Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 12 days ago

The day started out so well, though Drake to himself, silently observing Dagomar as he sprinted off into the distance, slowing his breathing and sharpening his focus as he had been taught to do, now there are explosions rocking the outpost, people killing one another and... his eyes fell on the scene of the seven-footer trying to save himself from burning alive, ...and people being consumed by witch fire.

It was true that they were surrounded, although the feral worlder and his own Navigator had certainly struck back at their attackers with much vigour, and the Rogue Trader supposed that it was up to him to strike the final blow that would, Emperor willing, shatter the enemy and leave them not so surrounded after all. To do this, he would need to strike hard and he would need to strike fast, as brutally as possible and with extreme prejudice. This was exactly what he now intended to do.

There were a few, more than a few actually, who took a look at Horatio and believed him to be no more than a stuck-up popinjay dressed in his superior airs and fine clothing - more than one adversary had taken a lok at his weapons and quite incorrectly assumed that he had no idea how to use them. What they did not seem to understand was that the House of Drake had hired tutors for their children, tutors in most every subject, with combat being an essential part of their education. Now, while it was true that they had primarily been trained with ranged weapons, as well as swords and more nimble blades than the one he carried, Horatio Drake had been trained in the use of the chain-axe by the famous pit-fighter and feral warrior Konen of Hyborea.

It was said that Konen had originally come from a prominent tribe on that planet, forging for himself a kingdom of his own, before losing it to Chaos worshipers many years later; they had used him for their entertainment, bound him to a gladiatorial pit and watched him massacre his own kinsmen. Oh he had been mentally fractured alright, but that had never stopped him teaching the young aristocrat the finer point of wielding the usually clumsy weapon with fluidity and even grace.

"Your handiwork?" He yelled to Gravius, gesturing with a flick of his stubber at the mass of scorched flesh nearby, tutting to see two of his own Armsmen laying in their own blood, "impressive, Navigator, most impressive."

Whatever reply might have been given by the three-eyed servant was soon drowned out by an increase in, and the intensity of the fire, directed at Drake and his retinue - an island of firepower in a sea of murderous bastards. Running through their more cowardly brethren came a group of more courageous individuals, although it was clear that the Navigators display of power had shaken then all, other groups moving in from alleys and streets to converge on the space docks.

"This is Drake, fire pattern Omega-Epsilon, I will take the right."

Affirmatives reached his comm-bead, the Armsmen fanning out into a semi-circle and laying down constant fire into anything that moved nearby, groups further away - such as the two figures of an Engineseer and a Guardsman - safe from the more aggressive move. Slowly but surely they advanced, taking no notice of their own wounded or dead, and their superior quality beginning to tell as at least three foes were felled for each of their own number.

Drake did just as he had said, striding over to the right flank of the crescent and then going beyond it, straight toward half a dozen furious gangers; many were armed with stubbers, a few having las-weapons of the lesser sort, and all of them carrying some form of close-quarter implement - from a simple machete, to a guard issue combat knife.

He stepped out quite calmly, seeking a silence within and without, not even flinching as projectiles whizzed toward him but continuing his steps closer and closer toward his intended victims. Some spat curses at him, others switched their weapons to full auto, and others ducked behind their cover to reload. It mattered not, most of them missing their mark, and what shots did hit were mostly glancing and made little difference to the seething Rogue Trader.

When he came within range of them, he lifted his own pistol and gently squeezed the trigger, two shots a time, plucking two men from their feet as he closed with them. For a moment he staggered, a stubber round hitting him dead in the chest, stopped only by the concealed carapace armour beneath his foppery, and a cheer rose from the four men still alive. It was a cheer that died down quickly enough once he regained his balance, the lightest of pressures pressing down on the activation switch of his more terrible weapon and momentarily silencing them - the true value of a chain-axe lay in its psychological damage, although bodily harm was certainly not much less of a worry for those facing it, the sight of jagged and whirring teeth attached to a large-headed haft was usually more than enough to make any intelligent being retreat...these men were not intelligent.

"Sic parvis magna!" He screamed as he suddenly brimmed with energy, launching himself at the surviving gang members, his family motto translating from High Gothic into 'great things from small beginnings', a family motto heard on alien planets as far away as the Halo stars. Now it was shouted by another scion of the Drake family, one whirling his chain-axe above his head before bringing it down on the first unfortunate he found; the crouching fist bought his stubber rifle up in vain, as useless as a sheet of paper in the circumstances, the rotating teeth gnawing straight through the weapon and finding him beneath.

Soon flesh, tissue and bone spattered over Drake, causing him to take on the visage of some maddened butcher.

Another, more foolhardy, member of the quartet lunged toward him with a twelve-inch serrated knife, the red tattooed face twisted into a snarling expression of rage. It would be the last act of this man. Drake felt the blow coming, twisting his body to the side and allowing the man to simply move forward into the path of his axe, the attackers face clove messily in two and pulverized quite thoroughly.

One rat-like ganger had managed to move around to a vantage point, taking advantage of the distraction provided by his deceased accomplices. With a scream he leapt for the Rogue Trader, his own machete striking hard into the armour between neck and shoulder just as Drake turned, sparks coming flying and the stubber rising up from beneath. Soon the heated metal was pressed to his pale flesh, and within another second his head exploded in a shower of gore.

There was only one now remaining, a young gang member who appeared to have pissed himself, clutching a pistol to him and firing off shots until his weapon clicked empty. None of the shots hit home, the boys shaking hand and lack of experience seeing to that, and Drake gave a small snort of derision as he took the outstretched arm off at the elbow.

"I take no pleasure in this, boy." Came the clipped words of the bloodied nobleman, "but I can not allow you to remain alive."

A scream was cut short as the chain-axe swept through the air, decapitating the youthful coward, his head sailing through the air to land with a wet thud some feet away.

"This is Drake, target neutralised; take a defensive stance and withdraw back to the shuttle in good order. This mission was a waste of fuel."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A Not So Speedy Getaway

Despite her sniper-esq aim, Nisvillia Blissponis was no fighter, and without her companion's aid there was no way she would have made it through the bloody rabble which had engulfed the landing zone.

The bark of bolters and the rattling of lasguns boomed through the air, as mangled bodies littered the metal streets of Outpost 57.

"I'll be honest," the large red-head said with a frown "the Outpost didn't turn out to be QUITE the discreet getaway I was hoping for. Next time I should probably haul arse abit further away from the people who're trying to kill me."

Her vision clouded by thick smoke, Nisvillia just about managed to catch sight of the nobleman retreating back to his shuttle with his squadron of guardsmen.

"Good sir!" She called out, struggling to be heard over the roar of battle "If my companion and I could acquire safe passage aboard your vessel then we would be sure to compensate you handsomely. If you've heard the name Blissponis, you'll know that these are no hollow claims. Help a girl out?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


As the noble simply sat there for an interminable time, the Sister scoffed in disgust. If he would not answer in voice or action then she was not his to take care of. Motioning for the orphan to lead them forward, she soon reentered the shadowed alleys, trotting along them as quickly as the orphan could lead her. The bark of stubber and autogun fire and the cracking of lasguns now filled the air constantly, ebbing and flowing from location to location.

A distinctive whir caught her ears, one which she had not often heard and still remembered with shuddering fear: the motors of a chain axe. It could not be one of the Khornate Berzerkers for their presence would surely have been noted. That begged the question as to who it was.

"You, boy. Bring me to the sound of that chain axe. Hastily now!" she commanded, forcing the boy to swerve around a corner they had almost passed. Her ears noted the ceasing of the motors, meaning that whatever combat there had been had ceased. Placing a hand on the orphan's shoulder to hold him back, she peeked around the corner of the alley, bolt pistol in hand. Legs trundled out of sight around an intersection, prompting her to exit and follow.

The weilder of the chain axe- a finely dressed man with a retinue of guards, was walking towards a distant ship as another woman came into view, calling out to the man. As the woman, Blissponis, had done the work to attract the group's attention, the Sister simply holstered her bolt pistol and took the orphan's hand.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 12 days ago


Horatio Drake, having satisfied his bloodlust for now, was so close to ignoring the cries of help from some fleshy wench - eager to be back aboard his own vessel, back into space, and back on course with his entire life! - the only problem being that he did know the name Blissponis and, while the rest of the Blissponii were no longer with the living, making this...girl...more of an outcast than anything, she could be useful in some capacities. Not only this, but there were now a number of seats free on his shuttle, although she would likely take up two of them.

"You," he called to one of his Armsmen over the sounds of violence all around, "set your vox-unit to amplify, and hand be that receiver."

After being given the receiver by his voxman, and with as haughty a tone as he could manage, Drake was pleased to hear his own words cut through the surrounding noise.

"You, fat lady! If you and your companions wish to accompany me, then please waddle over here immediately." For a moment he thought again, glancing at other isolated figures spread across the platforms of the space port, gesturing for his voxman to turn the volume up as he spoke again, continuing to backpeddle toward his shuttles open ramp even as he yelled, "if there are those that wish for freedom, and possibly life, make your way over here with all haste! This is your final chance."

That was it, there was no more to be said, he looked about to make sure his Navigator was with him - luckily he was, although apparently in no fit state for any further combat - and then waited impatiently at the open rear of his shuttle. From time-to-time he picked out targets that revealed themselves, picking off those that showed their ugly faces with relish, and waiting for those that would come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A Hasty Goodbye

"You, fat lady! If you and your companions wish to accompany me, then please waddle over here immediately."

Keeping her slick, charm-filled smile plastered across her face, Nisvillia frowned inwardly. She'd been putting up with remarks such as this for her entire life, but her time spent as a fairly reputable mob boss had gifted her with a reputation which meant that folks were less likely to run their mouths off about how 'utterly gigantic' she was.

"If there are those that wish for freedom, and possibly life, make your way over here with all haste! This is your final chance."

No waiting to hear what her Pysker ally had to say, Nisvillia strode on through the bursts of fire and smoke which hissed and rumbled all around her, her thick thighs brushing against each other as she made her way over to the shuttle.

The young redhead was still all done up in her black and white dress, and looked awfully out of place amidst all of the blood and carnage.

"You have my thanks," Nisvillia wheezed, struggling to speak through raspy breaths. Her skin was peppered with sweat, and her cheeks were flushing bright red. "Wherever we're heading to next, I'll be glad to see the back of this wretched place."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 11 days ago

Safi had followed the metal priest to what was apparently the Landing Zone after said priest had beckoned him to follow, referring to him as a Skitarius, and thumped away on his metal stomps. ‘’Time is money,’’ Safi muttered to himself as he started moving somewhat faster the close the distance between him and his machine-employer. Despite having something like anvils for feet, he sure moved fast. Plus, it seemed as if things were going to get quite rough.

By the time Safi and Mister Tinker had gotten to where the Rogue Trader was supposed to be, there was already a bloodbath. Safi immediately took cover behind a wall and just decided to wait it out. The best sort of firefight was the one that you weren’t in, he knew this well at his age. This cautious course of action was also the thing that had kept him alive throughout those brutal years. ‘’Just wait it out.’’ However, his plans of staying put were immediately thrown into the garbage bin when the tremors of distant explosions started shaking the wall Safi was hiding behind, and some armed gangsters started showing their faces. Where was the Tin Man? He couldn’t see. He had to leave. It was nice to be paid, but it was better to be alive, after all.

As the shootout started to subside, however, Safi decided that it was safe to peek out and see what was happening. Unsurprisingly, the Rogue Trader and his retinue were retreating back to their shuttle. ‘’Smart man,’’ Safi thought to himself as he rushed out of his cover. Disregarding the man’s conversation with a fat, pudgy woman who seemed to share a common interest with Safi, he let his gun sling from his shoulder as he raised his arms and started shouting to make sure he wasn’t seen as a cocky hostile amidst the carnage. Better safe than sorry, he had always thought, and he wasn’t trying to give off the impression of a hardass anyway.

‘’Don’t shoot! Friendly! Don’t shoot!’’

He could feel the scorching heat of plasma and lasguns all around his body as he kept rushing. ‘’This was a very stupid move, Safi,’’ a voice in the back of his head told him. He knew that keeping up the act in the middle of a shootout was not going to end well for him, but his survival instinct was not going to stop. ‘’This ain’t dodgeball, Safi, it’s a bad day in Bosnia!’’ What a Bosnia was, Safi did not know, but he respected his survival instincts, since it had a library full of experiences from past ancestors etched in his genes to cite from, so he decided to throw himself into the safe side as fast as possible.

Somehow, his mad dash through no man’s land had worked. Safi spent about a few seconds thinking he was probably shot, but it appeared all was well. He quickly got up to a crouching position and huddled over to one of the Armsmen next to the Rogue Trader trying to board the ship.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Sister raised her eyebrows at the Horatio Drake's comment towards the hefty woman attempting to get his attention. His manner of insulting seemed almost nonchalant, as if the words came simply because he viewed himself as better. Given the heavily armed and well-armored retinue around him, there was likely some truth to that fact.

"Follow me, boy. Keep close and I will ensure you are not harmed," she intoned, although her eyes remained forward rather than moving towards the orphan whose hand she held. Striding quickly towards the group, back held straight, a small touch of caution entered her mind as a man foolishly dashed into the open towards Horatio, avoiding some shots at him while yelling "Don't Shoot!"

Sighing at the inane manner with which simple men could act, the Sister raised her hand as she made her own approach. With hope the trappings of a member of the Adepta Sororitas would stay their fire. "Greetings, captain," she called out. "By the grace of the Emperor, I shall by joining your voyage."
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