Mhmm. There is no obligations. If anyone doesn't want to share anything at all, that's totally alrite. I understand it.
Appearance: A young man with average brown hair who towers over most at 6'1". His aqua eyes dimly shine with intelligence and patience. His stance is relaxed, left hand resting in the pocket of his jeans whilst his right hangs idly to the side. His shirt of choice, a gray tee with a lion and cross revolver gunblades on it, in addition he wears a collared black shirt unbuttoned in the front. Hanging on a thick chain around his neck is the Griever pendant, from which he derives his Persona.
Weapon of choice: He owns quite a few swords, if it came to it he does know how to use them with quite a bit of proficiency, being an avid fencer.
Likes: Dogs, Videogames, Online RPing(Duh), Fencing, Boardgames, Baseball, and Tic Tacs.
Dislikes: Beans, cherries, The Cubs.
Others: Since November I've become addicted to League of Legends. I always carry a swiss army knife and flashlight with me everywhere I go. I've dabbled quite a bit in voice acting and would like to make it into a career. I have and know how to play the Ocarina, and I like to do Origami.
Likely having the or an unusual mutation that some of us asians sometimes have that has you producing slightly less melanin, the pigment, than others. That or your body metabolizes some of it while it remains in vivo, lessening it's expression.
It is refered to commonly as a form of albinism but that's not exactly correct.
There is this girl in memoirs of a geisha who was pure japanese but had an extreme case if albinism in her eyes, causing them to be blue.
Tell them this, all this, next time and they will never bother you again. Because. SCIENCE! (It's alot more but I've summarized it.)
My farewell gift to you. The bookish, energetic Battle-chef. *deliberately misses mentioning the part about sacrisfIce*
@Nightmare Bunny If at any time you feel that you can handle returning and desire to return (and assuming nothing else is stopping it) you're free to return. We'll be able to weave it into the story somehow~
... Now, then. It is starting to become time for me to post again. Who's left to post? Alright... I'll wait a little bit.
The freak like everyone here can use swords except for me _-_(Guess that explains why i'm the healer)