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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver liked Sanguine's positivity, and smiled as they enjoyed their beverages. They spent a whole half hour cuddled up on the couch enjoying their beers. They each knocked back two, though the Paladin wouldn't mind have a few more later. Not too many, though, considering the size of those steins. That was apparently a problem for later, though, as the vampire was trying to escape. She distracted the warrior with a kiss, but he didn't get to spring his disabling smooch on her before she slipped from his grasp. Gasping in mock offence, he frowned only long enough for her to meet his gaze, before breaking down into a chuckle.

Hopping up, the cleric kissed the necromancer on the cheek, and happily followed her to wherever they were going. He could feel the large quantity of ale he'd consumed buzzing pleasantly in the back of his mind, but he seemed remarkably sober all things considered. "So you just need me to write down observations for you?" he figured he should clarify his role before unexpected things started happening. He figured that one the observations were done, he could get in some practice of his own. Indeed, him throwing holy fire at his partner's summons would likely give her even more information about her capabilities, and theirs...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well, I was hoping we have a scribe of some kind here that can write things down for us. We have a library, and I remember there being an npc that sold some basic book binding materials. I'm sure he has better and faster handwriting than us." If skills had transferred to this world for all npc's then that librarian would surely have some kind of scribe skills as well. "So it will be more dictating than writing I think."

Sanguine led the way to the other side of the great hall, where the library was. It wasn't huge unlike some other rooms, as none of the guild members had those professions in the game. So the room had never been upgraded. Still, there was basically a book about everything and anything from Yggdrasil there. From history, to folk tales, to important people, to even class manuals and the like. And there was still room to spare. Which would be needed considering all the books this other world might have. And as expected, there stood what looked like a normal human in his forty's, apart from some silvery scales on his body here and there. The man was in fact, a silver dragon. Only he had used an alteration spell to take on human form. He was searching through one of the book shelves, looking rather busy. Though as soon as the two stepped inside he stopped, turned to them and bowed. "Lady Sanguine, Sir Oliver. You honour me with your presence. What can I help you with today?" The man spoke before standing straight again. "We've gathered information on this new world we're in--" Sanguine started, though was quickly interrupted.

"Ah yes this new world! It's strange, I can't even find a name on it in any of the books. I've looked through over a hundred about powerful magic and different lands, but can't find any information. Is there even a magic we know of that could do this? Or perhaps divine intervention? Or--" The man was clearly rambling now. Plus it was a bit rude to interrupt her. "Focus!" Sanguine spoke, sounding a bit annoyed. "For the time being how we got here isn't as important as getting information about this world." The man quickly made a small bow again. "My apologies, my lady... Please continue." "We've gone to the nearby village and have come back with information that needs to be written down." She stated plainly, trying to keep it short before he started rambling again. "Good, good!" The man spoke. "Please come this way, I'll get some empty paper and a pen. Please leave the writing to me." As expected, this man would act as their scribe. Which made the task quite a bit easier. At least for her and Oliver.

((Library: pre02.deviantart.net/2412/th/pre/i/201.. ))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver liked the idea of having a scribe. He was pretty sure he could handle taking dictation, but it would be easier for everyone if there was someone skilled at that sort of thing. The Paladin followed his companion to the library, which was impressive, in a subtle sort of way. It wasn't the sort of grand, ancient hall like some of their other wings, mostly because they didn't have an official librarian in the guild. It would more than serve their purposes, though. And like every other room they entered, they were greeted by its highest ranking occupant. The librarian dropped whatever he had been looking for, and asked what he could do to help. The Cleric was impressed. Any other dragon would have insisted on finishing their own task before helping normal humans. Even if it was a loyal dragon.

The vampire even managed to snap at the draconian without pissing him off. He became steadily more impressed as time went by, it seemed. This dragon was remarkable. They were invited to follow him, to what was presumably his writing desk, soon enough, once the situation had been explained. Oliver wasn't sure how much help he'd be now, since he hadn't exactly been observing too closely. He was more focused on actually fighting their enemies. Then again, his observations on that would likely be at least somewhat helpful. It was always good to have the drop on their enemies in any way possible. He decided he would let Sanguine go first, though. The Guild Master almost certainly had more important observations, and he didn't need to derail her trains of thought with his own idle musings. Especially when he wasn't convinced he would actually need much help to defeat the entire enemy army...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"So I guess I'll start." Sanguine spoke, glancing at Oliver. "Feel free to add anything if I've missed something, Oliver." She then added, figuring most information would be coming from her anyway. Oliver's main objective there seemed to have been helping the village and testing out his powers. She on the other hand had only been focused on every bit of information that might be useful.

Over the next one and a half hours or so everything was put on paper by their helpful scribe. Things were going more quickly than the vampiress had first thought, as the man was a very fast writer. Still, afterwards she felt a little tense. The seats were of plain wood, which wasn't exactly comfortable to sit in. It kind of reminded her of the chairs school used to have. So now she wanted to relax again. Preferably in Oliver's arms on a couch in the lounge. However there was still something else she now wanted to do. The npc's seemed to all see the two of them as far above themselves. But she wanted to make sure about what their thought of the guild master and her second in command. After that there would still be plenty of time to relax before dinner. And after dinner something like a horse ride might be nice. She had always wondered what it would be like to ride on horseback through the forest. But that was a thought for later.

The librarian thanked them for the valuable information, though before she could dismiss him he was already up and about with the newly written papers to organise them. Dragons always had the tendency to be more focused on themselves than others. And this one appeared to be one of those stereotypical 'getting lost in their own thoughts and things' kind of creature. But he was clearly good at what he did, and Sanguine wasn't too fussed about all that etiquette the other npc's adhered to anyway. So she just ignored it.

"So...I wanted to talk to all of the leaders for a bit. Preferably with you present as well. I want to hear from their own mouths how they see us. Just to know for certain what we can expect. After that I say we go back to the lounge and have some more beer by the fireplaces." A fire was relaxing to her, plus a fireplace had a bit of a romantic tone. "I don't think you have any objections, right?" She added with a smile, figuring the prospect of more relaxing and beer sounded good to him as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver nodded when Sanguine declared she would start. That was probably the best way to do things. He interjected a few times, pointing out things he'd noticed. Mostly about their military capabilities. But beyond that he wasn't much help. He wanted to save people, not take notes. So he mostly paced the library for an hour and a half, listening to what the Guild Master had to say, and learning a thing or two at the same time. Eventually, the vampire ran out of things to have written down, and the warrior was a little relieved. Now they could relax. He was hopeful when the librarian started packing up, but quickly found his hopes shot down when the woman started going on about a meeting.

The Paladin didn't let his disappointment show. Instead he nodded in agreement. "I like the part where we go get drunk." he chuckled when Sanguine commented on his lack of objections. He didn't see the point in talking to all their lieutenants, but wasn't going to argue with her about it. They headed out of the library, and he immediately accosted the first servant they came across. "Call a meeting. I want all of the guild's leaders in the throne room as soon as possible." he demanded. The servant only paused long enough to nod before running off, his new duty clearly more important than whatever shenanigans he had been up to before hand.

"So... What are you doing later?" he asked as smoothly as he could, a not-quite-suppressed grin on his lips. He did manage to keep from chuckling, but only barely. He supposed the only thing left for him to do now was to hope that the meeting would be quick. He couldn't think of anything to contribute right now, so he supposed that would help. If the vampire decided to drone on, though, he might go a little crazy...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You seem quite eager to get drunk~" Sanguine commented with a slight grin. "Don't worry, I don't plan on making this long. Ten minutes at most." It would take a few minutes for everyone to get together, so they still had a minute or two alone before anyone else came. The woman sat down in her throne, thinking about the question of what to do later once again. "As for later on, after dinner once it's darker outside I might want to take a ride through the forest. I've always wondered what that would be like, so might as well try it out now that I can right?"

A bit later and the first leaders started to show up. It was a bit odd to see some of them be so lifelike though. Specifically Raymond and Greblotz. To see an actual ghost floating into the room gave her chills, and the goblin looked kind of funny, the way he acted. Once everyone was there though, Sanguine immediately started. "You've all been gathered here to be asked one simple question. I want to know what you think of me and Oliver. So, how do you see us?" After that one by one each of the npc's answered in their own way. But it all came down to a single image, really. The npc's saw the two as supreme beings. Not quite gods, but likely as close to a god as a mortal could come. They all also recognized them and the rest of the past guild generals as their creators. Each npc having been designed by a different general, they all remembered someone different. Though they still saw Sanguine as the supreme leader of the guild, having more authority than anyone else. It actually made Sanguine a little nervous about the whole situation. Two gamers like them, revered to such an extend. It just felt...weird. But she didn't let it show while they were all still here.

"Finally, I have formulated the first part of a plan. A goal in this world, you could say. And this first step is information." The vampiress spoke once they were all done. "I'm confident that we are at the very least very powerful in this world, but without sufficient information we can still be surprised. Thus, tomorrow, I and Oliver will be going to the capitol and join this adventurer's guild they have here. Posing as adventurers, we will gain the trust of the locals and find out anything we can." "Just you two?" Jeeves protested. "Please allow one or two of us to come with you. It is our job to protect you, even lay our lives down for you if needed." Sanguine frowned, not quite liking the blind sacrifice they would make just like that. But she chose to leave that for a later time. "No, we will only be going together. This because we will need to spread out our forces. The more spread out we are, the more information we can get at the same time. Everyone will get their own assignments for the nearby future. Jeeves and Daniëlle both wanted to protest once again, but a single angry glare from Sanguine silenced them before they could even speak.

"Oliver and I will go to E-rantel tomorrow only to gather possible quests. Once we return everyone will be given assignments to carry out. Until then, I suggest that you all mentally prepare to deal with humans. Everyone being sent on quests will have to act nicely to them during their assignments." She hadn't forgotten what kind of guild this had been. A pvp guild, focused on triumph over anyone else. An evil guild, you could even say. And it was starting to become apparent that the npc's had that mindset as well. "You're all dismissed."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"One of us might as well be." Oliver agreed with a chuckle. He was glad to hear that the vampire didn't plan on drawing out the meeting, and simply let her do her thing. For the moment, the Paladin was just along for the ride. Then she said she wanted to go riding in the forest. After it was dark out. "Seems reasonable to me. I'm going to pass on taking a branch to the eye, though. I'll keep the bed warm for when you get back." sometimes he forgot that Sanguine was a vampire, but it always occurred to him in a way that was at least slightly jarring. At least she wasn't chugging blood or anything like that. He wondered how their relationship was going to progress if she was up all night, and he wound up taking care of things during the day.

That thought was interrupted by the arrival of their chief henchmen. The Guild Master wasted no time in asking her questions, and the meeting really was over with shortly. He liked the opinions he got from their lieutenants, and offered no comments to keep the meeting shorter. That didn't stop Sanguine from offering more, though, and she explained the first step in her plan, much to the disgruntlement of Jeeves and Daniëlle. He suppressed a chuckle at the outrage he could see on their faces, and offered only a slow, short nod to Jan's idly twirled dagger. It looked like the man was bored to the casual observer. Having received his assignment, he obviously wanted to go prepare. But if the Cleric was correct, a few cavalry scouts might end up in their vicinity, purely by accident of course.

He smiled to himself when their leader made an attempt to insist that the guild be kind to the inhabitants of this new land. For a creature of the night, she was trying surprisingly hard to be good. There was hope for her yet, and Oliver was going to do what he could to assist her. He waited until the last of the NPCs had left before he relaxed. Now it was definitely time for drinks and relaxation. "I'm off to the lounge. Are you coming?" he didn't think the vampire had anything else to do, and he wanted to spend some more time relaxing. Taking beer breaks between endeavours was all well and good, but he wanted the day to end so he could get to the part where the only thing that mattered was being happy...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Of course I'm coming." Sanguine replied with a grin. "Though I don't plan to get too drunk. I want to still be able to cast my spells later today, to test spells with the bodies later today." She locked her arm in his as they walked back to the lounge again. They could have done this little meeting in the lounge as well if it was up to her. But the npc's seemed too up-tight for that at the moment. Something that would need to be changed in the future. Being able to have meetings in the lounge with a drink sounded far more pleasant.

Once back in the lounge the vampiress immediately ordered two more beers and one glass of blood. It felt kind of awkward to order blood, but at least it wasn't as bad as the first day any more. Waiting for Oliver to sit down she joined him and leaned against him. "Seems our goals are set for now." She mused idly, figuring she could explain a little bit about her plans. "I thought it would be pretty fun to go questing in this world just like we used to do in the game at least. And eventually I want to see if we can take over this country. Probably forcefully. But since those are the plans we can't just go around pissing off the locals. As far as I know of, tyrannical leaders always meet their end prematurely. So as adventurers we can also build a good reputation. In the end though, us two and the guild will always be the most important. Even if we can create a good public image, I plan to do whatever it takes behind the scenes..." Sanguine wasn't really explaining anything. Just speaking her thoughts out loud. Partially to inform Oliver, and partially because she wanted to know what he thought about such plans. As there would no doubt be plenty of killing, stealing, spying, and other criminal activities to be done. And not nearly always just against the 'bad guys'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver grinned when Sanguine assured him she was going to join him. Apparently she was still planning on doing more things afterward, though. Clearly the Paladin was too focused on relaxing to keep up with the list of things his companion wanted to get up to. He forgot his irritation when the vampire locked arms with him, though, and he couldn't help but smile as they returned to the lounge. It didn't take the Guild Master long to start ordering drinks once they were through the door, and the Cleric had to admit, he was a little impressed.

He grabbed a seat while they waited for drinks, and happily welcomed his partner when she joined him. Moving quickly, he even managed to get an arm in behind her as she leaned against him. That made it easier to pull her close, and he grinned to himself as his arm settled around her waist. "What's the plan, Stan?" he asked when Sanguine pointed out that their goals were set. She suggested they go questing, and added that her ultimate goal was to become ruler of this new land. "So we're just going to pull a large-scale Baldur's Gate?" he asked. It wasn't quite the same, but he figured if they became formidible adventurers and overthrew the oppressive lords of the countries, it would be essentially the same thing.

He wasn't sure how he felt about her doing "whatever it takes", but wasn't going to argue about it right now. His job was to defend the weak and innocent, and if that was best accomplished by immolating their oppressors in holy fire, he would do just that. "One step at a time." he assured the vampire, giving her a little squeeze. Their drinks arrived around that time, and he accepted his gratefully. "I say we start with the most ridiculously impossible quest the adventuring guild has to offer. Just blow their minds completely." Oliver suggested after his first swig. It sounded like his companion wanted to hear what he had to say, and he figured the "go big" method was better than the alternative...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I guess you could say it's like Baldur's Gate, yea. Though not quite the same. We're not exactly going to be heroes for a while. Once we're in charge it's easy enough to let the events go down in history as us being heroes, but we're more like rebels with dreams of becoming supreme rulers." It was a funny way of describing thins. But that was basically what they were going to do. Oliver came with a little plan of his own. And that was indeed what Sanguine had in mind. Though maybe things wouldn't go that easily. "If we can, we will. But maybe this guild won't trust such an important mission to two strangers whom just arrived. We'll see how things go once we arrive.

A full hour passed. Sanguine had finished three pitchers by that time. But now it was apparently time for an evening meal. As Jeeves showed up at the door, and once allowed to enter, informed them that the dining room had been prepared for when they were ready to have dinner. Sanguine sighed, not wanting to move from Oliver's arms. This was the first time, not including when she was asleep, that she had felt so relaxed since they had arrived in this world. "Well, I guess we should go have dinner again. Actually some meat with another pitcher of beer next to it sounds like a good plan, right?" Sanguine only drank beer during barbecues, so she was used to eating meat with her beer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"But I wanna be a hero..." Oliver wasn't going to fight with Sanguine about it, but he certainly didn't like that the vampire didn't seem to be inclined toward heroics. As much as he wouldn't mind being king, what was the point if he couldn't also be a hero? He didn't want to be some lame ruler that no one believed in. The necromancer didn't seem to love his plan, either. The Paladin wasn't going to argue about that, either, he supposed. For someone who's job consisted of fighting people, he was surprisingly non-confrontational.

The next hour passed far more quickly than the Cleric wanted it to. The pair of them downed half a dozen pitchers and the warrior was delightfully and heavily buzzed when Jeeves showed up. Apparently it was dinner time. When Sanguine sighed, the warrior squeezed her reassuringly, as if to silently support her lack of desire to get up and do anything. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to work. If anything, it almost seemed like she'd assumed his support was for the opposite outcome. She suggested they go eat, and Oliver supposed they could manage that. He certainly couldn't argue with another pitcher of beer. "Sounds good to me." he agreed after a moment, giving the vampire another squeeze. He still didn't want to get up, but the Paladin supposed he would manage it, assuming his companion got up first. To that end, he held tightly to Sanguine, or as tightly as he could considering he was at a noticeable disadvantage...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sanguine sighed a little at Oliver's insistence on being a hero. The real world wasn't that nice and easy. And simple being a hero wouldn't cut it for her. Sure, her plan involved the civilians seeing the two of them in a good light, but that was for the future. "Well, at first that will be the case. One of the reasons to join the adventurer's guild, remember?" She spoke, hoping that would cheer him up a little bit.

Oliver was silently reluctant to get up. But in all honesty, Sanguine was a little hungry. And not the 'I can feel my stomach needs food' kind, but the 'His neck looks rather tempting...' kind. She didn't realise that was it. Or most likely she didn't want to realise it. She did know that it was probably a good idea to get some blood some time soon though. "Hmm, afterwards though, how about we go back here? I do want to experiment with my spells, but I suppose that can wait until tomorrow. Or maybe later in the evening or something." In truth, the vampiress wanted to relax for a while longer as well. But her mind would be a lot more at ease without that constant nagging urge in the back of her mind. "And hey, if you are up for it as well, we can try inviting the generals-" She paused a moment, wondering if calling them generals would be a good idea. In the game, the generals had been the guild's officers. But since they were all gone now, and Oliver had basically been promoted, she felt like the npc leaders should get the title. If only because calling them 'npc leader' sounded wrong now.

Sanguine had to get up first, though Oliver was quick to follow. He seemed to want to keep Sanguine in his arms for as long as possible. Something she happily complied to at the moment. Once they arrived in the smaller dining hall just like last time. Though this time Oliver didn't get the chance to hold out the guild leader's seat for her. Instead she picked it up and put it right beside where he would be sitting. "No need to have the table between us right? I'd rather sit next to you." She commented. Immediately Jeeves called in two maids, whom started to rearrange the plates to accommodate Sanguine's sudden choice. Quite the diligent workers as always.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver did like the reassurance that joining the adventurer's guild would make them heroes. Sanguine didn't seem to set on the idea, though. He supposed he would just have to show her how far they could get with that approach. Then the vampire even suggested that they return to relaxing right after dinner. Not something he'd expected from her, but he definitely liked the idea. "That sounds good to me." he agreed. He didn't like the idea of inviting their generals, but only because he wanted to be alone with his companion. He couldn't very well shut them out for his own selfish reasons, though, that wouldn't be right.

Then, unfortunately, the woman managed to get to her feet. So of course the Cleric was quick to follow, not wanting to be too far from the woman who'd quietly stolen his heart. It wasn't too far to the dining room, but this time he got a pleasant surprise when she pulled her chair over next to his. Grinning, Oliver squeezed his partner's hand as the table was rearranged to suit their new seating arrangement better. The only real problem was that during dinner they never got much in the way of time alone, making it hard for him to use his crippling kisses on the vampire. He was quite sure Sanguine would melt for him if he could just get her alone long enough to show her his side of things. For now, though, he supposed he would just enjoy dinner and bide his time. He'd have her all to himself again soon enough...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As yesterday, there was a selection of meat to choose from, with one two plates set slightly more aside from the rest on Sanguine's side. And the meat on those plates looked a bit under cooked. So those were clearly meant for her. And as the day before, a glass of blood was also poured for her. Though unlike yesterday she didn't immediately go for the glass. She could smell the alluring liquid immediately as the bottle was opened, urging her to dink all of it in one go. But the vampiress had decided for herself that she would have to start resisting such temptations. Not to deny herself, but to get used to keeping that lust for blood under control. So she would save the glass for last, while it was standing there, temping her constantly.

For Oliver on the other hand the chef had created a three course meal. A slightly smaller amount than the day before, since there had been some left overs. Though the dishes were certainly different from the day before. The appetizer was a small plate with stuffed eggs. The main dish consisted of potatoes fried with garlic and onions, bacon, cooked carrots, gravy made ofrom the leftover juices of the bacon, and all seasoned with various herbs. Quite a basic dish, but prepared by a master. And for dessert the cook had stewed some pears in wine. Sanguine actually felt a little jealous at the amazing looking dishes. Had she not been a vampire they would have probably been delicious. Sure, her meat and blood tasted godly to her now, but she felt that after a while she would still start missing being able to eat pretty much anything else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver was quite impressed by the spread put out for them. Sanguine had a selection of undercooked delicacies, and he got a fancy three course meal. This time the portions looked manageable, and the warrior was looking forward to the whole thing. He waited for his partner before digging in, but once he started, the warrior didn't appear to be interested in much else. He ate and drank heartily until he'd cleaned every plate put out for him. Everything was delicious, and by the end of it all he was pleasantly stuffed and ready for a nap.

"Do you wanna go cuddle and have a nap?" he spoke quietly, obviously not up for much else at the moment. If she didn't like the idea, the Guild Master was going to have an interesting time trying to convince him to join her in pretty well any other activity. And if she decided to do her own thing, she would likely, at some point, encounter him passed out on the couch in the lounge. The only problem now, of course, was the fact that actually getting back to the lounge would likely be a bit of a challenge for him, having eaten so much. That would certainly slow down the Paladin, but he wasn't going to let it get in the way of a nap. He'd just have to adopt a more stately pace on his journey. He elected to make sure that Sanguine was ready to go before he went anywhere, however, figuring that every moment he could spend resting would make the trip a little more pleasant. Not that running amok on such a full stomach could ever be considered pleasant...

((Can you even make gravy from bacon fat?))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"A nap?" Sanguine replied after they had finished dinner. "To be honest, I doubt I could fall asleep any time soon..." She then answered. Vampires were creatures of the night, so that probably had something to do with it. Plus even in the other world she often stayed up until 2 am or even later. And it was only a bit after dinner time, so it couldn't be later than 7 pm. So she still had way too much energy for sleeping, even with the buzz that was still hanging around her head from the beer. "But I'm up for cuddling. So how about we cuddle, and I'll go do something else once you fall asleep?" She didn't mind really. It wasn't like they had to be glued to each other 24/7.

Oliver got up, so she did the same. The bedroom was probably where they were going at this point. As by the sounds of it, he had probably eaten a little too much. Plus a bed was more comfortable than a couch for naps. She made sure to walk more slowly on the way there. Though it was hard to go at their normal speed anyway, having her arm hooked into his once more and thus having to adapt to his speed. She grinned a little bit, finding the situation kind of funny. "You know...you could have eaten a little less." She teased him, knowing full fell that the meal had probably been too good to leave anything on the plates. "Maybe I should bring you a warm jar or something? Or...have someone bring one."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver got to enjoy a cuddle with Sanguine, but he had to admit, he didn't remember much of it. Probably because he fell asleep ridiculously quickly. He'd meant to stay awake and torment the vampire with his energy, cuddling her gleefully until she tired of his lack of fatigue and went to do her thing. Of course, that was a lot harder to do with a full stomach. More so in a warm bed with a soft woman. In the end, a nap turned into him turning in for the evening. He woke up long enough to realize what had happened somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, and then returned to his slumber until someone woke him up the next morning.

The Paladin wasn't sure who it was, but someone felt the need to wander into his room and open all the curtains. "What the fuck?" he mumbled to himself, rage unable to rouse his reluctant form. Rearranging the pillows he managed to block out some of the light, but never quite made it back to sleep. Even as he was beginning to drift off once more, something prodded him. He sincerely hoped it was Sanguine, but supposed she might have sent someone else to wake him. Then he realized that it was a stick. A stick was poking him. Definitely a servant. He didn't say a word, pretending to be sleeping as the stick continued to jab at his ribs. He moved very carefully, shifting his hand until he could snatch the stick from the hands of the person holding it. He moved explosively at that point, launching himself bolt upright as he ripped the pole from the hands of its wielder. Muffled cursing followed as someone he didn't recognize fled the room. He chuckled at that.

Fully awake and slightly entertained, he supposed it was time to get dressed. Sanguine did say they had things to do today, and the stunning vampire was the one in charge. He just wondered how she managed the whole not-sleeping thing. Then again, she liked to travel in her carriage, and he wouldn't have been surprised to learn that she did most of her napping while riding in that thing...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Feeling too comfortable to move once Oliver had fallen asleep, Sanguine decided to only change into something more suitable for bed, before joining him again. In truth it didn't matter any more when they slept. There was no school or work for them to go to after all. Because of this, though, she was also awake incredibly early.

At 1 pm the woman just couldn't sleep or stay in bed any more. So Sanguine decided that this was a good time to go on a ride through the surrounding area. Though as soon as she stepped out of the living quarters' area and into the main hall, two maids came walking up to her and bowed. "Mistress, we didn't expect you to be up at this time. Most servants have gone to bed already. But if there's anything we can do for you..." Sanguine sighed, wishing to just be left alone. But there was no way around it it seemed. "I was just going to go out for a horse ride. Explore the area a little bit with my own eyes." She explained. Immediately one maid stood straight again. "I'll arrange for an escort immediately, my lady." The vampiress quickly shook her head. "No need, it's not like I'll go far-" But she was interrupted. "Please wait, my lady! To let you go without an escort would be wrong. What if anything were to happen to you? If none of us were there to protect you it would bring us eternal shame." "Are you suggesting I can't take care of any trouble myself?" She asked, sounding slightly annoyed. "O-of course not. It's just...it's our purpose..." The maid replied, quickly bowing again hoping to not anger their leader. Seeing how the situation was, and not wanting to escalate things, Sanguine finally decided to just let them do their thing. "Very well...someone can escort me. But only one person. And he has to be able to see in the dark like I can." She decided, before quickly turning and heading to the surface. It was a bit annoying to have someone with her while she was out. But she supposed that if trouble indeed came, she would at least not have to deal with it herself. As right now she just wanted to get some fresh air while enjoying nature.

The sun started to rise too soon, in the vampiress' mind. After her stroll she had decided to start working on a schedule for all the npc's. Guard duty, rest days for the maids, things like that. And of course assignments for several of the npc leaders. Like further scouting and also a second group to join the adventurer's guild under the guise of being from the household the minor noble Sanguine was from. At least, minor nobles would probably the best fake identity for now in her opinion. But once she was about finished it was morning already. So before she could review it all a Jeeves came to the library to call her for breakfast.

Sanguine was the first to arrive. Knowing Oliver, he had probably stayed in bed until someone came to wake him up. He had been one to sleep in at every opportunity according to his stories from life in the normal world. "I wish I didn't have so much energy during the night..." She mused to herself as she waited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver got dressed slowly. He was supposed to be in charge, so he saw no reason to rush. He picked out a practical but still handsome outfit, and got himself ready for the day ahead. He wanted to look like a real adventurer for when they went to join the guild, but realized he didn't know what a real adventurer looked like around here. He supposed that back when this was just a game, he'd worn whatever had the best stats. He wasn't sure that was still a thing, but supposed that strange attire couldn't be too far out of the question. Eventually he went with comfortable. Once he was dressed, he strapped on his weapons, electing to lug his gigantic sword over one shoulder, rather than sling it on properly. He was just going to breakfast after all.

And of course he was late. The only person whose waiting he really cared about was already sitting down. "Morning! Sorry I took so long..." he offered the vampire, noting at the same time that she looked exquisite, as always. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of the woman, wondering how long she'd actually cuddled with him the night before. "What's for breakfast?" he asked the room. He wasn't sure if their glorious leader was already informed, or if it was a surprise. Either way, he was sure it would be delicious, and he prepared to sit down as quickly as he could. First he had to do something with his sword, though, and he couldn't very well hang it off the back of his chair. After a couple of seconds, he gave up and leaned it against the wall closest to his seat before getting settled.

He was just in time, too, as the doors to the kitchen were thrown open as he got comfortable. A small parade of servants was whisked in and out, each of them dropping off a single item critical to their leaders' enjoyment of breakfast. Each of them got their own assortment of morning meal accouterments to go with their most important banquet of the day, and Oliver was incredibly excited to watch the covers come off the serving trays. Eggs from barely cooked to over hard, and from plain scrambled to Benedict, a whole variety of breakfast meats, including several things he didn't recognize, bread and bagels in multiple styles, and a platter of neatly diced fruit, and any and all the condiments one could imagine for such a feast. There was no way he could eat even half of it. He supposed he would just have to hope that someone else would be eating breakfast after him. He was about to start helping himself when he realized he hadn't see what Sanguine had for breakfast. He wasn't sure what vampires would even eat for breakfast, so he took a quick peek over the veritable mountain of breakfast to see what she'd been served. He just hoped she found it as delicious as he was convinced that everything in front of him was...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Long? I was just here early...couldn't sleep for half the night." Sanguine replied with a slight smile. It wasn't like she had been waiting for that long anyway. It sucked more that she hadn't been able to get more sleep though. "Not sure what's for breakfast. The cooks just seem to do whatever they want. Though they haven't disappointed so far of course. For Oliver there was the usual bread, fruit, condiments and other such food. For her however, the menu was quite different. Blood soup, sausages with a blood sauce, and other such things. She sighed a little as she looked at his side. "I'm a bit jealous...you have so much delicious looking food to choose from. Mine all involve blood... Not that it tastes bad. It tastes...indescribably good even. But I'm already starting to miss being able to eat regular food a little." It wasn't worth complaining about though, as there was nothing she could do to change how this body worked. Well, short of turning human again which was probably not even possible.

"Anyway, let's dig in! I'm sure we'll need the energy for today's plans. I wonder if we can get any good quests or if we have to start at the bottom like some anime I've seen." Most likely, only the highest rated quests would pose any 'fun' for them considering how they could beat an entire squad of soldiers with ease in under a minute, but she still hoped at least something like intermediate quests would be allowed.

Breakfast went by as usual. Jeeves was standing next to the kitchen door on standby, though he wasn't needed this time. And once breakfast was done it was time to start getting ready. Sanguine stood, walking over to Oliver's side and handing him two letters. "Here, these are for our two generals Garreth and Jan. They're to create two squads of 10 or so people that will start going around the land posing as travelling mercenaries looking for work. Further instructions are in the letters. I'll go deliver the others." There were three more letters. One of the beast master, ordering her to look for new creatures in the area for testing while leaving the stronger looking ones alone for a later purpose. One for Danïelle, ordering her to form a small team of 4, picking one to pose as a noble, and attempting to draw out criminal organisations. As Sanguine wanted more information about what criminal activity went on in the land. And lastly a letter for Spymaster Ryltar ordering him to set up a better information network within the guild halls with some basic instructions of how to do so. It mostly came down to magic items for communication being brought to each floor and setting up some chains of command for information flow.

Once all of that was done the vampiress headed towards the armoury. It was time to choose the gear she would be wearing. For one, their top gear would be out of the question. It would draw way too much attention to be wearing several legendary class items together with a bunch of epic ones. There was one world class item she was going to keep with her though. The ring of wishes. It granted one normal wish per week, so it was highly useful on the tiny chance that a worst case scenario happened. Other than that Sanguine decided to go with gear that she thought would be similar in strength to what the holy warrior Bartholmew had been wearing. So probably gear around level 30 or 40. She eventually went with a blue-greyish with fur lining and a hood. It boosted defences and mana regeneration. The hood was important as it meant she wouldn't have to carry an umbrella everywhere. Together with that she grabbed a bag of holding version one, a not too flashy looking staff to boost her magic damage and casting speed, a tome looking like a normal magic book to reduce her summon cooldowns and boost minion stats, and a not too flashy looking short sword with belt scabbard that was unbreakable and had a weak magic damage enchantment on it. She had never used a sword in the game, but maybe in this world she could improve on that. And depending on what they were going to be doing, she figured she could start practising with it today.


((Robes, imagine this but fully covered and with gloves: orig10.deviantart.net/a0ed/f/2011/333/.. ))
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