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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isaac chuckled as the message went out for another student assembly, for awhile now he had been biding time and wondering what to do with the coming days ahead. This Class President certainly liked to talk, for a woman who can't hold her damned gaze for more than half a hearbeat, how he knew this little secret? Well one just has to keep a decent eye on the small things as students try and greet her, a cold averting reply with a shift of the glasses. One gives away volumes with a small facial muscle twitch, though thankfully, and hopefully, Isaac has stayed under the radar well enough to ensure that when he makes his play, she won't know how to react. The only way to beat the Black King at all would be to catch her off guard and end her quickly. Not giving her one breath of a chance to resist. No matter her skill, no one can survive a good ambush. Though once again, she was a calculated genius and he had no doubt getting to her would be a pain in the balls, though that was the fun part. Right?

That was what he hoped as he snapped back to reality, he had been sitting in his room, alone again. Then again, who wouldn't be in his situation? He hardly spoke to anyone anyway, so he kind of put himself here. Though he hid it so well, he had horrendous social anxiety, hidden under a careless wise ass that has a mean streak when it comes to the bullies of society. Though when he meets new people, inside he practically dies. Fears rise of what to say and what to do, but years of living with it, taught him how to cope. Which lead to who he has grown into as a teenager, he had to thank his Aunt for that, she helped him cope. She helped him grow as a person, and made him realize one thing: He needed to avenge his parents. Though she had no direct influence in that. She wanted someone to pay, and he did too, you could see it if you looked him in the eyes, the hate burning for the death of the murderer. Anyone who would get to know him, would hopefully empathize to this malice and help him seek vengeance. Seek the one and only thing that shall ever matter to him until he gets it:

Retribution, it his life, his purpose. His reason for living, and once he has it, he will let go and fade into the end, or whatever follows the end of his desires. After Retribution, he will just be another generic meat pile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Keith ticked line after line on his page, checking over his work and making sure he'd gotten it correct. Finishing his corrections, he put the sheet of paper onto the growing pile on his desk. Maths for next week is finished. He thought. He wasn't really supposed to be doing maths. But, he'd finished all the work for all of his classes this week already, and now he was hoping to finish next week's work before the end of the day.

His teachers had grown accustomed to him doing this, as he handed in all the work for his classes in advance and they just left him to do whatever he needed to. He wasn't even sure what class this was, not that it was relevant. Sitting up a little in his chair, he decided to take a little break, to rest his eyes a little. Then he noted the message sent out onto the school network.

An assembly? He thought. There hadn't been one scheduled for today, so that meant this assembly was fairly important. Regarding the recent developments? Perhaps the assembly was to be about the recent destruction of the Green sector of the Faded City. He wasn't aware of anything else that could have merited a school-wide assembly for it. Quickly browsing through the public forums, he found no other major events.

Maybe there's something in my messages. He though. On second thought, I doubt it.

If there was some kind of major event that warranted a message to every single player in Deep Ground, he doubted that there wouldn't be at least one forum post about it. Besides that, Keith never really checked his Deep Ground messages. He had no friends, no one would really message him unless they were someone he'd fought. When he had first joined, he'd sometimes gotten messages asking him to join some guild or another, but he'd rejected them all. Eventually, he'd distanced himself some more and formed his own guild so people would stop asking.

Ever since the accident, he'd been doing that. He'd always been distancing himself from everyone around him really. Sometimes, it wasn't exactly on purpose. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized he really was pushing people away. He couldn't bring himself to relate to people ever since the accident, and he'd really stopped trying to socialize. Eventually, the people around him stopped trying as well. There was no one even remotely close to him now, really.

Well, I suppose Lucy counts. He thought. The recently discovered Green King he'd met just the last night, was probably the closest person to him at that moment. Even though she was just an acquaintance, there was no one else even remotely close to her. That means she's the only person alive in my social circle. He thought wearily. He found himself thinking about her now. She clearly cared a lot for people, judging by her dedication to her guild. She also had a very strong character, he could clearly see her determination when they exchanged names the night before. She would make a good friend for anyone. But probably not someone like me. He thought to himself. He felt slightly melancholy, after that thought.

He found himself thinking about her more now. I wonder what she's doing. He wondered silently. Now that he thought about it, this was the first time in four years that he'd ever thought that about anyone. I wonder what she's thinking right now, I wonder what she's feeling. He thought. He was surprised that he was thinking this much about her. She was only an acquaintance...

Maybe it's just because she's the only other person to think about than myself. He reasoned. Or maybe it's something else...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Michelle staggered a bit after being pushed by Lucy, not expecting her to do that at all. After regaining hopping backwards on one foot a few times and regaining her balance, Michelle looked at the duo with her right eyebrow raised. She placed her hands on her hips and listened as they talked.

Then Sten started talking to the others about the cause and effect of recent events, and Michelle sighed. "Well then, what are we still standing here for?" She asked Sten. "We obviously have things to do and people to see, so we might as well hop to it." She adjusted her glasses and continued, "We'll need all the information we can get. Who knows when something like this might happen again?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sten blinked wearily as Michelle responded. Right. What were they standing around for? Things needed to be done. He liked her direct attitude. "Right... well lets get going th-" He then received a notification about a message. He quickly checked it and grinned. "I was right. There's going to be an assembly later at lunch... So we have a couple hours I guess."

He let go of Lucy and began to lead whoever would follow back to his room where all the data he had gathered was present. He looked over his shoulder as he started. "This way."

He then continued on his way. He realized that this was the first time he'd ever had anyone come to his room, but that was no problem as nothing was a mess aside from the bulletin board. He felt a bit uncomfortable being here since he had spent the entire night tolling away. However, this was worth skipping classes for. He took a seat right before the bulletin board. He never found a need to use them, but there were two extra seats in his room. "Well here we are." He felt uncertain as how to present his work, but he tried not to show his uncertainty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Retsu considered the idea that the Silver Jester may be listening in on them. She had hoped that perhaps the trashing Yoshino gave him would have been at least enough to force him from being able to do anything for a short while, but honestly that was just wishful thinking. She still has no idea of the full capabilities of the Silver Jester, and for all she knows her little trick with the chips may not have done anything. But too late to worry about that now. "Don't bother. Just make sure that you don't do something foolish like tip off what our true goal is. As far as Lucy needs to know, you simply want to join ally with the Black Guild for personal or ideological reasons. Perhaps you find some of the other kings to be asses and chose to betray them for that reason. Whatever." Before Retsu let Michael go, she put a new recording button/suicide bomb onto Michale's shirt. "Now get going. We only have a few hours before the assembly, and there is a lot to do between than and now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

**Arc Three: Distorted Reality** ![]( http://deadpost.ru/uploads/posts/2012-10/1349248602_apokalipsis-deadpost.ru114.jpg ) Rain. Rain and thunder and lightning. Honestly, it seemed more than appropriate to the current mood than anything else. After all, couldn’t the weather sense negativity? Yoshino certainly believed so in that moment. Even now she glanced over to the large windows with a narrowed gaze, the sudden arrival of rain and wind pounding at its glass. It was too convenient….Silver Jester? No. She was just being paranoid now, spooking herself into false alarms. And yet she couldn’t deny the sensation of being watched from behind. At that moment, the Student Body President suddenly wished she had not stormed out of her office without notice to Michael or Retsu. Who knew what kind of blood-thirsty psychos were running around…oh well. Her plans were dashed for today, though in hindsight maybe they were a sort of delay of her confrontation with Jester. In any case, she quickly flipped out her phone and began to send yet another mass-school message. **Due to inconveniences with the weather, the aforementioned school assembly will be canceled and postponed tomorrow. Likewise, all classes will be ended prematurely in light of the weather. That is all.** It wasn’t like she had a choice or say in the matter. School conduct dictated that all activities be put off in the face of huge storms such as these. Of course, these kind of things were usually rare in notice. Still, despite being Student President, Yoshino Tsugumi was still just that; a student. Sighing on this note, she sent a quick message to Retsu before taking her bags and leaving the now darkened school auditorium. **I’ll be heading home now. We can discuss our strategies later.** The trek back was wet and annoying, seeing as the constant rainfall always found their perspiration on her glasses. Entering into her dorm room, the Black King noticed that Retsu did not return yet; probably still taking care of some business back at the school’s main buildings. Showering quickly and tossing on some pajamas, the Student President collapsed into her bed and closed her eyes. The thoughts of their now critical situation still plagued her mind until darkness final swept her away. The rain continued to pound hard outside…. Rain….rain….something was off. Something was wrong. Really, really, wrong. Yoshino slowly blinked open her eyes to find her cheek lying on something course and rough. Yawning, she propped herself onto the sandy ground and looked up at her ceiling-wait. The Student President reached over for her glasses to try and confirm what she was seeing. It was when she found that her glasses were no longer with her-admittedly still lying on her dresser-that she knew this was reality. She did not question it further, only knowing that it was so. Even still…this was really going to cause some problems. She was in Deep Ground Online. Inside the game…without her Avatar. She was not Moon Rider. She was not the Black Knight. She was her. Plain, human, Yoshino Tsugumi. In the death game. Standing up now, she looked around to get a better sense of her surroundings and widened her now glasses-less eyes. This was the exact same place both her and Retsu had fought Jester, out in the Badlands of Deep Ground’s territory. That meant this was the last place they had spawned. She wondered….before she could piece anything together, a message appeared on her Interface. That act alone gave her a sigh of relief. At least she still had contact with others in the game. Opening up the PM though, Yoshino’s demeanor soon tensed up at the words before her. **Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatars and their abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped within this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so….interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience. ** **-Silver Jester** Yoshino began to sweat at the implications behind all this. First off, how did the Jester even force her mind into Deep Ground? Did Retsu’s older model chips fail? And dying in real life? Honestly, she would have taken it as the plot of some bad anime if she didn’t know just how real the Jester’s threat was. And that alone was enough to make the Black King fearful. Then another thought entered her head. The Jester’s message spoke of others….Yoshino shivered at the sudden increase in danger brought about by all this. “Then that means…every kid in the world right now…is trapped. Just like me.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

###**Keith Knight, Eclipsed Tower** --- Keith found himself falling. He felt the wind as it brushed past his closed eyelids, he instinctively put tried to shield his face with his hands. The sensation was familiar to him, the events of the previous day where he had slain the dragon were still fresh in his mind. But as he opened his eyes, he saw that this was no memory. He was somehow back in Deep Ground, at the same spot he had died the previous day, 50 feet in the air. As he plummeted, several questions surfaced in his minds, quickly putting them aside, he took in his surroundings to get his bearings. Looking at his immediate surroundings, he realized that the building's he had passed while riding on the dragon were now almost rubble. He remembered the forum posts about the destruction of the green city, but he hadn't been alive to see it. Then he remembered what else the Green City had become. A massive dissolution nest. Looking down, he saw a relatively small group of gelatinous dissolutions had gathered below him. These dissolutions were mainly harmless, all they could normally do was chase after players and knock them over. _All right,_ He thought, _Meteor Slam._ The ability didn't activate. _What the-?_ Then he looked at himself and he realized, he didn't have any shield. And that wasn't all, he was only wearing his butler uniform which he wore for his job. _Damn, no time to think._ He watched as he hurtled towards the slimes below, and he braced himself for impact. He hit the slime feet first, but the slime's body made them immune to damage from a falling object. He quickly sank into the slime and he saw the asphyxiation symbol appear in front of him, indicating that he really was in Deep Ground. The slime's body suddenly convulsed and spit him out onto the dusty ground in front of it. He supposed he should count himself lucky. Dissolution slimes were extremely rare, mainly due to the fact that they posed almost no challenge at all. They never tried to use their bodies to asphyxiate you, as your presence in their body acts as a toxin for them. For the most part all they could do was try and use their mass to knock you into holes and over cliffs, but there were none nearby. Their health points were usually low as well, a person of any level could defeat them without even using weapons, but they gave no experience points because they were so easy to defeat. Getting up, Keith strafed around the gelatinous creature and landed a solid punch into its side. It did a decent amount of damage for an unarmed attack, but it did no where near as much as it should have considering he was supposed to be a scrapper. It was likely his stats had remained with his avatar, and the damage he had dealt was just his physical strength. Nevertheless, any kind of damage output was enough to kill a slime so he quickly finished it off with a few more punches. Looking around, he saw only piles of rubble and no more nearby threats, but just to be safe he found a place in the rubble to hide for a few minutes as he gathered his thoughts. When it was announced that school would end prematurely due to the storm, Keith had been in his dorm having almost finished enough work for the week after this week. He was trying on his new butler uniform he was to wear for his new job. There happened to be a Butler café which was hiring people to work for them on the island. Keith needed to work to secure his future in case Deep Ground wouldn't work out. His parent's inheritance money was saved solely for his tuition fees and future bills and they were barely enough as they were. He needed an income so he could live for long enough to get a job if academia didn't work out. He needed to start as early as possible, but Purple Crown was situated on an isolated island. And even though it had it's own restaurants and cafés, they rarely ever hired as their staff were never usually fired. However, this café in particular had openings and Keith had gladly taken the job. He was supposed to try his uniform to see whether or not it fit correctly, but for some reason he had fallen asleep and now he had woken up inside of Deep Ground, which should have been impossible considering he was on death cooldown. _I wonder if it's just me._ he thought grimly. Bringing up his interface, he suddenly noticed he had a message, from Silver Jester. After reading it, he felt more confused than anything. Who was the Silver Jester and how did he have the power to do this? Surely if something like this happened, the World Interface would be taken down by the government. _Then again, all of those kings died and the government didn't stop anything._ He thought grimly. After he was confident he couldn't glean anything else from the message or his surroundings, he stood up and dusted himself off. _I need to escape this city._ He thought. There were no dissolutions close by, but he knew they couldn't have been far away. From what he had learnt the previous day, the Green City had become the spawn point for a huge amount of dissolutions. Staying in the city was tantamount to suicide. Looking at his interface, he opened his map screen and he decided to plot a course that took him mostly through ruins of buildings so he could avoid detection as much as possible. The place he was closest to was the Badlands. Not the best choice he had here, but according to the updated map of the Green City, it was the only place he could go that wouldn't put him on open plains. The Badlands were a place where wild dissolutions ran amok, but the Green City was now quite possibly a worse place to be in. As he ran over the route in his mind, he suddenly noticed he still had an inventory screen. Quickly switching to it, he found that he had plenty of spare armour and weaponry. However, almost all of it had class and stat requirements and a quick look at his status screen showed him he had no class, and he was level 0. _Just my luck._ He thought. Quickly sorting through his inventory, he found a few pieces of equipment which had low stat requirements and no class requirements. He found some heavy duty boots which anyone could wear, some heavy armour gauntlets which would be good for climbing perhaps and a fairly decent level 0 claymore which did the most damage out of the weapons he could wield. **"That will have to do I suppose."** He said with a sigh. Closing his interface, he looked towards the next landmark along his route, a nearby office building and set off at a sprint.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sten stood there. Shocked. When had he logged into DGO? He had things he needed to explain. Work needed to be done. Now he was standing on the usual building that he logged out from, not too far from dissolution territory. He looked down at himself. He wasn't the Solitary Watcher. That was for certain. This left him feeling rather unsafe. Everything was wrong. Sten checked his messages in hopes that someone had called out nearby. There he saw two: one from the student president explaining how the assembly would be delayed due to weather, which was immediately discarded as irrelevant to the situation, and the other was from the Jester himself. **Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatars and their abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped within this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so….interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience. -Silver Jester** Reading this caused something to snap inside of Sten's brain and he started laughing maniacally and uncontrollably. Of course! Of course the Jester was behind this! Only a super hacker like himself could do something like this. This was something drastic. Something insane. No sane human building could come of this. In his hysteria Sten thought what if it wasn't a human at all, but the game itself? This only brought more hysterics as he couldn't help but dismiss that theory as madness brought by his situation. When he finished, he was delirious and dizzy with exhaustion both mental and physical. He found himself lying on the hard roof staring at the artificially programmed sky. He chuckled lightly, but at that point it hurt too much to keep going. "So... Sten, what now? What grand puzzle shall you solve today? Your stuck in a game. What shall you do to get out of this problem? Heh heh." He winced. "Ah.... Maybe I should just start with getting my wits back together. Yeah... that might help."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

When Michelle opened her eyes, she didn't recognize her surroundings at first. There were three boys sitting in chairs facing a round table, who were probably just as confused as she were. Then she figured it out. This was the throne room for the Yellow Guild Hall. She was sitting on her throne. The weird thing was that she never recalled logging into Deep Ground. First things first, she needed to figure out what was going on. "Ahem, excuse me, do any of you know what's going on?" Michelle asked the three boys, who then turned to look at her as if she were an alien from another planet. "_Umm.... no_," one of the boys said. "_Wait, this is.... the Guild Hall._" "_What the hell?_" another boy said. "_How the hell did we get here? And why am I not wearing my Shinobi outfit?_" The moment the boy asked that, Michelle realized that she wasn't wearing her Avatar outfit either. She was in her school uniform. Things started to take a turn for the worse there. She quickly got off her chair and tried to use Shukuchi, only to run a few feet before tripping on her own two feet and falling face first into the ground. "Ow..." she said as she pushed herself off the ground, rubbing her face. It was then that a message appeared on her Interface, as well as on the boys' Interfaces. Michelle opened the message, hoping to find answers. **Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatars and their abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped within this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so….interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience.** **-Silver Jester** Oh no. Trapped in the game, without her powers? What was she going to do? How would she survive? She sat down on the ground and clutched her head with both hands, bringing her knees closer to her. She was trapped. She was going to die. These poisonous thoughts crept into the brain and drained her of all hope. She was only a 14-year-old girl. She didn't deserve death, not like this. Death, death, death, death- One of the boys grabbed Michelle by the shoulders and began shaking her, thus shaking her out of her thoughts. "_Hey, don't wimp out on us, Star,_" he said. "_We've all gotten the message, and there's no point in panicking. We need order. I'm Force, that's Enigma, and that's Brick,_" gesturing to himself and the others. "_We need to keep our cool, and figure this out, alright? We'll get out of here alive. It'll take more than some stupid chip in our brain to kill any of us._" Slowly but surely, Michelle began to calm down. Force was right. She would survive. All she needed to do was figure out what the hell was going on. "Thanks, I needed that," she said to Force, glad for his support. Now calm, she got up from the ground and said, "We should go see what's going on outside. There'll be others who will be panicking, if they're not already." The three advisors nodded, then followed her to the entrance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alex was jogging through the rain, shielding the ballet book, hoping to get to the library before it really started coming down. Seeing the light of the library Alex picked up the pace, almost slipping on the now slick ground. As he stumbled onto the carpeted floor Alex blinked and felt a falling sensation in his stomach. In what felt like an instant Alex had changed stumbling on carpet to stumbling on a sandy ground. The sudden change caused Alex to fall rather unceremoniously. Lying flat on his back Alex looked up at the clear sky, the confused Alex pulled himself up and looked around. _This is Deep Ground, my entrances into Deep Ground usually fill the surrounding area with some kind of fanfare... what's going on?_ Catching his reflection in a broken window Alex was also shocked to not see a mess of blond hair and bright blue eyes staring back. "I'm... me? In Deep Ground?" A message soon popped up cutting of his reflection. **Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatars and their abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped within this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so….interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience.** **-Silver Jester** _Silver Jester? Isn't that the guy whose email I ignored? How did they do this? Lethal Electrical charge? What on earth is this madness?!_ More confused than before. _Why bother taking away my music? It was cosmetic! I kind of miss it now... I wonder if I can get it back? Is it possible to level up? Ugh, this is too much for just me. I better find some Fanged Rangers or anyone really. Did all the Rangers spawn in the dissolutions crater where Green City used to be?_ With a plan and a goal Alex set off in the direction of the ruined Green City. Scratching his head Alex felt uncomfortable _I feel so weird being here and not blond, I wonder if there's any bleach or something?_
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Issac had simply been relaxing on his bed in his dormitory after a day without a lick of activity. When he could feel his eyes closing, uncontrollably. Soon he was out like a light, as his eyes opened again and he rose. He heard a sound he never should have heard. The sound of his shoes scraping stone. He was on his rooftop hideout in Deep Ground, but not as Vengeful Reaper. He was his plain old self, but why? Who even HAD the capability to do such a thing and not risk themselves at all? Not even the Black King could do this, no way. No goddamned WAY. So now the question remained: Who did this? His heart nearly stopped when he got the message, that based on wording was for all of DGO. **Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatar and their Abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped in this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so....interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience. -Silver Jester ** Isaac stared off for a moment, unable to think. Though after he came to his senses, he immediately found his way to the ground and scouted the city for anyone he might recognize. No one, so he decided to head to the ruined Green City, seeing as it is the one place he remembered, and probably had the more welcoming of the groups. He had to hurry, there was little time before all Hell broke loose. Soon everyone would be grouping into little parties to save their asses and hurt others. Then the groups would band into larger ones and somehow assert a hierarchical order of power based on who dominates the rest. It was basic human nature, and it may work in his favor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Retsu Goroshi
There was so much to do. So little time. Retsu hated this. Once she was alone, she let her frustration show. Irritable, started breaking things, had a short fuse. It was bad enough that she could have been able to mount a defense for the Black City earlier that day (While not too serious of a lost to her, still annoying to have to deal with everyone who'd be complaining about it later) but now Yoshino was keeping secrets from her and got herself caught up into more trouble. Retsu wanted to help, really, but she also wanted control. She couldn't let Yoshino go a day without stirring up another world war. And than there was Michael... What did Yoshino see in that guy? Was it just because he was the Red King? Retsu didn't see him as big of a threat as she made him out to be, at least not in Deep Ground. But for Yoshino, Michael was second only to the Silver Jester. And than there was him too. Just who is he, how is he able to do what he can do, and what's his end game? Why kill the king and torment Yoshino? And why just her? Retsu got to thinking and wondered if it was something that all the Black Kings had to deal with. The Silver Jester never revealed himself until after Yoshino opened up application for the Ebony Strykers. Where the Black Kings suppose to be guardians of the Silver Jester, perhaps? But regardless of all that, Retsu had to rest. It was going to be a long day, and she needed to get things ready. Instinctively she went to check her messages but remembered that she had switched out to Hibiki's experimental new chip. She would have access to Deep Ground only. Retsu wondered how this would affect her hacking abilities since they were more akin to inborn abilities as Dark Wraith than reliant on her chip. But she didn't worry about that for right now. Her main concern was to get ready for the announcement tomorrow and make sure that Yoshino is safe. ~ Later that night ~ Something was wrong. Retsu could feel it. It was like being watched by snipers; you know they're there, but you don't know where. Retsu kept a calm demeanor, as she often would when she goes paranoid. She sat on her bed at her home drinking some warm tea. It was suppose to help her calm her nerves, which either it did only a little or not at all considering that she also had her gun next to her. Would it have been a bad thing that she's so used to sleeping with a loaded fire arm that she hasn't shot herself yet? She looked at the pistol and wondered what had gotten into her. "Dammit. Why am I doing this to myself?" Locking her pistol away in a secret compartment near her headrest, Retsu laid down to sleep. Her last thoughts before succumbing to her dreams weren't of the dangers she'd have to face tomorrow, but about Yoshino. Retsu was worried for her. She wanted to protect that girl, and the smile she hides behind her locked heart. And than Retsu woke up. But immediately she knew that she was in Deep Ground. "Is this... A Dream?" She said to herself. She knew this place. Retsu and Yoshino had fought the Silver Jester here just the day before. But something was wrong. Retsu looked at her hands and noticed that she lacked the bone-like gauntlets that was normally part of Dark Wraith. She had no skills, no stat screen. "What's going on?" Retsu thought that perhaps Hibiki's chips were more flawed than she let on, but than there was a message in her mailbox. The Silver Jester. "Of course. Son of a bitch..."
Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatars and their abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped within this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so… Interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience.
Silver Jester
Retsu sighed. Stuck in a game. The Silver Jester's game. This was the plot of many science fiction virtual reality games, and she imagined that at some point they would have to defeat the Silver Jester if they had any hope of escaping. Despite all of that, Retsu was talking it rather well. At least panicking wasn't going to do much but kill her, and she needs to be alive to get anything done. Retsu looked around and spotted Yoshino easily, but she was cautious. This could be another trap by the Silver Jester to lull Retsu into a false sense of security. Not that Retsu had any means to defend herself even if it was, though she did have some items in her inventory she could use for an escape. "Tsugumi-san."
Donny Lee Yang
Trailing the kings was oddly more boring than Donny thought it'd be. As interesting as it is to know just who are the kings and queens of Deep Ground, Donny would have preferred to have been fighting them than doing all this cloak and dagger nonsense. Not out of any sense of warrior honor or anything, he just found it more entertaining to be fighting than to stalk in the shadows. As the day winded down Donny left to go home. It was raining, everyone was leaving, and his job was done. He was given coordinates to a loot cache near where he last logged out from. He figured that he'd get to it when he got home.
Welcome, Arms Slave.
"What... The fuck!?" The Black City was gone. Left in it's place was a crude White City, with towers and ramparts emblazoned with the new King's emblem. Arms Slave didn't get a chance to investigate further before he was under fire by the towers. Luckily he was in his War Machine which was able to tank the shots like they were mere pebbles, but he knew he was in unfriendly territory. He had to get out, so he booked it in the opposite direction of the city. "Shit. SHIT! This is why we should have just fought those sons of bitches instead of keep trying to spy on them!" Arms Slave cursed continuously even after he had managed to escape the dead zone that was the Black City. He headed to his loot cache a fair bit away, but was disappointment in the equipment. This was stuff that he got back when he was level one. Granted, he could alter level these items into more suitable equipment, but this was like promising fried chicken to someone and than giving them an egg. This killed Arms Slave mood to go on a counter raid and he just logged out for the night there.
Goodbye, Arms Slave.
But he would be back soon enough. After logging out Donny made himself some dinner, hung out around the internet, played a few other games. He thought about the battle he'd have tomorrow afternoon at the Red City. He was suppose to lose, granted, but that was only if the former Green Queen could stop him in time. He was certain that the other kings would have thought his Mayhem Riders would have been stopped due to the destruction of their city, but they'd be naive to think that would happen. They never needed a city to be a powerful force in Deep Ground. They had each other and their war machines, which was more than he could say about others. Donny fell asleep with these thoughts, but not before messaging his fellow Mayhem Riders about the raid.
"As some of you may know, we lost the Black City. Looks like they intend to spawn camp us, so get out ASAP. Meet me near the ruins of the Green City. After that, we'll ride on our enemies."
Arms Slave
Donny fell asleep with that message in mind, but he could never imagine what was going to happen next. He was in a deep sleep dreaming of some vague nonsense when he found himself in the driver's seat of his War Machine. He was still very tired and thought nothing of it at first. He had dreamed of being in Deep Ground plenty of times before. He laid there for some time just watching his dash board, but eventually he woke up. And when he did he was still in his War Machine. Donny sat up and looked around. He felt cold for some reason. He looked at his arms and noticed that he only had two. "Alright, so I'm not Arms Slave...." Donny still didn't know what was going on. This was a dream, surely. That's what he thought. Than he noticed the message in his inbox. At first he thought it was one of his Mayhem Riders responding to him, but instead it was the Silver Jester.
Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatars and their abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped within this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so… Interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience.
Silver Jester
Donny couldn't believe what was going on. Stuck in the game? This was like a dream come true. If he was like anyone else, they'd lack any abilities as their Avatar, stuck with their weak, human bodies. But Donny had his War Machine, and so did his Mayhem Riders. The boy broke into a grin and tried to message the others, only to find that his Private Message system was removed. "Damn. Alright, well I'm sure there are some at the Green City already. Hn he he he he.... Gah ha ha ha ha!" Donny laughed manically as he drove his War Machine out to the ruins of the Green City. In the distance other War Machines were starting to flee from the Black City towards the ruins of the Green City as well. Donny was already beginning to think of his speech that he'd have to give to the others to calm them, and eventually lead them. This was like some sort of post-apocalyptic, where everyone is left with nothing. "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Tsugumi-san." Hearing a familiar voice, Yoshino glanced to her left to see Retsu. Her initial reaction was relief that the other girl was alright. Her second was confirmation of the Jester’s words. Retsu was well inversed in the domain of hacking, and so for her to be trapped in the game as well was enough proof to the Student President that things were indeed dire. “It’s me Retsu,” Yoshino called out, taking steps to her second-in-command before pausing a few feet away. Knowing the Yakuza, she would no doubt be skeptical about her place right here and now. So as to prove that she was the real Yoshino, the Black King straightened her posture and sharpened her eyes. “You can be at ease Retsu,” she said calmly. “I’m not an illusion; I just got caught at a bad time.” The commanding tone of none other than Moon Rider herself. And just to make sure she settled any lingering thoughts of doubt… “Besides, I don’t quite like those pajamas. They’re less fitting than the ones you wore at my dorm,” she added in coyly. Before she could say anything else, a sudden “oof” echoed softly to their right. Caught off guard, Yoshino whirled around to glare at the newcomer, only to relax when she realized that it was just another Player. Well…sorta. The girl really couldn’t be defined by her physical traits, seeing as she was dressed in nothing but long pants and a straight-jacket, though the ruffles of a black and white dress were seen peaking out from her bonds. Blond hair was whipped about back and forth as the girl narrowed her orange eyes at the two others. And that’s when Yoshino realized. Of course. If what Jester said was true, then everyone was at their last spawning location. That meant… The golden-haired girl stood up on shaky legs, spitting sand out of her mouth and wiggling once more in vain to escape her miniature prison. “The fuck are you two looking at?” Elsewhere, at the Green City no less, the massive sprouts of Dissolutions began to diminish suddenly. Rather, they began to scurry away, much like smaller animals would hasten to escape a predator. Something huge was erupting the sand. Something…monstrous. Rising out like a titan of vengeance, a massive Dissolution climbed out of the craters left from destruction. With a clawed hand, it heralded to the heavens above, dragging itself out finally and standing tall. It was a mountain of doom and end, large enough for all those approaching the Green City to bask in its unholy glory. A giant Dissolution, hiding underneath the city all along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
Avatar of Lord Santa

Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taro woke up when something cold hit his face. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and noticed that the sky was cloudy. The white kitten was still on his chest and he couldn’t find anything amiss. What had woken him up? Taro felt his face. There was a drop of… water? Another drop of water hit his hand and he realised what it was. Taro carefully lifted the cat off his chest and got up, droplets of water beginning to fall. He went inside the building, just in time as a wave of water drops cascaded onto the roof. It was now officially raining. Wonderful. Rain normally wasn’t a problem, but it certainly was right now. After all, he had a kitten and nowhere to put it. He couldn’t put it out in the rain, and the dorm wouldn’t allow pets. What could he do? Taro checked the time and noticed that it was already evening. He’d skipped out on the entire day of classes. That was bad. The cat woke up and stretched in his hand. Taro stroked the cat’s outstretched back as he thought. All he could really do now is go back to his room or something, but he should study to make up for missing the classes. Taro’s stomach rumbled and the cat meowed. First thing’s first. Taro thought. Food. Taro snuck into the kitchen and stole some food for him and the cat, and made his way back to the dorm room. Once there, he opened the can of Tuna he stole and set it on the floor for the cat. The cat meowed gratefully and began eating the tuna. Taro opened the packet of bread he took and began eating it. He wasn’t that hungry. As he chewed his bread, he thought about the cat. What would he do with it? Well, he certainly couldn’t exactly leave it out there in the rain. Whatever reservations he had, he’d have to keep the cat for now. He’d decide what to do with it later. After some time, the cat finished the can of Tuna and Taro finished his bread. It was getting late, so Taro decided to take a bath. Taro looked at the kitten, and found to his dismay that it was quite dirty, so Taro took it with him. Taro came out of the bath refreshed, with a sweet smelling cat who was clean. No fleas, fortunately. Taro settled down to bed in his cat pyjamas and the cat jumped onto his bed as well. Taro pulled his blanket up to his chin as the cat jumped onto his pillow and made itself comfortable. “Good night.” Taro said to no one in particular as he turned the lights off. Taro stared into darkness for a while. It had been a crazy day, running into 3 dudes, running away from 3 dudes. Running into a cat and a meeting, running away from the meeting with the cat. Skipping out all of his classes and stealing food… He had a lot of explaining to do. Well, he’d deal with it tomorrow. He was too tired now. Taro closed his eyes and went to sleep. And then he woke up staring at a blue sky. Taro got up quickly. He was still in his pyjamas, but he was no longer on top of his bed. He was on the roof of a dilapidated building that he’d felt like he’d seen before. Quickly, Taro got up and ran to the edge of the building, looking over it. A huge crater filled with dissolutions met his sight. He was in deep ground. With his pyjamas on. Taro was confused, but his question was answered, when he saw the message he had gotten.
Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatars and their abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped within this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so… Interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience.
Silver Jester
Taro was in deep ground, without his abilities. But so was everyone. Taro quickly took out his phone which was mysteriously there, and turned it on. No service. Figures. Taro looked out at the crater again. The dissolutions ran away from the centre as a massive kingly dissolution came out from the ground. Taro hid under the cover of the building’s railing, peeking over it at the new dissolution in the centre of the green city. “Why is this happening?” Taro asked out loud, cowering behind the flimsy cover.
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