Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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This will be replaced with the first IC post, when it happens.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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The Coruscant sky was beginning to turn orange and red as Master Yai Drakus and his Padawan, Oram Maximus, strolled with pace towards the council chamber in the impressive feat of architecture that was the Jedi Temple. They were to receive a mission that was to be between only themselves and the council. It was no secret the Empire wasn't completely defeated yet, and it was also suspected that there were still deceiving Sith Infiltrators within the Jedi ranks. With the war semi-over, or something along those lines, Yai became a Jedi Master and made sure to pick out Oram to teach him everything as a mentor, as they had been friends since meeting on the boy's homeworld that fateful day... Upon entering the council chamber, Yai would incline the upper half of his body to the seated Jedi; ten of the most accomplished and wisest Force-sensitives in the Republic. Three of them were being transmitted as holograms, as they were currently busy offworld. The Grandmaster was a male Twi'lek with light red skin, muscular but with an aura of absolute peace about him. Not that old, and not too young either when considering his position within the Jedi. He stood and inclined his head toward Master Drakus and his Padawan, smiling before taking his seat again. "Welcome. I won't keep you long, Yai, I know you'd like to get on task as soon as possible. It's good to see your new Padawan is ready as well, I can sense his eagerness!" the Grandmaster spoke calmly and clearly, his accent was quite soft despite how large he was. "Now, this is for our ears only. Yai, we'd like you to track a certain Sith Lord who, according to Intelligence, has been rallying lost and confused Imperials and Sith to his command. We don't need an organised Imperial force terrorising the Republic as it recovers from the loss and destruction from the war. To prevent this matter from worsening, we've decided we must cut the head off the serpent - whether that means bringing him in quietly or defeating the Lord in battle, we leave to your discretion." Yai raised an eyebrow at this, and merely replied to the Grandmaster, "Tall order." The Twi'lek nodded once before continuing, "We will also require intelligence on the remaining Imperial forces in detail. Scattering them again will just mean they can rally under another new leader. They will surrender and come quietly, or we and the Republic will resort to force." "Aggressive pacifism at it's best, Master." Yai smirked as he looked down at his Padawan. "We'll do it. I expect details, contacts and equipment will be on my ship, prepped for takeoff?" The Council all nodded in unison, of course everything was ready, so Yai could just get on with his work. Master Drakus was their go-to guy for no nonsense missions. He wasn't reluctant when it came to matters like this, and he'd taught his Padawan well enough to stand with him in battle. If it came to it, they could more than likely take a Sith Lord... But that was just it, they had to find him first. No doubt, he'd be surrounded by swarms of Sith and Imperial troops. "Right... Then we'll be off." Yai rather confidently said as he turned to leave the council chamber sharpish, and head towards the temple hangar bay. After the doors closed behind them, the Master placed a hand on his Padawan's jet black hair and messed it up a little, "Oram, I do hope you like starships...?" ---------- Meanwhile in the medical bay of the Jedi Temple, Aria was kicking back and relaxing on her own bed among the other injured Jedi from the war. She was dressed up in a grey variant of Jedi robes, ready to leave, despite being told she still had a day or two to fully recover. Healers and sages calmly walked around the large room, providing assistance where they could. There wasn't any reason Aria couldn't just up and leave, but she didn't have anything better to do! Cronic was supposed to stop by after returning from some outer rim world, investigating any Imperial presences in the area. Might be an excuse to finally ditch the med bay!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Though the meeting overall had been quick Oram could only feel time lag. He of course, remained silent following his master's example. From the bow to the respectful nature towards the council. he did not openly question them, but just by some of his facial expressions Yai may have been able to tell what the young man may have been thinking. Oram very rarely needed to conceal his feelings over certain teachings that he did not agree with from his master. And yet, he didn't want to cause unnecessary problems. Neither for him or his master. One thing that was for sure was he'd begin to speak once they were on their way. That had been the plan at least. However, as soon as they were clear of the council oram felt the hand of his master. "Always with the hair..." He grumbled before hearing the question asked to him. "I like them if you plan on teaching me to pilot them." He said with a small confident grin. He wasn't the best pilot. He knew Yai knew that. Which was why Yai's response would likely be a no unless he had changed his opinion or had gone insane since their lest try at Oram handling flying a vehicle. He felt good with Speeder bikes but for some reason going further into the realm of Piloting was dangerous. He almost crashed, got hurt, hurt someone... It wasn't like he would freak out or anything. it just felt harder to him. Even on the speeder bike he wasn't completely in his element, but it was leagues better than him handling, or trying to handle, a ship. "Anyway..." He said avoiding further delving into the realm of the subject and opting to leave it as a slight joke between him and yai. "I'm always ready and willing, but why is it that the council is so hellbent on taking out the enemy." Obviously he understood that much, but he kind of had something else in mind. What was it? Why the idea of balance of course. Oram had made it clear to yai that he felt the light could nt exist without the dark. He didn't condone the actions of his opponents, but he could at least understand that on a scale light and darkness had equal weight. Removing one from the scale would throw off the balance. "Maybe I'm wrong or naive, but something about it..." He shrugged. "Oh well. I'm sure you can I can find this new leader and take him down." He chuckled. Oram wasn't the over confident type, but he felt together with his master things could be handled quite well. Hopefully anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"Yes, yes, I get it." An all too familiar voice to Aria's ears said from down the hall. Cronic was proceeding slowly towards the med bay. "But what else was I supposed to do? Leaving those imperial scouts to make off with innocent civilians to do god knows what with while the nearby army mobilized to intercept? _They would have been GONE by the time they got there!_ I couldn't just sit by and let that happen!" Cronic said as he stepped into Aria's view, holding a holocommunicator. From the sounds of the person on the other end, it was more of an argument than a report. "...Ugh. And this is why we don't get along. Just be glad one of the scouts was still alive for questioning." Cronic said, rolling his eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check up on Aria. Good day." Cronic said, ending the comm link. "I can see now why Master Yai gets fed up with the council."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Jedi are passive, peaceful creatures, Oram. But we all have our own roles to play, contradictions to make at times. You and I, we are Guardians - we will defend the innocent and the Republic until we become one with the Force... And then you bring reality into question and we're actually going on the offensive to do the right thing. Hypocrites, but rightfully so - if we don't attack, they'll just come back twice as angry." Yai shrugged casually as he led his Padawan through the temple and towards the medical wing. Jedi along the way gave them strange looks. Their robes were dark colours, unlike the majority who wore simple civilian tunics and robes. Not that Yai cared what they thought. He would use a red colour crystal in his lightsaber just to see their reactions; in the end he'd still be Jedi, and it would just be a colour, not a symbol of his allegiance to the Sith. As they entered, Yai immediately fixed his gaze on two particular Jedi. Cronic Crystalis and Aria Koizumi, unsung heroes of the previous war... They were friends, the three of them. Oram would probably enjoy the two as well. All four were practical Jedi, ones that would act rather than wait and watch. "I hope we aren't interrupting a reunion. It's good to see you both alive and well... Last time we met, we were fighting together on Corellia's city streets..." "Huh, speak of the devil. Master, this is the kid you have high hopes for?" Aria smiled and kicked off the edge of her bed, arching her back and looking over Oram. Twin lightsabers, very fit for his age, and he strode alongside Yai with confidence. "Nice to meet'cha, kid." Yai meanwhile focused more on Cronic, "I see you're back from the outer rim. I was hoping you might be interested in yet another trip around the galaxy. In short, Sith hunt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Oram nodded as he strolled along following his master's lead. "I understand Master." He said generally ignoring most of the looks they received. Occasionally, the young man would send a glare back out of annoyance of the continued looks. He saw no reason for his or his master's choice of clothing to be brought into question. Though he couldn't particularly blame them. They were weary of just about anything resembling the dark side. It was until they were already at the medical wing that Oram truly noticed. He'd had been so caught up in his own thoughts after listening to Yai's words that he hadn't noticed. "Master I thought we were leaving right away?" He asked in almost a whisper before they came to two Jedi in the room. A man and a woman. Oram couldn't help, but feel a bit underwhelmed. Which was understandable given his lack of knowledge of various people, including the assumed friends of his master. The girl was the one to speak of, and subsequently to, him. "It's nice too meet you too, miss." He said calmly as he looked her over more so out of habit. He had a somewhat bored look in his eyes. It was obviously because he didn't know these two Jedi so he didn't think too much of them. At least, not when compared to his thoughts and respect for Yai. "I'm Oram. Oram Maximus." He introduced himself with a small bow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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"Considering the Imperials and Sith are likely trying to replenish their ranks by taking people by force, if what I intervened in is anything to go by..." Cronic said, placing one hand on his chin in thought. "There are a few notorious Sith whom bodies were never found for, after all. My nemesis being one of them." Cronic said, turning to look at Orim. "Sith activity has been quiet for some time now, so I can't help but feel a sense of unease. I hope the boy is as good as you say, because we might get in over our heads, and the hunter becomes the hunted." Cronic said, glancing over to Oram partway through the sentence. "Though I'm sure Aria wouldn't mind a chance to stretch her legs."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Oram had decided to wait for Aria, that was apparently her name as spoken by the man conversing with Yai, to answer and stay out of the conversation between his master and Cronic until he was referenced. "Excuse me, but the boy can most certainly handle himself." He said shifting his attention to Cronic rather quickly. Of course, he knew that there was a possibility that things might get a little too hot to handle, but at the moment it felt as though not only his skill, but all he'd worked for was being questioned. Of course, it was a bit of an overreaction, but one would likely understand that he didn't have very much to hold pride in aside from his master and the skills he'd been working so hard on. Not to mention the fact that he didn't even really know this man, which he was sure would change over time. "I just hope your and the young lady can keep up with my master and I." He put more emphasis on his master than himself. He wasn't so cocky as to believe he was some amazing force (pun NOT intended) to be reckoned with. He wasn't even really as cocky as he might have seemed at the moment. He was simply reacting in accordance with how he felt. Why did you even say that? He mentally scolded himself. Though he'd never openly doubt his own words. That'd just be stupid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"Okay... Well, least he doesn't have the personality of a brick wall like most Jedi. I think we'll get along just fine... Oram, was it? Crobalt Nicholas Crystalis. Jedi Knight, though everyone just calls me Cronic. Got a bit of a reputation of a loose cannon these days, but when you've seen some of the things me and Aria have, sometimes you have to not do things by the book to get things done. I like to think it's why me and Aria are still breathing... Even if it does piss off the brass, and is the reason I'm still a Knight." Cronic said, mockingly coughing after he said brass, before offering one hand to Oram for a handshake. "But unorthodox enemies like the Sith call for unorthodox tactics, no?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Oram, where did you learn to use bravado...?" Yai gave his Padawan a knowing smirk. His Master had an ego. Small one, but still! He loved bigging himself up, he had a reputation for it - but he'd only be that way when he could. In battles that he couldn't forsee an easy victory he was still that cold Jedi. "Well, Cronic. As soon as you're ready, the ship is leaving. I believe we'll be heading to Nar Shaddaa first. You and Aria were there, no? The Sith love working with criminal factions... One in particular seem to have been letting Imperials go into hiding. We're to investigate how deep this connection runs." Aria meanwhile was already on her way out the door. At the mention of the Smuggler's Moon she sighed in dread. "Damn it, I just got used to natural light again... And fresh air that doesn't harm you!" she glanced back at the others, tying her blood-red hair back into a flowing ponytail that stopped half way down her back. "Hey, kid? If you never been to Nar' before, your eyes are gonna have trouble with all the neon lights. They're everywhere!" Yai started taking calm, slow steps as he followed after Aria. So, they had quite a team already. The legend who defeated the Emperor, his aspiring blademaster of a Padawan, a Jedi commander in the making, and... an Aria.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Oram shook Cronic's hand with no sign of hesitation. "Might I suggest refraining from comparing the personalities of most of everyone around here to those of brick walls. It's kind of an insult to brick walls." He chuckled slightly before he let go and turned to his master. Bravado? Nah... This wasn't the time to question it or his master. He simply gave a somewhat nervous chuckle with a hint of pity aimed towards his master. He knew all to well the man's personality. But... It did seem to be rubbing off on Oram. In some parts. Without much else to say he began to follow after Aria and yai. He was sure Cronic would be along. Though something did get him to thinking. It was Aria's information regarding Nar Shaddaa. "Master? Have I been there?" He asked calmly. He wasn't all too good with remembering names of places. He barely remembered the name of his homeworld. Honestly, he didn't have the most educated upbringing there after all. He'd begun, but with the attack and... He shook his head pushing the thoughts away. He'd get better with names in time. For now as long as he remembered the places themselves and all he'd learned since being brought here by Yai he would be fine. Right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"Believe me when I say you're not missing much Oram." "Nar Shaddaa is pretty much what you'd expect. Criminals, gangsters, and a lot of undesirable elements of society. It's Hutt territory though. Neutral space, which means we can't do a damn thing about it without valid reason." Cronic said, folding his arms and sighing in annoyance, as memories of his time on Nar Shaddaa began to flash through his head. "Either way, we'll need some information to help narrow down the search. It IS a large place after all. And I know just the man for the job. I'll get on the comms to someone who knows what's going on there. Just promise me you'll stay your saber hands when we meet him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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Yai gazed back at his Padawan during the long walk through the temple. He smiled and shook his head, "We've been in the area before, but not the moon itself. Too dangerous, I had told myself. But now I can see you are well on your way, Oram. Stay on your guard and the Smuggler's Moon won't eat us alive." "I think I might know who he's on about, and I second that notion," Aria said as they continued toward the hangars in the lower levels of the Jedi Temple. Really, all she cared about was how long they would spend on the moon. During the war the neon-lit streets were a silent battleground for the Republic's SIS and Imperial Intelligence, and diplomats from either side trying to secure alliances with Hutts and gangsters. The war was very quiet there, aside from the battle between intel agencies. "What Hutts don't know can't hurt them, Cronic..." Yai's said as they entered the large hangar. His ship was a typical Corellian stock freighter, (much like the Millenium Falcon) without any real modifications applied. It got him around the galaxy and could house a big-ish crew, had room to live and train in, that was all it needed. It didn't have a name, either. It wasn't that flashy, or recognisable - it was perfect. "There she is... My mighty rustbucket. Let's get on board and get moving, shall we?" Yai chuckled as he stepped up the ramp into his ship after Aria.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"Hm. So this is how you get around." Cronic said, following after Yai. "Most people wouldn't stop to think a ship like this was a Jedi vessel, since most proven Jedi tend to get given Defender-class ships. Nice thinking there." Cronic said, glancing around the ship's interior. "Well, I'll be getting on the horn to our informant while I wait. He's a smuggler by trade, with a penchant for slipping into areas he really isn't supposed to. Knows most of Nar Shaddaa inside and out. I'll say it again though; Do not point your sabers at him when you meet him. The guy has a bit of a trust issue when working with Jedi he's never met before, on account of his race. You'll see what I mean soon enough."
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