Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t feel very good and it wasn’t just because his limbs had been pulled apart and his head rattled around, not even the nose bleed was the source. He just felt pretty terrible and confused to what was bothering him, but he certainly did hope he was going to be able to shake it off eventually. It was a horrible state of confusion to be stuck in, his mind all over the place. Holding his nose against the shirt he stared out with a fairly blank stare, not all that happy with his predicament. It was his own fault for losing sense of reality. “That means you carrying me…” he mumbled, feeling pretty miserable, “What happens to me physically shouldn’t make my condition worse. I just…don’t need to be worried over…”Everything that was going to happen to him was going to be terrible so he didn’t know what there was to worry over. No matter how fast Vegeta worked he would still have to wait for the medicine to be produced, if anything would be successfully produced in the end. He didn’t have doubts over Vegeta’s ability to create, but rather that his genes would even accept the medicine and begin repairs. Frowning at her suggestion to walk he looked down at his legs; he definitely didn’t feel capable of it at all but didn’t want to admit it. “…Fine. We’ll fly…if you think you can carry me…” Once they got their food they could explore around, maybe even go around with Vegeta and his studying of the Kaesstrians and their advancements. Kai didn’t mind doing that, Choi was always super interested in other races too; however, whether Kabocha wanted to was going to be the biggest question, especially when he practically bought them lunch. Flying off with Vegeta in the lead both Kai and Choi kept their food well-balanced in flight, looking back every so often to make sure they weren’t dropping anything; however, Choi definitely seemed to be more interested in the Kaesstrians and what was going on around him. He loved alien worlds and was always interested in studying them, probably finding the plan that Vegeta had for himself to be a lot more desirable than hanging out with Kabocha and his brother. Eventually, looking down at the buildings would have to wait as they were going into land now, finally getting some food. This place was definitely one of the richer areas they could’ve picked courtesy of Vegeta. Following after Kabocha, Choi and Kai sat down, unpacking their food and handing the containers out. This was going to be great, especially when this was a pretty decent spot to have some great food. T’charrl was trying hard to keep it together and find himself, understanding Takeshi and being able to talk being the starting point. As L’esta flew off he didn’t manage to notice but he was becoming calmer without that knowledge as if he noticed subconsciously. Hissing with each breath he struggled to pull his mind together, staring at Takeshi as he continued to try to help him pull his mind together. Takeshi was making a lot of sense to him the more he was able to think about it, his mind was gradually finding sense in it all, hissing as he tried to push himself up. “Don’t…call me…a Prince!” he hissed before falling to the ground again, not finding it easy to move at all. He was nothing like a Prince was supposed to be, his large form being proof of how disgusting and unlike a Prince he was. However someone could call a creature like him a Prince was completely unknown to him. T’charrl was calming down luckily as his movements became less, his struggles to leave not becoming a concern anymore and eventually he was soon able to change back if rather uncomfortably. The wound on his back was pretty sore and wasn’t the most comfortable experience to change back while wounded but thankfully he was able to find the energy to subdue his rage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It was plain as day that Viral didn't want to go back to the ship, he'd been probably enjoying being outdoors again. If he was bleeding and sore though they really should head back, just for a quick patch up. If they could get back as soon as possible then they could return with barely any lost time, and the best chance was probably to go ahead and fly him there. There in of itself was a whole new slew of problems however, Viral was never one for flying and he tended to get awfully bitter over it. So when he agreed to go ahead and fly back Yumi was a little surprised by that; she'd do it since it was their fastest mode of travel for the moment. "Of course I can carry you, don't be silly," she responded, walking over to the Beastman. Getting him on her back was probably not going to work too well, so maybe a different approach? Looking him over for a brief moment she finally leaned over, slinging one arm under his legs and the other behind his back, and with one pull scooped him up into her arms. It might be awkward for him but this was by far the easiest way she could think to carry him. "Just keep that shirt pressed to your nose, I'll handle getting us back," Yumi said with a smile, rising up off the ground slowly. Once in the air her grip on her friend tightened, and upon levelling out she shot forward, moving at a fairly quick speed to get back as soon as they could. Hopefully none of the staff at this restaurant came out to bother them for just dropping in like this. The rooftop was fair scarce, only a few tables were in use, and the ground floor didn't seem particularly busy either. It wasn't so much a matter of availability then as it was simply walking in and sitting down. For all Vegeta knew they may have seriously offended someone here, but until they were actually approached with such concerns he wasn't going to worry over it. There was food to be eaten and with a grumbling stomach he was hard pressed to think of much else currently. Taking a seat at one of the closer tables he waited for the others to join as well, looking around a bit perplexed. No plates or utensils, it seemed, just the containers. So everything they were to eat was going to be with their fingers then? Not so bad, it was fruit and dried meat, hardly a messy meal. "Even so..." Vegeta mumbled, taking one container and opening it up, "How did you three get the money for this anyways? I wouldn't think they would accept Saiyan or Earth currency." Hm, the food in the container looked pretty good; it was prepared in such a way that it resembled a boxed lunch back home. A few strips of side meat coupled with what looked like an assortment of fruits mixed together in a bright display, they certainly were big on presentation here. Takeshi smiled uneasily when T'charrl hissed at him, almost worrying they were going to have a problem on their hands. Thankfully for everyone involved nothing came of it however, and pretty quickly the Kaesstrian began to change back to his old self. Well, not his OLD old self because that would make everything just peachy, but his less-changed big self. That was a welcome sight, now with luck whatever L'esta had run off to do would help with the rest. Giving the Prince a curious look Takeshi moved closer at last, reaching out and patting his shoulder to try and help settle him. "Hey now... There we go, that should help a bit," he said, glancing at the wound on T'charrl's back, "How about I take a look at that gash, yeah? I can probably at least wrap it up for now, until we find someone to really take care of you, you know?" If the guy ended up changing back to his old self then they would be going right to the Queen; there had to be some royal doctor or something there for T'charrl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral could had gone on all day without this hassle, but that was going to be impossible for him no matter what. He wasn’t sure whether he would ever catch a break at this point and was simply waiting for everything to get better now through medical means. He hated having to rely on something other than his own abilities to get through the day and today was definitely one of those times where everything could go wrong. He really didn’t want to have to be carried by Yumi nor did he want to be taken out of this environment, but he was going to have to if he was going to make Yumi happy and give her something else to change into while he was getting checked up on. Frowning when she decided to approach him he was somewhat dreading being taken into the air by her, not exactly expecting her to end up carrying him like a damsel. Grunting when he was lifted off the ground he looked down to the ground as if regretting his decision to let her carry him, letting out a groan. “Just-…just don’t drop me, okay?” he grunted, his eyes remaining fairly fixed on the ground before she decided to take off, going pretty fast once she was able to. He really wasn’t used to this flying thing and really hated to not be in control at all, already finding it pretty difficult to not panic about her possibly dropping him accidentally. The other people here seemed to be fairly okay with their sudden drop in, a glance only being made because they were not Kaesstrians. It wouldn’t be such a big deal to move if they had to, they had containers keeping their food together so it was fine if they had to go somewhere else. Opening his container, Kai gave a glance over at Choi who was still staring out over the city, looking more like he was stuck in a little plan that involved taking a building and calling it home. It was a little silly to think that big when they were hardly anywhere near rich enough to even think about settling anywhere on an alien world. Going to eat the strange food that looked like some weird fruit dish he soon stopped when Vegeta asked a fairly honest question, raising his eyebrows momentarily. “Oh, I exchanged it”, he said calmly, giving a nod, “They really seemed to love the currency because they had no clue what it was. Told them it was Saiyan currency and they went and gave us what’s practically a mountain of cash to these people. Maybe you should exchange that weird Earth money of yours and see what you get…” T’charrl felt pretty exhausted just from changing back, finding the whole ordeal to be too much for him on top of how much stress he went through to get to that point. The hardest part was always going to be changing back and forth against his will if this was going to be a continuous thing that happened despite thinking he had gained self-control. Looking fairly out of it he stared into nothingness for a few moments, his eyes slowly looking up to Takeshi when he gave his shoulder a brief pat. The Prince was slowly coming into view, his noodly Saiyan form gradually not looking so squiggly anymore in time. Maybe it was the shock from the wound that was making it particularly hard to focus again, especially when any wound like that was going to hurt an awful lot and bleed just as much as any small wound. Hearing Takeshi’s suggestion made him feel not too sure about him having a look, especially when he remembered what Takeshi acted like around him even in his dazed condition. “You…hate my hair…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Like it or not the quickest way back to the ship was going to be flying. If Viral didn't want to fly then he'd have to stomach it regardless; walking back with him bleeding as he was wouldn't cut it. It wasn't like flying was all that bad anyways, not so long as you were half decent at it. Yumi initially had quite the problem with flight as she wobbled back and forth, often times even suddenly dropping when she wasn't putting out enough Ki. At this point though she'd done it more than enough to fly comfortably and it showed. Keeping up a good speed she rose up over the trees, taking off across them back the way they had come. "I wouldn't drop you, trust me on that," Yumi answered, smiling at Viral kindly, "Have some faith in me, you're in good hands." Her grip was as tight as could be without possibly agitating some wounds, and unless they had to abruptly do some weird maneuvers Viral ought to be perfectly fine. She could sort of sympathize with him being uneasy, she certainly had been at first. The more you did it the more fun it became though, and at this point it was second nature like breathing. It didn't matter much where they went, far as Vegeta was concerned, only that they had some place to sit and eat. Really he would have been fine with taking one of the tables by the stalls, but considering he'd been called over to find a place he assumed that was out of the question. The location they had ultimately decided on was certainly nice, he wondered what the food might be like here. Perhaps if they did get asked to leave they could return later as patrons, try out some more of the local cuisine. Not that there was anything inherently wrong with what they had now; back on Earth small shops and food stalls were some of Vegeta's favorite dining spots. It just so happened that the company requested he be at all sorts of functions that he rarely got to go to them. "Is that right...? They just took your money, not knowing the face value of it?" he asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. "Hm... I guess money begets intelligence on this planet as well." Perhaps that was an unfair generalization, this was only one instance. "Who cares how we got the money? We've got it, and we're loaded now, that's all that matters," Kabocha interjected, "Let's just enjoy the fact we've got it and worry about why they gave it to us later." He was all sorts of excited over having that money, mostly because it meant they could buy all kinds of things. Souvenirs, food, weapons for show, little nick-knacks. Maybe he had a bit of a weakness for shopping, not that he was going to tell the others that. At the very least he wasn't like his father, Gobo, who just obsessed over the money itself. Whereas Kabocha enjoyed spending it he swore his father got off on just the simple act of touching some. If that was the reality of the situation he could almost understand why his mom was always so annoyed. Rubbing his hands together eagerly he popped open one of the containers of food, wasting no time in picking up a strip of the dried meat and taking a healthy bite out of it. "Hm, not bad! Kind of plain though!" T'charrl was in a pretty bad way right now, they really ought to do something to help him. Until L'esta got back the only think Takeshi could think to do was help cover his wound; bleeding out right now would be bad for so many reasons. Doing that for someone the guy's size wouldn't be easy, and they didn't exactly have a whole lot to work with out here. He'd figure something out, even if he had to use the shirt off his back. "What...? No... No! I don't hate your hair! Hate is... Such a strong word," Takeshi said defensively, smiling a little as he held up his hands, "I'm just... Not used to it, that's all. I don't do well with new things, so it takes me a bit, you know? I swear I don't hate it." Maybe he didn't love it, but disliking something was far different from outright hating it. Stepping around to try and get a look at the wound he whistled lowly, his eyes going over it as he did his best to just get an idea from looking alone. "Well... It's long, but it's not super deep. Looks like he barely broke the skin, which is good. It will probably even scab up and heal today. Uh... Do you guys get scabs?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Having Yumi carry his larger frame definitely made Viral a little nervous, expressing definite hope that he won’t end up falling because there was a sudden gust of wind or something. The ship really wasn’t that far and usually when he got a nose bleed it was because of an unusual amount of stress with his condition so possibly falling didn’t exactly help his situation. He didn’t want to have to worry about something as trivial as that, but it was probably going to happen even if he did try to not care. Staring down at the land below he soon gave Yumi a slight glance, narrowing his gaze and grumbling. “You say that, even when I had faith before…” he muttered, briefly pausing before letting out a groan, “You know what, I’d rather not talk about that while you’re carrying me. It already hurts all over, I don’t need even more pain by slamming into the trees”. There was definitely the issue where it was Yumi biting him that lured the creature out, but he also had other concerns when it came to trust and whether she remembered. “You remembered my scarf and boots, right?” Choi’s attention was soon taken back to the group, giving a snicker and bumping Kai’s arm with his elbow. Glancing over at Choi, Kai knew what he was having a giggle at but he wasn’t going to say it out loud, giving Vegeta a look instead. Choi found it ironic that Vegeta would ever say such a thing about people who want money, especially when he had all the money he wanted with that company thing he had. It was the same with Kabocha. Neither of them would ever know what it was like to be poor and yet they were fairly ready to dismiss the fact that they were rich on this planet and that it should be considered a big deal. It was pretty selfish of the pair of them to think money and how you react to it counted for how intelligent a person’s decisions would be all of the time. It was not known to them how much someone had to rely on money to get by and if they didn’t have any then they were going to have an incredibly difficult time supporting themselves in a society like this. Not everybody had the ability to fend for themselves but the only way they will ever realise this was if they had no money to use. Despite what Kabocha may think about the food, Kai and Choi were both enjoying it, especially Choi who was fair wolfing his down. Both of them were always happy when they didn’t have to cook and placing the strain off having to do such a thing meant they were enjoying their meal more. T’charrl didn’t want to get up right now, his body not able to pick itself up and try to recover. His mind was still trying to pull itself together, recovery was always hard after he changed unwillingly due to his sudden mental shifts. He really saw no use in this condition of his so far other than being a complete pain for others to deal with. There was nothing he had done so far that could be said to be beneficial to anyone when he changed like that so it was certainly doing a good job at making him feel depressed about it. He had forgotten what it was like to be normal at this point, just like he had forgotten what he looks like behind this disaster of a body. Feeling confused over Takeshi’s desire to check his wound was one for good reason, especially considering his own fears towards certain aspects of him. Frowning when he got all defensive over the subject he continued to look in his direction. “New things? You’ve been around me for weeks…” Takeshi certainly knew how to cause as much stress to one person as he possibly could just by talking. T’charrl certainly wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea for Takeshi to look at him but he couldn’t stop him from having a look anyway. Frowning, T’charrl gave a little sigh when he got the verdict. He was certainly close to being properly chopped up by L’esta, but Takeshi still managed to confuse him. “Scabs…? Is that a parasite…?” he questioned him, moving his claws under his chest, “It hurts a lot because it’s thin and long, and because I changed. I-I need a moment…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Viral's worry over being dropped was unfounded, nothing bad would happen to him. If by some very unlikely chance the Beastman should fall then she would be right there to catch him, and she would be more than willing enough to take a hit to keep him safe. Yumi blew off the concern altogether though she could tell her friend hadn't, but he would just have to put his trust in her and keep in mind it would all work out for the best. They would get back in no time and return good as new, she hoped. "Your scarf and boots? Yeah, yeah of course I did! They're right-- Oops." So that would explain why her feet felt so cold! In her rush to get Viral to the ship she had forgotten not only his things, but hers as well. Good thing they weren't all that far away, otherwise it could be a real bother to double back. Smiling at the Beastman sheepishly Yumi came to a halt, turning herself around and flying right on back to the lake. By good fortune their things were in the same spot as when they had left; having someone or something run off with them would have been quite the letdown. Stringing together a slew of apologies the pair went back to the shore of the lake, with Yumi setting Viral back down so they could get their boots back on. "Good thing you reminded me before we got too far, huh?" she asked, smiling bashfully, "Uh... Sorry, again." There were plenty of things that Vegeta enjoyed, and plenty that he did not; money and managing a business fell under the latter category. Yes having money was nice, it enabled you to do as you pleased, but it was a curse as much as a blessing. All he wanted was to do experiments and tests, develop new machines and technologies and now travel to new, unexplored worlds. He had the funds for it to be certain, but his obligations at Capsule Corporation kept him tied down. Regardless of personal feelings towards his position he had to maintain it as to keep his father's way of life alive. Should he let someone from the board take over the company could change quite drastically, and he feared it wouldn't be for the better. Until he could find a proper successor, or until his father came back as planned then he was going to be left in charge of things. "I have to wonder how the food is in this restaurant, if a market stall can produce something this good," Vegeta mused aloud, turning over some seared fruit in his hands. "If this isn't enough I don't suppose any of you object to trying some food here?" Takeshi figured the very least he could do now was offer to look over the wounds, maybe see if he could patch it up. An innocent enough offer, so why was T'charrl seeming all bent out of shape over it? "I didn't mean totally new! Just... I mean in the grand scheme of things it's new, you know? Like a few weeks in... 17 years, that's pretty new." Eh, he should probably just drop that huh? If he was only going to make things worse by offering to help out then he'd just have to bide his time and wait for L'esta to return. Evidently he'd gone and used words that T'charrl wasn't familiar with again as he was left explaining what 'scabs' meant. "N-no! Nothing like that"! Takeshi said quickly, waving his hands in a dismissive fashion, "It's like when you get an injury and it starts to heal, so it gets all hard and covered, you know? It's just uh... Yeah, take a moment." Chuckling sheepishly he rubbed at the back of his head, looking away as his face heated up a little. Maybe Shu could come in and save the day, or at the very least perk T'charrl up a little. Hopefully L'esta got back soon with some help too, they should really be working on getting T'charrl back to his old self.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral wanted everything to do with this illness of his to flow smoothly, not have these random attacks happen and ruin his time where he had some freedom. This was not freedom, the whole hunting practice was barely freedom either since he wasn’t exactly allowed to run around freely and hunt for himself. Yumi had treated it like a game which was fine, but out of all of that they didn’t catch anything and he ended up getting toyed around by a giant lizard-thing. That was most embarrassing for him, but luckily he wasn’t in his right mind when it was all happening and was fairly out of it. He just wanted to catch a break, but even Yumi wasn’t going to give that to him when she forgot the one thing that he thought he could trust being left alone. Grumbling when she expressed her mistake he soon gasped when she suddenly came to a stop, tensing up as if he was about to fall and not relaxing as she decided to fly all the way back again. The length of time it took for her to get back to the lake felt way too long and landing was probably the best part of it all. Only relieving his tension once he was back on the ground. Lowering his head slightly he kept the clothing to his face, narrowing his gaze at Yumi before sighing. “It’s the fact that we have to go back…again. You just really love carrying me around like that…that’s the only reason for all of this backtracking”. Concerning the food, Kai was definitely wondering what these strange fruits were and where the meats came from while Choi was more concerned with tasting as many different foods as possible. To have so many new flavours all at once was probably a little much for Choi to handle right now, especially when he was getting to freely wander around an alien world without any implications or worrying that he might be ambushed by Saiyans. He wanted to see what the aliens had to offer him or whether he could travel to other places, especially when the ride down was so interesting already. Hardly realising Vegeta was talking to them all he quickly looked to him momentarily confused before to his brother. There was probably an idea behind that which might prove to be beneficial to their decision of whether to have food served to them or buy it themselves, but it still came down to one problem. “Ehhhh I would! I mean, why not? Buuut it’s Kabocha’s money”, Choi sighed, shrugging lightly, “I’d love to try some restaurant food! Not like we’ve had it before…ehh, me and Kai, I mean. Kabocha probably has because he’s rich or whatever”. T’charrl was confused, not really understanding what Takeshi meant at all whenever he tried talking. He didn’t have a clue to how he was supposed to react or whether he was doing the correct thing in responding to him, certainly leaving him wondering whether he should be talking at all. He should probably try and get his energy normalised again, not having it stressing out too because he could only get confused by his words. “Seventeen years…? I don’t understand, that’s not my age…is it yours? Ohh, I think I…get it…?” This was just so confusing to him, but then again that was going to be normal for the next few minutes while he got his mind together. Trying to get comfortable he stared up at Takeshi, trying to understand his explanation before giving a little nod. “Okay…I see. Uhh, our wounds dry and regenerate eventually, but uhh…there are ways to treat them so they regenerate faster. It’s always going to hurt to get thin wounds because they don’t regenerate so easily. Not enough blood to it…” He was probably going to be sore for a little bit until he got some sort of bandage for it, or found some cream for it or something. Letting out a sigh he closed his eyes for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts. Shu was wanting to stay well away from T’charrl, seeing how stressed he appeared to be. It wasn’t easy attacking someone you knew, he knew that way too well; however, he knew the best medicine was to not make a fuss. Sniffling a little he wiped his nose, slowly moving towards T’charrl and Takeshi when T’charrl seemed to get settled down. Smiling at the pair he soon sat down himself, dropping down with a quick thump and grabbing hold of his tail, gentle petting it. “I hope we get food soon too. We didn’t get lunch yet!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Yumi was fair abashed she had forgotten the scarf and their boots, especially when knowing how important the former was. Viral always had it with him, losing that had to be mighty upsetting so it was only natural she turn around. On the bright side they had not gotten all too far just yet; the beach was within sight again in moments and with no trouble at all she set down on the shores. "Maybe I do love carrying you around, maybe it don't, that's not the point," she responded with a shrug, "My point is it's the fastest way for us to travel right now, and I just want to be safe with you bleeding, that's all. Plus remember that animal I attacked? What if there's more and they smell the blood and come after us?" There was some logic to her decision, she just didn't always voice it right away. Plopping down on the ground she grabbed her boots, quite grateful they were still dry and warm as she slipped them on. Something she'd realized fairly quick as she flew about was it was chilly after being in the water, so getting back was as much finding Viral help as it was changing clothes. "Just humor me and let me fly us back, then we can walk again." Leaning down again she helped Viral back into her arms, or more forced him really, offering a smile before taking off again. Kabocha rather liked the food too, much more than he thought he would. For something he might otherwise designate as a chump meal it had really good flavor and it was savory, which really was all he could ask for. They should have bought more, especially if this was all they got for the 50 Doma. Glancing at the coin purse he figured they had that much several times over easy; a couple of buffets could be in order here. Surely the others weren't going to mind buying a bit more food? "Hell yeah we're going to buy more food! Is that even a question?" Kabocha asked, smirking as he wiped his mouth down with the back of his hand. "This stuff is pretty good, and it's stall food. Can you imagine what the stuff here must taste like?" Probably even more tender, or better seasoning, or maybe even more exotic fruits and meats. It could go the other way too though and be much of the same, smaller portions and higher prices; fancy restaurants could often times be just a rip off. Being called rich made him smirk proudly, leaning back in his chair as he waved a few pieces of fruit on a stick about. "I don't mean to brag, but my family does have a bit of money. And hey, when I'm in a good mood I can be generous! So eat all you want guys!" "Yeah, it's my age. See, age on our planet has to do with... Uh..." Takeshi began, stumbling over himself as he tried to think of how to explain birthdays. They had to have something like that here, right? "Well, you know how one day a year you celebrate the day you were born? A birthday? If you guys do that here then it's the same sort of thing, our years are probably just a bit different. So yeah, I'm seventeen, Shu is sixteen, and Haku is...?" "Sixteen." Haku replied stiffly. "Right! So Saiyans and humans kind of age the same on both planets, get it?" That probably wasn't the most clear of explanations, nor did it really do much to explain how long a year was. If he were to try doing that though Takeshi might be there all day babbling and struggling for the right words. He'd let it go for now, if T'charrl wanted to learn more he could always ask later. Looking again at the wound on his friend's back the Saiyan smiled slightly, nodding his head as T'charrl talked. "Right... We've got stuff like that too, but I mean if you let it heal naturally and all that. I'm sure there's something we could use even out here to speed it up." Earth had plenty of plants that were good for medicinal uses, and some of which were good for putting on wounds. That was their home planet though, who knew what plants were good for that here. T'charrl might, but since they were waiting on L'esta to return they couldn't well go searching around. Smiling at Shu when he came over the older boy nodded again in agreement, putting a hand on his stomach with a laugh. "Oh yeah, we haven't have we? Jeez I'm hungry now that you bring it up..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was at this point that Viral wasn’t feeling all that great, probably because all this stress gave him a headache strong enough to cause a nosebleed. He was already sick of the smell of blood, or rather sick of smelling his own. He did wonder if there might be a point where he’d collapse, but luckily he wasn’t quite at that point where he might slip away while flying. It would had been more of an inconvenience for Yumi, she would need to carry his limp form all the way back to the ship and dump him on the medical table in the most undignified manner. “Those things won’t come after me unless I’m in the water! It’s blind in the daylight”, he spoke quickly, ending in a sigh, “Why do you worry about creature like that when you’re used to blasting things anyway…” It seemed a little trivial to worry about something like that, but whatever. Managing to slip on his boots calmly and wrap his scarf around his neck he let out a brief sigh before turning his attention to Yumi who suddenly hoisted him up, not really giving him a chance to get ready for it, “Would you give me warning??” he growled before having to hold his head, not feeling good at all after that sudden lift. Getting a second meal wasn’t out there for a Saiyan, especially when all of them bar Vegeta were pure blood and could eat tons if they wanted to. They weren’t low on energy or nothing so meals of this size and the other were okay, but after a battle they could eat mountains. Hearing Kabocha agree with their need to try the food from this place certainly was a relief; after all, sitting here eating food that didn’t come from their place was a little rude. Kai couldn’t decide whether he was looking forward to trying the restaurant food when the stuff that was homemade was often better, especially when it was nice and fresh as opposed to packed up and prepared. It wasn’t a big deal for Kai though, especially when he had never had food served to him like that. “You in a good mood? That’s certainly a change from the usual”, Kai spoke calmly, picking up a piece of fruit, “It can’t be the money since it can’t keep you happy all day. What exactly is giving you that good mood? Is it independence from your parents?” T’charrl decided to watch Takeshi as he stumbled over the thought he was trying to project to him, finding it a little amusing to see him try so hard. He definitely sounded pretty sure of himself and was willing to go through everything he could think of that would demonstrate his point, some things which he didn’t even know. His kind didn’t really take note of the age as much as stages and the day they hatched which he guessed was what a birthday is. “Oh, I see”, he spoke, lowering his gaze a bit as he stared at the grass, “We have a day where we celebrate when someone hatched…also when we change into what I am because…that’s a special day too. We eventually grow into adults. I’m not an adult, I’m uhh…fifteen Kaesstrian years. I don’t know if your world has a different year length, but even then I have lots of experience and same age when people sign up to be scouts. I have a lot of experience because of Father, I suppose…” Shu never really cared much for age since it was irrelevant to him but hearing about it was certainly interesting. He just knew he was a year younger than Takeshi because of what their own father said he did. He didn’t know how long it took for a baby to be born but it would had probably taken a while between the pair of them. Rocking back and forth in the grass he got all excited when Takeshi remembered food, bouncing over a few steps before sitting down again. “Get Friend better and food! It’s good plan! Friend will be okay, yes? Your friend will be back soon”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Because I'm trying not to rely on Ki for everything, so blasting it isn't an option," Yumi explained, smiling slightly, "Though I guess I'm using Ki for flying and all, so maybe that's a bit of a moot point." It wasn't as if she were completely helpless if she wasn't using that to fight; martial arts could more than supplement her lack of energy. Even without the energy her speed was fairly good and her strength definitely better than a regular human's. Much of the reason she might use Ki in a fight now was simply due to who their enemies now were, and the fact Saiyans used Ki without so much as a second thought. While she would try to honor Viral's way of fighting sans energy it couldn't really be avoided in a real battle. But that was beside the point, and not what she should be focusing on now. Leaning over once both herself and the Beastman were she scooped him up quickly, immediately smiling apologetically once he was in her arms. "Sorry, sorry! I didn't think it would be a big problem," Yumi said, "I'll go a little slower this time, okay?" Viral was bleeding after all, and potentially from his head, so dashing and jumping about wasn't going to help him any. Rising up to above the trees much more steadily this time Yumi started off again, her pace probably half of what it was before. How could Kabocha not be in a good mood right now? He came to an alien world figuring he had absolutely nothing that made his family nobility only to find he could get plenty of money here as well. To top that off he had the means of getting anything he wanted too, that was nice. Biting into another piece of fruit he looked over at Kai and grinned, shrugging his shoulders before wiping off his mouth. "Why can't it be the money? We're on an alien world and yet I'm still rich, what isn't to be happy about? And if you think independence from my parents has ever been an issue then you really haven't paid much attention have you?" He was near always away from his parents and he loved it, and even while on the same ship he spent minimal time with them. Were they a normal family he might find time with them enjoyable, but they were anything but. "Kai has a point, money doesn't mean happiness," Vegeta added, looking over at Kabocha plainly. "If you think that's the case then you're clearly an idiot. I'm one of the wealthiest people on our planet and yet the money means next to nothing to me. Is it convenient to have? Certainly, but it doesn't equate to being happy." It wasn't so much the money itself one loved as what it could give them, he could see that much in Kabocha. Even so, to derive your happiness or enjoyment solely from money was just sad. Not infallible himself however Vegeta was soon to go on his own bout, smiling as he put down his food and wiped off his hands. "Technology on the other hand... Now that is something to become excited and happy over. Do you even know the machines and prototypes I've seen since we've arrived here?" he asked, looking between the trio. Smiling a bit he shook his head, picking up another piece of his meal casually, "Of course you wouldn't, my words would be lost on you if I even began to explain what I've seen. I suppose it's worth mention that the Kaesstrians are advancing, quite a bit in fact. They're already not the same peoples we saw before, it's astonishing really." Age didn't matter all that much, Takeshi supposed, half of their group hardly acted their age anyways. Far as he could recall everyone was darn near close enough in age, save for Yumi, Viral and Vegeta who were all a good few years older. It did make him wonder what the difference might be between Kaesstrians being 15 years old and a Saiyan or Human being the same age, since obviously time was a bit different for each. Heck, for all he knew T'charrl could be 30 something in human years! That would be odd to find out for sure. "I bet if we asked we could figure out how old you are in our years, or how old we are in yours, you know? Buuuut... That sounds like an awful lot of work, so maybe some other time." There were other things that Takeshi wanted to do now, like eat and see that their friend was taken care of, a sentiment Shu more than readily shared. As if on cue no sooner had the little guy said that the Captain would return did he see a familiar face flying towards them; the city must be even closer than he had thought. Good news for T'charrl too was the guy was alone, so it was nice to see their trust hadn't been misplaced. There were some occasions in which unrestricted access within the castle was quite handy, and this had been one such occasion. In spite of going into the Prince's vacant room scarcely anyone had paid the Captain any mind, and he'd managed to get what he had come for and left without so much of a word. No doubt Eslaria might bring it up later, or Yusef should he catch wind of it. Hopefully by then T'charrl would be back to himself and he could explain for him. Making haste back to the clearing where he'd found the Prince and the others L'esta breathed easily seeing they were still there, and the only ones there for that matter. Coming to a gradual stop he landed by T'charrl, smiling politely as he bowed his head. "I sincerely hope you can forgive me for my transgression, Prince T'charrl... I did not know. With luck maybe this small gesture can help in bringing you back to us. Also..." the Captain paused, reaching back into his pouch and taking out a small glass jar. "I grabbed a solution from Renthal before leaving, this will help heal the wound quickly. But first, I wanted to give you this." Kneeling down the Captain offered up a wrapped up picture, inside of which was an image of T'charrl as his regular self and his parents, a royal family portrait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Viral needed to take a moment to gather himself, his head feeling like it was back on the shore without him. He did hope it would’ve stopped by now, but then again this was ‘mild’ compared to the other ones which shut him down most of the time. He was not going to shut down, not unless he got all stressed out again to the point of a mental breakdown. Slowly picking his head back up again he stared at Yumi for a moment, letting her focus back again before he sighed. “Next time, ask me if I’m ready…” he grumbled, turning his gaze towards the ground. He didn’t like all this flying business because he had no control over the matter. He’d probably have a lot more of that if he actually had a say in where he was going and what direction he was going to be pulled around in, but with Yumi flying around like this he had near to no focus on where he was going or what he was doing in the air. “I’m fine…I’m fine! I just needed a moment to clear my head…just go fast…” Kabocha had it all wrong, but if he wanted to see the world from that view then he must think that Choi and him must be completely miserable because they’re so poor. They didn’t like being poor but they certainly weren’t miserable because of it, instead being pretty happy about their current position in life. Kabocha wasn’t understanding what independence from his parents meant though, especially when he wasn’t thinking that he wouldn’t have access to the money too. Staring at him for a moment his eyes soon went to Vegeta who supported his point, his eyes soon returning to his food as he begun munching again. That whole point eventually turned into Vegeta getting all geeky over technology again and going crazy over that, finding it to be most unusual indeed. If he thought technology was great then he’d probably have a seizure over the technology the Saiyan Kingdom had he seen any of that. “Advancing? We weren’t gone for that long”, Kai spoke up, letting out a grumble before sighing, “You not afraid of them becoming the next superpower with it, though? We’ve seen what goes on with that weird race considering their Prince is a walking tank. You sure you’re not just aiding their conquering of other planets by watching over them so closely?” T’charrl was starting to feel better now that he was able to relax, but he was still a little drained of energy. It was nice hearing about the others when they barely ever talked about themselves or their culture, even if he enjoyed hearing about it. Smiling to himself he gave a nod, staring down at his claws. “I’m not very good at counting either, but can just say that age is my age and yours is yours”, he spoke, letting out a sigh as he slowly pushed his chest off the ground. Giving his chest a quick rub he could only frown at his back pain, knowing it was out of reach for him. Staring at the forest floor he could only wonder why they were waiting around when they were hungry, but sure enough he was getting his answer when L’esta suddenly dropped in near him. Getting a fright was one thing, but almost reaching out to whack him would had caused even more humiliation. Moving his feet around to turn his body to face him he gave a little frown, his eyes shifting to Takeshi quickly before to L’esta again. Not feeling entirely confident about his return he did notice some additions he had brought with him. Frowning as he stared at the jar, looking away for a moment. “You just took it so you wouldn’t get in trouble with Mother…” Not particularly wanting him to touch him with that he kept his eyes off him, staring down at the forest floor before his eyes caught sight of what was being held out to him. He didn’t understand what it was at all, taking hold of it carefully and placing it in the centre of his claws. Slowly unwrapping it carefully to not tear whatever it was he could only stare down at the image. There was a sense of unfamiliarity with it, the images of his mother and father familiar to him but he felt pretty sad that he didn’t recognise himself. “It’s me, right…? I think I remember this…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Right, uh... Sorry! I'll be sure to tell you beforehand next time." It was probably mighty disorienting for someone who didn't fly; Yumi had been quite shocked when she had rode on Nimbus for the first time. People who normally stayed firmly planet on the ground didn't always handle flying about so well at first, and she really ought to be a bit more understanding of that with her friend. Figuring then he might want her to take it easy she kept her speed low, looking at him surprised when she was told the opposite. If that's what Viral wanted then okay, she'd do it, but hopefully he was sure of it. Even while picking up speed Yumi tried to keep it fair steady, not wanting to jostle the Beastman around and risk hurting or agitating him. They were certainly moving faster though, and with luck would reach the ship in no short terms. Hopefully the doctor on the ship wasn't busy, as with Vegeta being out they would have to rely on their alien-doctor to tend to Viral. Hardly ideal, considering he probably didn't know Viral that well, but they would have to make due with what they got. Seeing the Kaesstrians advancing before their very eyes was a miraculous thing, and it had Vegeta all kinds of excited. They were using the basic technologies and ideas he'd left with Katas to their utmost potential; they were developing and polishing transportation, improving communications and utilities around the city and even making strides towards space travel. The next time they finally came around to visit he could scarcely guess at what they might find. "It doesn't take long to develop technology if you have the means of it. Besides, it was all based on work I've done, so they were essentially following blueprints to make something, not building from the ground up," Vegeta explained as he looked to Kai, "And no... I'm not. The Kaesstrians don't strike me as the sort of conquering peoples, even if they are war-like to a degree. Your concerns are unfounded as far as I'm concerned. Additionally I have the knowledge of how their systems work, perhaps more so than even Katas who adapted them for his people's use. In short, should they try anything at all I could easily bring down their entire systems with a simple command into a console." Smirking slightly Vegeta folded his arms over his chest, looking out over the balcony where they were sat. "Anything I create I can destroy just as easily, mind that. I'm just very, very reluctant to do so more often than not. Should it be necessary though... No problem." T'charrl sort of went and stated the obvious there with ages, but Takeshi wouldn't bother pointing that out. Just from the sound of his friend alone his mood was improving some, so why ruin it by opening his mouth and saying something stupid? Besides, there were other things to focus on at the moment, namely L'esta finally returning to them. The Captain had said he'd be quick and he sure was, and now hopefully whatever he brought with him could do them some good. Letting the pair talk it out for a second he moved over curiously, trying to get a peek at the picture T'charrl now had. Huh, that definitely was their friend, and his folks too, no doubt about that. Takeshi even recognized where the image was made no less. "Hey... That's just near the castle, I think... Yeah, yeah I'm sure of it!" he said, smiling as he gave a nod, "There is a small park near the castle, we saw it when we were coming by that one time, and I remember passing it. It was really nice looking, but the guys escorting us didn't want us wandering around a whole lot." L'esta sincerely hoped that providing this picture might help T'charrl recover himself. The Queen had been in quite the mess as of late over her son, something that none but the closest to her would have realized. In confidence she had even expressed such worries to him and a few others, so it was no secret that she was concerned. Looking up at the Prince after handing over the painting the Captain frowned, and probably would have blushed if he were capable. "That's not true, Prince T'charrl! I fully intend on telling the Queen what I did; it was wrong of me and it deserves punishment. I simply am trying to help you, as a friend and as a mentor." It wasn't so much self-preservation as it was an earnest desire to be of use. His entire livelihood was in service to the royal family in essence, so it shouldn't be surprising that he was trying to help here as well. Smiling the Captain rose back to his feet, nodding as he too looked at the image. "I was there when it was painted. As I recall you had just finished your first session with your father, having moved on from myself, and your family was celebrating. You got the painting to commemorate the event and then we had a large dinner in the dining hall. I still remember your father eating far too much and the Queen snapping at him... It was rather funny."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Maybe he’ll eventually get his own back on Yumi for doing that one time, but of course it will have to be thought about another time, maybe when he was less vengeful over something stupid. Maybe he should try and clear his head before he starts thinking like that. Viral didn’t want to do or say anything he might regret later because his condition didn’t call for it. He’d have to take a break after seeing this doctor much to his annoyance, but he certainly wasn’t going to let Vegeta know about this even if he had to shut up both the doctor and Yumi. “Just say I hit my head too hard to the doctor, got it? I don’t want Vegeta to get all high-strung over a stupid nose bleed”, he grumbled, staring down at the rolling landscape below, “I don’t want the doctor telling him anything either! This is just going to be a stupid check-up and I’m going to be fine after…” The potential of the Kaesstrians getting strong enough to conquer was definitely concerning, but whether Vegeta felt the same was certainly questionable. According to Vegeta, however, the Kaesstrians could do no harm in space or to their own people, his method sounding pretty strange to him. “And they won’t bypass that. If you think so”, Kai sighed, shaking his head, “Just a wonder if the technology has spread to other nations on this planet. It’s a pretty large place and who knows how many of these bugs there are on it. Could be some that hate technology and then they make them into science slaves”. “Don’t say that!” Choi spoke up quickly, looking around as if checking to see if anybody was listening in, “Just because the King is like that doesn’t mean they are too…well, I mean, the whole science slaves thing. I don’t know how they’ll deal with people who don’t like their tech”. It was certainly a difficult subject and he didn’t know how to respond to it, not without going back to the King and his experiences with the subject. “Don’t you think they’ll get angry at you if they found out you bugged their inventions? What if you shutting them down ended up killing people through violent explosions or ending up as a sitting duck in a battlefield?” T’charrl couldn’t quite place that it was him, yet deep within he somehow knew it was as he stared at the image. He was shorter than his father and mother, maybe he had grown a little since that picture but it didn’t make much of a difference at this point. He was wearing clothes too, that was something he definitely missed and was pretty uncomfortable with the fact he had nothing to wear because of his condition. Feeling a little sad he looked over to L’esta as he spoke about the memory it held, his eyes going back to it again. “Yeah, that was…kind of embarrassing…” he spoke, letting out a sigh, “I got my first sword too, one that belonged wholly to me…I hope it’s kept safe. I miss training, I miss battling, but who knows if that will be needed anymore here…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It was better to be safe than sorry, especially with Viral's condition as precarious as it was. Additionally nothing would be worse than having the Beastman hurt himself when they were so close to helping him, only having to start all over if a new problem arose. In short Yumi was bringing him back not so much because his wounds were serious, because they weren't, but because she couldn't be certain even a minor bump might be catastrophic. In her personal opinion she actually agreed with Viral; they were on vacation, running back to the doctor over a bloody nose was a little much. Well there was that and his arm and leg, but the Beastman could heal those within minutes. "Sure, I'll tell him you fell or something, don't worry," Yumi said with a smile, nodding her head, "I'm not looking to get you cooped up again, you know that right? I just want to be safe. Wouldn't be much of a vacation if you were stuck inside." Vegeta didn't doubt the Kaesstrians were a strong race; T'charrl could fight opponents that they struggled with, and they were Saiyans, supposedly the most powerful combatants there were. The Prince's case was an exceptional one, and while it wasn't without question another of his kind could achieve that power he did think it unlikely. That aside he hardly saw reason for the people of this world to ever become hostile, they had everything they needed on their own planet. Given their unique diets and habitats as well there were only a select few worlds that could even be considered hospitable for them. "It's a safe bet the technology has spread, though I can't say for certain, I didn't think to ask Katas." He could see it happening however, it would certainly promote advancement of a species as a whole, something he would be hard pressed to see in a bad light. Considering Eslaria's policy towards unification and strengthening her peoples it stood to reason too she would make sharing technology a priority. "Are you suggesting that the technology I developed could be faulty?" Vegeta asked, looking over at Choi with a dark gaze. He really did not take having his work doubted lightly, though he tended to keep his disdain for it under wraps. Around someone he was so familiar with, however, he had no issue in expressing his disgust. "I never said I "bugged" their technology, don't be absurd. I know the infrastructure of it in and out, meaning I could easily bring it all down if the need arose. Should people die in the aftershock of that... I can't be concerned with that. My primary concern is to make sure what I've given these people is used for just and right causes, and anything less will see immediate withdrawal of said technology." L'esta vividly remembered the image in that painting, and how could he not? It was his final day as T'charrl's tutor in the way of combat and the beginning of his instruction under his father, certainly a big day for him. A great many other men had been disappointed that they could not train the Prince themselves, but in reality General Yusef really was the only viable option. For a boy who would one day lead Kaesstra only the best training would suffice. "Your sword is safe, I just saw it in your room, mounted above your hearth. I nearly brought it but worried it might arouse suspicion, and I did not want to draw attention to us." Smiling sympathetically at T'charrl, the Captain reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "There is always need for a brave, proud Prince, whether it's for fighting or helping to guide our people. If I may be so bold though I do believe you might have battles of your own now, battles that do not involve Kaesstrians." "Yeah! Or did you forget you were part of our group now buddy?" Takeshi asked, grinning at T'charrl, "That is, if you want to keep traveling with us. There's loads of other planets we could show you, and plenty of stuff I can teach you about Ki and all that. Hell, we've barely scratched the surface on some of your training!" There were other things too of course, such as Vegeta teaching T'charrl about all sorts of subjects, and maybe Yumi or Viral teaching him new fighting styles. If the war was on an indefinite pause then they had all the time in the world to go about and try new things together, so long as the Kaesstrian was up for it. "Plus, I'm sure Shu would love to have you along, and so would everyone else!" Haku was having a real hard time not feeling awkward being in the middle of all this. It was a nice thing he was seeing, and he never really ever saw anything like it. On one hand he felt all warm inside, like seeing everyone trying to console T'charrl was making him feel good too. On the other hand however he had no idea what to do about it, feeling like him saying anything would be horribly out of place. Looking down at his feet uncomfortably he finally glanced back at T'charrl, sighing and rubbing at his neck. "I know we really got off on a bad start, but... I want to try fighting with you, and maybe... Have you train me?" he asked, his face reddening as he had to look away. "You're strong... And I could learn a lot from you, I think. If you miss training so much you've got all of us to train with."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was hoping Yumi would compromise and was glad enough to hear that she was going to go for their little ploy, hoping the doctor will recognise it too. He didn’t know what the doctor might do for his nose, he didn’t see how it could be treated but he did know he could have a look at his leg if it needed corrected again, the same with his arm. Either of them sounded as if they’d just need a little bit of fixing up to get them in the right place while he was too occupied with his nose, plus maybe get his paw checked for infection after Yumi bit him. It wouldn’t had happened if she didn’t do that, but she was refusing to accept responsibility for it too. If she was going to act like that then there wasn’t much he could do right now that wouldn’t end up making his head hurt even more. “Cooped up again…I’ll have that when Vegeta weakens me to the point where I can barely walk! He’s ridiculous if he can do that to me and think I’m okay with it…” he grumbled, closing his eyes for a moment, “That is if he manages to cure me. I don’t know how he plans on that working out. I’m not his creation no matter how much he wishes that was true…” Choi was fairly confused to Vegeta’s plans and while he seemed to have a good idea about it there was definitely that lack of care in his work. He seemed to work under his own control and got upset when others didn’t use his ideas to how he wanted them to. He certainly did remind him of a few other people, certainly seemingly a thing for intelligent Saiyans to have as a common trait. Staring at him as he seemed to get pretty defensive over his own work he looked back to Kai for a second before to Vegeta again, raising an eyebrow at his answer. Well if that wasn’t a downer then he didn’t know what was, even Kai finding it to be too negative an answer. “Man, none of your friends would be happy about that, I’m sure”, he spoke before chuckling, giving Kai a nudge, “Maybe that’s why Viral is always so depressed. I’d be too if I could be shut down as fast as that because I wasn’t doing what I was told”. “Choi, I don’t think it works quite like that with him”, Kai sighed, but really he didn’t know what to think about it and Choi knew that. Vegeta could probably deny it all he wanted but if his life depended on Vegeta he’d probably rather die. The guy was all about business even if he tried to deny it. Shrugging a little his attention soon turned to Kabocha, giving his hand a quick wave. “You wanna start thinking about what you want from here”. T’charrl felt like he was missing a lot of his past memories, even if he was sure he could remember them as if they were yesterday when he wasn’t trying to think about what he looked like. His mind had become so distorted since the evil energy clung to his mind, but he was determined to get through it and finally remember who he was. Those memories were easier to recall when he was staring at a picture of himself, even if he thought it was embarrassing to look at. “That’s good, I mean…it’s not the most important thing on my mind, but it makes me feel relieved that it is safe”. He wondered if his parents were worried about him too, definitely finding it a little more difficult to think about what they were doing right now. Giving L’esta a confused look about what battles there might be left to face his eyes soon turned to Takeshi, staring at him as he got all sorts of excited over the future. Staring at him his eyes soon went down to the painting again only for that to be interrupted by Shu grabbing his arm, giving it an excited squeeze. “Well…yeah, I really want to see new places, learn about Ki…play with you guys”, he spoke calmly before sighing, looking down at himself, “I need to get this fixed too, show the universe what my people are capable of. I hope my people remember me and that I don’t become nothing to them…” Feeling a little saddened by the thought of becoming forgotten his attention was soon taken away from the painting and to Haku, staring at him as he talked in an odd way at first, frowning a little at his desire. He didn’t think he would want to after what happened last time, especially when it only frightened him. “Uhh, I mean…sure, I could. My only problem is your lack of limbs and your weird legs, I guess…uhh, n-not that all your kind are weird! I mean, I have seen other aliens with not many limbs…I don’t understand how you manage to multitask…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

There was no harm in keeping what had happened from the others Yumi supposed, so long as Viral got the care he needed. While she wasn't overly thrilled Vegeta wouldn't be the one administering said care the doctor wasn't bad at his job, he just didn't know Viral all that well. He could treat the outside injuries like the gashes and bloodied nose but only Vegeta would be able to actually figure out what was wrong. These worries aside she still agreed to Viral's request; letting him feel a bit better about his situation was just as important in her mind. "Maybe it won't be so bad? We can't know yet, and he's doing something he's never done before. He's smart and all, but how can he possibly know exactly what is going to happen?" Yumi asked, smiling hopefully, "Even if it doesn't completely cure you it's bound to make things better, isn't that still good? Maybe it'll get the big things out of the way so we can focus on smaller stuff, and those should be even easier to help!" Vegeta never would have shared his work with Katas had he thought that the Kaesstrians could go on a warpath like the Saiyans had. Yes, there was the possibility for a select few to do such a thing, but he wasn't going to let the actions of a few dictate his decision of many. Should anyone try to make ill use of some of the recent developments then he would leave it up to the Queen and others to handle it; he was only the delivery man in essence here, how the machines were applied were not his main concern. Looking at Choi quite annoyed when he brought up Viral, Vegeta had to close his eyes and take a breath or else he may well have yelled at the other boy. "I'm so glad you find depression to be a laughing topic, Choi," he said, opening his eyes and frowning, "I can only hope you never up in his situation, as you may find that it's a living hell. Might be a pleasant change of pace however... You'd be quiet." Well, this had gotten perfectly awkward! Choi had said the wrong thing clearly and now Vegeta was being a bit of an ass. They were in a fancy restaurant gods dammit, this wasn't the place for this sort of thing. Smiling uncomfortably Kabocha looked at Kai when spoken to, nodding his head quickly and glancing around. "Uh, yeah, sure! Ordering sounds good." With no menus at their table he got up and snatched a few from an empty one, placing one in both Choi and Vegeta's hands to keep them occupied. They were going to get thrown out if they caused a ruckus, at least if this place was half respectable. He had [i]never[/i] been thrown out before and he wasn't going to make this his first, even if it was on an alien world. Something had struck Kabocha as a slight problem however, and it was one that for all his technology he doubted even Vegeta could solve. Looking up from the menu he frowned, turning it over for everyone else to see, "Anyone know how to read Kaesstrian?" There was no shortage of people trying to console T'charrl, that was for sure. Even Haku was making a shot at it, in his own awkward way, so everyone was pulling for the guy now. If this wasn't a show of support than nothing was, and it was a safe bet the rest of their group felt the same way about things. Takeshi cringed slightly when their friend started to get down on himself, frowning and looking at L'esta for some help with that one. Haku's random bit had distracted T'charrl but he really needed those worries settled one way or another. "Prince, not only do your people remember you but they've been near worshiping you since your departure," the Captain replied with a smile. "You've become something of an iconic figure for Kaesstrians, so I doubt you'll be forgotten. The first of our kind into space, battling foes that we could only dream of, seeing new worlds. Why, even I'm getting a bit starry eyed just thinking about it. My point is though that our people on both sides look to you as the future, and already people are eager to see your return and learn about your adventures. So maybe then if you wish to help our people you should do just that; Travel the universe, show everyone out there what Kaesstrians are capable of and come home with tales that we can tell our children." Huh, Takeshi hadn't even considered what T'charrl's going to space might mean for his people, that was pretty cool. That meant that he among all of the others of his kind had seen things no one else had, and that many people may never will. He could share tons and tons of stories about what they had done already, and if he came with them he would have even more. "That's pretty crazy when you think about it, you're like a celebrity now T'charrl," Takeshi added with a grin, "People are going to be wanting to ask you all about what you did and what you saw. Doesn't sound to me like anyone's going to hate you or forget you any time soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was not entirely confident in Vegeta’s ability to fix his problems, probably because the guy always acted overconfident in everything he did. He always saw himself as a winner, something that definitely ran in the family on all sides and probably wasn’t a good trait to carry around when trying to treat the unknown. He didn’t want to be greatly weakened if it worked as well, finding that thought to be so degrading and disgusting. He was never going to be okay with becoming a weakling and wish Vegeta had a different theory to what might happen, the very thought of that happening feeling almost as if his strength was going to be taken away from him permanently. It made him feel disgraced to be called a warrior, but there was not going to be anything he could do to prevent that he would gladly skip out on telling Vegeta stuff that might make him have to get extra treatment. “Hmph yeah, something he’s never done before and thinks he can do it in one shot! He hasn’t tested any prototypes with me yet so that doesn’t make me feel any better about it”, he spoke, letting out a sigh and gently shaking his head, “I just wouldn’t mind not looking like this and having all of these weird desires to do stupid things. Even the bloody water mesmerised me…” Choi didn’t like the thought of a perfectly fine race going down a destructive path akin to the Saiyan Empire, finding the very thought to be upsetting. He really did love studying races and their cultures, but hearing of some going down a dark path made him feel a little sad. Vegeta could deny it all he wanted but his technology could still send them down a destructive path and if they found a way around it then they would have to fight them. Giving a quick glance to his brother he soon turned back to Vegeta who decided to make a big deal out of what he said, narrowing his gaze before shrugging. “Depression is common in the Saiyan army, especially in the working class”, he spoke, not exactly seeing what Vegeta was getting annoyed about; it wasn’t as if he had it himself, “Who says I don’t have it myself and this is my way to hide it from all of you? You wouldn’t know. You don’t talk to the other crew that much to check to see if they are okay. Even that Shu kid has panic attacks, but would you even know about that? How he bit my brother’s tail and nearly mauled him all because he grabbed hold of him during training?” Kai was going to let Choi and Vegeta talk and if they were going to be uncivilised then he would be alright with booting them both off the edge of a building. It wouldn’t be such a big deal since it would give him peace and would be less food to go around too. Turning his attention to Kabocha was probably the best thing for both of them, even if it was just discussing food. Watching Kabocha grab a menu he raised an eyebrow, questioning what he was doing. He knew the menus would be in Kaesstrian meaning it probably would had been better to ask one of the waiters. Oh well, he would humour Kabocha until he figured out the correct method to finding out about the food, looking to the menu when Kabocha only got confused at its strange form of writing. “Hmm, I don’t think any of us can, at least T’charrl didn’t teach me any”, he spoke, looking around before pointing to a waiter, “We can ask that Kaesstrian, though. I’m sure they’ll be happy to serve if they tip you. We should go ask them”. T’charrl was definitely starting to feel a lot better already thanks to his friends, his confidence fairly high even if there was a little bit of doubt. He didn’t know why Haku would want to train with him especially with all that happened to him when he was around. There was also the matter that he was not confident that his people were ready to accept him, especially when he had been away for so long and was cared little about when he was around. However, as L’esta spoke about what the people thought about him he could only feel confused, looking down at himself before giving L’esta a smile. “I wouldn’t had thought that such a thing would ever cross their minds or that they would believe the story. I don’t know what to think of that”, he spoke, smiling to himself before giving Takeshi a look. He didn’t know how to take that kind of attention, finding the very thought of people being excited to see him again. It felt pretty nice to have people who were finally noticing you, even if they didn’t know what you looked like currently. He didn’t want to have them staring at the freak that he was now. Staring down at the painting he let out a sigh, moving it away from him and slowly standing up, “I think I know what I was missing now”, he spoke, looking down at his claws, “I was missing my desire to be who I am, I think. I didn’t want to be the weak, unlikeable kid…the one people thought was weird and forgettable. I didn’t want to be who was in the painting, but…I-I do. Maybe I can now, maybe if I try…I can do it”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Yumi had to put stock in Vegeta, he was their best bet of getting Viral healthy again. One way or another it was going to work out, it just had to, they had no other real options. The fact that Vegeta could use his dad's work now too for coming up with a solution made it easier to rely on as well; Working with Aito's notes should tell him everything that would be needed for a cure. If she thought she could understand half the language used around the Beastman maybe she could offer a little help on the side. "To be fair... What's he going to test it on? There's you and just you, and I guess me, but I don't need the same kind of attention. I'd say he hasn't tested it because really how can he?" The best they could hope for was that Vegeta's work fixed at least something... Maybe not all, but enough so that Viral could be a bit happier with himself. Looking ahead to the ship off in the distance Yumi smiled, looking down at Viral and nodding her head. "I'd bet what Vegeta is working on will help solve that, so we just have to wait and see. Maybe after today we can go look into it and see how he's getting along?" Hearing Choi speak of depression was rather annoying, especially in terms of Viral's problems. They scarcely knew one another and yet he had the nerve to laugh at it; Vegeta was hard pressed not to reach out and smack the boy for what he'd said. In addition to that he also had the nerve to sit there and tell him how he was missing the rest of the crew and their issues, Shu included. "I am well aware of Shu's problems, but he can wait. Viral takes priority at the moment, Shu has support in his brother and friends, something that Viral lacks." Or at least that was something Viral simply could not appreciate. The same resources were available to the Beastman as they were the young Saiyan, Viral simply didn't take advantage of them. Yumi was practically attached to their friend in a fitful attempt to improve his mood and yet very little seemed to have changed yet. "No one told me that, perhaps that's why I've not done anything about it? I can't do anything if I'm not informed, so don't talk to me as though I'm ignoring everyone. If you took just a moment out of your day to tell me this before I'd have done something about it by now." So while Vegeta and Choi were bent on creating a scene Kabocha thought it best to order some food, and in the process of doing so hopefully keep them from being kicked out. A small roadblock appeared however in the form of not being able to read whatsoever as everything on the menu was written in the Kaesstrian language. To him it was a jumble of symbols and shapes, which he supposed the same could be said if one of these people tried reading Saiyan language. Ordering anything was going to be borderline impossible without T'charrl here as a translator, and they couldn't exactly call him up and ask him what it said. Following where Kai had pointed Kabocha smiled and nodded, reaching over and snagging a few coins from the bag. With money in hand he approached the server as the man was setting a table, tapping him on the shoulder with a smirk. "Hey there! My friends and I are hoping to buy some food, I was wondering if you could tell us what's on these menus though," he explained, showing the coins off. Aha, there was the little glimmer in the waiter's eye, he loved when money talked. In no short order a few select items were explain, mostly the ones containing meats before Kabocha returned to the table. Placing the menu down he showed the now circled items, grinning at Kai. "And you said I've got no patience for people. Check it out, he told me what all of these are!" It was beginning to look like T'charrl was feeling better, and goodness knows it had taken long enough. All he really needed it seemed was a bit of encouragement, something that seemed painfully simple in hindsight; the painting helped too, probably. Letting the guy suss it out for a moment Takeshi smiled and nodded his head, giving a thumbs up. "Hey, that guy is going to become a hero to his entire people pretty soon, I can't think of anyone else you'd want to be," he said, "I say give it a shot buddy, you can do it." With their being so close to getting back to the city T'charrl sort of had to, but no one was going to say that for obvious reasons. A lot was riding on whether or not their friend could help himself, it would be the difference between going to see the Queen or spending their time here in the ship. L'esta was quite happy with how things were turning out, and eager to see T'charrl work his way through this. Regardless of how he looked or how strong he had become he was still their Prince, nothing would change that. Even if he was now more powerful than even his father that still didn't change the fact that he was a member of the royal family, or that the Captain had once been his mentor. "Take pride in where you were before, T'charrl. It's what has led you to this point, and what's going to lead you to your future," L'esta added, smiling encouragingly, "You are always welcome back here, no matter where your journeys might take you. I'm sure your parents would feel the same way as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral had no idea what he was supposed to do for the rest of the day if this was going to happen over something as small as a hunting trip, but maybe this was going to be time for him to chill out and just take in the fresh air once his nose was clear. His days were going to be boring if he was unable to have any sort of fun, all because his body wasn’t going to allow it. Everything was always limited for him because he was not functioning correctly and he hated that, even to the point of feeling like he wanted to jump from Yumi’s arms in frustration. Luckily for him and his impulsiveness he was close to the ship with the doctor hopefully not occupied and a chance to get some of his medicine. “He did a bunch at the start and that was uncomfortable enough! Who knows what he might had thought about by now since he last tested on me. I’m sure he wanted to open me up some time…” Feeling a little uncomfortable over that thought he let out a groan, the thought making him not feel too well. “For all I know he might want to start my treatment the next time I see him. I may have to avoid him if I want a proper break from that damn lab”. Choi didn’t see any real problem with the subject, especially when Vegeta seemed to ignore everybody else. He wondered if Vegeta even knew his name if the others didn’t mention it. What Vegeta seemed to have going with Viral was probably some sort of creation and master relationship, like an inventor adoring a weapon but never openly admitting to it. It was rather freaky to think about and definitely managed to make him a little uncomfortable, but his words didn’t seem to give much denial that it wasn’t true. “Lacks? I gave Yumi space so she could give Viral just that”. On one side it also sounded as if Vegeta didn’t trust Yumi to make Viral feel better, but of course that was probably thinking too much into it. If Vegeta ever upset Yumi, even while they were on a break, Choi would definitely start demanding some answers from him and probably even get Viral involved. “Nobody’s seen you lately so how could they tell you? You disappear for days on end. Would we even know if you went missing?” Choi and Vegeta could have their little chat to each other, but Kai was planning on looking the other way and trying to not care that they were there. He’d certainly accompany Kabocha over if it meant getting away from them two and not causing things to get even more heated than it needed to be. Deciding to do neither of those things he instead looked over his shoulder at the other Kaesstrians as Kabocha took his time deciding on the meals. The Kaesstrians here didn’t seem all that interested that Saiyans were here, but then again they were probably looking earlier and were simply trying to avoid eye contact. They were the polite type of race, it seemed, either that or they were actually worried and didn’t want to attract attention. Looking to Kabocha his eyes soon went down to the menu, raising an eyebrow. “And they are what now?” Everything that had happened up to now had been the result of T’charrl losing who he was and now he was going to be able to get that all back, at least to the extent he expected he could get back to being. He never did figure out that the missing piece was his ability to accept that he was the kid in the picture and that was his true self, not what he was now. He was scared of returning and seeing everyone staring at him in the most disgusted fashion, seeing him for what he truly was; however, that wasn’t going to happen if they actually adored him for his accomplishments. It made him feel warm inside and eager to see these people, so long as he could change back into his true form. He would just need to focus his energy again and think about all those elements at once, not become the monster he often was. “I don’t know about hero…” Smiling, he felt a little embarrassed to be hearing all these things about himself, his eyes soon going to L’esta, looking a little sickly with embarrassment. “Oh man. It wasn’t that long ago since I got captured too, and yet…” he spoke before he sighed, giving a little nod, “I hope you are right about that. I am pretty eager to meet my parents…” With all these wants and desires on his mind, now was the best time to try and change back. He just needed to use the same method as before, hopefully this time with a higher success chance. Taking a moment to focus his energy he eventually tried to take it into a more visible form in his claws, staring at the ball of light intensely. He tried to imagine the image in the painting and what he was destined to be if L’esta was correct, his desire to see his beloved parents and even seeing his home again. Gradually, T’charrl’s energy levels started to rise gradually and he was back into his glowing phase: the furthest in his progression he got on the ship. Feeling just that little bit of extra push he needed he tried to draw his focus on that, finding it oddly difficult. Closing his eyes for a moment he tried to force the energy out of him and the thoughts that held him back; however, the expulsion of the energy proved to be anything but gentle. He was immediately feeling sore all over and pretty dizzy, his energy still going at it before it faded, the ground seeming a lot closer than usual as he fell forward in a daze. Hitting the ground was hardly more than a gentle thump and for good reason, his body had indeed managed to change back or at least as close as he could get to back to himself. He still had the extra features but he was essentially normal again, even if he was a little dazed after expelling too much energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

With some luck they could get Viral immediate attention and maybe improve his mood some. Really the injuries didn't appear all too bad, some bandages ought to do more than enough to fix him up. Yumi was more concerned about the wounds she couldn't see, and namely what may have happened with his head while Viral was underwater. She hadn't seen most of what had gone on so there was no way for her to know if he'd taken a hit to the skull or anything. Smiling sadly at the Beastman's musing she shook her head in reply, looking ahead at the ship as it was coming ever closer. "We can't put it off, and we shouldn't, you know that. The sooner it starts the sooner you'll be healthy again. And I'll be around to help you go outside, even if we can't really do much while out here. That's still better than being locked up right?" Whatever the case was they wouldn't likely see Vegeta until later in the day as he would be taking time off too. Or at least he'd better be, Yumi was quite annoyed with how isolated he'd become. Descending far more slowly than she had gone into the air Yumi set foot as close to the entrance to the ship as she could, easing Viral back onto his feet. "If you're given a pass by the doctor then I won't say anything at all to Vegeta, okay? But if he says something's wrong then Vegeta has to know." Choi was just being wholly unreasonable here, making all sorts of unfounded accusations and claims. He didn't know what he was talking about and really that annoyed Vegeta more than anything. There was nothing worse than debating a topic with someone who was clueless, and worse still was someone who refused to admit they were wrong. He was much too defensive of his own work to just let this slide, completely oblivious now to the fact the other two of their group were essentially ignoring them. "I'm always in my lab, it's not difficult to find me there, the room doesn't move," Vegeta remarked, frowning at Choi, "Did it occur to you to ask where I might be? Again, it's a simple matter of putting it out there, that's all it takes to find me. It's not that I'm actively avoiding any of you, I'm just busy. And I do imagine you would notice my going missing, yes, as our ship would have quite a hard time operating without me." The crew could handle mechanical control of their vessel, but only a select few knew the inner-workings of it. Plotting a course, operating the various systems, encoding a communications, these were things that most of the others were completely incapable of. Kabocha was fair glad to get away from the two old maids bickering, and more so to potentially get them some food. The stall munchies had been better than he'd expected but they were hardly filling; another meal or two would be in order to fill a Saiyan's stomach. Luckily for them a waiter was not far off, and with the scouter on hand he could figure out just what the menu said. The man wasted no time in sharing what was written down, most in part due to the tip he was given, Kabocha figured. Nodding appreciatively he returned to the table and laid his menu down before Kai, showing several items that had been marked. "Uh... Well let's see here..." Kabocha began, looking back down at the menu, "The first one is... Uh... I think it was some kind of salad, yeah... And then the next three are all spiced fruit kebabs seasoned with... Uh... Different spices, I forget what he called them." It was really easy to listen, but now that he was having to recount everything it was a bit more difficult. "This one is a steak made from some animal with a fruit sauce on it, and then there's a few soups and appetizers, which are basically fruit again." All this buttering T'charrl up looked to be getting him in a really good mood, and that was a start. Everyone was pitching in here and their friend looked to be taking it to heart; it had been a long while since Takeshi had seen T'charrl in such a good mood. In fact he may never have seen the guy in such good spirits. "I bet your parents are excited to see you again too! Just think, you've experienced so much stuff that they haven't, so you've got tons of cool stories and stuff to share with them, you know? I bet they'll love to hear all of it!" T'charrl started to do something then, something that had him beginning to glow a little. They had seen this before back on Earth and a few other times; T'charrl tended to change whenever his body started to glow as it was now. Stepping back slightly Takeshi watched with baited breath, not sure if it was going to work out or totally backfire on them. Having to cover his eyes when there was a slight flash he looked back at his friend, mouth agape slightly seeing what was left. Sure enough it was T'charrl, and by that the original T'charrl, or close as their friend had been in some time. A bit stunned he didn't do anything as T'charrl then fainted, moving to help but being beaten to it by L'esta. "Wow... He actually did it..." Amazing, that was something like which L'esta had never seen before. There was a lot the Captain had seen in his years of service, but watching a Kaesstrian transform before his eyes was a wholly new experience. Small changes aside there was no doubting that this was their Prince, back to his old form as they had all known him before. Smiling widely the Captain hurried to his former student's side, kneeling down and placing a hand on his shoulder. "He's tired... But fine, thank goodness..." L'esta said, sighing with relief before reaching back into his pouch and digging out a small vial of liquid. It was best to administer this now, and with luck the injury should be healed by the time they got back to the Queen. Biting off the cork and tossing it aside he emptied the contents onto one claw, beginning to lightly apply it to the gash on T'charrl's back. "Welcome home, Prince. We're glad that you've returned to us."
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