Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ichika Tomari

"I could help you pack if you want me to" Ichika offered. He really couldn't wait for them to get their own room in the Eclipse dorm so they could have a place where he could shower her with all the affection she wanted. The very idea of it was sending shivers of absolute delight down his spine

Something that also crossed his mind was Momo's mention of being clingy. The way she said it, it sounded like it had been a problem in the past. Which begged the questions; in what was is she clingy, and what sort of problems did it cause. The idea of her being in a romantic relationship with someone else made him feel angry. However he wasn't worried about Momo being unfaithful (the thought never having occurred to him), but any possible exes that might pop up and cause problems. Not that he wasn't willing to fight them off for her
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserAuto
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KaiserAuto A Genius and let none deny it.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Charles "Kaiser" Faust

During his running and jogging excercises Charles would often trance himself into a very complex mind construction he'd refer as the chess game. He'd always thought that the name was self-explanatory, so he never felt any need to think up any description of deep meaning with this excercise other than to clear the mind and metaphorically turn on the autopilot. This had worked famously in the past and he was quite prepared for it to continue working to his advantage.

But before he knew it something came into his vision; a basketball. He rapidly halted and looked around him whilst slowly arching down to pick the ball up, before he'd expect anything someone shouted at him. "Hey, pass it over here!" It was undoubtedly a member of the basketball club. Before Charles did anything he quickly asked. "Is it possible to join more than one after-school club in this academy?"

He got a curious look from the members of the basketball clubs who were having a co-ed training session. "Uh, I don't know man- never thought of it. You should ask someone more, eh- capable of answering your question; like a teacher." Rapidly a female came up to him and gave him the look-over, he was quite unfazed and simply stood by, holding the basketball under his arm. "Why, are you interested in joining our club~?" The female had an interesting way to put word on things, but Charles was afraid that he would be unable to answer any such questions before he'd recieved an answer. "Well, we'll simply have to see what happens. Anyway, here's your ball!"

Charles didn't expect much from his throw, so as he'd sent it flying in hopes of landing in the arms of one of the basketball players- he'd quickly decided to enter his trance and continue jogging. However, unlike his predictions he was quite unable to pass the ball to anyone- in fact, he sent it flying.

Into the hoop of the opposite side of the room.

Staring at his back like daggers the members were astonished and the female, who had now seemed to be the manager, quickly turned to disbelief. They wanted to bring back this mysterious man but the captain of the team quickly calmed everything down; they resumed practice- even though they had witnessed something quite impressive.

But that was not the end to Charles' adventure- within mere moments a girl quickly revealed herself at the corner of Charles' eyes- she nearly walked into him, but Charles' had found his zone, and no matter what things she would be plotting he simply continued running- making sure to avoiding any obstacles on his path to the finishing line; this would be his final lap before he'd begin practicing his martial arts skills and after that he'd planned to find out if having two clubs was possible- maybe even more?

After having jogged a large couple of laps around the quite huge gymnasium he now found himself having to dodge the same lady once more, as she proved quite the hindrance as she began to take out a punching bag- slowly walking across the wooden floor, and finally hanging it. Her slow nature was quite infuriating but he dealt with it until he had finished his final couple of laps.

However, when he'd finally finished his laps, and breathed out the appropriate breaths, he now found himself walking over to the girl. As he walked towards her, she began throwing a couple of punches at the bag. Her frame and her punches were impressive- they held no form, yet they were properly coordinated; he was impressed, but such was the impression a teacher would feel from his student- he didn't feel threatened.

She continued, the bag shaking ever more and a bit further at that. Charles found himself standing next to her, observing her trance like punching movements- her technique proved further more impressive now that he stood far closer to her than previously. Finally he'd seen enough and felt that he and his almighty glory of knowledge and wisdom would have to comment, and so he did. "If you continue to punch like that your shoulder would get even more damaged, it's quite noticable that you've been to a fight- not only that but one of your arms isn't moving quite like it should."

"Throwing raw punches is fine and all in an amateurish fight, but if you are in any kind of prolonged battle you'll not only burn yourself out, but also exhaust your muscles and damage them severly. Martial arts would no doubt solve your problem, what you need is a proper punching technique that doesn't leave you rolling around in bed after the battle; no matter the outcome."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede

She smiled. "You gotta pack too! That and we gotta apply for the room as well. So we might need to jog over to the Match Office, fill out a request form and hopefully it won't be as busy as it was earlier." Momoko stated. "If it's not, they'll give us 2 sets of keys and a room number." She smiled. "They might take a day if we apply for things like the wider bathroom or something."

"Now it was her turn. "What's your least favorite food?" She asked, looking at him curiously. Her least favorite food was avocados, for some reason she just couldn't stand the taste of those things."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryko and Connor Quick

Ryko didn't look at her. Instead, he stared down at the table, taking a great interest in his thumbs. He murmured back quietly, "Yeah, I saw. I know an abusive relationship when I see one, hun." He smirked sadly down at his hands and said, "Unfortunately, you're looking at the king of them. I hate to admit it, but I did used to abuse many girls before I came here." He took a deep shuddering breath and shifted to the other end of the booth, farther away from her. He leaned his head up against the window in the booth and said, "I promise I'm getting better. Just... please, stay near Connor for the first little bit, alright?"

Connor, after Claudia hurried off inside, shook his head. "That girl is strange..." he murmured to himself, but he couldn't help but feel drawn toward her. He walked inside and saw his brother actually talking to her. He smiled a little bit until he saw Ryko shift away from her and Connor sighed, his smile dropping. He walked over to them and put on a fake smile and said, "I'm gonna grab some coffee. You guys want anything? I'm paying."

"Good, cuz I'm starving," Ryko said after his stomach grumbled very loudly at him. "I haven't head anything to eat since our match this morning. Can you get me a coffee, black, and a plate of blueberry muffins?" Connor stared at him, narrowing his eyes. Ryko rolled his own and said grudgingly, "Please?"

Connor smirked and turned to Claudia. "And for the beautiful lady?"

Eliza Brindelwood

Eliza couldn't think of anything else to say or do, so she hugged him extremely hard and was nearly bawling into his shoulder. She took a deep breath before drawing away and she rested her hands on her knees, smiling down at them. "Neither of us may not be very good at this, but it seems like we're getting better," she murmured to him before standing up. "Why don't we go down to the pool? I want to go swimming! I was actually planning on it before I got the call this morning, which is one of the reasons why I have a swimsuit on under my stuff..."

She pulled down the top of her shirt slightly, exposing the top of a bright pink bikini strap and she jumped around excitedly. "Come on. It'll be fun!" She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him to his feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ichika Tomari

"Oh don't worry Momo my sweet; I'm already packed" Ichika told her "it didn't take that long, the only things I really own are clothes, so that sped it up quite a bit" he explained. "So that means that I do have the time to help you pack. That way we can move in together that much quicker"

Then Momoko asked him about what food he disliked the most. "Um...I don't really think there's anything edible that I wouldn't eat. When you're not sure when your next meal is going to come, or what it's going to be, you learn to eat anything that wont kill you. Sure I haven't had the problem for a long time, but old habits are hard to break, even more so when you don't have a good reason to break them at all"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede

Momoko was surprised to hear that he only had clothes to pack. "Ichi, do you have a cellphone? I'll call you when I can pack and we can get a room at the Eclipse Dorm." She offered. "I have a few errands I need to run on the way back home."

She raised an eyebrow. "A least favorite food could just be something you really don't like the taste of. Not necessarily avoiding it with all your might, silly. Like, I don't like avacado, but I'll eat it if I have to." She explained, chuckling a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kurokawa Takeshi
outside the cafe

As the school gates creaked open a gust of wind blew past Takeshi which disheveled his neat black hair. It was late fall, the trees were finally starting to shed their leaves in preparation for the winter months. It wasn't too cold, just a little chilly. The perfect weather for an evening stroll. If you weren't careful though you'd be sure to catch a cold. His scarf was tightly wrapped around his face and his hands were shoved deep into his coat pockets. As the gate came to a final halt, Takeshi pushed forwards into the unknown. This was a new experience for him. From a young age he had been home schooled at his father's request. This was his first time attending a real school, let alone one that asked him to live on campus. This was what he had imagined college would be like, not high school.

Walking at a brisk pace Takeshi lowered his head as he passed by other students who were loitering around campus. A few tried to wave to get his attention, but he disregarded them and continued on his way. This was all so foreign to him, he had traveled the world many times for his career, but never had he stopped and observed his environment like he did now. The people here were all so strange, half of them didn't look human. Did things like this really exist? How could he have missed this. Creatures that he thought of as only fairy tale were right in front of his eyes. Maybe it was because he never took the time to stop and think things through, but now he remembers seeing these types many times before. Attending his concerts, doing commercials on TV. They weren't the strange ones, he was strange for ignoring their very existence.

Takeshi had completely passed through the common area without drawing too much attention towards himself. As he continued to walk he started to seeing other students less and less, as he drew even further away it grew unbearably silent and the ringing in his ears was growing extremely loud. Frantically shoving his left hand into the pocket of his dress pants, Takeshi ripped out an old mp3 player and quickly pushed the buds into his ears. Immediately he felt relieved, Beethoven always soothed his soul no matter the situation. Closing his eyes, Takeshi continued to walk, his fingers were moving unconsciously along with the music. Just like a machine he began playing th song from muscle memory. This continued for a while before Takeshi realized that he had walked some distance without opening his eyes. Not wanting to collide with another pedestrian he opened his eyes only to be interupted by a glass door smacking him in the face. What luck! The cold hard ground greeted him as he fell flat on his back. He was now soaked and most likely had a concussion. Where was he anyways? It appeared to be the outside of a cafe of sorts. Could he have really strayed that far from his path without noticing? Who knows, but without the will to get up Takeshi just laid there as the next piece began to play. Chopin was it? No it was Kreisler how could he have confused the two?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Roza Vigard

The young woman had been watching from where she sat, her gold eyes grazing across everyone who entered and all those who left as an ambulance arrived with a police car not far behind it, the officers inside no doubt ready to question everyone who had been inside the café at the time of the incident. At the same time she allowed her brain to wirelessly access the internet and she went digging for information on the girl that they had encountered that day, actually going as far as the fine fan-porn and sites dedicated to her and her two siblings though eventually she found the profile of her online. Nineteen, female, bisexual; match status, unmatched, one pending match. She blinked, her eyes slowly going back to the gold instead of the glowing green they had when she used her powers; the tattoos and markings on her collarbone died down as well as she looked at the girl. Kairi Akatsumi. . . Roza thought to herself as she saw the man hand her his card, just like he had when he’d first seen her at that bar with that obviously shady man, warning her to be careful and giving the man a death glare.

It had been shortly after she’d turned sixteen, and she had just recently come to the city with her team, and though she rarely left the house, the men had deemed it interesting and more efficient for the women to hit up the cities local places and chat up those around to dig up as much information as they could. She and Amber had set out to hit up the town for the night, just to get hit on and drag as much info on the program, the school and anything else they could get the men to tell them about. They’d gotten separated, and Roza, as she always did when she left the house, got herself in trouble with an older guy as he was just spilling everything he knew about the match program. He’d been a hacker, just like her, though when he had just started to really spill everything he had he realized what she was doing and threatened her; that was when Tetsu had arrived, roughly shoving the man aside to see if she was alright and, naturally, she had ended up calling him later. He came to meet her and they had spent the night together, talking without touching that first time and Roza found that there was someone out there who might call her Elizabeth one day again.

The woman looked up from her drink as Tetsu walked back over to her, snapping her out of her thoughts when he spoke and the young woman smiled, just barely, a light twist of the corner of her mouth and she looked at him as he sat across from her again. “Dinner should wait until it’s actually time for it Tetsu.” He reminded him, laughing quietly with a glance outside to the early afternoon sunlight. “Maybe we can just spend the day together.” She wondered aloud, not really asking if he wanted to though the way she said it made it sound like she wanted to do just that, though she was not the type to say that outright to him. She leaned her head on the palm of her hand as she looked out the window beside the doors, watching not the bodies or the people, but the plants and sky outside. She could look at the people whenever she wanted with the internet and the systems around her, with her gift that was always growing because in a world full of technology she had ever access to anything.


Kain Hail

The young man had not heard the yelling from across the campus, not while he was half aware of his surroundings and not really caring much about what went on while he spent his time alone on the roof. He sighed, blinking open his eyes when he heard the yelling out of nowhere though this time his girlfriend’s voice had joined it and he heard some jeering again and soon the door slammed open and an angry Hikari barged onto the roof to ruin his buzz with some douche looking jock following after her. “Did he touch you Hikari.” Was the first thing that Kain said when he saw the man, just as he had finished his smoke and stood up to see his new, very unwelcomed, guests. Fury flashed in his blood coloured eye though he was calm and collected as he held his arms behind his back and watched the young woman approach him and the man follow after her, yelling profanities.

The young man was a mere sixteen years of age, smaller than the jock who obviously thought him weak and thin though Hikari would know very well the lean muscle that rest beneath his formal attire. Slowly he took off his jacket and hung it over the edge of the railing while he handed his pistol to his girlfriend though he knew she wouldn’t need to use it. The blond jock grinned and laughed at him cockily. ‘You’re a bitch Hail. You haven’t even held up on your side of the deal.’ The football quarterback went to aggressively tackle him but Kain stepped to the side to easily avoid him, allowing the man to tumble over onto the concrete of the rooftop. It wouldn’t be a long fight if that’s what it came down to and, of course, Kain would have to appease him or kill him sooner rather than later. “You should have known that it wouldn’t apply to her or the others.”


Claudia Desmond

Claudia looked up at the man as he moved, sliding himself further into the booth and away from where she was sitting near the end of the other side, her own feet tucked away beneath the bench as far as she could; the sadness in his eyes was apparent to her but she didn’t want to say anything because from her experiences, when you try to mention something like that they hurt you. “It’s not like that…” She started, glancing out the window, away from his face where she was drawn to look regardless of how much she didn’t want him to see her like this. She couldn’t just be broken when dealing with people, especially if they showed some actual concern, but it was hard not to be when she didn’t know anything but that terrible past. “It was my ex. He showed up yesterday. Not a big deal.” Claudia smiles beneath the scarf, trying to convince him she was okay, but the smile didn’t show and it never reached her eyes and instead of hiding anymore she looked down at the table and pulled the scarf off of her face and instead let it hang around her neck and brush against her skin.

When Connor walked up she had expected him to sit down next to his brother, though he continued to stand and when she raised her eyes slightly he was looking at her and speaking but she didn’t hear it right away through the pounding of blood in her ears. “Hot chocolate and a red velvet muffin,” She responded after a minute, her blue gaze glued to the table in front of her while her hairs curled up and stayed in her lap. She didn’t want to eat in front of them but she hadn’t actually eaten today since she had expected to go back to her room shortly after the meeting because they didn’t want her and now she was in public with a pair of admittedly attractive boys, unwillingly showing them the few scars that had made it to her face. A section of the scarf was wrapped tightly around her neck, over another bandage though this one wasn’t one she would be able to handle letting them see, not right now; not until it was a scar instead of a fresh wound. “I’ll pay you back later.” The young woman looked up at Connor and tried to smile, the twisting of her lips awkward and lopsided, one side pulling on the scarring of her cheekbone and twisting her face that little bit more than the unfamiliar action upon her expression.

She had missed several weeks of school this month and had only returned a couple days ago as well, so she had no idea of knowing when exactly she had been matched or what she had missed in all of her classes that she knew she had plenty to catch up on now that she was back. She lifted her gaze for a moment, but dropped it again as the smile faded from her lips and she looked down at the table in front of her, afraid and alone even though she was with the twins and the room was gradually filling with people ditching glasses today.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ichika Tomari

Ichika shook his head "no, I don't have a phone. The only things I own are clothes. Honestly, I've never needed a cell phone in the past. I never had anyone to call. Although I suppose now that I have you in my life, that's no longer the case" he started to trail off at the end as he transtioned to talking to himself

Returning to the conversation, he said "speaking of food; what are your favorite things to eat. I'm going to need to know that if I'm going to be cooking for you from now on"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hikari Yoshida

"Not in the way you're thinking." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Hikari growled in frustration as she had faded to the background during their chat. She looked at the gun and took it with her as she went back to their room and started to look around in the closet for the bat. "I'm so positive...that I saw it in....Aha." She pulled out the bat and smiled gleefully. Hikari happily skipped back up the stairs and back to the jock and Kain's little stand off. The jock had gotten up and looked ready to kill her boyfriend, while her boyfriend looked as nonchalant as ever. "Kain. Before you finish your business with our new...friend. I would like a little chat with him." She smiled.

While normally her smile was bright and pleasant, the aura that surrounded her reeked of death and vengeance. "Oh, Hail. Having your little Match fight your battles? How pathetic are you?" The jock sneered. During this moment, the smaller rushed behind him and slammed the bat in the poor man's nether regions. The jock froze for a minute before falling over in overwhelming pain. While he was crying and down she went over to his head and positioned the bat like it was a golf club while his head was the ball. "That, was for ruining my nails. And this," She slammed his head with the bat. "was for ruining our alone time." She sighed and turned back to her boyfriend, giving him his gun back. "I'll be down in our room if you need me." She stated simply before turning on her heel and going back down.

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede

"Then that's what we'll do after we eat, Ichi. We'll get you a phone and put you on my data plan. I'll need to contact you if I need you or something happens." She nodded. The waitress came back and served them their sundae. "Enjoy!" She chirped before walking away. "Thank you!" Momoko nodded. "Ready to eat?"

Momoko tilted her head at him when he said that. "I'm gonna cook for you too, you know." She took a bite of the sundae. "But I don't really have a favorite food. Don't worry about that so much." She said after a minute of thought. It was hard for her to choose which was her absolute favorite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Fluffy sighed, the sale for a cute Lolita dress was to much for him....why did his parents have to cut him off anyway. Maybe a quick show with his key tar would be enough to buy the dress hopefully and there were a lot of students with probably some spare cash for him. He just started in this school with this match program that he doesn’t care of, his parents want him to be what they want them to be and they all act like they still care for him. Sighing again he guessed he has to bear with it and maybe he can find someone who will not mind his hundreds of stuff animals and frilly stocking. Carrying his special keytar with him he walked around until passing a cute café. He was a sucker with these types of cafes and always goes to them. Taking out his flip phone that is covered with stickers and sparkles he took a picture of the name of the café to make sure he remembers and went inside. Maybe he could find some stage there where he could perform, it makes quick cash.

It looked simple enough for a café, not enough cute things though…hopefully the menu will have cakes with little faces on them and hearts on it. As he entered the café he already knew he was being stared at, a guy like his structure wearing a pink cat hat, a fluffy lilac sweater with ribbons and hearts adorn on it and black cat socks… it would not be hard to not notice him at all. He sat down close to some people talking; they looked like students like him…maybe best to remember their faces next time. So once again he took out his phone and took a picture of each of their faces. Sure that maybe stalker like but that how he remembers things better. He waited for a waitress to come by with a menu, for now….best to see if there is any sales on some shoes….that be nice. He stared at his phone, looking for any of his favorites sotre sites in new shipments or sale are coming in soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ichika Tomari

"Ahhhh. Being able to talk with my beloved Momo no matter where we are...that sounds nice" Ichika cooed. "Although now that I think about it; I'm not sure I like the idea of us being apart often enough to justify me getting a phone. I can't protect you if I'm not close to you after all" he added, suddenly little apprehensive about getting a phone

Then the sundae came and Momo mentioned that she would be cooking for him too. "W-well okay. As long as you let me cook all of your meals. The entire reason I learned to cook in the first place was in preparation for when I met the person who would love me. I wanted to learn another way to make them happy. Speaking of food..." he grabbed his spoon and scooped up some of the sundae. The he reached out and put in front of Momoko's mouth
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Card Captor
Momoko Kaede

She was surprised at his response and thought for a moment. "What if I'm at work and want to check and see how you're doing?" She questioned. "Or vice versa? We won't always have time to get home and chat before our break is over." She reasoned with him. "And what if you're sick and I need to run some errands, how will you know I'm ok?"

She pouted and held his hand. "How about this? One day you'll cook all of my meals, and the next day I cook all of yours. Because I want to take care of you too." She suggested, blushing as she took a bite of the ice cream from his spoon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eleventhfret
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Eleventhfret Depeche toad

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


He shrugged and quickly caught up to her, putting two fingers to his mouth as if holding a cigarette, then blowing thick, lingering black smoke out, then smirked. "Do my abnormal parts bother you?" he asked as he stuck out a long tongue and poked her ribs with his tail. Derek had been ridiculed as a kid for being different. "They used to mock me until I smashed a kids head with a bass." he chuckled, still smoking an invisible cigarette. His tail flicked around wildly, never staying still, a side effect of being around a female, one that sucked when he was trying to sit in class. "So, hey, do we move in together? 'Cause that's the word I have heard." he asked, wrapping his tail around his waist, the end of it still wiggling madly.

He was a bit unlike himself, he noticed he was talking a lot, he felt really hyper, and his tail was acting up more than usual, causing him to wonder if maybe the Match program actually worked. "Hey, you think this Match thing is legit?" he asked, not wanting to have a different opinion, which he found odd, because he usually never cared. He looked up at the blue sky and started blowing thin, wispy smoke rings at the clouds. Suddenly he turned to her and said, "Let's start a band. Green mice with hairy legs."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ichika Tomari

"Oh...okay" Ichika responded. Truthfully he was a little disappointed that he would need a cell phone to keep in contact with Momoko, and that he couldn't cook all of her meals. That was the entire reason he had learned to cook after all. However he quickly killed that mutinous part of his mind with the part that only wanted Momoks's love and happiness. If that's what his Momoko wanted, then that's what his Momoko got. She won his heart, so she was his greatest priority

"So...what do do after this?" he asked as he fed her another spoonful of ice cream. "I've never been on a date before, so this is all new to me. Actually, now that I think about it; I've never really gone out and done anything with anyone before. So this is really new territory to me" Ichika added
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jess gave him a dirty look for poking her sides with his tail but tried to calm herself down. Getting angry may lead to fighting and that would be a lot of unnecessary work. And there he goes again, talking a lot. It's a good thing his voice wasn't annoying to listen to. Plus she was impressed with his ability to smoke with an invincible cigarette. "I think your tail and horns are cool," she admitted. "And those kids who mocked you, totally deserved it."

She didn't have any real cigarettes on her at the moment, so she just watched him. "I guess I don't mind moving in, my room mate is a buzz kill anyways. Just don't be too gross, I guess." When he asked about her opinion on the match she answered, "I don't know, don't care, I'm just glad you're alright. You don't get on my nerves which is rare."

She got a lot more interested in the conversation when he brought up starting a band. "Sure, but I don't like that name. It's too long. We need something catchier. So do you write your own songs? And are we going to look do more members?" She was talking a lot, which is pretty out of character for her but she was excited. She has been looking for a band to join for a year now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eleventhfret
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Eleventhfret Depeche toad

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Humfly. Hanged martyrs. Deviant angels. Horny bastards. Gel. Anus beam. Slanderous lables." he spat out names in rapid succession. He had a million ideas for a band name, he could continue until the cows came home, damned cows, always missing curfew. Or maybe their curfew was too early, either way, they weren't home yet, unless you're into that 'home is where your heart is' sappy stuff. "Yeah, I write my own stuff, I can play you a few songs when we get to the gym." he remarked, whipping out his tail to full length, and moving the guitar into a playable position.

Using his tail to play, he started playing 'Beautiful Tragedy'. Ever hear of In This Moment?" he asked Jess. He cycled through ten of their riffs, from 'Whore' to 'Sex Metal Barbie' to 'Blood'. He was honestly just trying to impress her with his ability and knowledge, entirely unsure if it was working. He continued playing until they reached the gym, using his tail to open the door for Jess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Fluffy after eating his coffee and parfait decided to leave to check out the school, maybe someone wants to hire a keytarist there...also there was a very affectionate couple back there which well... he took a lot of pictures of the two and went off. he passed by a couple of stores until he reached the school gate, big school...must be someone there who would hire him. there were a couple of people that seemed interesting enough so he took their pictures as well, funny though people took pictures of him because of his get up but yet again...he didn't care. Checking his phone again he began to walk aimlessly around the school until he was at the gym. How did he get there? Not sure but he was busy checking at Stuff mart site.

There were maybe two people there or more he didn't care, Fluffy sat down on the floor and continued to check out his bookmarked sites. No new reply for his orders....great a slow day...Fluffy sighed out angrily, maybe playing the key tar would pass the time. He turned it on and began to play canon in rock form, its one of his favourite pieces to play on his rainbow keyed key tar. Sure there were other people playing music...one using a tail... he had to take a picture of that so he did. 300 photos in one day... eh had more than that.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Damian Luv

Damian could see Jack’s gaze falling as he looked back and the goth raised an eyebrow at him, the corner of his mouth turning up in a hint of a smirk as he looked forward again, shoving one of his hands back in his pocket as he walked, shoulders back and his chin high; he refused to allow others disdain affect him as greatly as it once had. He’d gotten one of the hottest guys on campus as a match and he was going to be proud of that and make the man proud, even if it was just by cooking a fantastic meal for him after work or being the loudest of his cheer leaders at a swim meet in the summer months of the school year. Even if he had to start letting people see or hear him, then he would make this man proud to have been matched with him instead of the last that had run for a new match as soon as he’d seen the boy dressed in such dark attire. Often dressing as he did earned him strange looks and others tended to judge him based on it and few ever got the chance to meet the boy beneath who loved to cook and cuddle, to write and read, to sing and play his music.

He felt the mans’ hand slips around his, interlocking fingers quickly as if he would not be denied this little thing and the smaller boy laughed quietly at the shyness in that action; he would have thought Jack would be more bold and out there when dealing with the obviously more shy homosexual. The young man seemed as nervous as Damian felt by the way he spoke, going on tangents and rambling every time something caught his attention and he laughed quietly when Jack mentioned his lack of ability in the kitchen and he nudged the man with his shoulder playfully. “It’s a good thing I’m a fine chef then.” He said flashing him a smile on lips painted a deep purple, once again setting off his clear blue eyes with the darkness of the makeup. “I must say though, pastries have always been more fun for me.”

Then Jack asked about the tattoo and his smile faltered for a moment before he was able to adjust and fix the smile on his face, and shrug as they got closer to the café. “I’ll tell you once we’re inside okay?” Damian looked away then, his gaze focusing on the walk ahead of them until the two approached the café and saw the ambulance outside and several police officers questioning witnesses while boys were carried out on stretchers, each one unconscious with a burn mark on their face as if they had been touched by a very hot phone before collapsing. Electrocution, Damian could tell by looking at their hands as well and knew that something had happened before the two had arrived this afternoon and while the younger of the boys was undaunted he looked up at his match to see if he had a problem with going inside still. “We can go somewhere else if this bothers you?” Damian wasn’t sure what would bother Jack, though he hoped that it wasn’t something as simple as this, the freak accident they had walked in on and the café was clearly still open and running like normal from the people who sat inside. He could see Claudia Desmond at a booth facing the door with the Quick twins; the two she had been matched with and he almost felt sorry for the poor girl. She was so sure that it was better she wasn’t matched, but he knew that it would be good for her to have a couple other than him doting on her all the time. “I’ll still tell you, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Jack Thomas

Jack had to laugh when Damien said he could cook. That was more important to Jack than anything. He did not just want a pretty face to smile at him. He wanted someone who could help him, to show him things that he did not know anything about, or someone who would just take him as he was. That was definitely not as easy as it looked and Jack definitely did not want Damien to see him one of those moods. He usually got really bad and things would get ugly as all hell if he was like this. He was worried that Damien would see behind the mask and hate what he saw there.

Jack usually was not the type to just kiss a guy on his first meeting but part of him wanted to do so right now. Course Jack did not try to anything to crazy since he knew that Damien did not like to be pushed at all so Jack stayed quiet. "Alright. I am gonna hold you to that, Dami." He said using a new nickname for Damien. He thought that it would be a nice thing for the two of them. He tried to look over the crowd and then back at Damien.

"It takes a lot to scare me or force me away from something. I say we just go in and get that drink. You owe me a story about the tat." He joked as he looked around the cafe. He had no idea what was going on and did not want to try and figure it out. He just wanted to talk to Damien more than anything.

Eliza Brindelwood

Eliza couldn't think of anything else to say or do, so she hugged him extremely hard and was nearly bawling into his shoulder. She took a deep breath before drawing away and she rested her hands on her knees, smiling down at them. "Neither of us may not be very good at this, but it seems like we're getting better," she murmured to him before standing up. "Why don't we go down to the pool? I want to go swimming! I was actually planning on it before I got the call this morning, which is one of the reasons why I have a swimsuit on under my stuff..."

She pulled down the top of her shirt slightly, exposing the top of a bright pink bikini strap and she jumped around excitedly. "Come on. It'll be fun!" She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him to his feet.

Oliver looked over at Eliza as she cried and hugged him. He tried to stay calm and in control in a situation like this. he was not doing all that well right now. Course he managed to stay calm even though he was having issues. "Well I don't have have my swim suit but I could always just use my underwear." He said as she pulled him to his feet. "Lead the way! This could be exciting." He said as they walked to the pool.

Once they were there, Oliver quickly pulled his shirt and pants off. He did not seem to think anything different about just doing that infront of someone he barely knew. He dove into the pool and looked up at Eliza. "Come on in! It is great right now!" He said treading water looking at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thalia Rayne

The young woman had been so far inside of her trance that she hadn’t heard the man walk up to her, his voice startling her out of rhythm as she turned on her and sent a savage punch toward his solar plexus without thinking, the fist not even connecting before she had hooked a foot around the back of his leg and pulled. It appeared that she had enough experience to know when to trick someone at least, even if she didn’t actively practice any martial arts. There was a cold fury in her eyes as she moved, a boiling hatred barely withheld by the trance she had put herself into as she moved and the touch of flesh woke her from this stupor. She most likely wouldn’t put him off his feet by the size of him, though his balance would have been skewed enough that she could dance back out of reach and she did indeed; with several feet between them now she saw the punching bag swinging from the corner of her eye. She blinked menacing red eyes finding his more passive dark ones from where they had been watching her; the whole of her body told that she was on the ready, fingers flexing, wrists turning, bouncing slightly where she stood on the balls of her feet.

“Martial arts are predictable.”

Thalia gave him the once over, openly looking him up and down though she gave to remarks on his appearance, only turned back to the punching bag once she’d deemed him not a threat, fore if he had meant to harm her he would have hit her while she was practicing the first time. This time, as she threw her punches she measured them and listened quite intently on her surrounding area, waiting to see if he really would go back to attack her again. She bounced off the ground on her feet, just barely an inch off the flooring, and looked at him as she landed again, another inch away from the punching bag. “If I can’t handle a bit of pain, then I can’t finish the fight. I won’t win the next one.” It was clear by the way she hit it harder, her hand throbbing in pain, and an angry red starting to spread across her hand from the force that which she was putting into her punches; she was angry and this was her way of venting, it was taking everything she had not to turn on the man and beat him to death like she had several others before in seemingly random fits of rage. “End the fight fast; don’t get hit. That’s how it works.”


Kain Hail

She was acting very much like herself, the young woman he was engaged to, and very much like he expected her too with her being engaged to the young heir of a yakuza family in Japan. He hadn’t wanted her to hurt him but couldn’t stop her without hurting her or showing him the power he had over everything he could get hold of. She really was brutal, when she hit him with the bat and he sat back, his hands behind his back while he let his girlfriend give him a heavy beating. He had to admit, he was impressed by the brutality and the severity in which she beat him and how she turned on her hell and walked away. That was when Kain moved again, jogging over to the girl and catching her by the wrist to pull her toward him, kissing her on the lips softly before he shooed her away. “Go now. I’ll see you later. I have business to attend to.”

With the girl gone he turned to the young male, now raised on his knees, and crouched next to him with a sad smile on his lips. “Now why would you try to give me away, Charlie? Are you jealous?” He asked the man, looking him in the eye in such a way that he didn’t look angry, though he didn’t look happy or sad either; he was just . . . nothing. Kain showed no emotion to the man as he spat on his shoe and tried to stand, which in turn made the demon stand and look down at the blond jock. “Now that my friend, was just plain moronic,” He responded, flicking his wrist toward the chain link fence and the boy lifted off the ground, flying toward it with a force that bent the steel bars and the demon stepped toward him, his hands fixing the vest and tucking in his shirt again. “I think it’s time your contract came due, don’t you think so too?” Kain smiled at the man, a vicious and unforgiving smile. “You shouldn’t touch what isn’t yours Charlie.”

And the boy dropped from the roof.

He hit the ground with a sickening smack, bloody and crushed, and with almost every bone in his body broken; a scream sang out into the air while the demon looked over the rail at the corpse on the ground, breathing in the soul he now owned and possessed, preparing to send it off to the rest of his horde back down in Hell. That was when the girl looked up and saw him watching, too far away to really identify him though if she really remember then she may end up a problem sooner rather than later. He sighed and snapped his fingers, vanishing into thin air again.


Emilia Song
Swimming Pool

The young woman woke early that day, having just been transferred to this new school because of the pool that they boasted and the possibility of romance and love. The young mermaid was weak to the mere thoughts, possibilities of romance, love and loss and tragedies, beginnings and ends. It was all very appealing to the girl who sat on the leather seat of the truck, waiting until they arrived at the school. She wore a frilled black dress, with white hems and accents everywhere that there was a difference in the patterns. Her hair was long and down, hanging over her ears and her shoulders, her bangs blowing in the breeze as the man helped her into her wheelchair and laid a blanket over her lower half to hide her and keep her warm and safe from the prying eyes of the humans. They had made it not long after school, and plenty of students seemed to already be moving toward the building where the main match office was and she wondered how many of them were paired together. She saw several musicians, a pair of twins and an obviously gay goth boy walk by before she saw the man jogging. He was covered in water, but he was going to find out who his match was, wasn’t he?

“Find out who that boy was, would you Elfric?”

The young woman instructed the man as she sat beside the truck, watching as they ran by her and then she thought it nice to be able to swim without being watched too much by others. Signalling her companion she gestured toward the pool, indicating that she would like to go for a swim there. It had been a long while since she had last swam and she wanted to get her fins wet and feel the liquid in her gills again before she had to leave again for the dormitory she would be staying in.
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