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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

| T H E U N C A N N Y X - M E N |

Storm (Ororo Munroe)
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin)
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)
Rogue (Anna-Marie Darkholme)
Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
Shadowcat (Katherine 'Kitty' Pryde)

Professor Charles Xavier

| Origin & Backstory |

Mutation. In recent memory, no subject has captured the intelligent minds of the world like it. Humans with inhuman abilities and miraculous powers, borne not of scientific accident, but genetic disposition and circumstance. A sore topic indeed for much of the latter half of the twentieth century, as well as the formative years of The new millennium.

The positions are simple. On one side, swathes of people committed to preserving their own species' survival and claim over the world, with no thought to the mutant cost this might afford. On the other, the disillusioned and oppressed, gifted with great power, but seemingly impotent in the face of adversity. They fight for the right to civil liberty in a world that hates and fears them, some with words, others with actions. As with any ideology, both sides have their moderates, and their less-than-moderates. Very few concede that the two might ever coexist.

The position of government too, is clear. With the M.R.D. (The Mutant Response Division) - an organisation predating the likes of HAMMER - being formed to keep tabs on dangerous mutants and those who may become dangerous, their end goal seems to be the detention of any and all mutant that can't keep its head down.

Something has to give, lest the planet they fight for control of be made simple collateral. The world needs people to unite both tribes, to lead by example. The world needs heroes. The world needs The X-Men.

Genesis (1980's Onwards)
To know The X-Men, you must first know their teacher. A man with unassailable moral fortitude, an uncanny gift for discussion, and a respect for sentient life of all forms. A paraplegic, suffering from damage sustained to his spine following his time served in the military, he harboured more than his own thoughts of resentment. Able to read your mind without you even suspecting it, this alumni of Oxford University was also an outed Mutant, one of the first real high-profile activists for mutant-rights in America and the driving force for efforts to promote coexistence between his species and their predecessors.

While not the loudest faction in play - an honour that belonged to The Purifiers (a violent group of Human Supremicists, united in their intolerance and headed by Reverend William Striker) - nor the hardest-hitting (surely, the growing but disorganised Brotherhood of Mutants), his message stayed strong, a peaceful front in the face of violence and uncertainty, but landing useless on the ears of most.

As the eighties drew to a close and more and more was learnt about 'Homo Superior' and the illusive 'X-Gene', given responsibility where blame first lay in disease or, depending on your social circles, divine punishment for human debauchery and sin, paranoia spread. Even you, a seemingly ordinary human being, could carry this Gene, ready to pass it on. Your kids could have it. Your neighbours kids could have it! And save them coming out blue, deformed or invisible, you wouldn't know until it was too late.

It was a hard time to be a mutant, harder still knowing there was no way to change your fate. Someone had to act.

Exodus (1939 - 1994)
Erik Lehnsherr. Any student of mutant history need only know one name if they wish to truly capture the formative events of the Mutant Revolution. Known to many as the larger-than-life Magneto, this is a survivor of the worst Humanity had to offer in a time when fear and ignorance were the flavour of the day. A survivor of the Nazi death camps, his own mutant abilities triggered years after he was made a free man. Impotent in the face of a mechanical behemoth. To the memory of his mother, his father and millions killed by their neighbours, he vowed vengeance. Vengeance and justice.

He spent some time overseas, following a brief time in Israel. That world offered Erik nothing. He began to learn more about his condition, to contemplate his position in the world. Soon the travelling student became the travelling teacher. Roaming all over, he deposited his views (and on occasion, his seed) wherever he went, not as a man of peace, but as something else. He paid close attention to the published works of Darwin. Of Marx. Of a scholar named Xavier, landing at one, firm conclusion: mutants and humans would never coexist. It was not in humanity's nature. For security to be afforded to Mutantkind it had to be taken; only by force could the meek truly inherit the Earth.

To this end, he turned his eyes back to the west, where a change had already began. Violence, widespread, with a centre among the disillusioned of North America and Europe. Non-localised and hard hitting, perpetrated by humans under the informal umbrella of the Purifier. The struggling Brotherhood, no leader to steer it was on the backfoot. The one recognised individual at least partially tying them together, the Australian Poet and self-proclaimed new-age communist John Allerdyce, dragged from his bed and lynched outside of his home in Indiana, tied no more. And Magneto acted in kind.

When Mutants Attack! (December 18th 1994)
As the year started to draw to a close, as many broadcast networks planned to release their holiday programming, the American public were shocked to find a different white-haired man in red to the one they might have been expecting addressing them. Crowned in a red helmet, the speaker made his presence known finally.

"Mutant brothers and sisters!" He started, accent tickled by European influence. "Throw down your chains. I am Magneto, and while I cannot promise you peace, I can provide the means for you to take it."

With that, regular transmission, rather abruptly recommenced. Many shunned it entirely as a stunt on behalf of the TV-men. A cursory look at the news however would shunt thoughts like that.

Government buildings destroyed. Public forums decimated. Whole bridges, seemingly doubling over as if some great force were exerted upon them. Bolstered by key allies recruited on his travels, Magneto took the fight to Indiana. And when you look under enough rocks, eventually you find a worm or two. Erik found worms of his own, tracking down the supposed assassins of his contemporaries, most notably the men responsible for the murder of John Allerdyce. All found tastefully displayed in their homes, having shifted off their mortal coil.

And suddenly these actions inspired more. Key figures, held ransom by people who might have only glanced at their manifestos. Children armed, allowed to take vengeance on their less evolved cousins. All in the name of Brotherhood.

And at the helm, their White King. Magneto.

The House that Xavier Built (1994 - 1995)
Something had to give. Something always had to give. Xavier knew this. Deep down, most did. To this end, a teacher at heart, Xavier opened his own safehouse. His own training camp. A school. The Xavier Institue for Gifted Youngsters. Once his family home - a mansion situated in Salem Centre, Westchester County - there now stood a state of the art academy. Built with the help of protégé, friend and fellow mutant, the blue-furred Dr. Henry McCoy, the Mansion was refitted with the latest and greatest equipment to accommodate for a large student base, as well as a few items that were perhaps surplus to requirements (see Cerebro and The Blackbird).

Designed to protect those who would be feared and misunderstood for their gifts, Xavier hand picked his first students carefully. The Summers brothers from Alaska, endowed with destructive abilities thus far uncontrolled; a goddess from Cairo who's company was exclusively kept with thieves; a girl from Gotham that could lift a bookcase with her mind; and a feral fighter living wild in the Rockies. They were educated in their origins, instructed in the control of their abilities. In particular, Scott Summers, who was unable to open his eyes due to his inability to control the concussive blasts emitted by them, was salvaged. Provided with a visor of McCoy's one design, he could to some respect now function. Training, while intensive and extensive, was never a chore for these children of the atom. It provided a home and a family.

After a body of months, The X-Men were finally ready.

Named for their founder and the gene that set them apart from Homo sapiens, they would encourage humanity and mutantkind to coexist by setting the precedent. By educating. And if needed, by using violence. Their first objective: the cessation of Magneto's reign of terror. Perhaps easier said than done.

Battle for the Atom (1995 - 1998)
Inexperienced, the X-Men nevertheless entered many skirmishes, hitting back at Purifiers and Brotherhood members alike. At first their activities were reported under the assumption that they were members of Magneto's own forces. Priority was put on the capture of these mutants, to their dismay.

Their first encounter with Magneto occurred outside the school itself, Magneto responding to calls for talk with Xavier. Finding a seat inside, the two spent the day merely debating, discussing their own ideologies, their preferred outcomes of their current struggle. Magneto in his short time there didn't fail to make an impression; Alex Summers, with doubt already seeded in his mind regarding the validity of the cause he had been conscripted for, now saw Magneto as a hero. When talks went sour, Cyclops viciously attacking Lehnsherr following some pointed remarks and a threat to Xavier's life, it was Havok that neutralised his brother, tackling him to the ground.

Magneto left with Alex in tow, their exact locations unknown for a time.

In the following years, the X-Men only bolstered in strength. They faced threats such as The Friends of Humanity, a far-right Christian fundamentalist group that dabbled in occult weaponry. They faced multiple mutant threats, numerous super powered humans and even an anthropomorphic island. As the children became adults, so too did their control over their power. If Lehnsherr were to surface now, they were ready.

M Day (1998)
The final stand occurred in April of 1998. A lock finally being made on Magneto's position, The X-Men were able to track him to the U.S. Nuclear launch facility of Cape Citadel. Fighting there way through, dispatching Magneto's acolytes in synch with each other, they finally reached the control room.

A rapturous fight broke loose, with the X-Men taking on Magneto and Havok with full force. Much had changed since their first days together. This group had no trouble dispatching Havok, Magneto holding strong. In a last ditch attempt to start World War Three, the madman bypassed the missile launch codes. Each key snapped in as willed. The facility shook as a great strength left it.

Finishing Magneto off with a combined effort, attention frantically scrambled to the missile launch. With haste, they attempted to prevent a launch - no use. It began to rise. And then something clicked. The launch was aborted. SHIELD had arrived.

Peacetime (1998 - 2005)
Following this, Magneto and Havok were arrested and detained in a special SHIELD facility. And the X-Men celebrated their greatest victory for the cause.

Though the roster changed significantly over the years, the message continued to remain relevant. The efforts of The X-Men in recent years have stopped multiple threats to mutant and humankind alike, helping to turn public opinion slowly more in favour of those they might otherwise despise. If ever there was a quiet before the storm, this was one.

As we begin to follow our heroes, the team is entering its third incarnation, the helm being taken up by experienced team-member Ororo Munroe, codenamed Storm. The original students have in turn become teachers. And something evil stirs. Something overlooked up until now.

| Biographies |

| Attributes |
the X-Men are comprised of a number of unique mutants. Afforded their abilities by their genes, they manifest (for the most part) during puberty. Below is an outline of their individual gifts.

| Character Notes |

| Character Goals |
Let it be said, right off the bat, that I love The X-Men. Adore it all. I've exposed myself to debatably every fresh interpretation, every animated venture, any ill-thought out cinematic endeavour. Chris Claremont's run, it could be said, influenced my mental perception of the team as a whole. It's probably why I favour the X-Members that I do. Hope I'm not over egging it, by the way.

Regardless, a number of stories stand out that I would love to put my own spin on or, more importantly, discard in favour of new ideas and interpretations. I plan on bringing the conflict to the Brotherhood and Human fronts and I have few interesting ideas for Mister Sinister in the works. But you need not worry about that. All I can say is, in my eyes these characters would have a safe-handed custodian in me.

| References |
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

| Identity |

Selina Kyle

| Alias |


| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |

Original Fighting Style (Derivative of Martial Arts)
Selina, while not a professional in Martial Arts, is a professional in whatever she has created for herself. A lot of her fighting style owes its origin to her knowledge on Martial Arts. She has refined some of her skill by taking sparse classes, but mostly relies on her self-made style to get by.

Thievery/Cat Burglary
Selina has perfected the art of theft, and, given her reputation, it only makes sense. If you need something stolen, she's your girl. Of course, nothing is for free in Catwoman's world, except for the things she procures for herself. Hiring her means paying some price, large or small. Selina has an unacknowledged moral compass that occasionally leans towards the side of "good," meaning that...favors from her are not unheard of.

Catwoman isn't her only mask. Selina is extremely proficient at disguising herself, utilizing a variety of aesthetic tools to help her pull off appearances that are so totally not Selina Kyle. She's fortunate enough in this skill to be able to appear as a different person for every ball she's ever attended. Not to mention the fact that I.D. forgery helps push along the authenticity of her disguises.

Well, the name says it all. Selina is able to maneuver her body around tight spots when it's called for. It's not a superhuman ability; just a talent she's nursed since childhood.

She's daft with that whip of hers. Catwoman can use the bullwhip for a plethora of purposes; it is the Catwoman equivalent to Batman's grappling hook whilst simultaneously being Selina's weapon of choice. Alice is tinkering with the whip to see if she can create an electrified version of it, but no luck so far, or rather, not enough resources at the present moment.

Diamond Encrusted Claws
An extremely recent addition to her weapons, crafted by Alice from diamonds stolen by Selina. Retractable diamond claws that fit snuggly against Selina's hands, protruding and retracting with the click of a button. Of course, the whole thing isn't diamond. Just the tips of the claws. The rest of the thing is sturdy metal skeleton.

| Character Notes |

| Character Goals |

"Be rich. Money, money, money."

Selina is young. What semblance of a privileged life that she did have was stripped from her when she was ten. The subsequent eleven years were spent in poverty and, frequently, desperation. What would you do, if you realized you could do something?

So, yes, she is young, and she is naive, and she is selfish. The world is ripe for her picking, and as far as she considers it, she doesn't have to share with everyone. As a result, to say she desires to help superheroes in any way is a long shot. She works on a 'me' agenda, where her well-being comes first and foremost, with the only exceptions being Holly and children and other similarly young and deprived women, all of which she has tender spots for.

It could also be said that she feels safe in her present position. Vigilantes can deal with the world's people and the world's problems.

| Post References |

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Peter Quill aka Star-Lord
Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran aka Starfire

Yondu Udonta

Based in the Andromeda Galaxy, the Guardians of the Galaxy are freedom fighters formed by a diverse group of beings. The founding members are Yondo Udonta of Alpha Centauri, Charis-Nar, Thaddeus Bach and the Kryptonian H'el. Founded in order to bring the wealth of the empire to rim planets, the Guardians of the Galaxy operated as a sort of cosmic Robin Hood.

The Guardians of the Galaxy started nearly forty standard galactic years ago. During this time, the Centauri known as Yondu was operating as a rogue agent, hired by the planet Rann to transport much needed medical supplies through a Thanagarian blockade during the height of the Rann/Thanagar War. Imprisoned on the planet Spartax, Yondu found himsefl shackled alongside a Spartoi by the name of J'Son. Forging an alliance, Yondu and J'Son managed to create a prison break. During the chaos, Yondu encountered the Kryptonian H'el who too had been captured by the Thangarians. Once they had escaped from the Thanagarian prison, J'Son revealled himself to be the heir to the Spartoi throne and enlisted further help from Yondu and H'el in order to free his planet from Thanagarian control.

As a token of his thanks, J'Son gifted Yondu with a new ship, the Aurora. Departing from Spartax with H'el in tow, Yondu returned to his original mission to help the people of Rann, taking the fight to the Thanagarians. Ambushing a prison transport, Yondu and H'el release those taken by the Thanagarian army as well as finding sympathizers in Thaddeus Bach and Charis-Nar. A former peace keeper on his homeworld of Eiodolon, Thaddeus Bach brought a lot to the team while Charis-Nar, or Broot as he was often referred to as brought the team unhinged power almost able to rival that of H'el.

Striking at the Thanagarian army using guerilla techniques, the team became known as the Guardians of the Galaxy by those they protected. Striking out of the darkness of space in the Aurora, the Guardians could even managed to down a Thanagarian battlecruiser which crippled the blockade. This of course led to the begining of the end as Rann managed to gain a foot hold against the Thanagarians and drive them back to their own system. With Rann on its way to becoming independent again, Thaddeus decided to go his own way as the remaining Guardians wandered the galaxy in search of jobs and adventure.

Encountering a distress call, the crew of the Aurora encountered a small craft of Terran origin. Inside was an alien being which identified itself as Cosmo, a Cosmonaut of the Soviet Union. Originally a test animal, Cosmo, was a creature referred to on Terra as a dog , who was launched into space where his craft passed through a temporal anomally. This anomally exposed Cosmo to an intense form of cosmic radiation which mutated him, granting him telepathy and enhanced cognitive abilities.Taking Thaddeus' place among the crew, Cosmo proved to be a valuable asset to the Guardians throughout their adventures.

Running the rim worlds smuggling goods and liberating wealth from the Kree, Shi'ar and Skrull empires, the Guardians picked up a notorious reputation. This attracted the attention of those who hired the assassin Gamora. Despite an attempt on Yondu's life, Gamora was ultimately thrawted by Pren NuParr. Indebted, Yondu welcomed Pren to the crew of the Aurora while Gamora was revealled to be a double agent who in turn also joined the Guardians albeit not without several degrees of mistrust.

Feeling betrayed when Yondu promoted Pren as his successor, H'el departed the group citing a need to return home. Under the leadership of Pren, the Guardians turned their attention to the Vega System. Unfortunately for Pren, the Guardains infamy had travelled to the the ruling Citadel. In response of what they could only imagine was an attempt by the Guardians to break their authority, the Citadel allied itself with Thanagar recruiting their warbirds to defend against the Guardians' tactics. Outgunned and out-manuevered, the Guardains recruited a new wild card member, a Czarnian by the name of Lobo. Despite this, the Aurora was still destroyed and the surviving members of the Guardians disbanded.

With the Guardians gone, the former leader, Yondu Undonta started a gang of space pirates in the Andromeda Galaxy, far from those who knew him in the Milky Way Galaxy. Naming his new crew the Ravagers, Yondu stayed away from getting involved in the disputes of other worlds and instead became a 'Procurer of Property', or rather a thief. Performing odd jobs across the galaxy, Yondu was eventually contacted by J'Son of Spartax once again who requested a special delivery from Terra. The package turned out to be a ten year old boy by the name of Peter Quill. However seeing the state of Spartax, Yondu decided to keep the boy and raise him himself. Over the next fifteen years, Yondu passed everything he learned onto the boy.

Having grown up under the guidance of Yondu, it came at no one's surprise that Peter Quill would become the newest member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Unfortunately for Peter, he had to start over much like Yondu did originally. Locating the wreck of the Aurora, Peter had it retrofitted and restored the M-Ship, redubbing it the Milano after his Terran childhood crush. With a ship, Peter headed out into the galaxy, journying to Knowhere in order to gain allies and put together a crew not knowing there was still those who would seek to destroy any who referred to themselves as a Guardian of the Galaxy.


The Guardians are comprised of a number of various races each with their own unique traits. Furthermore, each individual has lived colourful lives, acquiring a great number of specialized skills. Above all else however, the Guardians are all survivors often having seen the worse the universe has to offer. Below is an outline of their individual gifts.


My goal with the Guardians is to intertwine them in a variety of galactic adventures in the style of Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy and Firefly. A small crew not siding with a higher power, fighting to survive and maybe for their own personal gain. I aim to put the spot light on the various Guardians throughout their adventures starting with Starfire and then moving on from there.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 10 mos ago

| Identity |

Name: Thor Goddess of Thunder
Alias: Tara Olsen (a human name if she is on the DL), Tarene (birth name), Thor Girl (previous title), Hammer Girl.

| Origin & Backstory |

Humble Beginnings
Born with a predetermined destiny, Tarene believed her life was perfectly scripted out for her and all she had to do was play her part. A future seer declared that she would become a great hero and save many world's from darkness. What she did not know was that even a prescripted destiny was hard to follow.

A Hero is Born
At first, she was subject to much ridicule and scorn from the larger, older and more battle-hardened Asgardian men whom didn't believe a young girl such as Tarene could hold her own in battle. Although disappointed at first, she wasn't dissuaded and fought to convince the nay-sayers that she was just as capable as they were. Thor Odinson noticed the young girls enthusiasm and determination and encouraged her to train harder, his encouragement, along with that of the Lady Sif whom was also making a name on the battlefield for herself, allowed Tarene to get her first taste of battle on the cold wastes of Jotunheim.

Out in the frosts, Thor Odinson noticed that Tarene was indeed a brave warrior, and so he allowed her to fight alongside him in future conflicts. He bestowed unto her many tips and stories to aid her growth as a warrior. She learned to use a variety of weapons before finally settling on a golden hammer, thus earning her the nickname Thor Girl as she fought alongside Thor Odinson using a hammer, much like he did with his Mjolnir.

Over time Tarene became a powerful goddess in her own right, proving herself to be a formidable Asgardian warrior, comparable to the Lady Sif. She earned the respect and admiration of her peers, yet despite her many courageous feats, she often appeared as little more than a sidekick to Thor Odinson. Although she greatly admired and respected her mentor, Tarene wanted to live out her own destiny and not spend her days living in the shadow of her mentor. She loyally served under the All Father Odin, and later under Thor following his coronation as King of Asgard.

Brother Dearest
Loki, adopted brother of Thor, often wrought havoc in Asgard and across a number of the 9 Realms. Despite having more than one opportunity to kill Loki, Thor could never bring himself to slay his brother, and despite Tarene's protests, he would not allow her to slay Loki either. Sparing Loki would later prove to be Thor's greatest mistake as Ruler of Asgard. Tarene, reluctant to commit treason and betray her King, stayed her hand, though she was reluctant to spare Loki's life. Loki was committed to prison but even locked in a cage, Loki could not be stopped.

When Heroes Fall: Ragnarok
Loki, bitter and vengeful, allied himself with the Fire Demon Surtur so that he could escape his prison and destroy Asgard, the events that transpired culminated in Ragnarok, a war which would destroy the Asgardians and the entire realm of Asgard.

When Ragnarok (the end of days) struck her precious realm of Asgard, Tarene took up arms to face off against the End itself. During the fight, an evil clone of Thor appeared and attacked her she believed she had been betrayed by her greatest ally. She sought out Loki to fight him head on and kill him once and for all but despite her years of battle, Loki proved to be a more formidable opponent, catching her out with tricks and sorcery. Moments before Loki, alongside the evil Thor-clone could deliver what would have been a fatal blow, the real Thor Odinson appeared and saved her. Thor Odinson had lost one of his arms, but in the other arm, he clung onto Mjolnir. He told her to fall back, to take the Bifrost to Vanaheim before it was destroyed.

While Asgard crumbled around her and became consumed by fire, death and destruction, she managed to make her escape, under Odinson's orders and reached Vanaheim where the Vanir used their magic to heal her. During her escape and subsequent recuperation, Asgard fell and the Asgardian's were killed in the war.

The Aftermath
Dreadfully depressed about what she believed to be her failure to stop the end and save the realm she loved so dearly Tarene began to roam the 9 realms in search of Thor Odinson and in search of answers. SHe believed that Thor Odinson was so strong that he could not possibly have perished.

Her spirit broken by what she believed was her utter failure to live up to her destiny, she wandered the world like a lost soul for many years, digging through the wreckage of Asgard and discovering only ashes and bones.

A Hero Reborn
Tarene's life would take an interesting new course when she found Mjolnir, Thor's legendary hammer. With nothing left of Asgard, Tarene wound up on Midgard (Earth), a realm which Thor Odinson had always held a great fondness for. She adopted the alias "Tara Olsen" to blend in with Midgardian society, but it was largely a struggle and she found herself living a nomadic lifestyle travelling with caravaners across the United States. In the wilds of Oklahoma she discovered Mjolnir lying abandoned in a desert crater. To her own disbelief, she was able to lift the hammer and thus she acquired Thor's powers. Believing her own destiny was a lost cause she took up the mantle of Thor taking his name and his legacy and seeking to right the wrongs that had befallen Asgard.

The discovery of Mjolnir abandoned on Midgard was both a comfort, and also distressing. With Mjolnir on Midgard instead of Asgard, she believed perhaps Odinson had escaped, however, Odinson would never part with his hammer willingly, which led Tarene to believe perhaps something untoward had happened to her former King.

Regardless of Odinson's fate, Tarene became "Thor, Goddess of Thunder" and vowed to remedy the wrongs that had befallen Asgard and protect Odinson's precious Earth Realm. She made her way out of the desert to begin her new life. Armed with Mjolnir, but no idea what Midgardian life and culture consisted of, she had a shaky start. The city is a whole other world compared to the desert wilds or the pristine uninhabited mountains, still new to this world, the new Thor has to learn who her friends and enemies are, and also how to use a cell phone.

Does History Repeat Itself?
A deep seeded self-loathing, and an unstable lust for revenge against those who played a role in Ragnarok (namely Loki Laufeyson) mean that she walks along a thin line between saving the world, and destroying it herself.

Will she become the hero she was meant to be or will she end up causing more destruction than Ragnarok unleashed upon her world?

| Attributes |

Mjolnir: mythical hammer only those deemed worthy if it's power shall lift it and with the hammer she possesses the powers of Thor. The hammer can be called "telepathically" (for lack of a better word) to fly into her hand whenever she needs it. Forged from Uru it is virtually indestructible and packs a mean punch.

Powers of Thor: with the hammer comes Thor Odinsons powers, aka possessing the power of the God of Thunder. She can manipulate thunder and lightning and create dangerous storms and even tornados with a little help from Mjolnir.

Flight: Thor can use Mjolnir to fly, in a pinch it can be used for interdimensional travel so she can traverse between realms which is great since travelling between realms is tricky since the Bifrost was destroyed.

Asgardian: as she is an Asgardian she is immune to all human illnesses and possesses extreme longevity and a pretty impressive healing factor. Superior strength, speed and stamina and damn good reflexes.
Years of training have resulted in her being a formidable opponent in hand to hand combat as well as being able to use a variety of weapons although Mjolnir is always her trusted weapon of choice.

Asgardian armour: forged by dwarves her armour can take quite a beating, as the Thunder Goddess, she can generate scale-maile armour made of lightning energy itself to protect her arms.

Technologically incompetent. She cannot utilise any modern technology.

Unworthy? If Mjolnir no longer deems her worthy she loses the ability to wield the hammer and the perks that come with it thus leaving her in a weakened but not entirely useless state. Without Mjolnir, she still possesses the abilities of a battle hardened Asgardian.

Ignorance is bliss: Thor doesn't know much about earth or its customs, she's also prone to act first and think later so strategizing is not a strong point. On a super hero scale her intelligence is below average but she possesses incredible strength to compensate.

Destiny unbound: with her "failed" destiny as Tarene, she now has a whole new destiny as Thor however this destiny could take her down the wrong path.

Ghosts of the past: she is haunted by her past and believes she failed Odinson and failed Asgard. Her lack of self confidence in Tarene is a weak point and her confidence as the "new Thor" is built on shaky foundations leaving her open to emotional manipulation. She also gets homesick and lonely for good company which means she's likely to hang around with the wrong crowd if they appear inviting.

Ragnarok PTSD: She experiences flashbacks of unimaginable horrors, sometimes reliving what happened on Asgard during Ragnarok. She can react violently and unpredictably.

| Character Notes |

Supporting Casts & Rogues

Thor Odinson: THE God of Thunder and former wielder of Mjolnir. He has been MiA, presumed KiA, following Ragnarok, no traces of him have yet been found thus he cannot be officially declared dead, however given how long it has been without any sign of him, its presumed he perished on Asgard. (SThor will mention him a lot possibly, but I'm not going to touch this chararcter, in case someone wants to jump in and play Odinson, it would be cool for the two to meet in the future and see how that pans out!)

Jane Foster: Former love interest of Thor Odinson, Foster, and fellow physicist Dr Erik Selvig, were good friends of Odinson's. Given that a total stranger is going to shope up around town swinging a hammer and declaring to be the "God of Thunder" when she is certainly not the Odinson Selvig and Foster are familiar with, they will be displeased with whats going on.

Erik Selvig: (See Jane Foster)

Loki Laufeyson: Thor's greatest enemy, and Odinson's adopted brother. Thor would tear the 9 Realms to shreds if it would reveal Loki's location so she could proceed to tear him limb from limb. The Trickster, Loki is the God of Lies and played a large role to say the least, when it came to bringing about the events of Ragnarok.

Lady Sif and the Warriors Three (Hogun, Volstagg and Fandral): Asgardian warriors and dear friends of Thor's, all presumed dead after the events of Ragnarok, though like Odinson, it is difficult to confirm.


Bifrost:The bridge between realms, Thor used it to escape Asgard but it has since been destroyed and she has relied on powerful magic or other means of travel to get from place to place.

Asgard: Her former home, this realm was destroyed and all that remains is death and rubble.

Jotunheim: Realm of the Frost Giants, a barren, ice cold world where Tarene once fought alongside Thor Odinson.

Vanaheim: A realm of healers and magicians, Thor spent some time here recovering after escaping Asgard.

Midgard: Basically Earth though in Asgard it is referred to as Midgard.

Oklahoma: This is where Tarene discovered Mjolnir lying in a crater and she became Thor.

| Character Goals |
Thor is evil but has good intentions. She is an anti-villain, a villain who does not want to be a villain or is not aware she is a villain.

<Snipped quote>

She is at risk of becoming unworthy of Mjolnir, as her desire for revenge and the horrors of her past threaten to send her down a dark path.

Destiny doomed to fail: Thor winds up allying with the bad guys believing they are the good guys. She's generally their muscle and does what they say with minimal questions. Running from her past eventually things catch up with her and she realises she is going down the wrong path. Perhaps it's too late and she loses the hammer she hold dear and has to make peace wirh herself in order to become worthy again (of the hammer and/or of being a hero) and fix her mistakes before its too late. Perhaps it will be too late and in her despair and grief she only turns darker and more dangerous and destructive regardless of Mjolnir.

I've played Thor and SThor before in a few different styles and scenarios, while Loki is my babe, I think that my strength lies in playing Thor/SThor when it comes to RP-ing Asgardians. -Loki is still my #1 MCU character though and I love him so much omg-

I want to explore Thor unworthy or evil Thor themes, and also Thor's identity crisis and inability to accept her past mistakes.

| References |

(Comic RP reference)
#3 - Sample Post: SThor Threatens Stark Towers, Marvel Group RP

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"According to the word of God, the meek would someday inherit the earth. Someday. But God never accounted for the mighty."

| Identity |

  • Kal-El
  • Clark Joseph Kent
  • The Man of Steel
  • Defender of Earth
  • Superman

| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |

  • Superhuman Strength: The exact limits of Superman's strength is unknown, but he has been shown as capable of lifting far in excess of one billion tons.
  • Invulnerability: His body is nigh-invulnerable due to his superhumanly dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as his radiating bio-electrical aura.
  • Longevity: Superman can live almost indefinitely if he resides under continuous exposure of Earth's sunlight.
  • Superhuman Stamina: He has the ability to maintain continuous physical actions for an undefined period. Clark is shown to have unlimited stamina if he is consistently exposed to Earth sunlight.
  • Flight: Superman is capable of flying at supersonic speeds in a planetary atmosphere and at faster-than-light speeds while in space.
  • Superhuman Speed: He is capable of moving, reacting, running and flying at superhuman speeds. While not as fast as the Flash on a planet, Superman can fly at speeds faster than light and is considered one of the fastest beings in the universe.
  • Superhuman Hearing: Superman has incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency, allowing him to pick up noises from across the globe.
  • Super Smell: On various occasions, Superman has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odors across the entire planet.
  • Self-Sustenance: He does not need to eat or sleep doesn't require oxygen to breathe enabling him to travel in space and underwater unprotected.
  • Healing Factor: Superman has been shown to have an accelerated "healing factor" enabling him to heal almost instantaneously from most wounds.
  • Super-Breath: Superman can create hurricane force winds by blowing, and also chill his breath to freeze a target. He can also breathe in large amounts of air to dispel clouds of gas by exhaling it.
  • Heat Vision: Superman can fire beams of intense heat from his eyes.
  • Super Vision: Superman also possesses a superior sensory arrangement of visual capabilities.
    Electro-magnetic Spectrum Vision: He can see into all of the EM Spectrum. Superman can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods.
  • Telescopic Vision: The ability to focus his vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.
    Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub atomic level.
  • X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything except lead. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.

| Character Notes |

| Character Goals |

I will be the first person to admit that writing for Superman is really damn challenging. This mainly stems from the fact that when you have basically a nigh immortal god, making him relatable to us puny humans comes as an issue. Why should we feel bad for the man that bullets bounce off of and that can benchpress the Earth if he wanted? Well usually it is done in one of two ways either you ramp up the scale like some action movie always going for bigger explosions, to make him feel small and tiny you need to make your villana bigger and bigger to make him see inconsequential. This is a proven way of doing things and it is a reason why things like the Doomsday arc were so well received. Or you can go the other way and take things from a more psychological perspective, of a deeper analysis of this god-like figure and how he reacts and reflects the society he is in. See Superman: Red Sun and All Star Superman and these were always the stories I found more interesting.

What I can say about Superman or the planned structure I have for him is one of growth and acceptance. Something of a coming of age tale if you want to call it that or more likely a coming to acceptance tale. Allowing a Superman still very much young and experienced to be able to find how to become the hero that his father always wanted him to be. While of course being open to other collaborative arcs with other heroes and the eventual creation of the Justice League if that ever happens as well as a collaboration mixing somebody's idea for Supergirl coughgowicough. I can't promise that I will write the best Superman story ever told, if I did say that I would by lying to you. But what I can say is that this is a story I've been dying to tell and if you let me I'll do it as much justice to it as I can.
| References |

You know what I do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 2 days ago

(The first two sections of the below sheet are from the POV of SHIELD. More fun that way.)


According to our team that ran into her (and paid for it) she introduced herself formally as Princess Diana, Defender of the Amazons, Shield of Themyscira, Goddess of War.

Her last known (fake) passport reads: Diana Prince.

SHIELD has simply come to call her...Wonder Woman.


First, let me start off with what we know:

You don't want to corner her. A force recon team tried it in Istanbul in the mid-80s, and it didn't work well for the force recon team. Every single commando in the team was left sipping from a straw for a few months. Worse, she was able to get men trained for over two decades on how not to talk to give her everything we had on her, and then some.

The mid-80s? She's old. We do believe we're dealing with the same woman, not a mantle passed down through the generations. This isn't Zorro, folks. The Historian theorizes she may be thousands of years old; although the oldest possible hit on her we have is from a photograph taken just after World War One. Of course we can't be certain it's her, but we're certain it's her. Again, from the Historian:

"It's quite fascinating, but I do believe we have evidence of this individual dating as far back as the Ancient Greeks themselves. In 1978 a Hydra think tank was discovered and secured in the Bavarian Alps; an old mine turned Nazi conclave during the Second World War turned Hydra facility after the Second War World. In the catalog of the facility's contents was bits of an ancient text believed written by Polybius (c. 208-116 BC), an ancient Greek who was captured by Romans and turned historian in his captivity. He makes note of a daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta that stands apart from Olympus, hidden by Zeus along with her place of birth, though for what reason Polybius fails to state. The most intriguing thing is that while Polybius refers to Zeus as Jupiter in the Roman style, he refers to the daughter as αρτεμης--Attic Greek for "safe", but not the word most commonly used for the Greek goddess Artemis (that is αρταμος, "the butcher", a more fitting word for a Goddess of hunting). I must assume if Polybius meant the goddess Artemis he would have used the latter, but as the Roman name for Artemis is Diana, it seems reasonable to deduce that (writing to a largely Roman audience), Polybius did this to differentiate between two separate figures. That Polybius was revealing a mysterious figure previously unknown to the Romans. The Nazis, in their quest for the mythological, zeroed in on this figure in hopes Zeus' hiding her meant she remained in the mortal plane, and even believed to have a photograph of her from just after the First World War also cataloged among the facility's contents. The Germans named her the Amazon; quite fitting if this is in fact the daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons according to myth. Though why an Amazon Princess would be wearing a tiara as in the photo is unknown, so perhaps the photo is of just a mortal woman of impressive stature. An interesting story, all the same."

The force recon team reported the woman that they cornered in the Mid-80s was, you guessed it, wearing the same tiara in the photo and looked exactly like the woman from the photo found in the Hydra lab. As it's not the strangest thing in the SHIELD archives, we believe the Historian didn't just stumble onto proof an ancient Greek was telling the Romans about an interesting story, but an actual super weapon they could use, that Polybius was bargaining with this information. Lucky for the Romans, they never found her, and never got the chance to corner her.

Secondly, what we think:

Mentions of such a woman pop up, again and again and again, and always when things in the world get violent. A figure matching the description is mentioned rescuing German women from Russian troops in the twilight of World War Two. If you don't know what the standard practice was when a member of the Red Army found a German woman, I'll let you look that up on your own, but it wasn't pretty. Another description shows up in the Greek Civil War around 1948; again saving a group of women from men that had other than honorable intentions. Again, in the Korean War, saving a group of American nurses from a MASH unit from enemy fire. The Six-Day War. The Ethiopian Civil War. The Troubles. Soviet war in Afghanistan. The Falklands. Every time she swoops in, saves people, disables all belligerents in the area, and zooms out.

This is a do-gooder, with a soft spot for other women; makes sense if she's really an Amazon. The profilers think she's a warrior that grew restless on the place of her birth that Zeus supposedly hid from the world to protect her, and started wandering. While her spurts of activity due correlate to conflict zones, she doesn't appear at all conflicts, leading them to suspect she has a life outside of wandering do-gooder, or that she isn't supposed to be wandering off too much. But if she really is living on a hidden Themyscira from myth, and really is a/the Goddess of War, then her odd periods of activity tend to make more logical sense. She'd have things to tend to from time to time.

But now that the world's really started to change from the emergence of metahumans left and right, does this mean the table's set for this restless goddess to finally become truly active? Depends on who you ask. One of our agents got a strange tip from an English "magic" user (putting it politely) that a God of Dreams and a Goddess of War were going to have a sit-down somewhere in London; wanting to exchange the location for information on some demon. Our agent disregarded it, and maybe that was to our detriment, because that was only a year ago.

Satellites and cell phone hacking have produced no less than a dozen images of this woman in the last year; most recently in Washington, DC, of all places. That was a month ago. She's getting active, and she's doing it without hiding so much. More importantly, doing it outside of open warzones. We think she's finally coming out to play with the other metahumans.

Update: Agent Steve Trevor has been dispatched with Drone Recon Squadron 5 to a small Greek airbase secretly used by the CIA, and us. If she's really out there on some island, we'll find her. Goddess or not, Amazon or not, we're absolutely certain of one thing: this is a Wonder Woman, and we need to find her before Hydra does.


As the Goddess of War, Diana has a supernatural connection to all soldiers, and may grant a boon to those warriors she deems both in need and worthy of such honor. As most modern day warriors subscribe to other deities, Diana's role has become that of a watcher and (at most) a subtle influence in the background. Whereas this idleness drove Ares to scheme and plot fatal mischiefs, Diana is at peace with sitting on the sidelines as Goddess of War. Afterall, she takes a decidedly more direct approach to influencing world affairs.

Otherwise, she has shown in the past the abilities of superhuman: Strength, stamina, agility, reflexes, durability, speed, and flight. In addition as a Goddess, she does not age beyond her physical prime--unless she desires to. She is also an enhanced intellect, focusing more on strategy and tactics than the technological or scientific; but as a visitor to the 'modern age' she's shown the ability to catch up amazingly fast; as she was able to use a modern smartphone in less than five minutes despite never being on the internet before. As part of that enhanced intellect, she seems capable of learning (and retaining) any martial art intuitively just by observing. Batman, eat your heart out.

Character Goals:

My main goal is to introduce Wonder Woman to the modern world; a storyline of discovery both internal and external, both for the world, and for Diana herself. I want to show her struggling, at times, to understand the motivations and values of current society. Just as importantly, I want her introduced to the metahuman community. She's a standard bearer; she leads, simply put, but she's got to follow and inspire confidence before she leads. Without going out and meeting other metahumans, there's no way she can be a leader in something like the Justice League. Speaking of, she won't trust SHIELD initially, but she will have admired the Justice Society--possibly leading her to try and sow the seeds for an eventual new 'Justice' team.

Initially, if we're both accepted, lydyn and I planned on introducing Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman in the same story arc: Hawkgirl crash lands on Themyscira; this will force a Diana who has had to take on the throne after Ares murdered her mother and grown solitary in nature to emerge to confront this unwelcomed visitor. It will also temporarily break Zeus' spell over the island, allowing Steve Trevor's drones to find the island long enough for SHIELD to attempt to make contact, if they want. The goal of the story arc is to end with Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman leaving Themyscira and attempt to make a difference in this new world.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well, I dunno about Superman but I think I can make some sort of contribution to the Maxi U.

|| Identity |
Wade Winston Wilson A.K.A. Deadpool, The Merc with a Mouth, The Chiyonozake, Codename: Wildcard, Whatever Other Title He Makes Up For Himself At The Moment

| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |
Functional Immortality: Deadpool has the ability to regenerate to even greater extremes than either his brother Slade or Wolverine himself. Though throughout his life Deadpool has experienced nearly every kind of conceivable damage, he keeps on going and eventually repairs himself. If sliced apart, his limbs can be reattached in moments, or else he can just regrow them at an extremely rapid pace. Organs can be near-instantly regrown and even beheading barely slows him down, although his body often needs to reattach his head. Even having at one point had his entire body liquidated from the waste up, he survived. As an extension to this Deadpool seems to be incredibly resistant to toxins and immune to diseases, although apparently he can still derive some form of enjoyment from recreational drugs and toxins like alcohol.

It has been theorized that Deadpool may never actually age and could in fact live forever though whether the extremes of his healing factor are caused due to the unique mix of Slade Wilson's super soldier formula and Wolverine's healing factor X-Gene or any combination of the latter two with Wade's 'super-cancer' is anyone's guess. Few scientists have studied Deadpool and those who try are generally driven insane by his chatter or equally baffled by his bizarre biology. What is known and occasionally functions as a weakness is that his healing factor is tied into his emotions and psychology. So things like depression or just plain giving up can sometimes make him literally fall to pieces, although never actually die.

Limited Superhuman physiology: Due mainly to his immense regenerative abilities Deadpool is able to exert a certain amount of superhuman strength, for instance lifting and throwing a car, leaping far higher and further than would be thought humanly possibly, punching through reinforced concrete or the like. He has also demonstrated seemingly super-human reflexes to dodge bullets and other attacks and can temporarily run down cars or go on for far longer than a human should be able to. While these abilities may seem impressive and completely superhuman, they mainly occur due to Deadpool's healing factor allowing him to bypass the built in limiters of the human body as often as he pleases without dealing with the long-term damaging effects. Technically his super-strong punches shred his muscles and shatter his bones with their own force and impact and running that fast should destroy every tendon in his legs over time, but he can just as quickly regenerate. Even the mental strain of his reflexes being boosted by an Adrenalin rush so often is accounted for by the healing factor repairing brain cells and replenishing body chemicals in record time.

Psychic Immunity: Whether due to his sheer insanity or the constantly regenerating and shifting nature of his brain, Deadpool is largely immune to psychic abilities and interference.


Master Martial Artist: Deadpool has trained in numerous martial arts and learned even more about armed and unarmed combat through practical lived experience and generally getting the crap kicked out of him enough times that he's picked up how to do the same to others. Although he says he learned sumo wrestling techniques in Japan, various other Japanese martial arts seem more likely, especially ninjutsu and kenjutsu. While not as refined a fighter as some of Marvel's most skilled martial artists, Deadpool's unpredictable nature and healing factor make him a dangerous hand-to-hand fighter to even masters of the martial arts.

Master Assassin: Deadpool has studied numerous assassination techniques across the world and is proficient in both unarmed assassination techniques and armed assassination techniques using everything from bladed and improvised weapons to guns and explosives. He is a skilled marksman and sniper but oftentimes prefers to do his work up close, with the katana being a favored weapon of his. His abilities as an assassin also include covert operations techniques, espionage techniques, infiltration methods and escape artistry.

Stealth: Although he's often accused of not knowing the meaning of the word, when he chooses to be Deadpool is actually a master of stealth capable of putting highly trained ninjas to shame and capable of breaking into and out of even the most secure facilities.

Multi-Lingual: because of his love of traveling the world, meeting exotic people and then killing them, Deadpool is fluent multiple languages. These include in English, Spanish, German, Russian and Japanese. Deadpool may know additional languages including several he's made up but the reality is far more questionable.

Unpredictable: The very nature of Deadpool's insanity means that at times even he has no idea what he's going to do next, and his bizarre, cancerous body is notoriously hard to get a read on. Therefore it's very hard for many to predict Deadpool's next move and he can show a surprising amount of ingenuity and adaptability in and out of combat.

| Character Notes |

Slade Wilson:Wade's allegedly perpetually more well-liked and perfect 37-year-old older brother, Slade Wilson is currently one of the top and most trusted field agents of SHIELD and reports directly to Nick Fury himself. Despite quickly approaching 40, age hasn't slowed Slade down one bit. This is because Slade received an experimental Super Soldier serum based off of Captain America's own and although it put him in a coma for over three months it also gave him increased physical abilities, a healing factor upon which Wade's own is partially based, and increased his mental capabilities to nine times that of the average man. Slade Wilson is a legend in his own time in the military and intelligence communities and his trusted image serves as a potent contrast to Wade's own.

Yellowtext-A voice that exists only in Wade's head, Yellowtext serves as a counterbalance to Wade's own insanity and claims to be the last vestiges of the version of Wade that existed before he went insane at the Hospice. Yellowtext can be just as sarcastic, joking and goofy as Deadpool, but tends to have a more serious and upright moral character and conscience.

Amanda "The Wall" Waller- The current head of ARGUS and also the designer and head of operations of Task Force X, Amanda Waller is one of the most formidable figures in the world of intelligence and espionage.

Blind Al-An elderly blind former British Intelligence operative Deadpool rescued back before he went crazy who will hopefully become influential in Wade's life once again in the future, if he ever gets out of Waller's cage that is.

Task Force X/'The Suicide Squad'

Captain Rick Flagg, Jr.-A highly dedicated and decorated ARGUS operative whose father ran the original Suicide Squad, Rick Flagg Jr. is the glue that keeps the whole crazy mess that is Task Force X together by grit, wit and occasionally force of arms. He functions as a voice of reason and a hand of ARGUS authority on missions and as such is technically the C.O. of the Squad.

Vanessa Carlysle A.K.A Copycat-A former thief and mercenary who was also one of Wade Wilson's first real loves, Wilson was once a SHIELD agent tasked as her 'parole officer' of sorts after she turned informant on an international thieving ring with ties to terrorist networks in return for SHIELD protection. Since Wade left SHIELD and picked up the mercenary lifestyle she seems to have gotten back in enough trouble to have landed on the Suicide Squad. As a mutant with superb body-copying/shapeshifting abilities she is able to take on the form and abilities of a person even down to the genetic level allowing her to duplicate a target's mind and abilities although this level of depth requires contact.

Floyd Lawton A.K.A. Deadshot-One of the top contenders for the title of best marksman alive and a more principled and honest sort than many other mercenaries and hired killers out there, Deadshot has crossed paths with Wade multiple times before and come away from the experience...less than enthusiastic about the Merc with a Mouth. Like many members of the Squad, he's been promised potential clemency for his crimes if he behaves well and survives enough missions and though he's doubtful of the truth of that, he'd like to survive and continue supporting his daughter.

Mitchell Tanner A.K.A. Warhawk-A former special operations soldier gone rogue before Waller got to him, an experimental 'medical treatment' left Tanner with impenetrable skin and super-strength similar to Luke Cage. Tanner is more than a little psychotic after being broken by the horrors of war and mainly cares about inflicting as much pain and suffering on the world that tortured him as possible. That said, his jingoistic tendencies and otherwise apathetic attitude toward life combined with his abilities make him a useful tool for Task Force X

Temple Fugate A.K.A. Clock King- A man with perfect timing in all things and nearly super-human analytical skills, Temple Fugate was a criminal consultant of sorts. While his ability to analyze and time opponents moves makes him formidable in combat his real contribution to Task Force X is his vast tactical ability and penchant for perfectly timed plans. Fugate has also crossed paths with Deadpool in the past, and Wade's chaotic nature absolutely infuriates the Clock King.

More to come as Deadpool's story continues.

| Character Goals |
I want to bring Deadpool to life in Maximum Comics. Not just as a zany walking punchline although I do want to try and make him entertaining, funny and at times silly. Instead I want him to also be an actual, fleshed out character with emotions and depth and characterizations other than his comedic side even if his goals and dreams are incomprehensible or strange. This Wade Wilson is still the same sort of crazy, darkly humorous psycho, but somewhere deep, deep deep in there is still a person who never asked to be a monster or a lunatic and is just trying to live life the best way he knows how.

| References |
This is to make sure you can write at a level that the game needs. Link 1-3 posts of your writing level in other RPs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I don't miss.

| Identity |
Floyd Lawton
The Worlds Deadliest Marksman

| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |
Expert Marksman
Put a gun in his hand and Lawton becomes a miracle worker. He claims to be able to castrate a gnat from one hundred yards with a handgun, and while no one has challenged him on that yet, his recorded feats are impressive enough to add some credence to the feat. In fact he is so skilled that some consider his aim to be a mutant ability. Even without a gun he's lethal, being able to throw projectiles with deadly accuracy, though he's never trained as an archer.

Military Training
Lawton has spent years in the United States military, originally working with the United States Army Rangers, before spending time as a black-operative handled by the CIA, finally becoming a top-line assassin and mercenary for hire. He is highly trained in field craft, displays expert hand-to-hand combat skills, a superlative understanding of small unit tactics, and a grudging respect for the chain of command.

Peak Human Conditioning
Lawton is in impressive physical condition, particularly his speed, stamina and reflexes.

| Character Notes |

| Character Goals |
To be a badass, wisecracking, snarky, death-seeking assassin. Isn't that goal enough? But really, I've always wanted to play Deadshot, believing him to be one of the more interesting characters in comics lore. I have several arcs in mind for the worlds deadliest marksman, ones that deal with both the murkiness of his past and the uncertainty of his future. I'd also like to get into some Task Force X related capers with D Blade, and hopefully we can make Deadshot and Deadpool pop of each other.

| References |
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

| Identity |
Alexander “Lex” Luthor II

| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |
Luthor is one of the smartest people on the planet, if not the brightest. His mind works at such a high level that he was tested for the metagene at an early age, though all tests came up negative. His mind, the human version of a supercomputer, has allowed him to master engineering, quantum mechanics and physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, not to mention the world of business. He can easily outthink everyone save for the other members of Earth’s brightest, and he is known to multitask on an incredible level. This skill allows him to run one of the world’s most profitable companies while simultaneously be one of the criminal world’s most powerful figures.

While his mind is his primary weapon, Lex has also trained his body to peak human levels. He has the strength, speed, agility, and endurance of an Olympic level athlete. He is also an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, though not on the level of the higher level superheroes.

Luthor also has the financial and technological backing of LexCorp to do his deeds, not to mention a vast criminal empire.

| Character Notes |

| Character Goals |
Honestly, I want to try my hand at Lex. He’s a fascinating and deep character. With no powers and only his mind and ego at his disposal, he can still be a threat to any hero. Plus, his most interesting feature is that he thinks he’s in the right. I want to bring Lex through as a man who thinks he’s the hero of this story. I want him to clash with Superman and the other heroes, and I want him to shape the world around him into his image.

| Sample Post |

Belle Reve Prison
March 26th, 2005

Lex Luthor had finished touring the devastated Belle Reve prison alongside warden and head of ARGUS Amanda Waller. Waller had not been here when HYDRA attacked and killed SHIELD Director Timothy Dugan. It was a good thing, too. If she had been, her blood would be staining the walls that was now covered with SHIELD agents’ and guards’ alike. Funny thing about human blood is that it stains everything. The cleanup crew attempting to wash away the massacre that happened merely days ago would be at it for weeks yet. It was the final proof of humanity’s staying power in this world. Even their life essence clung to this world.

It was beautiful in its morbidity.

HYDRA had been brutal. This had been their coming out party, and they wanted people to fear them. Luthor was impressed at the lengths they went to try and prove a point, even if it was a bit old fashioned. HYDRA was a caveman in modern times. They would kill a few people, scare the peasants, and eventually be stopped by the costumed crusaders. They were too visible. Their rhetoric and goals were to broad. World domination? Please. To change the universe and to exalt humanity were Luthor’s destiny, and were honorable pursuits.

Still, their bombastic machinations were a valuable asset to Luthor and his associates. HYDRA’s form of villainy would draw attention and resources away from anyone looking at Luthor or his allies. That was always valuable.

“Mr. Luthor?” Waller roused him from his own thoughts.

“Yes?” he turned to her, giving her his full attention. Waller was a shrewd woman. There was a reason she was head of ARGUS. Before her appointment, she was one of SHIELD’s best counter intelligence officers. Amanda Waller had nearly killed more people by direct order than Lex, and that was something he admired. He could tell she didn’t trust him much, which made him respect her even more. If she could even sniff a hint of deception on him, she was even sharper than his information led him to believe.

“Will you be able to fix it? Belle Reve is critical to metahuman crime abatement. It’s the only location that can safely hold dangerous super powered individuals. We’ll need some new tech to convince Washington to invest heavily in rebuilding it and upgrading it. They already sank a fortune into its original design.

”I think you’ll enjoy my speech, Director Waller,” Luthor smiled as he stepped up to a makeshift stage his people had been setting up during the tour. Standing behind the podium was Lex’s private bodyguard Mercy Graves, standing tall and focused in a pressed black suit that contrasted her pale skin and long, blond hair. She stood at six foot four, and looked as dangerous as she was beautiful. She was dangerous, of course. Luthor hired only the best, and there were few on Earth like Mercy.

One of his other assistants applied some makeup as another briefed him again on his prepared notes. He didn’t need either, but he was in a good mood and didn’t want to shoo them away in front of so many onlookers. Today was a day to be a leader to the American people. It was a day to show them who truly was the future of humanity.

His tech director gave him the signal that he was live, and Luthor began, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am, for those that may not know, Lex Luthor, principal owner and CEO of LexCorp. I am broadcasting to you today from Belle Reve Correctional Facility in the heart of Louisiana. As you undoubtedly know, this very prison was attacked without warning or mercy by the cowardly terrorists calling themselves HYDRA. These vicious villains managed to murder SHIELD Director Timothy Dugan, as well as dozens of guards and SHIELD agents. While we can do nothing to bring them back, we can make sure this never happens again. Today I am announcing that LexCorp will fund the rebuilding of Belle Reve to ensure it is a safe place to hold the superpowered villains that threaten our world. Along with this, LexCorp will continue to provide SHIELD and other government agencies with all the technology they need to keep the world safe from these threats. Humanity’s greatest asset is its resilience. Today I ask you not to fear HYDRA. Together with LexCorp we can overcome this terrible blight on our world.”

A polite round of applause rolled through the assembled crowd of Belle Reve guards and administrators, and Luthor smiled warmly at them. Behind him, Mercy said, “Wonderful speech, sir. Concise, powerful, and to the point.”

“Thank you, Mercy,” he said as the two of them made their way off the stage. “That’s how I prefer to operate.”

“Well, that was generous,” Waller deadpanned at Luthor.

“It was,” he smiled. “And I assume SHIELD and ARGUS will be just as generous as I was in our next round of contract bids. Now, please excuse me, Director Waller. I have other matters to attend to.”

Mercy escorted Luthor to the roof, where his private helicopter was waiting. He beamed every time he saw the beautiful machine. He had designed it personally from the ground up, and there was only one of them in existence. Its sleek, white exterior was adorned with the LexCorp logo and shone brightly in the setting sun. Its proprietary engines could keep it in the air for days if need be, and the interior was big enough to hold a conference room so he could work on the go.

“Mercy,” he smiled at his bodyguard, “please tell the pilot to head for Metropolis. I have a meeting to attend to in the conference room.”

“Yes, sir,” she nodded and headed to the cockpit.

He entered the business section of the chopper, where he found his associates were already on their designated screens, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m happy to report that went swimmingly. LexCorp will rebuild Belle Reve, and The Society will control the world’s most high security prison.”
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