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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ghazghkull realised his current situation and came to senses. They were threatening him. They were clueless of the bloodshed beyond these rooms. He laughed even more and then..... silence. The behemoth looked around the room. He never really used his psychic powers to the full brim yet, so why not try now. Ghazghkull eyes opened wide with blue psychic lightning. The powers of the warp flooded the room, bloodcurdling screams of promise. Warp portals opened in the room, daemon and cultist alike clawing to go through. Slaanesh the Prince of Pleasure. Khorne the Blood God. Nurgle the Plauge Lord. Tzeencht the Changer of Ways. Malal the Renegade God. All five Gods of Chaos or Ruinous Powers leaped into this realm, thirsting for fresh meat. Fortunately for all in this room, that lasted around a second. So only one disciple came in from the depths of the warp. A single Noize Marine. A hulking behemoth standing at seven foot tall, the Noize marine was covered in thick armour, penetrable only to the best of guns. The Astartes Power Armour was covered in decay, and markings to his sick God. Oh and he made some noise. The Noize Marine took his Guitar out and let out a strum. A psychic wave of energy came, enveloping the room with one thing. Noize. All everyone could only hear was bloodcurdling screams, taunts and gifts. Ears bled. Tears fled. Fortunately, Ghazghkull was to quick to react and blasted the marine with his cannon. "BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM". He was dead to a bloody pulp. Ghazghkull then reminded himself of what he was supposed to do. Oh yeah, that. His eyes still with psychic energy he reached into his memories. The Two Wars in Armaggedon. He grabbed it with his psychic hand and let it fly, sending to all in the room. Ghazghkull let himself smile. They would have nightmares after that. The death and destruction of Armaggedon scars all. For billions of souls have died there. And it will never end. Every Orks biggest dream. The endless WAAAGH! In his musing he forgot one thing. The other one. One almost identical to the first. The Noize marine, on the other side of the room. Smile plastered on his face, he let out in a baritone voice "Let the Noize begin."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

River fell to floor and curled up in a ball. All this noise reminded her too much of The Great Battle. And The Great Battle reminded her of him. His brown hair, brown eyes, shining smile, his kisses.... No! She had to stop thinking of him, now! Then, the throbbing pain of a strong migraine came. She screamed a veryhigh pitched scream, shaking all over, tears with no feelings streaming down her face. She began transforming into all kinds of creatures, but you could still see her figure. When she stopped her high-pitched screaming, she began yelling. "Make it stop! Make it stop! Make the pain go away! Take away my feelings, the pain of everything I've ever lived! Make it all go away!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Alfonzo proceeded back to the paintings after making his invite, and took a small glance back around while still walking only to notice that the talking jaguar and the little girl with the rose in her hair was joining him. He turned his head back around to focus his attention to the exhibit artistry with a warm smile on his face. He began to examine the next image in front of him, trying to figure on what it was, until the jaguar decided to sit next to him and make conversation. "Look... Alfonzo... you won't help anyone with denial. You'll never simply wake up out of this... I do not think it is a dream..." Said Darkhunter. “Huh?” Alfonzo turned his attention away from the painting and down to Darkhunter’s face. “Oh. Well.....to you and everyone else, maybe not,” Alfonzo said, acting and implying with no worry whatsoever. “But see, to me it is. None of this is real, and none of it is actually happening because all of you are just of my imagination. Eventually I will wake up and all will be forgotten.” To make his point, Alfonzo turned his attention back to the group. “Now really I mean look at all of them, you can’t really say that all of this is possible. I mean really take for example.”Alfonzo pointed to the direction Ghazghkull to make his statement clear.“That guy, right over there, the one that sounds like a mush mouth, I mean really c'mon. You probably can’t even tell me what that thing is or why it’s talking like that.” "WILL YOU PLEASE CUT OUT THAT AWFUL RACKET?" said the jaguar, seeing as if he was annoyed by Ghazghkull’s loud antics and weird behavior. Once he was done yelling, Alfonzo continued to speak.“And that girl right there, the one screaming to the top of her lungs, forming into....well......whatever she’s doing. You mean to tell me that’s real, or even sane for that matter? I mean it, really.” Then he turned his attention back down to Darkhunter’s face once more. “Even you, I mean seriously, I’m talking to an animal whose telling me that all of this happening right now is real.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just as Sayaka was tending to the frightened little girl, a series of dimensional portals opened up across the room. It merely lasted a second, and despite her eyes being fixated on Ib, the brief flashing of these doorways to another world was enough to catch Sayaka's attention. By the time she turned her head towards the latest commotion, however, another armored warrior monstrosity had came charging through one of those portals and into the room, its colorful outfit obviously contrasting the bleakness of the background. As Sayaka concerned herself the potential dangers of another gun-totting brute like Ghazghkull coming into this room, the marine did not give her a chance to react or think, and instead pulled out what literally looked like a musical instrument of death, a hybrid mechanism between a large rifle and a guitar. He raised his arm to strum, and an ominous feeling left Sayaka gasping for air. Another series of noise immediately came into being. It was much different this time; unlike the harmless clamors that came before, this one was an auditory attack. Like many of the others, she huddled her head in agony, incapable of doing anything else. It merely lasted a short moment, soon replaced with the sounds of a firing cannon, but the acoustic shock was enough to send Sayaka stumbling forward, crashing onto the floor. "Goddammit!" she finally cursed, albeit in her mind. "What the hell is wrong with these people?! Making all this racket." Just as she gradually recovered from the attack, she recalled hearing a subtle mix of weapon discharge amid the sonic-wave blast. She jerked her head up to confirm her fears - the marine appeared dead, lying lifelessly on the floor thirty feet away from her. A sense of emptiness struck Sayaka's heart as she wrapped her head around the murder that had just occurred. And then she felt her heart burning, burning with fury that coursed through her veins. "You murderer..." she whispered, with a voice so soft even the echo did not pick up. As she stood up to face the green Goliath, the ring on Sayaka's finger began to shimmer fiercely with a cyan aura of power. She did not think of the possible dangers she might face confronting this foe. Her mind was instead only filled with questioning the heinous act that had been performed in this room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

River couldn't take it anymore. "JUST STOP! SOMETHING BAD'S GOING TO HAPPEN!" she yelled, before falling unconscious. Her body fell back onto the floor, limp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She relived the worst part of The Great Battle. Sirens were going off all over the ship. "Leo?!" she screamed out across the ship. "Rivs!" came a voice from somewhere. She ran towards it, transforming as a cheetah. She found him, and formed back. He was right there. His smile, his eyes. Then it happened all again in slow motion. Behind him, the wall exploded and he was sucked out into the depths of space.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darkhunter saw the reaction he triggered in Ib, and he felt his heart sink almost immediately. He listened to Alfonzo, sure. The cat's ears swiveled and twisted to pick up his voice, but his main focus was Ib. She was just a kitten... he nosed at her back gently, muttering, "I'm sorry, Ib..." He peered down at her with a sorrowful face, sighing. A moment of thought. He lay himself down and wriggled up to her back with his flank flush against her back at as many points as possible, looking sort of like an overgrown house cat in the process. Darkhunter nuzzled at her, then replied to Alfonzo without moving from his position. He spoke softly now, belying the thunderous shout he had just unleashed. With his tail draped over Ib's side, he told Alfonzo, "How can I be real and not be at the same time, skin-thing? The point you raise is infinite and silly... we could talk for moons about who is real and who is fake, but, you have to realize how fake you look to me. I have never seen such silly creatures. Such exposed skin, blunt teeth, and such an awkward stance. Just looking at the way you teeter upon two legs makes me want to fall." he shifted a little, sighed, and continued, "I do hope this is a dream, Alfonzo, but I am not counting on it, and perhaps you shouldn't either. I keep hoping that any second I will blink my eyes open to Nightspirit or Starfall's heavenly faces with their tongues dabbing at my cheeks, concerned for me because of my thrashing in a nightmare. I can't tell you how much I hope that is the scenario." Another pause, a swallow, then more, "But... if that is not the case, if I truly have simply vanished, I need to find a way back to my lands, my forest, and my pride." He just then noticed the other female, crouching near them. He raised his head and looked over the young girl to the older female, telling her, "I am sorry if I startled you as well. I... lost my temper, and I apologize deeply for it." He didn't wait for forgiveness and lay his head down again once he was done talking. His tail tip was flicking to and fro every few seconds, but besides that, the jaguar lay still next to Ib. The screaming from across the room was hurting him, but he was afraid of hurting her more if he tried to use a psychic power on her. He already was slightly numbing Ib's hearing to protect her from the racket in the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ib gave a jolt of surprise when she felt something soft and warm press against her side. She cautiously raised her head and unclasped her ears. She gazed at Darkhunter in surprise as he pressed close to her, curling around her. She blinked in surprise, having heard him faintly say sorry to her when she had been curled up. She gave him a small smile. "I'm fine, it just surprised me is all." She said softly. She glanced at the woman kneeling next to him before her attention was caught on the commotion across the room. Her body tensed when she witnessed portals open up and a thing stepped out. She was then set into shock as she watched with horrified eyes as the orc shoot the thing until it was nothing but a red mess. She then promptly buried her face against Darkhunter's side, not wanting to watch anymore. She could feel her form shaking as she struggled to remain calm. That...That was the first time she had seen something like that. Sure death was on the news but hearing about it and seeing it face to face are two completely different things. Soon, noise piled on top of one another and just when she thought she was about to go crazy from it all, it slowly started to grow quieter. Her body relaxed some as the headache that had been building receded slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Entropsy
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Entropsy bad post

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh, my, oh, my. What a great fuss. It seems as though I've made a mistake--and I'm terribly sorry, my good guests." The voice, sounding all too much like glass cracking, resounded through the halls as if our heroes sat at the pit of a dragon's belly. The paintings clattered against the walls like hail against metal. The occupants of the room found it rather hard to move, for a moment. A light began to materialize around the Orc, Ghazghkull, until he was but a silhouette, however all else in the exhibit dimmed to a dusky shadow. "I won't have you ruining this. Begone." Sung with a malicious finality, those words triggered a huge, blinding flash--and when the grains cleared from the onlookers' eyes, there was no Orc to been found. What stood in his place? A line of dazed individuals, as groggy, disoriented and confused as the first guests had been only ten minutes before.
It may not seem as important as what had just taken place, but it might be worth it to mention what one might face in the east-wing exhibit--just down the hall, there, if you'll look. The room where they'd enter the museum was rather small and ordinary, compared to this behemoth and its goliathan cousin, which it was connected to. A might bit friendlier as well, considering the detached, cruel way the previous exhibit had let them know what situation they were faced with. It was a giant movie theater! A treat, don't you think?
The room was nearly a football field in length, with enough seats to pass as a modern Colosseum. At both sides of the screen, there were doors labeled in neon green: "EXIT". Under the balcony of the 1'st class seats, there was a small door to one, far side. Taped to it were ten pieces of printer paper, all reading, "DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR". Of course, none of this matters much anyways. The participants are rather busy in the first exhibit at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"YEEEEAAAAARRRRRGGGG!!!!!" An army charged towards a fortress. Giants, Barbarians, Archers. A powerful attack against a powerful defense. Cannons could be heard firing, mortars threw rounds into the sky, archer towers sent out blasts of flames, and arrows filled the skies. Soldiers died, defenses fell, buildings were destroyed. A lot of things were happening at that time. However, among the army was a unit that struck fear into the hearts of defenders everywhere. That brought destruction and chaos to the battlefield that made Dragons look tame. "Destroy!" An electronic voice bellowed across the field of battle. The tree's shook and bent as something neared the base. The ground trembled as the weight of the incoming enemy approached. A shadow seemed to grow from the brush as it grew even closer. Then, it stepped into the light. The sun reflected off it's metallic surface, as it's pinkish-purple glowing eyes scanned the defenses. It then began to walk briskly towards the base, straight towards the wall keeping a group of barbarians from getting inside. The massive warrior lifted an equally large sword, before bringing it down on the wall. Within a few hits it was through, and the army spilled in. As the warrior smashed through the base, it let out an evil laugh every time it caused a building to collapse. Not only that, but the arrows, cannons and even bombs thrown at it all bounced off. This warrior was unstoppable. After a few minutes, the base was in ruins. Only the town hall remained, with a couple archers stationed up top in a feeble effort to protect the last building. The great metal warrior now slashed at it, and within a few hits had the building down to it's minimum health. It raised it's sword, intent on finishing the job, only to find the building gone. Not only that, but the army and everyone it had been with also had vanished. It's vision faded to black as something weird happened. ((Meanwhile, someone banged their fist against a desk and swore as the battle timer ran out. Swearing they hated using an Iphone instead of an Ipad.)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confused and lost, the great warrior looked around. Having never been inside before, the P.E.K.K.A. was completely bewildered by the art displays. Sure it had seen the villagers and builders go inside buildings, but it had always remained outside. So to no longer see the blue sky and the tree's that surrounded the army camp was very disorienting for the metal warrior. Looking around the room, it saw all sorts of smaller creatures. Mostly they reminded it of villagers, albeit stranger ones. The wore clothes that looked strange to it, very different. As it tried to comprehend the situation, it began to grow angrier. However, something caused it to forget the new information completely. One of the paintings on the wall showed a blue butterfly. But it wasn't just any blue butterfly. It wasthe blue butterfly. The blue butterfly that the P.E.K.K.A. had chased after not to long ago. Narrowing it's glowing eyes, the P.E.K.K.A. judged the distance between itself and its tiny blue nemesis. Leaping with an agility that would be better fitting on a cat, the P.E.K.K.A. slammed into the wall where the butterfly was, no doubt shaking the entire building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Officially the worst day ever. There was a voice in his head, the fact he had just fallen down a hole that was at least ten feet deep and all of his cybernatics were screwed up. To top it off, he lost his job, was stuck on the scummiest planet in the universe with two con-artists and a robot that seemed to be the only thing to actually appreciate his existence. The last thing he had truly remembered was opening the map with Fiona, Vaughn and Sasha. And now he was here.
Rhys had a blank stare and stood with a bit of a tremble. What just happened? Was he killed and unaware of it? Did the fall sent him into some sort of trip, coma or otherwise? It didn't really matter right now, because quite frankly, it was better than being stuck on Pandora. Everything was better than being trapped on Pandora. "Where --," he began before stopping and looking at the art on the wall. Some of it was creepy and some of it was ominous, but for some reason, he didn't particularly have the energy to scan it. Instead, he just admired it for a moment, "...At least it's better than stuffed people." Yeah, that was a good point. Rhys suddenly jumped, only a moment, as a brute of some sort, one that he hadn't seen before, smashed into a wall, "Whoa! Calm down there, would you?!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I hate falling" Gorrendil muttered under his breath and groaned as he lifted himself up from the floor, holding his head in pain. His vision was blurry and his legs were like jelly. So what happened next to our self proclaimed "Awesomest Eldar in the Galaxy"? He fell down again, face first. Picking himself up from the quite embarrassing face plant fall, the "Awesomest Eldar in the Galaxy" looked around the room, eyes adjusting to the light. He saw a white room made of.... what did the Mon'keigh call it? Plascrete. That's it. With some paintings on the wall. Gorrendil then realised he was not alone in this room. Quite a few humans and..... a mutated Gyrinx? Shaking his head of the absolutely preposterous idea, he then saw that most of the occupants were.... of the female kind. He grinned and thought to himself 'Now that me and that.... cheating, lying ass of a Gue'vesa are over, I am now free!' Inner Gorrendil rubbed his hands with glee. He looked at the few possessions that were on him. He began checking them off "Shuriken pistol, check. Wraithbone sword, check. Las pistol, check. Flamer pistol check. Pants on, check. Boots on, check. Shirt on....." Gorrendil realised with great horror that his shirt was off, lying in a pile next to his cloak. He looked at his chest, enveloping in his memories. Scars were a plenty, a few nasty burns and the medical bandage rolled on his left shoulder revealed of his past quests. It revealed the bionic arm on his right, whirring with stress, it's Machine Spirit working tirelessly. It revealed the stab wound from a Space Marine recruit, faded to the winds. He was instantly saddened. It revealed that.... scar above his heart. The day Emily..... tried to kill him. Tears fell from his eyes as memories washed over him. That day.... was a day to forget. As a behemoth crashed into a wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mizn had deactivated him self several minutes ago when the ork started to open portals to the warp. Seeing some incomprehensible horror of the warp he activated his emergency shutdown to keep his CPU from exploding. A minute after the ork was removed Mizn reactivated looking around. Noticing the burnt mark on the floor he came to the conclusion the ork died. "Introduction; Greetings I'm Mizn Tan-Ebro and we are trapped in a strange exhibit," he said to the people who just arrived.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If she could help it, Sayaka would never condone murder - regardless of the victim's nature and morality. With a flash and a bang as dramatic as the events that had taken place in this room, the giant whom Sayaka had thought she was going to fight had been vaporized into non-existence. Once again, the unpredictable powers that be of this place had left her gasping for breath. She stumbled back against the wall. She was stunned by the sudden turn of events, but was nevertheless well aware of what had occurred. "Hey! Come back!" she shouted at the voice whose prior statements had implied that the source belonged to the one responsible for trapping them here, as well as dealing whatever karmic fate onto that barbaric creature. "Who are you?! What did you do to that ogre?!" Sayaka grinded her teeth. Three more beings were materialized into the room - two of them another pair of armored knights, one of them a cyborg with a metal arm - but all of the chaos that had taken place all at once left Sayaka disoriented and fatigued. She felt helpless about the two deaths, the same helplessness she had once felt when she had to watch her friend die before her, the helplessness of bearing the heavy responsibility of justice but being too weak to carry it out. That was when the memories came back to her, memories of her killing all those witches in the name of justice, of the revelation that those very same witches were once magical girls like herself before they fell into despair, much like she did. "What are you so worked up about, you hypocrite?" she berated herself. Another sigh was breathed from her exhaustion, and a palm was raised to support her heavy head. A dewdrop began forming in the pit of her eye, on the side of her face her hand was not covering. It was not until when it came pouring out down her cheek in a thin stream of tears that she realized what was happening. She swiftly shifted her hand onto the other side of her face as she turned it away from both Ib and the jaguar. Her breathing had to be regulated once again to suppress the sniffling that was taking place. "Dammit, how many times are you gonna cry per day, you idiot?" Having wiped away the embarrassing self-pity off her face, Sayaka relaxed her hand and returned her gaze back to the little girl, a forced smile across her lips. Ib was tranquil again, and the jaguar seemed friendly enough not to protest against her usage of him as a pillow. With another deep breath and two light slaps on her cheeks, Sayaka smacked the last of her moodiness away to ensure she was stable enough to make rational decisions. She swiveled her eyes to the other side of the room, where the hallway she was to enter resided. "I need to get home," she reminded herself as she stared blankly at the lonesome archway leading to another room. It was a simple matter of walking down that pathway to find the exit, and yet there was the looming threat of their omnipotent host wiping out whomever that tried. She surveyed the surrounding people once again, paying heed to the distinctive traits each of them had. Aside from the few like Ib and the unconscious Cal, most of them seemed more than capable of handling themselves. However, the same could be said for that gargantuan behemoth that had just been dematerialized. "I need to get home, but I can't just abandon these people..." She might not be able to prevent more killings from being done here, and she might not be able to help the people here. It was painfully obvious that she was dealing with powers beyond her control. But despite all that, she wanted to do whatever her capabilities allowed her to, whatever she could do to help. She was raised that way, having an obstinate moral obligation of black and white. And if she walked away from these innocence, she would consider herself a 'black,' a contradiction of everything she had stood for. She did try to see things in grey for a while now ever since her impossible self-demands had cost her sanity, but after all this time, she could still not remove her obsessive urge to do good. Perhaps, after that period of insanity, the trauma had sealed away any possibility of freeing herself from the obsession. Or perhaps it was simply due to her principles, she rationalized. "Principles" was a word that carried much weight for her. It was due to her principles that she remained stubborn even when she understood the dangers of her non-compromising views. It was who she is, and her heart was content with her way of living, even when it had caused her nothing but endless suffering. She couldn't live with herself otherwise. She did not choose to remain a magical girl because of some petty guilt or self-pitying trauma, she chose to because it was a simple matter of principles. And now, live or die facing their kidnapper, she had no other choice but to stay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gorrendil ceased his crying. 'It is over. The past is done. You must look ahead into the future' Gorrendil walked up to his shirt plus cloak and put them on. He armed himself with his Wraithbone sword and laspistol. Whatever Warp-forsaken piece of crap stuck him in this white hell hole, away from his friends, is going to have a piece of his mind. Gorrendil admired the work of the sword as he drew it from its sheath. It was Eldar ingenuity. Brilliant and sharp. It was a piece of art. And with his deadly dance, it was going to be his weapon of destruction. He drew the laspistol from it's chain. From the days when he imitated a Commissar, it was a gift from one of the men in the regiment he was "assigned" to. It was intricate, patterns and gold covered every inch of the pistol. Gorrendil sighed. Those were the old times. Filled with women and guns. Life really gets more complicated for an Eldar of age. He looked at the compatriots beside him. One was a biggie, as big as a Space Marine. He smashed into a wall. "Not as smart as Space Marine" he mused. He turned to look at a thin man with brown hair. Just looking at him bored Gorrendil out of his mind. Sure two different eye colours was certainly cool but looked like a Administorum junkie to him. At last, Gorrendil's eyes switched to the rather interesting looking Commissar in the room. "Ciaphas Cain. Hero of the Imperium. Total effing coward" Gorrendil's lips turned upwards, remembering the tales of a certain Valhallan guardsman. "Introduction; Greetings I'm Mizn Tan-Ebro and we are trapped in a strange exhibit," Gorrendil turned to a machination. He had his curiosity peaked. Walking over to the machine, saying politely. "Greetings Mizn Tan-Ebro. I am Gorrendil, formerly of the Craftworld Ulthwe. Follower of the Path of the Outcast. This is an exhibit you say?" Gorrendil rubbed his chin "Well, can you introduce me to your fellow compatriots? I dare say I am new here and want to learn more."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Alfonzo listened to Darkhunter on what he had to say, explaining that he doesn’t seem real to him either, but still neglects that all of what is happening isn’t fictional, and that this is very real to him. At this point, he didn’t want to argue or debate with the creature, although Al still felt that he was right. Because of the logical statement he made, the only thing Al could do was come to his understanding and conclude on what to do. He scratched the back of his head, and began to speak on his behalf. “Well then……..all we can do is wait and see what’ll happen, right?” Just after, Al and the others had witnessed something even more interesting. “Oh, my, oh, my. What a great fuss. It seems as though I've made a mistake--and I'm terribly sorry, my good guests." All of a sudden, a bright light filled the spot where Ghazghkull was standing, only to make a disappearance in the blindness of light, and an introduction of new arrivals to occur in the predicament. At first, it was very shocking and unexpected to Alfonzo, but seeing that he has never came to watch something like that happen, and deluding himself still that it was not of reality, he found it to be amusing. The voice though had Al puzzled as to who it was, or where it came from, and what his purpose was to all of this. He looked back to his side, viewing of how Darkhunter and the others with were reacting to this surprise occurrence. A smirk arose to Al’s face and spoke back to the jaguar once more. “And look........something happened.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After her brief period of self-monologuing and justifying her decision to help these people, Sayaka was ready for action. Her first move was to help the unconscious girl in the room. The marine had been blasted to smithereens, so there was no helping him. The other soldier who had senselessly smashed himself onto the wall should be fine with his protective armor. Sayaka approached Cal and knelt before her face. "Hey miss, are you alright?" she asked while gently shaking the lifeless body. She held up her wrist and checked her pulse. Still alive. The girl was just sleeping, probably dreaming. Sayaka breathed a sigh of relief; at least the dying had stopped. She looked up and examined the room once more. The others were distracted among their own conversations and the like. It would be difficult to round them up and have them work together to get out of here, not to mention that she was hardly the leader type to perform such a task. She looked towards the only available exit from this room - the archway opening that seemed to lead into a larger section of the structure. Giving another brief but concerned look at Cal, Sayaka stepped away and finally began her search for an exit. It was the best thing she could do for now. Perhaps the others would listen if an exit from this prison was found.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darkhunter let a little smile cross his lips when the young female forgave him. He fidgeted and shifted again as the other female leaned against him but... he didn't mind. He liked doing this, helping out others however he could. Perhaps that was the reason why he took more than one feline as his mate. He just liked the feeling of being a hero... selfish, maybe, but true. Darkhunter's eyes were blinded and a searing pain shot through him with the bright lights. He fell limp, useless, caterwauling loudly for several seconds as his sensitive eyes saw nothing but white. Ever so slowly, he came back to his senses, albeit with one hell of a headache. The jaguar groaned with a low growling sound, hugging close to Ib to try and comfort himself now. He didn't even want to deal with Alfonzo any more. He had seen Sayaka's grief earlier, he had even seen it from within her own mind. It bothered him, so Darkhunter sent a brief, telepathic message as she left, "Many people would have done the same thing, Sayaka. You did not commit something anywhere near as heinous as you imagine." The cat stood up, carefully stepping over the little girl, "Alfonzo, while I would love to argue this, I am an Alpha cat and it is hard for me to sit around doing nothing. We have people here lost and alone, and I have two mates back at my unguarded lands that are probably crippled with worry. I am sorry, Ib, but I must investigate." He paused momentarily to consider the new arrivals, but they were just more shiny-people, with weird noises and weird skin. He didn't like them. Again, he considered the little girl, then looked forward and resolutely strode into the movie theater with his head high and his tail arched gracefully into the air. That ache in his head persisted, but he ignored it, keeping a stout face as he looked about to see if anything caught his slowly recovering eyesight. This was an odd place. Weirdly shaped platforms with plants covering them... in fact, some sort of grass-stuff was everywhere. It was under his feet in red aisles. It was on the... platforms... and some even hung from the roof. He started off at a trot and found his way to the screen, examining it with a feline face wide-eyed with curiosity. Using his feline grace, he trotted up the stairs, then slowly the cat strolled across the stage. He sat back on his haunches, then stretched up to lean his forepaws on the screen, sniffing it and even giving it a testing lick. This... this was a truly strange land.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

River woke up. "Leo..." she whispered softly, cradling back and forth. She shook her head. He was gone. It was over. So then get. Over. It. She told herself this, even though she knew it would never help the pain. She looked around. At least the loudness was gone. For a second, she forgot where she was, until she remembered she was trapped somewhere she didn't even know. Her figure changed into a teenage version of herself, although she didn't notice. She stood up, wobbling to and fro a little before catching her balance. "What....Has anything else happened?" she wondered aloud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Feel the warmth at her side disappear Ib looked up. The ork was gone and a few new people were in his place. Ib blinked, wondering when they gotten there. Though considering she had been blocking out the room for a few minutes it shouldn't surprise her that she had missed something. She wasn't normally like this, wandering off randomly inside her head; she was usually a very down to earth girl but considering what all she has been through her behavior was slightly off. Pulling herself upright she watched as Darkhunter stood and made his way out of the room. Ib sat there for a few minutes before she managed to pull herself together. If she could face the horrors of the Gallery she could face the ones here too! A picture of Gary's smiling face as he held out his hand appeared in her mind. Instead of giving her the feeling of sadness, she was filled with strength. She was going to make it out of here, for Gary! Using the wall as an aide, the girl slowly pulled herself to her feet. She looked at Alphonse then at the others. "We're not going to get out here if we just sit around doing nothing. There has to be an exit somewhere. If the person who put us here wants us to play their game then we have no choice but to play." With that said the child followed out after Darkhunter. The next room made her pause. The seats spread out in familiar rows, the large white screen unfurled on the stage. "A movie theater?" She asked herself in a perplexed tone, her voice filling up the room and echoing. She slowly made her way down the aisle, seeing the feline up on the stage. She took note of the two doors and walked over, trying the exit doors. They didn't open under her touch. "No, because that would be too easy." She muttered to herself. She then joined Darkhunter on the stage. "If this place is anything like the one I came from then we're probably going to have to solve a puzzle to get out." She told him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As it sorted through the wreckage from its impact, the P.E.K.K.A. grew increasingly distraught as it could not find the butterfly. "Butterfly?" The large metal warrior started lifting up chunks of the wall that had been distributed around it after it slammed into the wall. A few moments of searching revealed no blue insect. "Butterfly." The large warrior began walking towards the others, sporting what appeared to be a scowl (judging from the eyes only, as it didn't have a visible mouth). Before any could react, it's large hand shot out and grabbed one of them ((Gorrendil)) by the shoulder. Lifting the creature up, the large metal warrior looked underneath the person it was lifting. It's grip on the smaller person was firm but gentle, clearly there was no intent to harm. "No more butterfly" P.E.K.K.A. said with a sigh. It then peacefully set the one it had lifted back on the ground. It's previous scowl had been replaced with a rather sad look. It was clearly disappointed it couldn't find the butterfly.
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