Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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Lucas opened his eyes and looked at the talking to him. His brows furrowed and he turned his head to look at his bullet wound. His torn shirt, his bloody chest and of course the hole. "Well, that is less than pleasant and my chest hair is gonna be sticky" he winced then looked back at the woman. "Oh come on, if you're gonna start tearing my clothes off you gotta buy me dinner first" he laughed and then cringed at the pain "Or at least tell me your name. In the meantime, I think I should get this bullet out. It's not really comfortable in the slightest." He smiled back up at her and forced himself into a sitting position. He began to focus his mind to find exactly where the bullet was. "So..." he began between clenched teeth "You come here often?" He looked back up at her with a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Daz pulled himself into a sitting position as others began to arrive. There were so few of them...

"Hey can you hear me open your eyes. I need you to wake up! Hey look at me." She said earnestly to him. Telepathically she called out to the other Deves around her 'Need some help over here, if you can manage.'

Cursing under his breath, but knowing he had to help despite how sore and tired he was, Daz scuttled the short distance to the man's side. He was bleeding heavily, and the woman who'd called for help was attempting to staunch the bleeding as best she could. Luckily the man seemed to regain consciousness, and a sense of out of place humor that tempted Daz to tape the man's mouth shut, not that it would help given he was also telepathic.

Daz mentally began taking stock off them. There were six of them in all, two young girls who'd been all but dragged from the facility by a woman about Daz's age; Brittany, Tina, and Bunny. He plucked their names straight from their own minds, perhaps the easiest thing to do with his powers, and then turned to the other two. Both Lucas and Alisha were around his age, and a little worse for wear, though it was obvious by the bruising that Lucas had had a close quarters run in.

What do you need? He asked them telepathically. He didn't have the slightest idea how to treat a gun shot wound, the best he could come up with was to see if the bullet was still in and then get it out if it was, but he was likely to do more damage if he tried himself so he held his tongue. Don't suppose anyone knows a doctor? He posed half joking and half serious, it was unlikely but he would gladly cheer an affirmative answer. Yuck, this was not going to be fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Bunny got Tina an Brittany off to one side of the alley sheltered in a doorway and aware that they needed to be quiet and to stay together before she hurried over to the wounded Lucas.

Are you trying to Telekenetically remove the bullet? Asked Marjorie telepathicly as she knelt near him.

If you are then you won't be able to do it alone, in fact pain might make you lose your grasp on the projectile so one of us needs to do that while you work on pain control she added as she sent a message an image of her removing a small piece of glass from her foot. With that image is another of a home the young brit already misses.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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"My name is Alisha." She replied to Lucas, her facial expression hardly changed from her typically solemn look. She judged by Lucas's attempt at humor, and the fact that he still had enough energy to try to yank the bullet out telekineticly, that he was going to be fine once he was all stitched up. Alisha scooted herself out of the way, and let the other girl take the reins, because she sounded way more informed then Alisha was. She wiped Lucas's blood off her hands, onto her pants. Alisha sat down with her back against the cool metal dumpster, ready to help if they asked.

With her muscles finally beginning to relax, she ultimately felt the pressure and panic from the last hour of terror dissipate. The fact that she was finally free and outside after almost a month in a cage was fantastic, but she couldn't really enjoy it so much with everything that had just happened. For now the only thing Alisha could really feel was the exhaustion creeping in, but not enough to overpower how nervous, and on edge she was about being so exposed out in the open.

The horror of the days events would most likely hit her later, but as for now her mind and body were still mostly in a state of survival mode. The adrenaline was wearing off, so the pain in her ankle was just getting worse, but she would manage. "So other then him, is everyone else physically okay? At least well enough to get to a safer place, then this alley..." She asked calmly. Alisha did't like to use telepathy very much, unless she thought it was necessary to find out the truth or information inside someones head. But it was a whole different kind of thing using it to communicate with other Deves. Chatting telepathically with others had always felt a little strange to her, but Mandy had always made a habit of it when they were together so Alisha was use to hearing others in her head.

Alisha had always wondered what happened to Mandy after she had been taken by the agent three years ago, and now Alisha had an idea. Mandy had not been one of the dozen or so Deve kept at the facility. It was possible she was dead or maybe she had escaped some time ago, but the idea that perhaps there was another place like the facility out there made her shiver. "Does anyone have an idea of what to do now? We need clean clothes, a safe place to lay low, and food." she stated to them all telepathically, now that she was to wore out to bother to speek out loud. "Once we have a safe place, we can teleport you there. I don't think walking around is the greatest idea..." she said mentally to Lucas.

(OOC -- Words in Bold are said out loud. Words in Italics are said Telepathically. And when she is thinking something to herself I will be in quotations without color.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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"Well Alisha, I wish we could have met in better circumstances." He said and then looked at the British girl who sat down in front of him. "Sheesh, I don't think that I have ever had this much female interaction, but you are right. Just pull it out, I'll grit my teeth. Easier that way. He relaxed against the wall a moment and closed his eyes before saying Do it. I'm ready. He began to block out all other sounds pulled the tatters of his shirt aside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Hesitantly, Daz placed a hand on Lucas' shoulder, the opposite one the man was shot in, and focused on his mind. Pain wasn't necessarily an emotion, but he could manipulate the brain into ignoring the sensors and thus not acknowledge the body was in pain. He did this now, but as this was a channeled effect he had to retain his focus to keep it up. Remove it now, I will keep him numb. He said distractedly, his words dripping into the minds of both his fellow Deves and a few now confused people on the street.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Bunny she sent to everyone around her and with the simple title was the memory of a child's bunny suit, pink in color an how as a little girl had worn the suit so much her parents had begun calling her Bunny.

Thanks everyone for helping

"It's cake" she whispered to herself as she tried something she'd never been able to do before an had never even considered till this moment and in this place.

She imagined that her TK was likes a powerful magnet and the bullet made of steel as her finger tips lightly touched his wounded shoulder careful not to apply much physical pressure. As she built up her willpower while discarding all thought of difficulty Marjorie leaned in close to Lucas. She was linking her mind to his so that she could sense his perception of her fingers touching his bare skin which she at first hoped then became certain she could.

"All thought is action and all action thought, there is only difficulty in the mind; this is cake" she said an thought as she felt and accepted she felt the cause of her pain.

Suddenly in the air between Bunny an Lucas was the bullet appearing in a sparkling shower of light then falling on the alley pavement. She had,'t used TK choosing instead to go with her much more practiced Teleporting ability.

"Dam it actually worked she giggled then blushed

"I suppose I should have mentioned that I've never tried to do anything like that before, then again who has?" Said with a smile.

"He needs a compression bandage, antibiotic salve and liquids because he's lost a lot of blood.
Oh an sorry I'm Marjorie Smythe but everyone calls me Bunny."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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Lucas felt the bullet disappear from him chest and sighed in relief, collapsing back against the wall. His face relaxed and his eyes closed for a moment, before he shook himself awake. "Thanks Bunny, I'd shake your hand but my arm is still quite numb. But first things first, we have to get out of these clothes. Nothing is more suspicious than lab clothes and one of them shot. We know that they will be looking for us. Any ideas? We can't just rob someone... Can we?" He grimaced as he started to roll his shoulder. "I think it's going to be fine, but I'm no doctor."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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"We can't just rob someone... Can we?."

Alisha didn't know if revealing that she knew a thing or to about pick pocketing was a great idea. So she kept that info to herself, because it wasn't like she could go walking down the street the way she was dressed to take some wallets. Lucas was right, they needed a change of clothes. Calling a grown woman Bunny seemed ridiculous, even with the accompanied flash of memory she gave as explanation. So Alisha would stick to Marjoire, or maybe just Smythe.

Glancing around for options she noticed that the dry cleaners across from them looked closed for the most part, the neon open sign was off, and the lights inside were too. "If anyone feels like they have enough energy, they could teleport into the dry cleaners across the street. The open sign is not on, and we could just take whatever is around... I'm pretty sure they will have a sewing kit for your shoulder too." Alisha said gesturing over to the little shop. To Alisha it seemed the safest bet, as the people filled boutique next door would be a harder challenge, and seemed to only stock women's clothes.

Alisha had just enough energy to port over there, but standing up to do so was not something she desired to do. She ideally wondered if dry cleaners did shoes, or if they would have to go somewhere else for that. The two building on ether side of the alley they sat in both smelled of food, and was just making her hungrier. Smelled like a mix of garlic, and Chinese food.

An old lady completely unaware walked right passed the alley they were in, Alisha tensed up as she watched the woman pass them. If any dog walkers came by they were screwed. For a brief moment she tried thinking up a lie they could tell people to explain there appearances. The best idea she had in that case was just telling someone they were in costume filming a student film, or something along those lines.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Daz released his hold over Lucas' brain, allowing the pain receptors to communicate once more. Daz, he informed them, and then frowned, stretching his mind out into the general area. He latched onto a local and began flipping through her memories for a better layout of the town. Here. He told them, showing them a series of images of an obviously rich, modern styled house in the mountains. It wasn't far, about halfway back the way they'd come. It's empty, owned by Stevie Lane, who's apparently a famous singer? He frowned as he sampled the music from the local girl's memories, it wasn't exactly bad so much as strange and at least half the song was made of Spanish words he didn't know. If nothing else it's safe.

He turned his attention back to them, eyes hardening. "I know where our things are, we can go get them before they destroy them. Phones, wallets, clothes, everything. We need to go soon though." His eyes landed on Alisha, "I need my things," particularly the time turner replica that would prove his identity to his contact, "Anyone want to go with me? I'm tired, bit bruised, but we don't have a very big window. If we wait they'll get outside of porting range and we'll never get it back. No guards either, just a driver, it'll be easy." His fear had receded a fair bit, he was ashamed he hadn't been more like Bunny and tried to help others, maybe some of them would have survived if he had. Now that the danger had passed he wasn't willing to let the adrenaline leave him until he could properly hug his mother and cry on her shoulder, and the buildup of stress and trauma was certainly leading up to a good cry out of sheer hopelessness and despair, not even mentioning the complicated, all consuming feeling of grief he felt at the other Deves' deaths.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Bunny smiled at Lucas an returned to her two charges in an effort to reassure them that they were safe for the moment. Then as she was listening to Daz send she heard him say he knew where their things that were taken from them when they were captured were an that he meant to go after them.

"I don't mean to sound alarmist but I'd leave the phones because of their internal GPS devices because they could use them to track us, in fact that might be how they got us in the first place. As for power we could all share power so that you'd be restored.
Britney an Tina haven't used their power much because they lack experience; they're the reason I've been able to recharge. The strange thing is that it doesn't diminish any in the gestalt and once we've touched into the wellspring of the group we can tap it again without touching physically. Wish I knew the range of the link between our minds but you are the first people I've met who can do the same thing I can do."
sent Bunny in a rapid stream of information as she smiled at everyone

"I know that we've all been through a stress filled situation an experienced things we never imagined but in honesty we aren't out of the barrel just yet so we need to continue to pull together.
Dam I sound like the Vicar
Bunny giggles as she stops sending
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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Alisha didn't think going back for their stuff was the best idea. She was not missing anything that she couldn't go without or that wasn't easily replaceable. At least not enough to risk her life or others for. She could totally go without her drivers licence, the keys to her apartment and bike, her two credit cards, her old cell, her coffee punch card, and the 50 bucks in cash that she had on her when the agents captured her. Clothes could be gotten elsewhere without any risk, so in Alisha's opinion it seemed like a terrible idea.

She quickly wondered if Daz had lost something important to him, like a lucky charm, or family heirloom. She really was not at all gungho for that idea, even with Daz's stating it would be easy. Lucas had a bullet hole in his shoulder, the two younger girls Tina and Brittany looked like they were going to piss themselves, and judging by how bad the pain in her ankle was when she moved it, Alisha suspected it was more likely broken rather then sprained.

Marjoire also made a good point about the cellphones being traceable. In fact using their credit cards was also tractable, and their I.D.s had their addresses on it so going back to their own homes was probably the worst idea ever, as it would most likely be the first place the agent bastards would look. She had a high suspicion the that agents and facility had something to do with the government, or at least had the same kind of man power and tech.

"I don't really see the need to get our stuff. I mean I understand if your totally against stealing, but...I can't see going back for any reason other then saving the others, but they're all...gone." She said calmly. "If you really need your ID or something, I know a guy in Las Vegas that makes fake ones. And keys to your house or something aren't really necessary, when you could just port in. Its not like we can go home anyway, they know where we live. I just don't want to risk it." Alisha said bluntly hoping to convey that everything was basically replaceable, even if braking some little laws was in order, safety was one of the top priorities for the moment.

The longer they stayed in the alley, the more antsy Alisha got. Not that anyone could tell, as she typically didn't show her emotion on her face. Other then the occasional farrowed brow or clenched fist due to the pain in her ankle, she had a relaxed stoic face. All she wanted at the moment was like 50 glasses of ice water, a shower and something clean to wear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Using each other to strengthen themselves? The idea was interesting, if that actually worked it could be just the advantage they needed! Still, a Deve was plenty dangerous all on their own. Bunny was right about needing to band together at least, regardless of this link thing, they needed each other.

Daz frowned, he didn't want to argue, especially since they had such valid points, but he needed his phone, at least to get numbers out of, and the necklace could be their only hope getting help. Some of the things Daz had heard... he couldn't trust people just because they were Deves, but he could trust the Fantoms.

"It's not that I'm against stealing, I mean it's just cheap basic things we need to survive, but why shouldn't we reclaim our things? I understand though, not wanting to risk yourself for me, I'll take care of it." He had said it would be easy, going himself would be a simple matter. "I'll be back soon, once I'm in the city again I can find you."

Taking a deep breath Daz steeled himself for a teleport. He was exhausted, but it wasn't far, just a bit more and this terrible day would be over. He disappeared with a whooshing sound. "Wish me luck."
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