Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Also have this as the first part of my earlier post...

(Note: This will be a 20 "episode" RP. This is also tied in with my Mech Oververse RP, though has no bearing on it currently.)

Long ago, the Cataclysm struck the earth and was thrown into a state of Perpetual Winter. The population had been dropped to 25%, those left seeking shelter in the seven Superdome cities which had managed to survive the blast, and could artificially sustain itself. Many believed the Cataclysm to be divine retribution from the heavens. Others saw it as nothing but a cosmic coincidence. The Government of the 7 Domes banned technology past the early 21st century, and exiled any that attempted to revive the taboo technology. Years passed, and eventually tensions arose between the 7 domes. They began to fight, as they all drew power from the same generator at the bottom of the sea, and the larger domes wanted more drain than the smaller ones.
War soon broke out, and most outdated weaponry having rusted and broke throughout the years causing the fights to be a little more personal. That is, until a small unit of exiles brought forward a new weapon. One that had been buried under mounds with strange patterns. These Nazukarain as they were called, were bio organic mechs, capable of withstanding hundreds of soldiers, and even taking some of the old munitions from the 21st century. The domes quickly took to hiring the exiles to bring them groups of these weapons to them for various things. Supplies, food, citizenship.
The Nazukarain brought a new form of combat to the plate, and engineers soon had to double as nurses for these giants. The fighting continued for many years, the Nazukarain continuing to be produced from these strange mounds, but the Domes were soon sitting at a Cold War of sorts. Soldiers patrolled their borders, the land, though eroded and frost bitten, still was their own. However, another party has begun moving to begin war once more, and if they are successful, it could mean the end of the Domes.

Dome Cities: The 7 Dome Cities are similar to each other, but also different in large ways. Outside of the Domes, small exile settlements can be found, which after NKs became a popular weapon, began to look like Towns built into Junk Yards.
Roland, the Holy Capital City, is also known as the biggest city. Roland was the first to jump upon a taboo of technology, but also the first to fight when areas of the city began to have small black outs. They have the largest army of Nazukarain, under the control of their leader, Pope Alejandro III.
Tsukisaka, is the smallest city. It has a heavy population, as well as a large number of Nazukarain. It is known for being one of the most peaceful of the Dome Cities, despite the large Army.
Siberus, the most prosperous of the 7 Domes. It is of a decent size, a medium population, and a large amount of supplies. They are also the most tactful in combat.
Ausch, A Large Militaristic Dome, though despite its large size, it has the smallest population. Because of this, the Dome often has what small number of Nazukarains it has take the old buildings and pieces and put them up for defenses outside the dome, as well as for practice.
York, A middle sized middle populated dome. While much of the Dome is concerned with the next leader, as well as up-coming battles against other domes, the youth (a majority) of the Dome are more interested in making friends amongst the domes through the Online Games that the Domes share.
Genosha, A small dome with an underground sector for its medium sized population. It also has a collection of the “Rarest” Nazukarin.
Amitch, a large agricultural dome. Most that come from here are farmers, but a required registry for the Dome Army is held so all men over 16 must sign up for NK training.
Also shortened as NK. These bioorganic Mechs were found in mounds that mysteriously began appearing in the hillsides. These Mounds are surrounded by lines, which dictate what kind of NK is within the Mound. Currently, the only known NK are Bird, Fish, Spider, Ant, Man, Lizard, Monkey, Tree, Beast, and Mound. The rarest of these are the Man, which seem to have the ability to alter the weather around it when active, the Tree, a mobile fortress capable of holding up to 20 average NK, and The Mound, a mobile weapons platform. These Mechs are controlled by a neural interface within the cockpit, where the pilot’s arms and legs are stuck into the sockets, and move as they do. Most NK stand at 5-10 Meters tall. They are normally equipped with a machine gun, rifle, or shot gun, and a knife, baton, or shield. However, Man types come equipped with personalized equipment like a gunblade, dagger bombs, or a katana.
Online Game:
A small MMO that everyone in the domes knows of and can play with the right equipment. It is a simulator game that was modified to use casual types of Nazukarin.

Background: (About your character)
Dome: (one of the seven above, unless you’d like to live in the Wastes)
NK: (Type, Name)
NK description: (What is looks like, etc. If it’s a Man type, what element of the environment does it use? I.e. Ice, Heat, Plants, Wind, Rocks, Water, Electricity, Sand, Metal{to a certain degree})

Any suggestions, or background you'd like secret, please let me know.
(Also, a little detail into each type will go up later. I am very tired.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A Roleplay that I once wanted to do with a friend had a semi-strange plot, but I think if I worked out the mechanics, it could definitely become a Roleplay you'd see on the Guild. The premise is simple: you're from an alternate version of Earth where everything is almost identical. Almost.

In this reality, however, there is one major difference: the peace of the world is kept by magical girls and guys. And these would be the players' characters. Sound about cookie cutter enough for an anime, right? It gets better, just wait. These magical girls and guys would be based off of musicians and bands from our world. For example, I remember having Bastille, Imagine Dragons, Starset and Owl City personified into magical girls/guys.

. . Yeeeah, now that I reflect on it, this Roleplay is weirder than I remember, lol.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luminosa
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've no idea how this would work, but I just had this concept in mind (plus is would be trippy as heck!):

Instead of through introspection and monologue, the idea would be to portray what make each character themselves would be through words and action seen through the eyes of the poor mooks/baddies/rivals they would face. That would be a huge study in characterization and perspective, in that each player would effectively try to impact each scene as much as they can through actions and words alone. The plot would probably be pretty big on action, and the pace would probably means shorter but faster posts as a result.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Y'know what? I'm gonna do it. The mech idea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 13 days ago

@PandaBrady I wouldn't mind doing an RP on the music premise... Like I'd actually really really love it. like... eeee

Edit: Aaaand Aria bumped a dead topic. First time that's happened in a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Four days is dead?

Instead of through introspection and monologue, the idea would be to portray what make each character themselves would be through words and action seen through the eyes of the poor mooks/baddies/rivals they would face. That would be a huge study in characterization and perspective, in that each player would effectively try to impact each scene as much as they can through actions and words alone. The plot would probably be pretty big on action, and the pace would probably means shorter but faster posts as a result.

This reminds me of a video game concept someone shot at me once: a second person shooter where you have to shoot the bad guys but have to see through their eyes.

It would work much better in your version, however, as writing from the perspective of the mooks would be way easier than designing a second person shooter.

It's an interesting idea to be sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Glad to hear the music idea sounds good. I'd also like to try a Super Robot RP where the players would have robots like Gigantor and Mazinger to use.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm planning a Sci-Fi spectacle that involves the humans (Empire of the Sun) being the big bad antagonists, with some factions loyal to the humans (to not get destroyed), some factions against the humans (Including some splinter factions from the Empire of the Sun), and some nations being neutral.
I've had the idea for a couple years now, but I've never been able to do it because either a large Sci-Fi NRP is going on at the time or Sci-Fi NRPs aren't that popular on that forum.
Sadly (For me, not for the Forum) I am stuck with the first problem right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I'm planning a Sci-Fi spectacle that involves the humans (Empire of the Sun) being the big bad antagonists, with some factions loyal to the humans (to not get destroyed), some factions against the humans (Including some splinter factions from the Empire of the Sun), and some nations being neutral.
I've had the idea for a couple years now, but I've never been able to do it because either a large Sci-Fi NRP is going on at the time or Sci-Fi NRPs aren't that popular on that forum.
Sadly (For me, not for the Forum) I am stuck with the first problem right now.

Honestly sounds a lot like the Horus Heresy from the 40k universe
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by RWDS>

Honestly sounds a lot like the Horus Heresy from the 40k universe

Shh, don't look at my inspirations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I'd also like to try a Super Robot RP where the players would have robots like Gigantor and Mazinger to use.

Hello you mentioned a mecha RP that's actually super robots rather than the real robots that seem to make up every mecha RP I've seen? Hang on, where did I put that gif... Oh right, here we go:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

While not something I'm really pitching and probably won't ever do, something I'm curious of would be a minecraft-based RP.

I'd assume it'd be like a survival RP but with more blocks and perhaps inventory counting management.

It would come with the added bonus of players being able to directly show what their character would be doing through in game screen shots which is an interesting idea in of itself but I'm not sure how many other situations this can be applied too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Ace of Hearts fight me irl

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Not exactly weird, but I haven't gotten around to pitching it.

Ultra-pulpy adventure story set in the retrofuturisitic 1930s about a group of adventurers on the hunt for mythical treasure/places while the Third Reich is hot on their heels.

who else wants this

I'm thinking about adding dice

a heavily personalized d20 system
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I would love to do an 40k RP based around the homebrew chapter Conservators (seriously, I think I love these guys even more than any of the canon chapters), but I realize two major, inherent flaws in such an idea:

1) The 40k community on RPGuild is tiny and those who know the lore well have an even smaller percentage of the population. Said people also aren't a fan of what the second point will be saying.

2) Given the nature of the Chapter, it'd end up being less like the "grimdark hack n slash bullet hell battles" that has come to characterize 40k and 40k RPs, but something more like a slice-of-life RP which I'd find quite interesting with this chapter but am sure that I'm am possibly the only one who'd be interested in something like this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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This isn't really an idea I'm afraid to pitch, more one that I don't see myself GMing for a while, so I figured I'd throw it up here.

Anyone who's roleplayed with me will know that my niche is the superhero genre, so it goes without saying that this is one such RP. In it, players would control pre-existing Marvel or DC characters -- but that's about as similar as this gets to the Ultimate/Singular/All-Star Universe games that have popped up on the site.

The world is different. It's not the place of freedom your characters remember. Doctor Doom/Lex Luthor/Vandal Savage/Insert Overlord Here governs the US/world with an iron fist, policing everyone, lest they disobey him. Your character remembers that this isn't how the world always was, but no matter who they ask, everyone always tells them to stop being stupid, that it's always been this way. But most of all... your character doesn't have their powers anymore.

Essentially, this RP would follow characters from mainstream/alternate DC and Marvel universes who wake up one day in a world they don't recognise. A big bad rules everything in a dystopian setting, and they don't have their powers or their resources. For example, one player could control Peter Parker, who remembers getting bitten by a spider and swinging around as Spider-Man, but no longer has those powers. Over the course of the RP these characters would get involved in/be thrown into/start a resistance movement, potentially regain their powers, and eventually overthrow the big bad and maybe/maybe not return the multiverse to its previous state.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by PandaBrady>
Hello you mentioned a mecha RP that's actually super robots rather than the real robots that seem to make up every mecha RP I've seen? Hang on, where did I put that gif... Oh right, here we go:

If I knew it'd do well, I'd definitely do it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I've been wanting to try a 70's Pulp RP, but it's a pretty out-there concept that doesn't involve a post-apocalypse scenario or specific fandom, so the advanced section probably wouldn't get too crazy about it.

Ideally once interest was drummed up we could decide on either fantasy (Cheesy 70's Fantasy so a lot of outfits with weirdly clashing colors and races like Dream Elves and Moon Goblins, probably a prophecy or two) or scifi (Flash Gordon/Kirk/Spaceman Spiff protagonists, Weird alien customs and action heroes with surnames like Cosmosword or whatever). Then again, there's always a mix of the two, but at that point there's only like three people here who I think would be into that. I'm one, and the other is @Shorticus who is missing, who I have also presumed dead.

I've also wanted to try an RP based on MSpaint drawings and choose-your-own adventure style prompts like in Homestuck, or its more popular and well-written incomplete source, CLOWNQUEST. The trouble is, it's a pretty niche RP market to go for. such is life. such is latvia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kejmur
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I would love to see Phoenix Wright based RP, but the amount of work it would require to make it work probably would be staggering. But yeah, I can dream I guess ;).

EDIT: Anything League of Legends roleplay based would be something I could dig in as well :D. Medieval version of Power Rangers/Magical girl (Mechas made out of bricks/stone/wood ? :D) would be amusing to see as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tyler Night
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Tyler Night Dragon Man

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

If it crosses my mind I will usually put it out there to gather interest though there are a few that haven't taken off that I would love to try again like

Wrestling based
Monster Rancher
OC Kaiju
OC Digimon
Modern Realistic Dragon Farmer(Alternate Earth based rp with dragons being as diverse as mammals in the real world)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If it crosses my mind I will usually put it out there to gather interest though there are a few that haven't taken off that I would love to try again like

Wrestling based
Monster Rancher
OC Kaiju
OC Digimon
Modern Realistic Dragon Farmer(Alternate Earth based rp with dragons being as diverse as mammals in the real world)

I tried an OC Kaiju thing. It didn't work well.
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