Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Also," Alfred added, feeling a little sorry for the young medic. He knew how terrifying the more experienced troops could be. "We could use someone on the shuttle's sensor array to get an overall view of the battlefield. Just to let us know if someone's sneaking up on us or trying to escape. If you want to help, stay on coms with us and give reports on enemy positions."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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Emily was a bit shaken by the captain's outburst, and was visibly quivering a little. It's okay, it's okay. He's not going to beat you. You just have to follow your orders, she told herself, quivering continuing. She was a neural networks operator, she shouldn't be getting into the shit she is with the captain. To distract herself, she began searching through the Admin Deck to find out what Jacqueline had wanted to know. "W-We have," She begins, "We have four light dropships, one of them disassembled, only one of them fueled, but the others can be fueled up relatively quickly. We have one heavy dropship, not fueled but once again easy to fuel. We also have twenty interceptors, as well as five bombers. The bombers carry standard payload bombs, but we also have a payload of napalm and cluster we can deliver. Armour is light on the attack craft, obviously, or they'd just drop out of the air." Emily's voice was shaky, still a bit scared of the captain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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Brian Savior

the sudden change in Attitude was pretty sudden, the anger subsided and left, well uh..thanks very much He thanked the two people, he didn't exactly know what to say about the Captain. He had this Aching feeling that He would cause something bad to happen. really bad.

Brian decided to sit down on a wooden crate that looked like a Cinder block or two was thrown at it...or a hundred. The Metal person's Speech was still in Brians head. for once he was going to save lives..instead of dreaming about it. but that captain..he was going to do the opposite. Something about the captain scares me. he looks like he's fresh out of College He added, He really didn't trust the captain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Soloman tapped his earpiece "Hello? Yes I read you. We are ready for take of." He pulled a lever and The Infinity rose off the ground. "All systems are go." He smiled he was back in the air. "Captain over and out." He looked over the th empty seat next to him. Mark's seat. "Don't worry Cappy, I'll make this mission worth the crew!" He laughed and then spoke into the intercom "Right-ho, crew, we have taken off," he said, in a commanding tone "so you had better started planning the escort whilst we're on Uranus!" He sighed. This crew was harder than he thought. He left the ship to pilot itself and he visited the bridge. There he could monitor the goings on of the planning of the escort mission. When he heard Brain 'fresh out of collage' remark, he yelled so loud they could probably hear it in the breifing room. "How dare he call me 'fresh out of collage'!! I'm 29 years old for Christsake! I'm probably going to need something to hit now!" He then added "Maybe that Neural Networks punk!!" He silently chuckled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Primal Conundrum
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Primal Conundrum Amazonian

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Jack nodded. "Alright, let's get the heavy dropship gassed up. If it does turn out that we have to deploy into a hot area, we need that option available." She turned her attention towards Brian. "You read the Captain's dossier? I'd be happier if he was fresh out of college, from what I can tell he got grandfathered into his job because of the guy training him." She paused for a moment to blow a strand of hair out of her face. "A guy who got killed, so in my eyes the fact that he learned from that person doesn't mean all that much. That's exactly why I want to keep you safe, as long as we're working under this yahoo's orders, there's a good chance some of us are coming back injured. I don't think he has any clue what he's doing."

She rolled her eyes as her biomechanically enhanced senses picked up on the captain's response, before activating her comm to Soloman again. "People are gonna call 'em like they see 'em, so if you want respect start acting in a way that deserves it. Now I'm asking you again, what moons or stations are we landing on? I need to know what kind of gravity and terrain to expect, since there's obviously no way we're landing on a Jovian planet." She turned off her comm. She sorely wanted to continue and tear a strip off her new CO, but so far he had only SOUNDED extremely incompetent, and until he actually proved that fact there wasn't a lot she could do. Taking a deep breath, she looked around the briefing room.

"Other than fueling the heavy dropship, I want a quick overview of the med bay so that we know what options we have if someone gets hurt." She looked pointedly at Brian. "I don't want to find out at the last second that we don't have the tools to properly fuse a broken bone or anything. From what I know of this class of ship, I expect it to be fully stocked, but with a captain like this I want a second opinion from someone who actually knows what they're doing." Looking around at the ragtag group before her, she gave a stern nod.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be in the cargo bay setting up my weaponry. Keep me informed of any updates. Dismissed." Ducking her head, she turned and walked out of the briefing room before once again opening a comm to Soloman. "I'm also going to need an ETA on our arrival at whatever Uranus facility we're headed to, whenever you could kindly answer any of my mission-relevant, important questions that you're so far ignoring."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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Got it. thanks for the pep talk Brian told the mechanical woman, smiling and gotten up and headed over to the dropship. If he was right each drop ship had a tiny medbay, he walked over to the fueled Heavy one which he thought the group would be taking and walked inside of it

The room was futuristic with seats on both sides. the group was red and their was a tiny white door leading to a small room. he walked in their and it almost didn't have anything.

their was Bandages for Brute injuries. Burn Cream for burns. a medicine that helps people breath known as Dalexian. it can also stop blood lose and easily fix lungs and its counter part. he frowned Dalexiam a lethal injection that kills people almost instantly Why was this here? it was also right next to the Dalexian. No doubt someone would mistake them and accidentally kill someone.

a drug which can eliminate toxins. a drug called Hyperzine which made people hyper.

and Tramadol. oh god not Tramadol. it was a useful but highly addictive pain-killer. he heard stories of people ramsacking hospitals just to get a Tramadol fix. He silently prayed he would never have to use them but they were everywhere. their was literally a entire cabinet full of it,

he didn't have very much to work with either. Maybe enough for 3 or 4 people?, and he looked towards the surgery equipment and almost immediately frowned. It was pretty much empty except for a Rusted Scapel which can no doubt give someone a infection.

A drill..not a surgical drill but a actual Carpentry drill. a Circular saw which had a battery missing. a Hemostat which for once. was in good shape. a wielding torch. a goddamn wielding torch. a retractor and a bone settler which was in good shape.

He ran out and checked all of the other drop ships. they all had the same equipment. he didn't even have Anesthesia.

he gotten out of the dropship heading towards the briefing room. Working with these kinds of tools will likely do more harm than less, he walked back into the Briefing room, and into the captains room interrupting him

Captain. the dropships Medical supplies are horrible!. theirs a CARPENTRY drill instead of a Surgical drill!. You have to do something about this before we leave. theirs absolutely no way I can help anyone with the current stuff I get!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alfred felt a little lost after the meeting adjourned. The others had gone off to complete various tasks, checking medical equipment, piloting the ship, or setting up personal equipment. Everything Alfred needed was either in his satchel or locked safely away in his cabin. A walkthrough upon arriving had confirmed the positions of repair equipment on the ship, and it looked like everything was fully stocked. Supply kits were stationed in important locations, with basic repair tools included. Alfred wouldn't need to use the tools provided, of course, as he always carried his with him.

If they were going to be landing on an open area like the planetary or lunar surface, everyone's personal oxygen supplies would have to be checked and extended, if possible. He would also have to find a new weapon. His shotgun was suited for close quarters, but lacked the range and firepower to necessary for an open fight. The one thing this ship was missing was a proper armory; it seemed like everyone carried only their personal weapons. Sure, there were supply rooms for the missiles and heavy cannons used by the Infinity and her dropships, but no armor or weapons were available for personnel use.

Alfred opened a communication channel with their mission leader, the bio-mechanical weapons specialist. "Greetings, ma'am. I realize it wouldn't be in your department to provide weaponry for the crew, but I was hoping you could help me locate an assault rifle or other semi-automatic weapon suited for open-terrain combat. My weapons are suited more for close-quarters combat, and it sounds like this mission might be the opposite."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Soloman's head quickly turned to see Brain "What? Carpenters drill? Where the hell did you- wait let me see that!" He briskly marched to the room Brain was last in, dragging Brain behind him, and looked though the equipment. "How the fuck did you get the old technicians stuff and wasted medical supplies, you stupid boy?" He slapped his forehead "listen to me lad, go down the hall and there should be a room in your left with a red cross on, there is the good stuff!" He patted him on the shoulder hard, really hard. I was more like a hit than a pat. He then tried to find Jack, clutching a piece of paper. When he found her he saluted and then handed her the paper. "Here. This is the rest of the mission details where we'll be landing and stuff. By the way the terrain on that moon we're landing on I Uranus, isn't the most smooth let's say!" He saluted again and marched back to the bridge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Primal Conundrum
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Primal Conundrum Amazonian

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She mumbled after him as he walked away. "Next time you hold a mission briefing, try actually briefing us on the mission. My old CO would have had this guy court martialed..." Skimming through the brief, she quickly took in the information before opening a comm line to the rest of the crew.

"Alright, listen up. Our first stop is Moonbase Ganymede. We shouldn't need to set down outside the base, but if we do be careful with explosives or heavy guns. Outside the artificial gravity zone of the base, gravity is gonna be pretty weak, so if for some reason we need to fight outside be careful not to launch yourself with your weapons. We're not expecting any trouble, so mostly we're gonna be on-hand there to oversee the final loading procedures and help out if we need to." She started to walk and talk as she continued through the document.

"After that, we'll be escorting the package to Firebase Oberon, on the moon of the same name. It's a pretty dark planet and the base is built into the side of a canyon, so if we can touchdown safely then we should be in the clear. Again, we're not expecting conflict here, but I want everybody to stay sharp anyway. Gravity is really low outside the field there as well, but that doesn't mean falling off the base is safe. The field extends enough around the base that if you fall, you're gonna get enough speed to still go splat when you hit the ground." Arriving back at the cargo bay, she ended the communication with a public answer to a question. "We don't seem to have a designated armory at the moment, but there's some standard issue automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns, and semi-automatic pistols that have been mothballed down here. They aren't cutting edge, but they're reliable models.

If you want anything newer, you're either gonna have to put in a requisition form and wait until they get around to it, or else order it through a private dealer when you have the chance. I don't need to remind most of you, but you've got military certification so that means that at any major arms dealers, you're going to be able to access stock that civilians can't. We've got a basic ammunition fabricator in here for infantry weapons, but if you want specialized ammunition or ammunition for a non-standard weapon, you're going to need to either order in some crates of it yourself or else spring for the manufacturing license so we can make it here ourselves. If you've never done that before, buying the manufacturing license does NOT come cheap, but once you have it and you've registered it at an ammo fabricator like the one we have here, you'll be able to make all the ammo you'll ever need—" she barked out a mirthless laugh. "Turns out the licenses expire if you're declared legally dead for any length of time though, or else I'd already be making a supply of armor-piercing rounds."

She stopped for a moment, some mechanical clacking coming over the comm link as she stepped backwards into the docking cradle for her suit, a few seals clicking into place while spindly struts went about affixing her weaponry to her suit.

"Our ETA to Ganymede is two to three hours, depending on if our 'captain' gets lost or not. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the cargo bay. Jack out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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@Erklings25 Brian stood and tooken the Captains crap. Anger fueled up inside of him as the captain outright slapped a member of his own military, He tooken the piece of paper and walked out, Barely listening to what he was saying. His face turned into a bright color of red

He walked through the black curtains to the briefing room. anyone could see that he is pissed. Brian walked straight out of the Briefing room and started walking to his room. He wasn't going to check the room full of medical supplies Why should I check?, that arsehole of a cap already slapped me. theirs no need to check the supplies anyways.
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