Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ZeusTheMoose
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Sexton Love
Hometown: West Hollywood, California
Height: 6'4
Weight: 249 lbs.

Alignment: Heel
Gimmick: A sleazy womanizer, a man that truly believes he is god's gift to women everywhere. "The Gift From Above" Sexton Love. Also refers to himself as "The Sexcellence of Sexecution", which for all you kids out there is obviously a genius play on Bret Hart's moniker "The Excellence of Execution". Has a seemingly endless stream of catchphrases and awful one-liners. Hosts his own in-ring talk show segment called "The Sex Talk" that is used to kick start various feuds. Often wears tights that are customized depending on his current rivalry (an idea blatantly stolen from Rick Rude). A man on a mission, and that mission is to bring sexy BACK to the world of professional wrestling. Believes he should be the top guy in the company, because the fact of the matter is that "Sex Sells" and he is quite simply the "Sexiest There Is, Sexiest There Was, and Sexiest There Ever Will Be!"
Entrance Music: Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gOHvDP_vCs
Entrance Description: A lot of pelvic thrusting. Constantly hitting own women in the audience. Will always find a female fan (a planted female fan), that he brings over the guardrail to be in his corner for the match.

Wrestling Style: Old school heel. Technical wrestling mixed with some brawling and underhanded tactics.
Finishing Move:
Sexecutor (Muta Lock)
Signature Moves:
Sex Plex (German Suplex w/bridge)
Rude Awakening (Rick Rude rip-off)
Flexing pose followed by elbow drop (Scott Steiner rip-off)
Headlock w/THEATRICS (talks to women in the crowd while he has his opponent in a headlock)
Large Package (Small Package, often hooking the tights)
Low blow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Something123


Member Seen 11 mos ago

i guess i’ll see this as his face claim

Name: Drayden
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Height: 6’ 7”
Weight: 300 lbs

Alignment: Anti-hero face-ish I s’pose. Hard to place him since he just comes in and fights. I guess it’ll be more based off of what his mouthpiece says and who he’s working against.
Gimmick: He’s here to fight and win, nothing else. He goes out and immediately takes it to the opponent, often starting before the bell has even rang. In promos, he doesn’t talk too much, instead letting his mouthpiece do most of the work for him. Wants to be the best and knows he has the potential to do so, focused solely on winning the GPW World Title and never, ever letting it go. He will fight anyone at anytime and at anyplace to achieve this goal(possible idea is he holds weekly open challenges, or something). There’s a lot of chest pounding involved when he’s working his match, and chants of things like ‘fuck ‘em up, Drayden, fuck ‘em up’ commonly fill the arenas.

Very old school in the sense that he stays in character off-screen too. Wrestles with gloves like Undertaker has(not sure what they’re called?) and singlet similar to Kurt Angle, including taking the straps down when business is about to pick up. Mouthpiece is named Grant, chubby and absolutely dwarfed beside Drayden. Has blonde hair.
Entrance Music: boop might change it later on though.
Entrance Description: Walks out and does the bork dance while sparks fall behind him, then cracks his neck and sprints down to the ring, slides under the ropes and gets straight to business if his opponent is already there.

Wrestling Style: Powerhouse/grappler, works very stiff
Finishing Move: Spinebuster, pop-up powerbomb
Signature Moves: Spear, belly-to-belly suplex, German suplex, lariat, Hell’s gate, big boot, Ankle lock, shooting star press
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name: The Masked Magician (Andrew Macdonald)
Hometown: Warrnambool, Australia
Height: 6.4 feet
Weight: 85 kilograms

Alignment: Face

A man of magic that has turned his attentions towards the ring, The Masked Magician stands for more then just entertainment. Dedicated to bringing a sense of mystery and wonder back into the lives of everyday people, he also attempts to embody the virtues of honor and loyalty by always holding true to his word, even in the face of adversity or unpopularity; The boo's of the crowd may sting, but breaking your word hurts forever.

He will also spend some of his spare time putting on performances to help raise money for charitably causes, often aimed at the curing of horrible illnesses.

Entrance Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhJGXzOE5fQ
Entrance Description: Raising up out of the stage, hands raised so that he looks like a Y until the lyrics of the song begin at which point his hands would be brought down as if throwing something and causing the stage to light up with golden fireworks. Walking towards the ring at a measured, slow powerful pace The Masked Magician will climb in and start to raise his hands again as another wave of fireworks launches out of the corners of the ring.

Wrestling Style: A wrestling technician with a flare for slight of hand tricks.
Finishing Move:
Now you see it - Starting with what appears to be a simple slap to the face that turns the face, it is quickly followed up but one hell of an uppercut.

Magic Box - A submission grapple. With the opponent face down on the ground, The Masked Magician will come up behind them, sitting on their back as he slides his arms under their armpits and locks his hands together behind their head before pulling backwards.

Signature Moves:
Abra - A combo of four fast but brutal strikes to the head.
Cadabra - A combo of four fast by brutal strikes to the head, followed by a knee into the sol-perplexes.
Alakazam - Four fast but brutal strikes to the face, followed by a knee to the sol-perplexes and chained by running towards the ropes and using them to pick up speed before delivering an axe kick to the back of the bent over target's head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

In Ring Attire: A red leather jacket emblazoned with a wolf head on the back that is always taken off before the match. Black long jeans, Red leather fingerless gloves, a black and red pair of wrestling boots.
Name: Mitchell Wolf
Hometown: London, England.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220lbs

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: In the ring, Wolf is a great power wrestler that takes things too far in Kayfabe. More often than not he is the heel that will put a face into "recovery" for a few months for either serious injury recovery or if they need time off. He takes after his namesake is generally relentless in his offence, always striking and always looking for the next submission to lock in. He enjoys playing to the crowd as the boo him, literally feeding of the heat his actions give him. He has played the anti hero Face before but he could never be considered a Babyface.

Outside of the ring, Wolf is possibly the nicest guy you could ever meet. Acutely aware that Kayfabe doesn't exist, Wolf ensures any fans that see him outside are treated all the same...with a smile and more often than not, an imitation of his signature finisher for a good photo op.

Entrance Description: A wolf's howl sounds out, low static following after. Wolf walks to the start of the ramp, tapping his toe against the ramp and staring towards the ring. He runs a gloved hand through his hair as a loud peeling riff sounds out and heavy rock music plays out. Wolf walks slowly down the ramp till he reaches the ring. Sliding in to the ring, he circles around slowly as another wolf howl sounds out. He moves to the middle of the ring and throws his head back, howling, before pulling off his jacket and heading to his corner.

Wrestling Style: Power wrestler focusing on submissions.
Finishing Move:
Wolves of War: A Torture rack with extended theatrics, a thrown back head and a loud howl when Wolf notices a groggy opponent and another when he inevitably slams the opponent down.
Wolf Bite: A Swinging Reverse STO with theatrics. As he bends his opponent back, he throws his head back and howls.
Signature Moves:
Howling - Not necessarily a move, but something that he constantly pulls upon by reinforcing his gimmick.
Stinger Splash
Big Boot
Bulldog Lariat

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Michael Starblazer

Hometown: Kansas City Missouri

Height: 5'8

Weight: 189 lbs

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Extremely arrogant underdog who recently joined the business. Setting the bar high for himself Michael came into the GPW fast and hard making it clear his goal was to take the title for himself despite being the newest member to the GPW. He goes around talking trash to anyone that gets in his way and even has Mark Clifton supporting his goal for the title. The two formed a tag team which Michael might be the one with less experience, but he makes up for it with his raw ability to be absolutely relentless. Though he be physically the weakest in the GPW he's proven that with speed, cunning, and the know how, you can take on anyone and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to do it. So not only will he go for the championship title, he and Clifton will claim the tag team title for themselves!

Entrance Music: Runnin'
Entrance Description: Walks out with an arrogant smile or smirk in just a t-shirt with random insults on it, a pair of black cargos an a pair of really nice black sneakers. Takes off the shirt and just casually throws it off to the side after he's in the ring.

Wrestling Style: High Flyer

Finishing Move:
Midnight Splash (Just a phoenix splash really with a little extra flare to it)

Signature Moves:
Flying Dropkick (Using turnbuckle or ropes)
Flying Lariat (Also from turnbuckle or ropes)
Satellite: A.K.A. False Star: A move in which Michael pretends to be too exhausted to move waiting for his victim to go to capitalize and right when they're helpless knees them in either the head or another vulnerable area which is usually followed through with him getting up and giving them a DDT
Tilt A Whirl DDT
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Akira (明) Miyamoto (宮本)
Ring name: Kintaro, formerly known as 'The Great Akira' during his time in the AJW
Age: 24
Billed from: The Island of Okinawa
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Alignment: Face
Gimmick: The smarks of the Global Pro Wrestling audience are well aware of Kintaro's time in the Association of Japanese Wrestling as The Great Akira, an enigmatic, menacing and methodical being garbed in elaborate costumes and headdresses baring symbols of the Shinto gods who's face was hidden behind equally extravagant face-paint as a tribute to the legendary Great Kazuki, but for now, Kintaro's gimmick is simply that he is a prodigious incoming talent from the Far East. However, Kintaro's psyche is still warped from his time as Akira, and he retains trace mannerisms from his days in Japan. Most notably, Kintaro still holds no qualms about spraying mist in his opponent's eyes when he is sufficiently desperate. The longer a match goes on, the deeper Kintaro delves towards the Akira character, whether it be by crawling and snaking his way around ringside, biting the top rope and staring at his opponent or even using his own blood as a crude ink for his face-paint. In short, Kintaro is a man on the edge of insanity, and it's only a matter of time before he is pushed to the breaking point.
Entrance Music: Kintaro, Akira
Entrance Description: As the newest member of GPW's roster, Kintaro keeps his entrance simple, seeing as he's not near popular enough to start getting into pyrotechnics and other such theatrics. For now, Kintaro's entrance consists of him wearing a plain Japanese-style vest, interacting with the fans at ringside, entering the ring and sitting on the top turnbuckle of corner post furthest away from the entrance ramp with his feet resting on the second, anticipating (or sizing up, if he enters second) his opponent before the beginning of the match.

Wrestling Style: Kintaro is a man known for his versatility and explosiveness, a true wrestler's wrestler who knows how to put on a show and chain together move after move to make both competitors look good, what would today be known as a ring technician, only without the specialty in submission holds. While capable of mixing in a couple of suplexes to his spots, Kintaro's lack of size and strength is evident when he competes against the larger members of GPW's roster, though he makes up for his lack of size with extraordinary quickness, lightning kicks, a penchant for high-flying antics, and the ability to use almost any of his moves at almost any time.
Finishing Move: Springboard Tornado DDT, dubbed "The Rising Sun" by American audiences.
Signature Moves:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Wears a white vest with the Union Flag on it, and a pair of black wrestling tights. Union Jack wrestling boots, Kickpads and Kneepads. He also has Weightlifting Gloves

Name: Sammy MacDougal (The Flying Scotsmann)
Hometown: Edinburgh (Scotland)
Height: 200cm (6'7")
Weight: 240lbs

Alignment: Face
Gimmick: Proud of being Scottish. He refers to the Americans as "Yanks" and is known for constantly singing some scottish folk-song or another. He can play Bagpipes and believes Haggis to be the greatest food on Earth. He tends to often feud with other Patriots and has had many Flag Matches. He is also known for his sense of right and wrong, being a highland warrior, often doing run-ins during squash matches.
Entrance Music: Scotland the Brave
Entrance Description: A Scotland flag appears on the Titantron before he appears from the top of the ramp. He comes down in a black leather jacket with the Scotland flag on the back. He reaches around his back and points to it with his thumbs, before taking it off and hanging it on the ring post.

Wrestling Style: Technical Wrestling/Tae-Kwon-Do
Finishing Move:
Flight of the Scotsman (Top Turnbuckle 360 splash)
Last Stop (Reverse Underhook Piledriver Super Finisher)
Signature Moves:
1 O'clock Cannon (Faux-Kick Drop Punch, generally used to signify that he is rallying and taking control of the match.)
Coupler Crossface (Cross-Face Arm Lock Submission)
No Ticket (Firemans Carry into Choke Slam with Theatrics. Turns to crowd afterwards and says "No Ticket? No ride!" usually followed by Flight of the Scotsman)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Something123


Member Seen 11 mos ago

face claim

Name: Mark Clifton
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Height: 6’ 5”
Weight: 250 lbs

Alignment: Face
Gimmick: In a mentor position of sorts over Michael Starblazer, he tries to get the younger guy to be less cocky until he’s gained some experience, but he recognizes the potential he has. A little older than the other people on the roster, he has lots of experience. Has a decorated career already and isn’t too interested in going for the heavyweight title, instead pursuing the tag titles with Starblazer.

Backstage, he’s a bit of a locker-room leader, and is happy to put over younger talent when necessary.
Entrance Music: boop
Entrance Description: Very simple entrance, nothing too fancy. Just walks down and highfives the fans on the way down.

Wrestling Style: Technical
Finishing Move: Sharpshooter, Double armed DDT
Signature Moves: Arm drag, classic suplex, butterfly suplex, dragon sleeper, diving headbutt, small package, European uppercut

Here ya go.
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