled on Apemon. "Come forth Apemon. Test their strength but do not kill them!" The screen then opened a portal and out came Apemon.

Apemon didn't have to walk far to get to the kids. Once he was upon them he pounder his chest and grunted. "Ooooh aaaahhh what you doing here in my forest? This all mine and you leave now! Or I will have to pummel you good!" Apemon boast was loud and demanding it was sure to get them to either attack or reason with him. There was no reasoning with Apemon though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sighing Xander glares at the intruder. "Well, I suppose we had better get the better of him. I'd reson with him, but he looks practically hoped up on Pvc."
"You can't reason with apemon, he's a particularly angry beast Digimon, his instincts tend to be in control. Let's fight him!" Canflemon said, quickly raising up his odd looking fists.
"Well, I'll fight him I supose." Xander said as he removed his jacket, and putting up his fists. Seeing that Candlemon is about to object, he preemptively shakes his head and continues talking. "I may not understand relationships all that well, but I'm not going to let you fight him alone, let's go!" At this Candlemon nods happily and they both begin to rush Apemon together. Unknown to eather of them thairs aflash of light and his deck appears in his pocket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Ebony smirked down at the Ape like creature below her. She stood up on the branch then jumped. When in the air she flipped and aimed her feet to land on Apemon's head. She then pushed off of his head and back flipped landing behind Apemon. "Fighting is my forte." She said smirking.

Luna looked at Ebony like she was insane. "Ebony stop fighting! You'll end up getting hurt!" Luna exclaimed running over to Ebony's side. Ebony glared at Luna. "Leave me be. I'm going to beat this freak of nature up and then I'm returning back to where I came from so don't get in my way." Ebony growled before rushing to kick the back of Apemon's knee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Xander just shrugs, desideing not to argue with the crazy girl who just jumped onto an ape monster from 10 feet up. He just grins manicly and pups back his fist for a punch. Meanwhile Candlemon glances back to Lunamon and makes a 'these humans are nuts, we gotta help them' Gesture. Then he turns around and starts spitting fireballs at the ape monster while Xander distracts it with his martial arts. "Bonfire!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Apemon rubbed his head after the little human vaulted off his head. Then a fire ball hit him in the chest. "You guys are mean but not strong." Apemon said as he took a few hits from another human. "Here take this." He through his bone club he had on his back at the candlemon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Xander tries to block the club from hitting Candlemon, but his arm buckles from the blow. Candlemon gets confused by Xander's act and he gets real angry at Apemon. He begins throwing hot wax at Apemon's eyes, and his flame blazes bright. Xander can't do anything but he gets up and starts wailing on Apemon again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Everything had happened so fast. Before Dorian's eyes a young man and what was assumed to be his digital partner arrived. Candlemon and Xander were the names, as Xander had introduced them. Though he apparently wished to be called 'Fox'. Maybe Dorian might do it. Perhaps... Assuming they were together long enough to speak. And then there was another digimon. No introduction. Just 'Hey!' as she spoke. He barely had time to process THAT much before the oaf of a digimon who looked like an ape came out of nowhere.


It was likely from his behavior that the confrontation could have been avoided. He seemed territorial. All he said was that he wanted them gone, which was going to happen anyway. And yet even with those words he seemed to be wishing they would attack.


Like the point was to fight. It was antagonizing the group, but didn't give off the feeling that it wanted to particularly hurt them. Xander and Candlemon fell for it hook line and sinker. And so did another girl who pretty much came out of nowhere.

"HEEEYY!" Impmon shouted as he swiftly kicked Dorian in the shin, pulling him back from his thoughts.

"OW!" Dorian yelped as he crouched and grabbed his leg hopping in pain. "Why you little..." Before he could finish Impmon shook his head.

"Look. You weren't paying attention and I needed you to listen okay?" The little purple digimon spoke quickly. "Apemon is a Champion level digimon. Aside from a little mild discomfort or MAYBE a LITTLE pain..." He emphasized maybe and little as he explained the situation's severity, "They won't be doin anythin. You humans and us digimon are made differently. All those two are doin is puttin themselves in danger. Maybe with a little trainin or some kinda empowerment they could be of use against higher level digimon, but right now they're a liability and needa stay back." The imp finished and looked at Dorian who'd thus stopped his painful movements.

"Alright alright I get it. Stop the two who were brave enough to fight and let you guys handle it for now." Dorian said as he looked at the situation once more.

"Brave, shmave!" Impmon said a little annoyed. "What's worse is one's partner hasn't made any progress with her, and the other didn't even make the attempt to stop the guy after gettin one lousy look! It's stupid! Idiotic! They charged in without any regard as to who or what they were attackin! It's stupid... And thoughtless and..."

"And probably something you'd be likely to do huh? Can't stand more reckless acts?" Dorian chuckled and smirked looking down at his partner. "Just help out the digimon and I'll help the other two." He quickly shifted so as to calm his partner who huffed and nodded.

Impmon without another note on the subject Impmon turned and charged at Apemon. "Bada BOOM!" He shouted throwing a flame of darkness aimed for Apemon's face. In all honestly he was glad his partner hadn't charged in, despite how easy it was to tell that the human definitely wanted to.

Meanwhile, Dorian had swiftly made his way to Xander. "Alright, dude... Back up." He said as he immediately began forcing him back before Apemon could retaliate against him, hoping Impmon's attack would draw his attention anyway. "And you! Please get back!" He called out to the girl whom he would definitely force back if she didn't listen. Still, she likely would after seeing that he attack hadn't really done much damage at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Ebony was too much of a fighter to just give in. She honestly didn't care if her attacks were effective or if she got hurt. It was the rush of the fight that kept her going, giving her a break from everything else in her life. So being the feisty girl she was she picked up some stones and began chucking it at the weird creatures head. While this happened Lunamon kept trying to get her attention but it wasn't working. Lunamon sighed and looked over at Dorian with a pleading look hoping he'd help even though by the looks of it, Ebony would not be easy to hold back seeing how she had trained in fighting and agility for a while now.
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