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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~Davy Jones – Jas Nedakh~

Name: Davy Jones
Other Names: Captain Jones, Jones, The Ferryman of Lost Souls, Devil of the Sea
Real Name: Jas Nedakh
Age: 853
Occupation: Pirate Captain - Ruler of the Seas

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Eight-Hundred and Forty):

Appearance - Today (Age Eight-Hundred and Fifty-Three):

Wardrobe: Jones has sort of adapted his own style of clothing over the years as a pirate, finding two different types of outfits that both match his personality as well as give him the comfort and maneuverability that are needed for his life at sea.

While aboard deck, he tends to keep to a simpler regime with a waist-length, dark blue suede jacket trimmed with gold lace, with a longer tail over the top of a button-up silk vest and button-up white shirt with the occasional scarf around his neck to bundle up the whole look. This outfit, of course, comes complete with a pair of white pants and knee-high leather black boots.

While at Sea
While at Sea 2

On more 'noble' occasions such as time spent ashore or if Jones is feeling particularly handsome that day, he will switch up his overall look in favor of something with a bit more refined taste. He trades over his blue suede waist-long frock for a near knee-length one made out of more hardy material. Buttons line down both sides of the frock but it's design is merely for show as they do not actually close. This pattern continues to his red waist coat of the same material underneath, tied together with a golden, silk sash over the matching in color to that of his jacket, shin-length trousers and white button-up shirt underneath, complete with his knee-high, black leather boots.

Feeling Fancy
Feeling Fancy 2

Always on his person, Jones has a rather beautiful rapier sword which he does most of his pirating with. However, on a more 'decorative' occasion, he will swap out his usual sword for something with a bit finer taste and go with his second rapier sword.

Personality Traits: Jones has a fierce reputation, known as a dangerous and fearsome Captain of the Seas. Disbanding his true name long ago (very few people even know Davy Jones isn't his given birth-name let alone what his real name is) his reputation now spreads as the cruel and less than merciful Davy Jones. Jones, is a tormentor. He enjoys bullying others both verbally and physically. He is confident to the point of being highly cocky and arrogant, which only enables his mocking and ridicule towards others. He is not above name calling or putting people in their place for the sheer purpose of entertainment. He has a strong sense of humor, however probably one only understood by his shipmates.

He is of a dark nature, and takes great pride in his role as Captain, and all he has achieved in this position. Whether it be his encounters with women, or all the gold and riches he has looted. With that said, he does enjoy the company of women and will often find himself in such company when he and his crew break on land, and find the nearest tavern. A great deal of his charm is revealed through his story telling. Having explored the world, he has a great deal of knowledge and can keep a crowd interested by the stories he has to share.

He has a skewed sense of honor, referring to himself as a man with a code of honor, however is not above killing needlessly should someone dare challenge him to such a fight. He is a determined and vindictive man, never one to back down from his purpose. Despite his rank as pirate, he speaks with eloquence and intelligence, which shows that he has a higher education than one would assume from that of a common pirate. He will never admit fear nor defeat, and never backs away from a fight or challenge. He is not trustworthy and can be quite deceitful at times. But then again, he is a pirate after all so one cannot expect much else.

Skills: Even before becoming a pirate and adventurer, Jones was always skilled in physical and martial training. A talented sailor, Jones' skill in voyaging a ship is almost unmatched, even by Atlantean standards. Bolstering this skill is an inherent amount of skill when it comes to reading the stars for navigation. Because of this, he is able to journey across the seas without need for a map. However, he is a talented cartographer, and can chart maps completely unintelligible to anyone other than himself. To this end, he can also decipher the maps of others unless they are magically enchanted. Jones likewise has consummate knowledge and experience in regards to the sea. He is so skilled, in fact, that it's said he can even pinpoint the location of the legendary whale Monstro more likely than not.

A highly talented fighter and duelist, Jones displays master over both hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. Owing both to his training and his heightened physical abilities, Jones has never lost a duel. Being a pure-blood Atlantean, Jones, like all members of his race has strength, speed, stamina, senses, agility, reflexes, accuracy, durability, intelligence, healing time and flexibility that are far superior to that of the average person which he uses to his advantage.

Also, thanks to a rather profitable trip to Thebes a number of years ago, Jones has obtained enough Pegasus feathers to fashion into sails, thus granting The Flying Dutchman the ability to fly, really amping up it's reputation as a ghost ship of legend.

On an off-handed note, Jones can also work a tattoo gun and has tattooed himself and many of his shipmates on a number of occasions. He also does piercings, having done his own ears and a handful of those on his crew.

Biography (Before Earth):
Spanning back over a great number of years, Jones (then known as Jas) was born in Atlantis into the royal family. The younger brother of the two, Jas grew up slowly in the shadow of his brother, though paved his own way even from childhood in an attempt to be a normal kid just like everyone else. Jas had no pride for his royal blood, in fact, he detested it. All his friends saw him differently, treated him differently, and oftentimes Jas could even hear them talking about him behind his back, afraid that if they didn't do what he said, they would get in trouble. For this reason, Jas eventually grew up without having friends, not wanting to have to subject others into feeling that they were forced to like him, so he spent his free time developing skills that could keep him entertained by himself for hours on end to pass the time by. So Jas took up learning how to fight, learning to read and write, studying the stars and other various skills that he could have fun with just by himself.

His older brother, Kashekim, tried to be both a good brother and a friend to Jas, but he was well on becoming shaped to be the next Leader of Atlantis and was kept busy with learning other mundane skills that Jas had no interest in such as water magic, spiritual healing, alchemy and meditation. As both boys grew up, they grew further and further apart, having nothing in common with the other save for the blood that kept their hearts pumping (discount the life crystal that helped to prolong their already-long lives).

Their father, on the other hand, took a special shine to Jas and gave him as much of his time that he could spare when not running Atlantis. He was patient with Jas, kind and loving - his only true friend. But fate frowned upon Jas quickly, as their mother obtained some strange disease not known to Atlantis and quickly died. And then, shortly after, their father left. It was assumed that their father had left from a broken heart, but all Jas could comprehend was abandonment. It was their mother's sister who took the boys in - she and her husband taking the mantle of King and Queen and ruled Atlantis for many more years to come, raising the boys like their own.

Despite the longevity of life that the crystals brought the Atlanteans, their lives couldn't go on forever, however. At the ripe old age of nearly three-thousand, Jas and Kashekim lost their uncle and King to death. The loss of their city's leader was a deep and heavy one, the mourning ceremony went on for months until finally Kashekim was named his successor completely and took up the mantle. With his brother now Chief Shaman, Jas felt even further away from his family than he did before, getting an overwhelming sense of 'not belonging' though for the time being, said nothing on the matter.

A few hundred years later, with Jas now three-hundred and eighty-one years old, his brother gave Jas a niece in which Jas took an immediate liking to, despite her royal blood that he grew up to hate so much. The two of them simply connected in a way that Jas hadn't experienced before; a bond of both family and friendship. He watched over Kidagakash often, putting in whatever time he could in having a hand in raising the young princess and once she was old enough, the two spent countless hours together talking more philosophically about what life had in store for them and where their paths would take them one day.

Interestingly enough, Kidagakash had taken an interest in Jas' learned skills and asked Jas to teach her privately, both knowing that Kashekim would throw a fit if he found out. Jas and Kida's relationship had already grown strained because of Kashekim, The Shaman had confronted Jas a number of times asking Jas to be more careful with his topics of conversation with Kidagakash, not liking the influence he had on her. Jas didn't listen, however, finding it to be in Kidagakash's best interest to be well-learned in any and all fields possible and trained her in private, just as she had asked, both in body and mind.

So as the years went on and the relationship between Kidagakash and Jas grew stronger, what was left with Jas' relationship with his brother grew weaker, reduced to nothing but squabbles on the streets and late-night scoldings that often-times stemmed from Jas' close relationship with his niece. Finally, one fateful night, at four-hundred and eighty-three years old, Jas had heard enough and left Atlantis, fully well knowing that he would never be able to return (such was the law of Atlantis). He hadn't been given the opportunity to say goodbye to Kidagakash, but it was just as well. Jas never was good with emotional situations. Washing his hands clean of his life in Atlantis, Jas formerly changed his name to a more appropriate translation, now going by Jones. Davy, was simply a name picked up over the years by legends being started about him.

Putting the last four-hundred-some years of learning various skills to use, Jones found himself in the life of a sailor, free to explore the world that was otherwise kept off-limits to him and live a life of freedom with a new name and as a new man. He made friends, enjoyed the company of women, took to raging, pillaging and plundering to get what he wanted with the addicting fuel of adrenaline coursing through his veins. As a pirate, Jones never felt more alive, he never felt more 'home.'

It didn't take Jones long at all to discover that he, like his brother Kashekim, held some sort of concealed power within him. At first, Jones believed it to be coincidence. While at sea, it rained when he felt sad, the winds picked up and the waves rocked when he was angry, storms dissipated when he felt content. But the more Jones began to experiment over the years, the more he came to understand his power. He could control the ocean - a true God of the sea. Sea monsters would attack, and he could command their surrender. It was all very exciting and confusing for Jones, but as the years dragged on into centuries, it became the norm. Very rarely does Jones even think about how he had come to possess these abilities anymore, and simply just... is. Though in the quieter moments in his life, Jas can't help but to feel that the strong talent of magic that courses through he and his brother's veins has something to do with the father that had abandoned them so many years ago.

He became a legend amongst men - his reputation spreading far and wide. The Atlantean crystal and his Atlantean heritage kept him alive, making the pirate seem immortal. Jones proffered much in smuggling otherwise hard-to-find and illegal goods from one land to another, making many friends and even more enemies. Perhaps the most unlikely and unexpected friendship was formed in The Pride Lands, when a young prince sought him out to put an end to his father. Jones took a special liking to the young man, and over the years, fashioned a strong friendship with him.

Jones frequents other areas of the world, though his home-base is Tortuga where the drink and women are plenty. He resides there currently, living his life day to day and always jumping at the opportunity to stir the pot wherever and whenever he can.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Jones never made it to Earth and doesn't know of it's existence.

Other: Jones' body is covered in an assortment of tribal-style tattoos. These tattoos are mainly make up his back, chest and arms.

Jones has encountered many sea beasts and sent them away, however Jones kept one close to him should the need arise for a... special touch. A sort of pet, as it were, Jones now holds Jörmungandr as an ally, reminding and and all who sail his oceans to behave themselves and not cross him.

Theme Song:
"The Good Life" by Three Days Grace.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~General Information~

Name (Rivenspire): Audrey Rocio Ramirez.
Other Names (Rivenspire): Audie, Chief Mechanic, Hot-Head.
Real Name (Rivenspire): Lady Kiara; Third sister of the house of Kiburi.
Occupation (Rivenspire): Chief Mechanic of Province (Presently).
Place Of Origin: The Pride Lands; Fairy Tale World.
Age: Twenty-Seven.

Affiliation (Rivenspire): True Neutral (Presently).

True Neutral (Presently) - * A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way, or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil- after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Fourteen):

Appearance - Fairy Tale World (Age Twenty-Seven):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire):
The Pride Lands (Formally) - Having grown up during her younger years within the Pride Lands; Audrey was always taught to believe that her body was a temple, blessed to her by the Gods that watched over them, and something that she should truly be proud of and not be ashamed to show what she had to offer to those who were around her- her father being sure to provide her and her two sisters with a large range of outfits to cover a many different occasions (Noble Dress #01, Noble Dress #02, Noble Dress #03, Noble/ Traditional Dress #01, Everyday Dress #01, Everyday Dress #02, Everyday Dress #03, Training Outfit #01), however she prefers to have the mobility to move around freely, and occasionally will walk around without the constraints of a top or dress altogether.

Province (Presently) - Taken in by a loving Spanish family, and forced to adapt to not only a new kingdom, but also new customs; Audrey's new family did all that they could to provide her and her sister, Nena with everything that they would need to be able to live a normal life within Province- the young girl's wardrobe soon filling with different clothes that she is able to wear for many different occasions (Formal Outfit #01, Formal Outfit #02, Dressy Outfit #01, Dressy Outfit #02, Dressy Outfit #03, Dressy Outfit #04, Casual Outfit #01, Casual Outfit #02, Casual Outfit #03, Exploration/ Work Outfit #01, Exploration/ Work Outfit #02, Exploration/ Work Outfit #03, Exploration/ Work Outfit #04), though mostly bought with her own money, she still tends to receive something new every so often from her adoptive family, even if she feels uncomfortable wearing such things due to lack of free movement; however on occasion when she's travelling with the rest of the team, she doesn't hesitate to fall back into the habit of wearing clothes from the Pride Lands when there isn't much use for her at the time.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single/ Engaged (Betrothed).
Partner: None.
Ex-Partner: Scar Lionhart (Kovu - Fiance/ Betrothed).
Children: Elaina Ramirez.
Father: Subira Kiburi (Deceased).
Mother: Asha Kiburi (Deceased).
Adopted Father: Manuel Ramirez (Retired).
Adopted Mother: Ana Ramirez.
Siblings: Zira Kiburi (Deceased), Nyah Kiburi (Nena Ramirez).
Pet/s: None.
Work Exploration Team: Milo Thatch (Linguist), Helga Sinclair (King's Consort), Vincent "Vinny" Santorini (Weapons Expert), Joshua "Sweets" Sweet (Physician), Gaetan "Mole" Moliere (Kingdoms and Flora Expert), Cookie Farnsworth (Cook).
Other: Isabella De' Fortesque (Friend), Gaston Le' Gume (King), Clayton Le' Gume (Past King).

~Personal Information~

Personality Traits: A mechanics expert and an intellectual genius when it comes to all things involving the use of tools, Audrey throws herself into her work with a fiery passion that's unmatched by any other seen in Rivenspire. Extremely resourceful and able to think 'outside of the box', this handy teenager is a force to be reckoned with, her designs and creations like nothing ever seen by those of her generation. A keen and driven young woman when it comes to her job, Audrey pushes the boundaries of inventing, her hard work and determination helping to further the advancements of the world with her interesting idea's on both technology and transportation.

Most times seen as extremely loud and always dependable when it comes to a job, this knowledgeable young woman is very quick of wit and high tempered, not allowing those who think themselves better than her to walk over and try to control her. Stubborn as an ox and more hot headed than most living in the Fairy Tale World, Audrey is unafraid to speak her mind, her anger and frustration causing her to unknowingly mix both English and Spanish phrases and more times than not ends up confusing whoever is on the receiving end of the teenagers wrath.

A vicious little thing when she's pushed far enough, Audrey is known for being tough, not only being able to take a physical beating, but mentally as well though her conscience does sometimes tend to get in the way. With her stubbornness and her determination to get things done, Audrey is extremely strong-willed, rarely changing her stance on something once she has set her mind to it causing many to waste their breath when they try to convince her otherwise. Quick to call others out on their behavior and actions, her own emotions (when running high) tend to cause the young woman to be both foolish and irrational, leading her into situations that she rarely thinks about first.

A brave girl at heart, Audrey isn't afraid to take jump into action, the reckless girl willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means putting her own life on the line. Known as a major risk taker and driven by the thought of money lining her pockets, Audrey has a love of racing, the teenagers skills on a motorbike unmatched by any other that she has faced on the streets of Avonlea. Growing up in a family with very little to their name, she learnt quickly to become a fighter in all senses of the word, in order for her to live and survive everything that life and everyone in it had to throw her way, believing that even in the toughest of situations there was a bigger force that had a plan for her and all those she cares for.

Filled with faith and belief of a higher power watching over her, Audrey is an exceptionally religious person, often seen wearing her favorite cross which was given to her as a young child, or holding onto the rosary beads that were given to her when she first got her position in the royal court. Intensely loyal to the ones she loves and cares for, Audrey is highly family-oriented and sentimental, going above and beyond the duty of a normal teenager by working her hardest to provide them with a life better then they have ever had. Immensely protective over her family, she tends to take any threats against them with a severity like no other, willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that they are safe, well looked after and have everything in life that they could possibly need.

Strengths: Thanks to growing up surrounded by inventors and mechanics, Audrey has an extensive and expert knowledge base when it comes to mechanics and inventing, the young woman learning everything she knew by silently watching as others worked and explained what it took to make different things work as one to get a job done. Now the youngest and most talented mechanics in Province, Audrey is able to effectively communicate with her team about both the diagnosis and how to repair a range of different machines, allowing her to quickly identify the source of a problem and any other related issues before having them taken care of in a timely manner; her excellent (and sometimes challenging) communication skills helping her to be able to translate complex and technical jargon into simple terms for all to understand easily.

Working hard and dedicated to her particular field of work, Audrey has a solid work ethic and is nine times out of ten committed to quickly solving and repairing problems that seem to occur with what she's working on, the feisty woman having no issues with voicing her opinions and being brutally honest with those asking her about her work. Able to use a wide variety of technical (and at times strange) tools to address various issues that might occur, Audrey also has a mastery over several integrated systems such as: electrical, fuel, air, and cooling. The young woman, though holding a great knowledge of the industry, always pushing herself to the limits to expand on her intelligence and skills so that she can continue to be the best, and give her family the life she wants them to live.

Weaknesses: -

Magic Capabilities:
While she herself has not looked into whether or not she is able to use magic, most believe that she does not possess any magical ability or qualities that she is aware of; during her travels all over Rivenspire with the rest of the exploration team, Audrey has both come across and met many a person who are capable of wielding such powers, and over time has become more comfortable being in their company and in dealing with those who possess such capabilities.

Though she it known throughout Avonlea for her hot blooded personality, short fuse, and a temper that could match even that of Maleficent and Scar; Audrey doesn't use weapons of any kind, having no prior training in handling blades and other types other than the training received by her fiance in the Pride Lands- however the woman has an incredible body strength for one her size, and extremely mean hook; she is also unafraid to use the tools she owns for target practice when she has been angered enough.

Biography (Before Earth):
Born as the third daughter into a noble family of the Pride Lands, Kiara quickly grew into a confident and outgoing young child; her beauty, courage and intelligence seeming to far surpass even that of both her elder sisters as she continued to blossom into the young woman that she truly wished for herself to be. Growing up not only looking up to, but also idolizing her future husband to be, Taka Lionhart; Kiara always did her best to impress him and to stand out apart from her two sisters who came before her, the young woman not only taking the time to learn how to read, speak and write the native tongue of their people, but also seeming to take an interest in the art of combat- the young girl following along behind the men in her life that were a part of the kingdoms army, watching them and learning all that she saw while doing all that she could to stay out of trouble, and to keep from causing problems for those who knew her; the youngest of the three quickly realizing and embracing the fact that she was always going to be considered to be the ‘black sheep’ of the Kiburi house.

With the tragic death of her father within the arena, and the untimely death of her mother to illness; Kiara was left under the care of both her elder sister’s, the young girl doing all that she could to help the both of them out, whether it be helping out with shopping in the marketplace, or helping to look after the house while both Zira and Nyah were otherwise busy with other things. However, unable to do anything for Scar (22) as the news of his betrayal to the throne and attempted murder of the King spread throughout the kingdom; Nyah (18), fearing for their safety and lives, especially that of her younger sister, quickly packed up all that she could of their belongings while begging for Kiara to leave with them. Flat out refusing her sister's pleas for her to leave the Pride Lands, Kiara (15) essentially turned her back on her two sisters, making it clear to the both of them that she wanted to instead leave and live with her fiance in exile, away from the Pride Lands. Not happy with the choice that their little sister had chosen to make, and unable to wait any longer, in fear of might happen if they did; Nyah hurried to gather everything that they had packed, and any gold that she could find before she stole away into the night with a very defensive Kiara in tow- the young woman kidnapped from her home and love, and forced to leave behind the only life she had ever known in attempt of one that would offer them both the safety that they once had in the Pride Lands.

Found together in the midst of a rather violent, and extremely angered argument while wandering the streets of Avonlea weeks after having been forced to flee their homeland by beautiful Spanish couple; Nyah and Kiara were both taken into their home, and in turn into their lives with loving and open arms. With a new home, a new name, and stuck under the ever watchful eye of her elder sister; Kiara, now known to all as Audrey, soon seemed to take an interest in the craft of her adopted father- the young woman, as time passed them by, beginning to spend more and more time with the new man in her life in the workshop, learning everything that she could before eventually, all her hard work began to pay off; the girl taking over her adopted father’s work for the King as his head mechanic and inventor, and becoming one of the first within his specialized expedition team by the time that she had turned only eighteen years of age.

Still madly in love with Scar, and unable to stop herself from thinking about him; Kiara, now twenty-two years old and without her sister’s knowledge, set out to once more return back into the arms of the man that she had been promised to all those years prier; the young mechanic, while managing to spend a blissful night of pleasure within his company, biting off more than she could chew as she hurriedly returned back to Province with a wound upon her right shoulder, and a small surprise stirring within her that she never dreamed to be possible, each a reminder of something she now knew and understood was far out of her reach. Giving birth nine months later to her first and only child, Elaina; Kiara, while still pining for the love she had lost, threw herself into her work, immersing herself with everything and anything she could to help her to forget the man who had her heart, and doing all that she could to earn coin, and provide her daughter with the life she deserved… one where Elaina would never have to go through the heartache and pain that her mother did.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Even though she was born a noble in the Pride Lands; Audrey never went, nor had the opportunity to be sent to earth as her adopted family was neither royal or of much importance within Rivenspire; and as such, the young woman is unaware that such a place exists- to this day Audrey both lives and works, staying and serving under the King Gaston, in the kingdom of Avonlea.

Other: Raised to be an extremely religious person by the family that adopted her and her sister when they first came to Avonlea; Audrey owns two beautiful crosses that were passed down to her from them, when they felt that the time was right- the first an elegant though simple cross, which she wears always, that was given to her when she first joined the family, and the second a set of stunning rosary beads which she only ever uses on occasion; the beads passed down to her when she took up the responsibility of looking after her family by getting her position working under King Gaston, as head mechanic in Avonlea.

Though she does all that she can to force herself from thinking about the man that she had no other choice but to leave behind, Kiara refuses to ever let herself forget the love and beautiful memories that came from their time in one another's arms; the young woman almost never seen without the beautiful silver lion engagement ring presented to her worn hanging on a black cord around her neck- the ring itself also standing in as the only thing that she has of his, and in honor of the man who helped to father her daughter.

With no choice or say in the matter when it came to being forced into becoming both a young and single mother to an extremely beautiful and smart young girl; Audrey constantly pushes herself above and beyond her limits, and does all that she can to provide her four-year-old, Elaina with the very best that she can give her- swearing to keep her happy, and praying to the Gods so that her daughter would never have to go through anything that she went through in her life; both mother and daughter sharing a sweet Spanish lullaby in which her own adopted mother used to share with her while growing up.

Theme Song:
"Behind These Hazel Eyes" By Kelly Clarkson.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~Little Lion – Simba Lionhart~

Name: Tarzan.
Other Names: Prince of The Pride Lands, The One True King, Little Lion.
Real Name: Simba Lionhart.
Age: 20.
Occupation: None.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Seven):

Appearance - Today (Age Twenty):

Personality Traits:
As a child, Simba was a very curious, adventurous and almost foolishly brave young man, always looking for something fun to do. He was exceptionally energetic and rambunctious, turning even the scariest of places into a fun adventure. Feeling like he always had something to prove to his father, Simba would sometimes throw himself into dangers way for no reason other than proving his bravery where his arrogance, mischievous and cheeky attitude often times got him into a lot of trouble. Born a royal, he was brought up knowing that one day he would be king and reveled in the knowledge that one day he would rule everything, looking forward to the day when he could order around his subjects. Despite his rather pompous attitude, Simba also had a good heart and longed to become the wise king that he saw his father as and hoped that one day he could become just like him, feeling absolutely beside himself any time he managed to disappoint his father.
However, everything about Simba changed when he witnessed his Uncle murder his father in cold blood.

Suffering from severe emotional trauma, blaming himself for his father's murder, Simba became withdrawn and depressed, no longer putting value in his own life. It took a few years of isolation outside of The Pride Lands for him to forget about his past and move on with his life. Over the years Simba picked up a happy, carefree lifestyle, thinking nothing of his responsibilities back home. He developed somewhat grotesque habits such as burping and eating bugs, becoming sedentary and stubbornly refuting of his past life. Years of isolation made him no longer see the need to help others (humans), preferring to lock himself away in bliss with his animal friends rather than face the harsh reality of day-to-day life in civilization. Any time he is reminded of his past, Simba is quick to become defensive and oftentimes has bouts of anger that isn't directed towards anyone but himself, but ends up hurting others anyway making him feel more guilty than before.

Simba is incredibly fit and athletic, making the mundane tasks of day to day life fairly easy on him as well as harder tasks such as lifting and throwing heavy objects, scaling difficult terrain such as rock walls and steep inclines, and running great distances without tiring almost second nature. He's got a powerful second wind so long as he can control his energy though he can't always depend on it. He's very proficient and can fend for himself in almost any part of the world so long as he has the means to make tools for his survival.

One of the more unique skills Simba possesses is a particular gift he was given at the young age of seven years old. On his right palm lay a scar in the shape of a lion cub that when near any living, breathing animal, glows a soft blue color alerting Simba that he is near someone who he can bond with. This bond gives Simba the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control it's actions, though controlling the animal is much easier to do if a bond has already been created and strengthened over time. The animals harder to bond with are those of their own strong will, such as lions, leopards, crocodiles and so on, as the easier ones such as jack rabbits, birds, and hippos have a lesser mind and though may not be able to hold as good as a conversation as the others, are easier to control. The interaction between Simba and the animal he is currently bonding with will influence both personalities, for example Simba will take on the characteristics of a lion (such as a true roar) while the lion in turn could have a hankering for some fruit rather than meat. This gift has only been tried on animals, as Simba has not yet had the opportunity to test it on another human being.

Simba can reach out his mind to bond with animals he has already created a link with, and can converse with them over large distances; the stronger their link, the further they can communicate. So long as this bond is in effect, Simba can see, feel, taste, hear, smell everything the animal can; as if his soul and the animals soul have become one being. If the animal in which he is bonding with is killed, Simba feels the pain and is forced back into his own mind where the traumatic experience of death will remain in his mind though only 'true death' can be achieved is if Simba is completely and fully within his own mind at the time of the strike.

Biography (Before Earth):
Born the first and only child of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi, Simba was brought up in a very rich, provided-for life, never having to want for anything. He was a curious young boy, always wanting to soak up any and all information he could as well as trying to walk in his father's every footsteps so that one day he could become a great King like him. At the age of seven, Simba was put into his father's army to begin his training; the age in which all eligible boys were able to join. At first Simba was excited; he yearned to learn how to fight and defend himself, not to mention the War General was his very own Uncle Scar who he looked up to considerably. But then everything changed when Simba stumbled upon a meeting between Uncle Scar and a few other of the higher ups, planning the murder of The King - Simba's father. Frightened and unable to understand his Uncle's reasoning, Simba returned home to tell Mufasa everything he had overheard, giving the King plenty of time to prepare for Scar's attack. True to their plan, Scar did indeed attempt to take over the castle but Mufasa was ready and Uncle Scar was apprehended and put into an isolated prison.

A feast was held in Simba's honor that night, but Simba didn't feel very heroic. His Uncle had betrayed his trust, something the seven-year-old boy couldn't quite comprehend but to keep from disappointing his father, he put on a face and tried to enjoy the festivities anyway. His father's Shaman, Rafiki, called the attention to the room to bestow the young prince with a gift; a blessing. After Mufasa's approval, Rafiki approached Simba and took both of Simba's hands in his own. The Shaman murmured a few things which Simba did not understand completely, but being taught the ancient language of his people he was able to pick out a few choice words such as 'blessing' 'hope' and 'life.' Something changed in Simba then, a slight tickling feeling in his palm which forced the young prince to look at his hand. A wash of blue light encased his entire palm and with a sudden flash of white light it had all disappeared, but in it's stead was a scar in the shape of a lion cub that seemed to pulse with an energy that he did not understand.

Over the next couple of months, Rafiki took it upon himself to teach Simba the ways of life, how everything was connected and about the gift that he had since bestowed upon him; the ability to bond. His training with Rafiki was cut off short, however, when one night as Simba was sneaking about to play in the halls of his castle, he caught the shadow of a hulking figure heading towards his father's throne room. Curious, Simba followed. Catching up to the shadow, he realized suddenly that it was his Uncle Scar, who had since been banished from The Pride Lands but Simba said nothing, trusting that his Uncle had been invited so that he and his father could work things out and everything could be the way it was before. But he was wrong. Watching from the shadows, like the coward he realized he was, he saw his father fall as Uncle Scar withdrew the blade from his ribs. His mother was screaming, begging for mercy but Simba didn't stick around any longer to see what happened. He ran, and he never stopped.

Thirteen years later, Simba now has a very comfortable, isolated life on the outskirts of the Pride Lands where he has very little contact with other humans. He has made a series of friends over the years, his first and best friend, a red warthog named Pumba (who he had learned about through his bonding skill) provided to be a constant companion, as he and Pumba had very much in common with having deserted their families and their near-constant companion Timone. Simba has a deep connection with all the land around him, but more specifically it's wildlife. He only hunts when he has to, and only animals of which he hasn't already bonded with (mostly fish and other small-game) and has no plans of returning home to see what has become of his home or his family, constantly blaming himself for his father's ultimate death.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Simba never went to Earth, and has no idea the place even exists.

Simba wears a ring on a necklace, a gift he received as a child from his mother with his name inscribed on the inside as well as the name of his father and mother, all interconnected in what his mother calls 'the circle of life'. He wears it to this day as a reminder that everything has it's beginning and everything has it's end, but the time in-between is entirely up to him.

~Theme Song~

"Life Won't Wait" By Ozzy Osbourne.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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~General Information~

Name (Earth): Zelena Dufresne.
Other Names (Rivenspire): The West Witch, The Green Witch, Wicked (Citizens of OZ - Presently), Elphie, Fae, Zelena.
Real Name (Rivenspire): Elphaba Maria Chopper.
Maiden Name (Rivenspire): Elphaba Maria Thropp.
Occupation (Rivenspire): Witch of OZ.
Place Of Origin: OZ; Rivenspire.
Age: Twenty-Six.

Affiliation (Rivenspire/ Earth): Neutral Good (Presently), True Neutral (Presently).

Neutral Good (Presently) - * A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. She is devoted to helping others. She works with Kings and Magistrates, but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.

True Neutral (Presently) - * A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age thirteen):

Appearance - Earth (Age Twenty-Six):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire):
OZ (Formally) - Having been brought up, and trained as the next Witch of the West within the exulted Emerald City of OZ; Elphaba was always taught and expected to dress the part of which she was born to play- the Wizard, Oscar Diggs, along with her parents being sure to provide her with a large range of outfits to cover a many different occasions in which she was sure to find herself (Emerald City Dress #01, Emerald City Dress #02, Emerald City Dress #03, Emerald City Dress #04, Emerald City Dress #05), however she has always preferred the comfort of less extravagant dresses which she is able to wear at home in the company of her husband; the only dress in her wardrobe the young witch actually feels any real attachment to being that of her wedding dress.

Earth (Presently) - Having been sent to Earth with her husband, Nicholas Chopper, to be a guardian and to look after the children sent to safety; Elphaba's style has had to change dramatically from that which she used to dress up in back when she lived within the Emerald City- her wardrobe filled with a large variety of items which the young witch is able to wear for many different an occasion, whether it be a typical day in class with her friends (Casual Outfit #01, Casual Outfit #02, Casual Outfit #03, Casual Outfit #04, Casual Outfit #05, Casual Outfit #06, Casual Outfit #07), a cute date night out with her loving husband (Date Outfit #01, Date Outfit #02, Date Outfit #03, Date Outfit #04), or even just attending one of the more formal events thrown by the university, or the lodge, ect. (Formal Outfit #01)- the young woman however, never able to really shake the urge to window shop, even when her eyes wander over bridal shops in search of the perfect wedding dress that would out-do the one she's already used.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Married/ It's Complicated.
Partner: Nicholas Chopper.
Love: Li Shang (Magnus Ping).
Real Father (Fairy Tale World): Wizard Of OZ (Yen Sid - She Doesn't Know About Him).
Real Mother (Fairy Tale World): Rosalie Argent (Deceased - She Doesn't Know About Her).
Adopted Father (Fairy Tale World): Carlisle Augustus Thropp.
Adopted Mother (Fairy Tale World): Melena Thropp.
Siblings (Fairy Tale World): Myrddin Wyllt (Older Brother), Shell Thropp (Older Adopted-Brother), Nessarose Thropp (Adopted-Sister).
Pet/s: While not owning any pets within Rivenspire; since moving to Earth to keep an eye on the children as head guardian, Elphaba was given a small and precious little kitten, which she calls Oliver, from Magnus as a present for her last birthday.
Other: Glinda (Best Friend), Witch of the East (Friend), Witch of the North (Friend).

~Personal Information~

Personality Traits: Seen to all those who are lucky enough to know her as an extremely forceful and independent young witch; Elphaba has always been noted to be not only exceedingly intelligent, but also a relatively hard working and quite efficient individual- her time within the walls of the Emerald City proving her to be quite studious when she feels the need to be, and most times coming out within the top percentage of her classes, while her magical abilities coupled with her readily relied on logic helping her to deduce and search out information that many others would have missed completely. Though she is also seen at times to show a vast amount of not only social conscience, but also social tenacity and compassion; Elphaba's strong emphasis on logic has more times than not made her quite skeptical about accepting almost anything without being presented with any sort of rational proof or hard and physical evidence; nevertheless, as the years have passed her by and she has seen and learnt more about the world, she has become slightly more willing to accept things as they are, and is willing to also come to intuitive conclusions.

Though showing quite a high sense of responsibility, and a very low sense of remorse for the actions of her past, Elphaba rarely ever regrets any of the choices that she has made which have led her to where it is that she stands in the present- the free-spirited young woman usually always seen to be full of life, occasionally coming across to those around her as sharp of tongue, and exceedingly quick-witted; her light cynicism and on the rare occasion, snarky attitude oftentimes leaving her to be the voice of reason among her more impulsive friends, to varying level of success. Nevertheless, in spite of her straitlaced disposition, Elphaba is not above using coercion and threats to get just what it is that she wants; the witch learning at a very young age that she needs to be unafraid to stand up to not only her enemies, but also to those that she calls and considers to be her friends, especially when she truly believes that it is in their best interests or when she feels in her heart that they are in the wrong- however, it is shown that she can also be extremely cruel and harsh towards those that cross her, or those of whom she dislikes; her determination and focus showing that she can become absolutely relentless, the woman herself not above taking revenge on those who have wronged her in the past- whether it be casting a simple hex, or something more permanent such as taking another's powers.

Because of her overly opinionated and oftentimes interfering nature; Elphaba in her younger years held fast to her status of being quite the bossy know-it-all, her sometimes abrasive attitude, masked with her many deep insecurities and her strong fear of failure, causing her most times feel the need that she had to prove herself to those who were around her- however this is partly because of the many people who look down upon her due to the reputation that followed her due to her background and the real parents which she never knew. Nevertheless, Elphaba never truly let anyone use her past life as a means to bully or belittle her, and never had any issues when it came to both ignoring and standing up to bigots and bullies; and despite her strong confidence in her abilities, she is rarely ever shown to be arrogant or conceited; and although she is not seen to be as short-tempered as her friends, she is quick to get annoyed and frustrated- never once backing down from an argument, a trait that has been exceedingly evident even during her time spent as a child in OZ.

Rather popular during her time within the Emerald City thanks to the help of her best friend, Glinda; Elphaba was seen to gain fancy from numerous guys who met her, causing her older brother, Shell, to often remark that after a while she had indeed become too popular for her own good- the young witch's charisma and charm, along with her witty nature causing others to gravitate towards her; her sense of humor and caring nature oftentimes helping to make others laugh and feel better about themselves, even when they feel down and depressed. Extremely loyal to her friends, Elphaba is willing to risk her life frequently to help them, and has no second thoughts about standing by them, even when others seem reluctant to do so; prepared to give others advice when it is asked of her, it is shown that she is quite blunt with her opinions, sometimes even to the point of being tactless- despite this however, she is seen to be generally sensitive to others' emotions, and while reluctant about it, will resort to lies when she has no other choice; though showing a more honest nature than most, it is clear that she is also rather good at lying, and capable of being quite opaque when necessary.

Strengths: Proven to have a multitude of potential, as well as having inherited both her biological father's magical abilities and prowess, Elphaba is seen by all in OZ to be an extremely powerful witch, even in spite of her young age; the young woman having been referred to in the past as the the more powerful of the four witches of OZ by not only her peers, but even the Wizard himself, Oscar Diggs- her magical capability coupled with her raw talent and quick-to-learn nature leaving her to be considered a borderline genius in the eyes of all who really know her.

Weaknesses: Though seen to hold a rather strong mastery of logic that most others seem to lack, Elphaba's intelligence can also be considered a handicap at times; her tendency to rely more heavily upon facts and information that could be proven by background analysis rather than making intuitive leaps sometimes landing her in difficult positions, and leaving her to stress about the results, though it is seen that she has over her years on Earth grown more willing to accept things as they are, and is indeed more willing to also take that leap and jump to intuitive conclusions.

Magic Capabilities:

Brought up in the Emerald City as one of the Witches of OZ, Elphaba does not own, nor does she know how to use weapons of any kind; the young woman instead preferring, and having been trained to use her strong magical powers and abilities for both defending herself, as well as when attacking an opponent.

Brief Biography (Life In Rivenspire):

Brief Biography (Life On Earth):
Chosen personally to become the head guardian of the children, along with her husband and the others by the revered Sorcerer of Rivenspire, Elphaba now tries to live comfortably on Earth with her other half, Nicholas Chopper; doing what she can to blend into every day life, and everything in her power to look out for the children who were placed within their care all those years ago... though with her marriage crumbling, and her heart breaking further with each day; Elphaba finds herself more and more in the company of her close friend and fellow guardian, Magnus Ping.

~Other Information~

Other: One of her most cherished and prized possessions, as well as the only thing linking her to the parents that she never really knew, Elphaba is rarely ever seen without a beautiful emerald necklace hanging delicately over her neck; originally given to her by her biological mother before being given away to her adopted family, the young witch wears it always in the hopes that maybe, one day, she'll be able to meet the parents who chose to give her away, and finally ask them just why they did what they did.

Entrusted to her by both the Witch of the East, and the Witch of the North in an attempt to keep its power out of the hands of evil; Elphaba keeps safe within her home on Earth the most revered and powerful spell book from OZ, the Grimmerie- the young witch doing all in her power to keep it safe, while studying the spells held within during her free time between university and her work as a guardian.

~Theme Song~

"Defying Gravity" By Wicked Soundtrack.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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~Li Shang - Mushu~

Name: Magnus Ping
Other Names: Mushu
Real Name: Li Shang
Age: (Physically 33 Spiritually 153)
Occupation: Martial Artist/CEO of Dragon Fist Martial Arts and Athletics

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Physically 20 - Spiritually 140):

Appearance - Today (Physically 33 - Spiritually 153):

Personality Traits:

Magnus' exterior is seen as a practical, sensible person. The way he runs his business is though the business itself is his life and can not be parted from it for very long but when he needs a bit of time to himself has no problems with directing people to those he has hired and come to trust over the years to inadvertently take his place if something were to happen. That in itself lets others who know that he is not from Earth that Magnus is always thinking one step ahead. He knows that he will not remain on Earth forever, and already has a plan for the business he built up should he unexpectedly return. He has his feet planted firmly on the ground and knows just what is what.

Magnus is also a very great person to go to for practical advice. Many of his students respectfully treat him as an equal, as they are not shy or afraid to ask him for help whether it relates to their form or something in their personal life. He is absolutely fantastic with children, and never underestimates or undermines them, no matter their age. He doesn't sugar-coat his words, by any means, but neither is he harsh when he speaks with them unless absolutely necissary to get the results from them he knows them to be capable of. He has pushed these boundaries only a handful of times in his life and regrets each and every one of them, still remembering how it felt to break a child's spirit, if even for a few moments.

Being far from superficial, Magnus' more romantic side comes from knowing the person rather than judging them by their looks. To Magnus, any average-looking female can be the most beautiful woman in the world if she has the right personality and carries herself well. On the same side, if Magnus were to see what society would call a supermodel, he would look and appreciate like any other male would, but would not have any interest in persuing anything more than conversation if he does not know them too well. Because of this, Magnus has been called demisexual on more than one occasion. And when he does find an attraction to a woman, he's not afraid to flirt a little to gauge their interest in him back. If it isn't reciprocated, he backs off immediately and does not press the issue.

He's also a bit of a nerd. His Asian culture brings a love of all things comics, anime, manga and yes, he does play Pokemon Go. He would never go as far as dressing up at a Comic-Con or any other Con convention, though he has been known to make appearances at them from time to time to browse the merchandise and spend his money on collectables. Magnus has also been known to have a little fun by visiting casinos, doing a bit of gambling, drink, and enjoy a show or two.


Magnus has a natural knowledge of the rarely used Dragon style of Martial Arts, where the style in itself is classified as strong, smart, deceptive and unpredictable. Magnus is all of these things and more having mastered the style quite some time ago before his death. The Dragon style also has a few select traits of the other four Shaolin animal styles but is deemed to be the most difficult to master and the most powerful. Magnus uses quick, snapping kicks that hit with the blade of the foot and uses a full fist and his forearms to strike. He teaches his students that any part of the body that can be grabbed would be considered a target while practicing, especially the head which is simultaneously grabbed and struck. In order to master this style, Magnus had to learn how to keep his muscles relaxed even while fighting and hone the ability to switch from soft movements to hard ones. As a child, and even until this day, Magnus keeps his body in it's prime by doing drills to build the explosive power the style is known for.

Magnus has two trademark attacks he uses that his students aspire to perfect one day. This includes a Dragon-Tail kick, which is used to hit or sweep, and the Dragon Claw, which positions the digits in a flatter orientation than the Tiger Claw position.

With his marital arts training came absolute patience and respect for Chinese history, which in turn transitioned into arcane knowledge of the China both on Earth and in Rivenspire. He is a quick learner and has an incredibly adapt mind, allowing him to read up to three large books a day and retain most if not all the knowledge he gains from them to store into his long-term memory. During his schooling days in Rivenspire, this adept mind and speed-reading ability granted him the "Jinshi" title.

He had very minimal military training, and though he knows his way around a sword he never got the chance to see what he could really do with it before his death, though it became known very early on in his training that Magnus is ambidextrous. Whether he conditioned himself this way to be better than the rest or he was simply born that way remains a mystery even to him.

His years running his own company and opening up various Martial Arts buildings gave him an early knowledge of management. He shows excellent leadership skills by not being afraid of getting results by methods that are both brutal and exhausting, though they are highly effective in the grand scheme of things, showing an efficient leader behind his harsh exterior. He is excellent with money management, advertising, and keeping his company afloat even when merging into the world of athletic sponsorships when he had accumulated enough money to do so.

Magnus also has a hidden, introverted ability stemming from him being a spiritual guardian of the Royal Family. Though these powers have yet to be explored in his human form, he often-times thinks about what his magical limitations might be once returning home. When especially angry, his eyes flash a golden-yellow color for the briefest of moments before dissolving back into the dark brown eyes he was born with. So far, this seems to be the limitations of what he is able to do on Earth.

Biography (Before Earth):

Son of worldy renowned General Li, Shang was born into a heavily-influenced military family. Growing up, Shang was given nothing but the best for the slightly-above middle class family. He was given the best schooling, the best clothes, the best reputation and of course, one of the best houses. Things went well as he grew up so long as he kept perfect marks. There was a single time when his grade dipped a letter and his father had him conditioning for weeks until he was able to get it back up. Shang never made that mistake again. He was always pushing himself, forcing him to be the best student in all of his classes right up until graduation when he then immediately enlisted into the army to fight alongside his father.

For years, things went very well and Shang grew to be a very strong, independent man. He didn't have a whole lot of influence in the army in his young age, but he never let something like title keep him from offering to do jobs he knew was above his status. It was in one of these voluntary jobs that ultimately brought him to his end.

His squad was camped high up in the mountains, awaiting a traveling group that had been suspected to try and attack China from the outside. When the group never arrived, Shang, along with the others, began to get very suspicious. When he went out on a scout, which was not part of his orders, Shang came to the terrifying realization that the enemy had known about their location and was getting set to ambush them instead. Returning to the camp as quickly as he could, Shang didn't even have a chance to let out a breath before bombs and arrows were being rained down on the camp. His first thought was that of his father, his General, so by breaking every rule, Shang ran into the general's tent and tackled his father to the ground where he would be safer. Explosives near the tent went off, and shielded by his son, General Li lived to fight another day and drive off the attacking forces, but Shang was not so lucky.

After the war, a ceremony was held for Shang in high honor and was given a near-royal status upon his death bed. It was the events of his bravery and selflessness that then led to his father's promotion to the Emperor's second, as he could not have any children of his own. Then, suceeding as The Emperor, General Li took over and Shang's younger brother, Li Ping, took over. Li Ping eventually got married and they had a daughter Jí Yíng, who took over as second. She was then quickly married to Ying Zheng, who, after Li Ping's death, took his position as Emperor.

A shrine had been built near the palace a great number of years ago. It was a place where the royals could go to pray to their ancestors for a great many different things. Shang had a statue built in his honor - an Eastern Dragon to symbolise his spirit in battle. Legend had it, the sign of the dragon was to protect treasure, defend against famine and floods, and is filled with ancient wisdom and folklore. But above all else, Shang's personal statue of the dragon was considered one of the two most powerful animals in Chinese astrology and the sign of the emperor.

In spirit, Shang continued to watch over and protect his family - appearing in dreams, giving answers to their prayers by making things "happen" that wouldn't normally. And, when the other ancestors would allow it, Shang could obtain the appearance of his old physical body to interact with those with the purest of hearts for a few moments. Of all of his ancestors that prayed to him, little Mulàn Fa Yíng became his favorite. He spent a great deal of time with her in his spiritual form, finding it easier to lead and guide her this way.

But as tragedy struck, where Shang tried to test the limits of Mulan into making her a better warrior and ultimately breaking her small spirit for a few moments which led to events that nearly costing her, her life, Shang was stripped his title of guardian and cast out by the other ancestors that lived within the shrine. Guilt-ridden, humiliated, and having no honor, Shang was destined to wander the mortal realm as a spirit for the rest of his days, until a Sorcerer approached him with a job that could very well redeem what he had lost. More than interested, Shang was given a position as a guardian for a few children the Sorcerer wished to send to another land. Though still a spirit, it came to a strange (and oh, so wonderful) shock that his body once more became solid and alive when arriving to Earth.

Biography (Life on Earth):

After insuring that the children he had been sent with were safe, Shang continued to follow Merlin's orders by means of fitting into the strange world he had been put into. Knowing that he needed money, he needed a job, but what he was good at didn't seem to settle very well with Earth's standards as he got busted a handful of times trying his hand in fight clubs. After a year, or so, however, Shang, who had changed his name to Magnus Ping (to help him remember his home back in Rivenspire - Ping being a nickname he gave the child of the Emperor when his job was to be her guardian), decided to start his own business in martial arts.

It took perhaps five total years for Magnus to see more profit than loss, but his hard work and dedication definitely started to pay off and very quickly. Suddenly, he had gone from a romen-noodle-every-night kind of budget to being able to go out to the kinds of places that only let you in if you had a reservation. He was able to buy himself a penthouse that overlooked the city, have his home furnished and decorated for him, and even got a taste for the expensive suit style.

He didn't want to spend all of his hard-earned money on luxury, however. Instead, Magnus had invested his time into thinking about how he could, somehow, get some of the children he had been sent to Earth with to be associated with one another. It wasn't until he was at one of his demonstrations, watching as some of his students went up a belt, when the idea of throwing his funds at possible his own sponsorship occurred. So he branched out his business to not only teach Martial Arts, but to sponsor other athletics - more specifically, snowboarding and motocross. He had kept distant tabs on both Elsa and the very strange occurrence that happened to Peter Pan once he came to Earth. At first, the thought of a boy and his shadow splitting and becoming two different people was very strange to him, but then he had to remember that he was a spirit himself that took on very distinct dragon traits.

So reaching out to both Elsa and Pan's Shadow, now Eliza and Sebastian, he offered them a sponsorship to help them in their careers, and was more than pleased to find out that a friendship had formed between the two of them. He kept in touch with the other guardians as well, though save from Pinocchio who seemed to vanish completely. Magnus had to start wondering if the puppet had even made it through the portal at all.

Magnus now spends his time running his business, traveling the world, and simply having a good time. Though when he was almost unexpectedly reached out to by Merlin himself, he knew that things were going to be changing very quickly.


Theme Song:
"Painkiller" by Three Days Grace.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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~Sebastian Beachley – Peter Pan's Shadow~

Name: Sebastian Beachley
Other Names: Crush
Real Name: The Shadow
Age: Physically 19 - Technically Ageless
Occupation: Student

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Shadow Age 4):

Appearance - Today (Physically 19):

Personality Traits: Sebastian is an overly-outgoing boy who just can't seem to sit still most of the time. Though those who don't particularly know him would deem his boisterous personality as 'annoying' or 'disruptive,' his friends and even teachers find him to be a charming boy who's fun to be around and adds just the right amount of 'ridiculous' to the everyday cycle brought on by the school scene because unlike most 'class clowns' Sebastian knows that line of 'too much' and has learned over the years how not to cross it with a little help from his medication, however this system is not perfect and a handful of times has landed him in the principal's office for a quick scolding.

His personality really comes into play whenever Sebastian performs on stage. Whether going crazy on the drums or attempting the newest, dare-devilish stunt, it does not matter, he always has something new to add to the table and though he is unable to learn at the same rate as his fellow students, his teachers recognize a certain light within him that unfortunately can not be transferred to paper to measure his intelligence. Therefore, Sebastian doesn't exactly have the best academic record, the earlier part of his life even requiring tutors to help him through classes but after a while Sebastian stopped trying to achieve the same level of 'greatness' as his brother and looked for other ways to let him shine.

His strong popularity within the schools he has attended keeps him in a solid social group and as his talents as a athlete become more and more noticed, his friends are only too eager to brag about his talents. For the most part, Sebastian lets them brag for him as he prefers to stay on the sidelines when it comes to conversations about his success, however, there are a couple times when he himself will make a sort of small comment or jab that alludes to him knowing full well that he's 'just that good' though on most cases, this is done within the context of just screwing around and not particularly meaning anything behind it.

Sebastian is almost constantly in some kind of relationship. Notably the last time he was single was when he was thirteen years old and still uninterested in girls. Though he doesn't go through girlfriends like fast-food by any means as he is considered to be a very attentive boyfriend that tries to put his all into a relationship, most times his extracurricular activities keep him from being able to commit as much as he wants, which oftentimes leads to relationship problems. His popularity coupled with his addictive fun personality, however, keep the ladies coming despite knowing that he is most times 'too busy' for a relationship, all hoping to be 'that one exception' though none ever are no matter how much his heart is into the relationship. Simply put, his own self comes first.

Despite popular belief, Sebastian does manage to stay out of trouble for the most part. Extended outside of school, he keeps a pretty good rep with his adopted parents since (aside from his ADHD that gets him into trouble for lack of attention) they have never been given reason to distrust him. Even with the pressures of his peers, Sebastian steered clear of alcohol and drugs. There had been a few instances when he went to a party where he tried a beer a time or two, but that sort of life wasn't anything that ever interested Sebastian, as he could have fun and feel free without the aid of any substance. His relationship with his adopted parents was even close enough at that time for Sebastian to tell on himself, feeling a small sense of pride in knowing what he had learned from the experience.

Most times, whenever a situation would arise that would cause most people to get angry, Sebastian would instead find a humorous side to the situation and dwell on that, able to almost literally 'brush' it off of his shoulders and not ever letting anything stick for him to dwell on, aside from the very important question that he sometimes keeps himself awake at night thinking where did I come from? The question of his life before being adopted strikes a raw nerve in him which gets him slightly angry and defensive, so those he is around have learned to leave the topic of conversation alone.

Being quite popular among his peers, he hardly has any time to himself but when he does get a chance at solitude, Sebastian grows quite introverted and spends time dwelling on his life before being found in the empty stands of the race track. Very few people have seen this withdrawn side to Sebastian, as he is very good at making face, and is never comfortable showing this side to himself to anyone.

Skills: Having been exposed to the world of motocross an early stage in his life, Sebastian has adopted a very athletic set of skills, pertaining to both physical and mental strength, balance, focus and stamina. And because of the social demand within his school and growing fame as a musician, Sebastian is extremely sociable when he wants to be, using his life experience to be the one guy that has all the funny jokes, witty comebacks and intriguing stories to share with those he is close to, making him quite likable and a very good storyteller.

On top of his social expertise, Sebastian is also very proficient when it comes to the outdoors. Enjoying camping, fishing, hiking and boating, Sebastian has learned a large assortment of skills of everything one should know about survival if he ever got stranded like how to make or find a capable shelter, safe food and water to eat and drink, a compass out of practically nothing, a fire and so on; an exceptional hands-on kind of guy.

Being a natural 'hands-on' learner, Sebastian learned that he also had a talent for keeping a beat when he stood in for his friends' drummer when their band first started up in their 9th year. As fate would have it, Sebastian had a better talent for the drums after picking it up his first time than the actual drummer, and has been drumming for them ever since.

Minorly, another skill Sebastian seems to posses was discovered completely by accident when he was really hurting for some cash in high school to buy himself a ticket to one of the motocross competitions a few hours drive away. He took up babysitting the neighbors four kids and though the stories he heard about these kids to be nothing but little terrors, he actually found the job to be quite easy as the kids all seemed to take an immediate shine to him. A few times after that with different children, Sebastian came to the strange realization that he was just overall good with children of any and all ages.

Biography (Before Earth):
The birth of Neverland brought forth the birth of a single spirit - the soul that kept the island not only magical, but alive. The Spirit of Neverland, as it was called by the natives, had quite the mysterious nature about it as no one seemed to know what it truly was. Legend had it, The Spirit of Neverland was simply waiting for the perfect being to step foot on the island, where it would then attach itself to that being, creating the perfect, physical and true ruler of Neverland. Such a day came when Peter Pan was brought to the island by the fairy, Tinker Bell; and Peter Pan received his Shadow.

Peter's Shadow gave Peter both the understanding and knowledge of the land, sharing with Peter Neverland's secrets, and though he was young, the Shadow saw such potential in the boy, it knew immediately it had made the right choice.

The longer the two were forged, the more the two became one. Though Peter's Shadow certainly had it's own personality about it, always running off and making Peter chase him, they grew to be as brothers, causing all sorts of mayhem for others who shared the island with them.

Then, one day, when the Shadow had run off to have Peter give chase, Peter was gone. Not just from their home, but from Neverland itself. Confused, the Shadow went out in search for Peter. Not knowing where his other half had gone, and confused as to why he had left, the Shadow was then very suddenly encased by a vortex of magic and sucked inside, only to be spit out upon the sands of Australia in a world called, Earth.

Because Peter had been sent to Earth, and because the Shadow and Peter were one in the same, by some unforseen magic, a portal had opened and took the Shadow to the same realm Peter had gone. But because there was a severe lack of magic on Earth, the Shadow was given a physical form - just as any normal boy would be, and once more became his own person.

Confused, scared, and outraged from being taken from his home and other half, the Shadow fell into exhaustion on the sands, vaguely aware of a pair of adult arms picking him up and raising him into a life that would change him forever.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Found washed ashore by a young surfing couple within the light tide of Bells Beach in Australia one day, Sebastian had no idea who he was or where he had come from, his mind a complete blank. He was quickly adopted by the surfer couple, and Sebastian began his new life as the Beachley's son.

Sebastian started his new life quite introverted. His adoptive parents, the sweet and caring souls they were, tried everything to help Sebastian find his niche' as surfing just didn't interest him in the way it did the rest of his family. Through their efforts, Sebastian found that he did take an immediate liking to the outdoor world, though not necessarily the sea. Camping, fishing, hiking and boating became a few of his favorite activities and his adopted parents decided then that Scouts would be a good thing to put Sebastian in. He enjoyed it and seemed to fit in well, but it wasn't until Sebastian was ten years old he finally found what he was looking for when he stumbled into the world of motocross.

Sebastian completely immersed himself into the racing life, taking on every meet he could get himself into both in school and within the community. He loved the way he felt when he was on the bike - like flying. Unfortunately, it was at this same time that Sebastian started to get himself into trouble in school and with his parents as he didn't seem to be able to sit down and listen and after a quick doctor visit, Sebastian was diagnosed with ADHD.

As he grew older (having a better grasp on being able to focus when on his medication), the races he participated in increased in difficulty and variety but Sebastian embraced every challenge with open arms and took them down with seemingly little effort. His life was back on track.

However, things came to a roaring halt once more as Sebastian began struggling in school again and for the longest time, Sebastian nor his parents could figure out why. He was taking his medication, hell they even increased the dosage a few times, but Sebastian just wasn't getting it. He went through a series of tutors to help him through school, managing to scrape by with passing grades but eventually Sebastian simply quit caring, realizing that no matter how hard he tried, he simply could not keep up academically. It was discovered then at sixteen years old that not only did Sebastian have ADHD, but dyslexia as well, rendering his learning capability next to none without any extra help, and Sebastian wanted no part of it and simply became an average 'C' student putting most of his focus into motocross and drumming for a band that was finally starting to get somewhere.

Sebastian graduated from Scouts and high school around the same time and jumped right into college, studying to become a professional athlete, even getting as far as obtaining a sponsorship that earned him lots of recognition and even some great, new friends. Any extra time he got, Sebastian volunteered at the old middle school he went to, helping out his favorite teachers by becoming a volunteer aid, finding an overwhelming amount of joy in working with the younger children and becoming somewhat of a leader to them. And when he wasn't burdened down with homework on the weekends, Sebastian split up his time in practicing with his band and spending time with his adopted parents, either just lounging around the house like the sometimes lazy teenager he was, or going out on a quick family vacation to the beach or out camping. Either way, Sebastian was exceptionally content with his life, as busy as it may be.

Other: Thanks to a rather profound effect a certain movie had on him, a particular quote stuck with Sebastian from one of the lines from Peter Pan. "To die would be an awfully big adventure!" As soon as he was eighteen, Sebastian had these words tattooed onto his left rib-cage in loopy penmanship where he feels a strange sense of pride connected to these words.

There was an instance when Sebastian was out ocean fishing one time with his friends and Sebastian reeled in a rather large sea turtle. His friends, finding it rather hilarious, began calling him 'Crush' ever since, as the movie 'Finding Nemo' had just been released and quite the hit in Australia.

The name of Sebastian's band is blank.5 (pronounced blank point five) and are considered alternative rock.

~Theme Song~

"I Got A Feeling" By Black Eyed Peas.

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~Kekata Walker - Kocoum~

Name: Kekata Walker
Other Names: Kay
Real Name: Kocoum Akecheta
Age: 35
Occupation: Juvenile Social Worker

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 22 + 400 Neverland years):

Appearance - Today (Age 35 + 400 Neverland years):

Personality Traits:
By nature, Kocoum is the silent type playing the part of calm and composed in almost all situations. He is seen as a practical, responsible person which often-times leads to copious amounts of trust between the few people he allows in but because of his lack of trust in the common man, he very rarely gives second chances.

On the opposite hand, when Kocoum does cross paths with someone who has done him wrong, he seeks the path of resolution and though he may not forgive them for their wrong-doings, he moves their relationship forward rather than look to the past.

His notion of understanding is perhaps his largest weakness as he tends to give the benefit of the doubt to those who make wrong choices and uses that against them to help shape them into being a better person, even when the other does not wish to change.

The phrase "tough love" comes to mind when dealing with Kocoum, as his serious, strict and oftentimes stern personality seclude him from others as they oftentimes feel uncomfortable around him, though what others fail to realize is that his heart is large and full of love - he just doesn't know how to show it.

He is a brave individual, always willing to do the dangerous but necessary thing and does not fear death. This makes Kocoum a fierce protector, for there is nothing Kocoum won't do to save the people he loves.

Kocoum possesses the skills any average Indian would, honed to near perfection in his many years living in Neverland. These skills are, but not limited to: chopping/cutting wood, carving, stripping bark, hunting, cleaning game, fishing, climbing, fashioning makeshift weapons, making fire and basic combat and defense. Kocoum is completely at home in the wilderness and prefers it to what Earth would consider a domesticated lifestyle - though to keep up appearances he does own a small hut on the edge of town where he appears to live (semi) normally.

On a related note, Kocoum also possesses the skill of blending in, both metaphorically and literally. While hunting, Kocoum has mastered the art of stealth to stalk his prey and by the literal meaning, it took almost nothing for Kocoum to adjust to life on Earth as he simply kept quiet and observed.

Perhaps one of Kocoum's best, and most notable skills, is his ability to track. Both on Earth and in Fairy Tale World, Kocoum's keen sense of direction and paying attention to the smallest of details has always led him to what he needed to find - whether it be game or a person not wishing to be found, Kocoum's adept methods always point him in the right direction.

Biography (Before Earth):
Kocoum was born to a rather modest Indian tribe within Neverland to one day take up the mantle of his father, Chief Powhatan. Such titles are very rarely passed on within Neverland, as it is a magical island that keeps it's inhabitants from aging too quickly and therefore people rarely die of old age. However other circumstances that bring about death keep the Indians within the tribe producing offspring, simply far less frequent than what would be considered 'normal.' So Kocoum was raised as any other Indian child would be in Neverland, though as he grew older, Kocoum took interest in the position of a warrior and became a fierce protector of his tribe against the pirates, mermaids and fairies that inhabited Neverland.

He took special care to look after his younger sister, Pocahontas, and though there was a rather large age difference between them and their personalities polar opposites that gave them very little in common, Kocoum didn't love her any less though the one thing he would come to regret the most in life is not spending more time with her.

One fateful day, visitors arrived to Neverland. They were not pirate nor fairy nor mermaid. Chief Powhatan ignored Kocoum's warning about not letting the strangers in, as Powhatan saw it as an opportunity to create allies to better aid them against the pirates. What began as a truce amongst friends quickly turned to an imprisonment. The visitors, led by a man by the name of John Ratcliffe, overran the Indians by taking advantage of their hospitality. Kocoum watched on helplessly as his people were bound, tortured, and eventually, killed.

On the final day of the year-long war, Kocoum decided to take a stand and led a group of those who would follow him bravely to death against Ratcliffe, however his efforts were in vain. One by one his men perished, his father - the Chief - among the fallen and his sister missing. In a cry of rage, Kocoum made a final attempt at Ratcliffe himself but Ratcliffe was far more skilled. He attacked with striking force, rendering Kocoum unconscious but not before leaving a sword's length scar across his back - forever a memory that still haunts Kocoum's dreams presently, for it is a reminder that he was not good enough to save his people; his family.

Kocoum awoke days later from the sound of whimperings from his pet wolf, Kachina and when Kocoum was able to get his wits about him enough to comprehend what had happened, it was too late. Ratcliffe and the other visitors were gone, half of the tribe left dead and a quarter taken as slaves with the remaining quarter broken as a people with no chief. When all seemed lost for the Indians of Neverland, a miracle in the form of a magical sorcerer appeared and after much apprehension, gained Kocoum's trust by promise of being reunited with his younger sister once again and was thus given a job.

Kocoum had no idea what it was that he was getting himself into...

Biography (Life On Earth):
Kocoum spent the first year or so on Earth quietly watching and observing, getting used to the way Earth worked, simply remaining "invisible." It was with intention, when he was sent to Earth, that he would be looking over Peter Pan, specifically, but when both he and Eric had somehow ended up on the other side of Earth on the continent of Australia, Kocoum instead found that he began to look over the boy, Mowgli, instead from a very fair distance. Once Mowgli was settled in the state of California - adopted into a foster home, Kocoum found a way to be involved in the boy's life without raising suspicion.

Kocoum extended his skills of being able to find people by offering to work for the foster home in which Mowgli was placed in, working to bring back those who tried to run away and also to help those who had been adopted to new homes. He frequented the foster home, became a familiar face. But it wasn't until Mowgli (now called Caleb) fully began to understand his situation and became rather angry towards everything did he and Kocoum form a close relationship.

Mowgli took to running away very often, and Kocoum was always the one to bring him back. More than that, though, Kocoum also became as a sort of guardian angel for the boy. He helped him out of juvenile hall on multiple occasions and even helped to resolve a few squabbles Caleb found himself in with other youngsters who defined themselves as a 'gang.' No matter what Caleb tried, Kocoum was always there to set things straight in his life, much to Caleb's disdain.

He continues to look after the boy in such a way, and though it is long, tiring work, at least Kocoum knows that he is safe and his duty still being fulfilled.

Kay was allowed to bring his wolf companion from Fairy Tale World to Earth. The two are rarely seen apart, even when Kay is working. Kachina is a fierce protector but gentle towards those who prove to have a pure heart. Because of Neverland, the two have been together since Kocoum's birth, however being on Earth has put a physical age on his best friend and Kay is starting to fear for the worst that age is finally taking it's toll on her.

Theme Song:
"Art Of War" by We The Kings.

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~Derek Stone - Mowgli~

Name: Derek Stone
Other Names: Mowgli, Frog, Man Cub, Street Rat
Real Name: Aladdin Panya
Age: 17
Occupation: Student

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 4):

Appearance - Today (Age 17):

Personality Traits:
Derek doesn't like to let too many people get too close to him, being handed from one foster home to another, he has a hard time trusting people's intentions. This has made Derek out to be exceptionally introverted from a very young age, and when he does speak out, finds it hard to do so as he has a stutter that tends to hold him back in favor of being embarrassed. To those who don't know him or his story, he is seen as "too" quiet and even sketchy, his reputation with hanging out with equally sketchy teenagers making him look to be a sort of "bad boy" exterior type while hanging on to the quiet and mysterious interior. Those that he does run with, however, Derek wouldn't consider to be actual friends but merely a group of boys who have similar interest he does and hangs out with them to pass the time and have fun. Some would call their group a gang - a pack, as their activities range from simple loitering to tagging, drinking, smoking and trespassing. Derek has landed himself in juvenile hall on a number of occasions, however his social worker tends to always bail him out. He considers Kay to be a nuisance and doesn't want his help, making him out to be prideful and wishing for full independence.

Kay, though not Derek's favorite person by far, is perhaps the one person that knows more about Derek than what is just written on paper. Kay knows that Derek is simply an angry youth having a hard time accepting his life and takes it out on both people and objects because of his lack of understanding. He's emotional and quite often bursts into tears when he's alone because of his inner-confusion, willing to blame others for the misfortunes in his life. Derek wants to be what would be considered "good", he just doesn't believe he has the choice.

Derek is proficient in the art of parkour, or free-running as it is sometimes called. It is a physical practice of getting from one point to another in a complex environment without assistive equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible. A multitude of other talents and skills are required to be able to free run, which includes running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement, and other movements as deemed most suitable for the situation. Derek would even go as far to say that parkour has some aspects of a non-combative martial art. Because Derek practices parkour almost every day, he has built up a decent amount of strength and stamina, not to mention that he is able to perceive his surroundings in a completely different way; imagining the potentialities for navigating it by movement around, across, through, over and under it's features. The world is Derek's playground, and very rarely can Caleb simply walk from one place to another without having the itch to try and climb or jump over something along the way.

With free-running also comes it's risks and with it's risks, Derek has indirectly learned an extended form of discipline and respect for his body and it's limits but that doesn't go without saying that he also hasn't developed a very high level of bravery for stunts that sometimes even he doesn't know if he is able to pull off without mistakes or even injury.

Biography (Before Earth):
Mowgli was born in within a tiny village in Agrabah known exclusively for it's poverty. Shortly after giving birth, Mowgli's mother passed on and Mowgli was taken by a small band of thieves as payment for a debt Mowgli's father could not pay. The thieves in turn handed over the newborn to a buyer interested in children to use as slaves in neighboring Kingdoms. While traveling through Eldorado on the way to it's ocean harbor for transport, the wagon that held Mowgli and a few other children inside was attacked by a tiger, enormous to standard size. The slavers didn't last long, but one of them managed to detour the tiger away from the cart by striking it across the face with a lit torch before his untimely death.

At first, it was very likely that the Mowgli would not make it being stranded in the middle of the jungle with wild cats running about, but with coincidental timing a rather kind-hearted panther found Mowgli and took him to a pack of nearby wolves. Even more coincidental, the alpha female, Raksha, had just lost her pups to Shere Khan, the tiger and was immediately adopted into the pack. Mowgli was gently nursed back to health and raised a wolf with opposable thumbs, learning any and all secrets the jungle of Eldorado had.

By the time he was four, Mowgli had a rather firm grasp on the jungle life. However things changed for Mowgli drastically when Shere Khan came to them with a warning. Mowgli was still a cub, by jungle standards, but man cubs grow into men, and men destroyed the jungle. He offered to take care of Mowgli personally, ridding the problem before it became one, so to speak, but Shere Khan's offer was declined by the wolf pack. They were given one more offer - to hand over Mowgli before the next rain season or Shere Khan would do whatever it took to get Mowgli himself.

The pack spent days arguing amongst themselves as to what to do with Mowgli. Some stuck firm to the belief that he was a part of the pack and they would do whatever it took to protect him while others believed that he was more trouble than he was worth and wanted him gone. Then, just as it seemed that the pack could not reach a decision, the kind-hearted panther who had found Mowgli to begin with interjected. It was his belief that it was time for Mowgli to return to be with his own kind and offered to get Mowgli to safety.

The panther took Mowgli out of the jungle, revealing himself to Mowgli to be a man, just like him, though with magical powers that could take Mowgli from this place and give him a new home amongst man. So Mowgli was sent to Earth to live with his own kind and out of danger - both from Shere Khan and other rising powers.

Biography (Life On Earth):
From the moment Mowgli arrived on Earth, things became difficult.

Like most of the other children, Mowgli was found and taken to a foster home and given a temporary name until adoption since no record of their birth could be found. It wasn't until three years later that Mowgli was adopted by the Stone family, given the name Derek Stone but was quickly brought back after a few months when the parents gave up on him. What made adoption so difficult for Derek was the fact that he was just so... wild. He refused to learn to talk and it took until he was nearly eight years old before he started to walk properly. For years, Derek was taken into other people's homes, but never adopted as his file seemed to keep others weary of doing such a thing without doing a "test run" and relieved when they were able to just hand him back over to the Government once they realized why he hadn't been adopted yet fully.

He was twelve when he actually began to speak English out loud, but with that came the realization that Derek had a stutter. Speech teachers were issued by the Government in hopes that if he spoke normally, he would be more likely to get adopted, but his wild, unruly behavior made teaching him near impossible and eventually they, too, gave up.

Currently, Derek has been "issued out" to a young couple who make no move to adopting Derek but reap the financial rewards of putting up with him. Derek hardly sees them, and doesn't believe that they care that he rarely comes home in favor of living wild in the city and living off of what it can give him. The only constant in his life is the social worker assigned to his case by the name of Kakata Walker, who Derek just calls, Kay. He doesn't know or understand why Kakata cares for him as deeply as he does, enough to fork over his own money to get him out of trouble and once in a while ensure that he gets a hot meal, but Kakata is the only person Derek believes he can ever truly count on, despite his annoyance towards the man.

Derek is hands-down a dog person and he wouldn't even be able to tell you why. He tends to spend whatever alone time he can come by in the company of a stray dog, lost within the city and feels more sociable with them than he ever has with a human.

Derek got his tongue pierced at a young age by a "friend" who had his own piercing kit. Thankfully, it never got infected.

Theme Song:
"Breaking The Habit" by Linkin Park.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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~General Information~

Name (Earth): Othello Boyavard.
Name (Fairy Tale World): Chess.
Other Names (Fairy Tale World): Cheshire Cat, Fluff (by those close to him).
Occupation (Fairy Tale World): Does messing with people count?
Occupation (Real world): Professional escape artist/ Magician.
Place Of Origin: Wonderland.
Age: 21.
Affiliation (Rivenspire - FT World): Chaotic Neutral.

Chaotic Neutral characters do whatever the hell they like and damn the consequences (unless they're too noble or hurtful, watch out for that part!). Some say they're the ultimate free spirits, others that they're just crazy. Either way, there's no telling what they'll decide to do next — their main, and often only, concern is their own freedom. Whose side are they on? It's doubted that they even know themselves. Nobody else does. In some ways their inherent uncertainty makes them an unknown quantity to deal with most times so they border on Jerk-ass in terms of their self-centered perception of the world, though they usually do have some redeeming features. Chaotic Neutrals detest the self righteous and believe in power to the individual. These characters are also useful in any story that involves something that isn't damnably black and white in the outcomes.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (8 years Old):

Appearance - Earth (21 Years Old):

Appearance notes: His eyes are violet (it can happen but is rare) and he stands at 6 feet even.

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire - FT World):
Typically he was a cat. When not a cat, he would be in a leather coat and pants.

Earth (Presently) - Casual attire when not doing a show; often jeans with t shirts and converse,show attire is usually more formal.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: So single.
Partner: None.
Father: The Cheshire Cat before him (Chester).
Mother: Unknown.
Siblings: None.
Pet/s: It would be weird for a cat to own a pet. On earth while he does not own a pet he feeds the local population of feral cats.
Other: He's a cat person (heh).

~Personal Information~

Cheshire is out for himself...helping whomever he feels like when he feels like. He is unpredictable and yet he has a soft side. This soft side takes a bit to get to.

While he seems like a sarcastic ass with a brutal honest streak on a day to day basis this is him on his pills. Sarcastic with a bite unless he forgets those magical pills that make him a least somewhat normal.

If he forgets or simply doesn't take them he starts acting...strange. Perhaps he twitches or he starts...smiling. He says this is when he is most creative that he can think of so many new tricks....but this is his most unnerving half. At one point his assistant had come to meet with him and later went to say that Othello was sitting in the middle of the floor with cats around him. He was grinning and kept saying odd things. When Othello had noticed the assistant he proceeded to tilt his head and tell him that the voices were giving him ideas.

His doctor has said that his condition is getting better with the medication and that he's slowly coming down from the 'peak of madness'. That being said off his pills he's a bit more of a wild card. Not even he knows what he will do.

- Silver tongue: Ches posses a silver tongue which gives him a back for talking his way out of or into trouble.
- Slight of hand: Ches is talented at slighting people. Often being good at tricking the eye or simply talking people into giving him things
- Magician: being a magician means he's very good at tricking people's minds.
- Escape artist: Ches had gotten very good at escaping from things....finding his role model in Houdini
- Wits: he's quite smart...even though he doesn't show it
- Park our: he has this skill
- Fit: he is extremly fit

- Ego: he has quite a large ego that does get him into trouble
- Trouble: he has a knack for getting into trouble....often causing it
- Emotions: he doesn't really like expressing or feeling a lot of emotions. Putting on a mask of uncaring or sarcasm or happiness he bottles anger until he explodes.
- Dogs

Magic Capabilities:
- Vanishing:Much like invisibility though he will leave no trace unless he wants to. He can actually be wounded in this state.
- Teleportation
- Speech: while in cat form he can still speak
- Madness: oddly enough this allow him to be uncontrollable. This is more of a racial ability. Controlling spells have no effect on him.
- Two forms: he can be cat or he can be human
- Intangible: he can become a bit see through which allows objects to go through him or him to go through objects. Kind of like a ghost.

- He is actually skilled with daggers

Brief Biography (Life In Rivenspire - FT World):
Cheshire was one of the children to be teleported to earth. Before this he was raised by the Cheshire Cat (his name was Chester) his father. Since his father was mad the young kitten was taught how to handle his own madness. A racial ability that often had side effects.

Cheshire was perfectly happy with running about causing problems for well....everyone. He found his life to be pretty good until the dark queen came. His father managed to get him to a portal allowing him to appear on earth. Though being thrown and trapped in a human form wasn't pleasant for him. He was used to shifting back and forth when he pleased and then he was slammed into human.

Brief Biography (Life On Earth):
Cheshire was found not too far from civilization. A small town was nearby and a newlywed couple found him. They insist that when they found him he had cat like eyes and a smile that was larger then it should be. Othello does not recall this so shrugs it off every time they mention it.

He could not recall any details so the couple took him in..,officially adopting him and gave him the name of Othello. From that point on he was a handful. Good grades in school but managed to find trouble a lot. He fit with every click and yet none of them. He didn't seem to care about how the others felt toward him and this was somewhat concerning for his adoptive parents. When he was 10 years of age he was taken to a doctor who diagnosed him with schizotypal personality disorder.

This changed him. He believed himself to be an outcast...that he did not belong and that he was not normal. He was out on medication and a few months later found magic. Picking up books on Houdini he began trying out escaping and magic. He had a knack for both and decided this was what he belonged with. This did escalate bullying toward him...causing him to feel more outcasts but with a purpose.

He still caused trouble throughout his school career, but magic and escaping seemed to ground him. Something he could identify with. Once he finished high school he started becoming a magician and escape artist professionally. He made it big and holds large shows in Las Vegas and other places.

~Other Information~


~Theme Song~

"Heathens" by twenty one pilots
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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~General Information~

Name (Rivenspire - FT World): Cinderella.
Other names: Ella, Ellie, Cindy, Little Lady.
Occupation (Rivenspire - FT World): She has adopted her fathers businesses, maintaining them.
Place Of Origin: Born in the english countryside of Rivenspire, her mother was french, and they spent half a year in the countryside, and half a year in Avonlea.
Age: 26.
Affiliation (Rivenspire - FT World): Neutral.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (13 Years Old):

Appearance - Rivenspire (26 Years Old):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire - FT World):
Cinderella's wardrobe style is reserved, suitable for a nobleman's daughter. Typically she wears dresses, suited to a lady of noble birth although she actually hates wearing them. She also wears pants suitable for a lady, and long tunics, cut modestly.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Partner: None at the moment.
Father: Auguste tremaine.
Mother: Her biological mothers name was Auriella and she passed when Cinderella was 8 Her step mother's name is Christell tremaine.
Siblings: Two step sisters, Anastasia and Drizella.
Pet/s: None, at the moment.
Other: She has a skillful ability to draw.

~Personal Information~

Cinderella is a strong, independent woman. Having lost her mother at too young an age, Cinerella had learned to be strong, for her fathers sake. She was also use to it being just him and her, having her father spend time with her, and taking her on trips, and duties, and always tried to be on her best behavior. Her father would laugh and call her little lady. She is also a very compassionate and caring individual, wanting others to be happy. When her father married her step mother, Cinderella put on a brave face, but she was worried and a little bit hopeful that she would have a mother, as well as sisters. Even when things seemed bad, she always put on a brave face. She is also very optimistic, seeking to see the good in things and what could happen, rather then dwelling on what was happening.

She is quite a bright young woman, intelligent, skillful, diligent strong willed and a bit of a dreamer, Cinderella keeps hope when no one else does. She has an inner strength she seeks when she feels she can't go on, and is quite dedicated to what she does.

While she is kind, she doesn't show her softer side to too many people, in order not to be taken advantage of. She only shows that side to those she truly cares about.

Cinderella's main strength is her ability to see the good in others. She seeks to focus on positives, instead of negatives. Her greatest strength comes from her faith in others, believing in people, especially Gaston, got her through the early aspects of her life.

Cinderella has some trouble with nightmares, due to the treatment she received at the hands of her step mother and sisters. Her inability to talk about it can be crushing for her, and she finds it hard to confide in anyone, except Gaston, but she doesn't want to burden him.

Her lack of ability to protect herself is also a weakness she doesn't address, but that could be dangerous to her.

Magic Capabilities:
Cinderella has no magical capabilities, however she has an extraordinary sense of compassion and empathy.

Her mind is her weapon. However, she has some skill with a sword.

Brief Biography (Life In Rivenspire - FT World):
Cinderella was very young when her mother died,only 8 and so she was raised, for the most part, by her father. She was still young, 10 when her father remarried. Cinderella was hopeful that she could finally have a mother figure, as well as two older sisters who could give her some guidance. this wasn't this case. In fact, Cinderella's life drastically changed, and not in a good way. Her step mother insisted her father take her daughters with her when going about his duties, leaving Cinderella at home. And it was barely a year later when her father died, struck down by a sudden illness.

Cinderella's life become even worse, as her step mother and sisters began to treat her as little more than a slave. She was treated terribly, forced to do chores and housework, cooking and the more mundane aspects of the household duties, forced to do so and to her step mothers happiness, before she could eat. She was not allow to bath, unless on her step mothers orders, not allowed to go to balls, or indeed out beyond the house grounds.

They still visited Avonlea, and Cinderella confided just about everything to Gaston, whom she had met when her mother was still alive on their visits to their place there. He was her only friend, and when he promised he would get her out, she believed him. it was only 2 years before this was the case, Gaston essentially buying her from her step mother, and buying her families home in Avonlea for her. She stills remembers him saying "told you I'd get you out!" Nearly 14, Cinderella took over some of her fathers businesses, maintaining an adequate income to support herself.

Brief Biography (Life On Earth):
While Cinderella is aware of Earth existence, she has never been to it, and thinks of it as nothing more then a fairy tale.

~Other Information~

~Theme Song~
"Rise Up" by Andra day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~General Information~

Name (Rivenspire): Gaston Le' Gume.
Other Names (Rivenspire): Rourke, Master Hunter, King of Province.
Real Name (Rivenspire): Gaston Rourke Le' Gume; King of the Province.
Occupation (Rivenspire): King of the Avonlea, Master Hunter.
Place Of Origin: Avonlea; Rivenspire.
Age: Twenty-Nine.
Affiliation (Rivenspire): Neutral Evil (Presently).

Neutral Evil (Presently) - * A neutral evil character does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he kills, whether for profit sport, or convenience. He has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make his any better or more noble. On the other hand, he doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil character has. Some neutral evil characters hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such characters are devoted to evil deities, or secret societies. Neutral evil beings consider their alignment to be the best because they can advance themselves without regard for others.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Sixteen):

Appearance - Fairy Tale World (Age Twenty-Nine):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire):
Avonlea (Presently) - Though well known for being the King of Avonlea; Gaston does everything within his power to keep the memory of his alive in his mind so that he doesn't ever forget where it is that he actually came from, as well as who he truly is, including within his wardrobe- the young King more often than not dressing as the master hunter which he prefers rather than as the King in which he is supposed to be (Hunting/ Casual Outfit #01, Hunting/ Casual Outfit #02, Hunting/ Casual Outfit #03); however, while attending to royal matters of the court, or entertaining important guests, the young man will dress the part of King (Royal Outfit #01, Royal Outfit #02, Royal Armor #01, Royal Armor #02, Royal Armor #03), owning many different an outfit which cover a range of varied activities and situations.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Partner: None.
Father: King Clayton Le' Gume (Deceased).
Mother: Queen Narissa Le' Gume (Deceased).
Siblings: Prince Adam Le' Gume (Forgotten Via Curse).
Pet/s: Due to the grief of losing his father to unknown circumstances on an expedition, Gaston passionately despises what he hunts, however has a deep fascination with rare and interesting animals, choosing to keep a small but personal collection.
Other: None.

~Personal Information~

Personality Traits: Shown in rare times to be an understanding, reasonable and kind man, Gaston Le' Gume is most often or not seen as funny, mischievous and in most cases as slightly immature, choosing to act childish in most situations rather than as the serious King he is supposed to be. Learning from a young age how to hunt and kill creatures of all kinds, Gaston unlike most children around him was raised like a warrior, the young man never once resenting his upbringing preferring the life of a hunter rather than the every day "apple pie" lifestyle of those around him. Known for his rather luede humor and sexual innuendos, the young King is extremely flirtatious and tends to use a "seductive purr" when conversing with women who seem able to catch his eye. Typically avoiding emotional intimacy, Gaston prefers to engage with women he only see's as sexual partners, the womanizing male only ever having one woman in his sights to whom he really shows any emotional attachments to, becoming jealous and sometimes violent to any if not all males he catches touching, talking or even so much as looking at the young and capable woman in his charge.

Though never showing it to any who aren't considered as close as family, Gaston values the safety and progression of his Kingdom and it's people above anything else, even going so far as to side with those he considers enemies or sacrificing his own life in order to keep things from going down a path he deems to be the wrong one. Willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he gets what he want's he is unafraid to use methods or to search out items that others would not normally take into consideration. Typically very ruthless and extremely aggressive when he is hunting, such a task in which he approaches quite enthusiastically, Gaston is the more merciless of all those living within the Rivenspire. However, despite all that, he is capable of acknowledging when he has gone too far, even when seeing the world around him as more like black and white. Due to the grief of losing his father to unknown circumstances on an expedition, Gaston passionately despises what he hunts and is prepared to kill without question more often than not, unlike most of the hunters under his rule.

Despite his unwelcome traits seen by all around him, Gaston is very laid-back and well-disposed when he is not on a hunt or having to deal with the stressful situations that seem to arise when King, valuing the safety of those he sees as family above all else. Though while on occasion he can be somewhat impulsive as well as arrogant, Gaston is both extremely intelligent and quite competent, and is more likely to exhibit his irrational behavior when those he loves are threatened. However underneath his seeming arrogance and self-righteousness, Gaston does on occasion show signs of self-loathing and insecurity, and is always quick to blame himself when things to wrong, regardless of whether or not he is actually to blame. Even though Gaston keeps himself in excellent physical condition, he is well known for his poor eating habits, choosing more often or not to feast on greasy, fattening or otherwise unhealthy foods while rejecting and dismissing others such as salads, in which he tends to refer to as "rabbit food". Enjoying the uncomplicated things in life, such as good food and music, Gaston almost constantly displays some level of humorous behavior, and frequently makes light of tough situations; though he sometimes appears foolish due to this habit, this seems to merely be his way of dealing with stress put on him.

Strengths: Seen and known through Avonlea to be an expert sword fighter; Gaston is a swift and precise swordsman and blades-man, known to dart out of the way of his opponents' attacks, and immediately counterattack without any wasted movement- however he also, by no means, is lacking in physical strength either; able to not only ward off blows from strong and aggressive opponents, but to also hold his own in a fight against them- his proficiency with a sword and other blade allowing him to defeat several opponents at once, though he is also seen to be quite capable of throwing the weapon accurately, and with quite deadly precision. In addition to his skills with a blade; Gaston is also shown to be extremely resilient when it comes to his training- showing promise with several other weapons such as: a mace, throwing knives, and a lance; however these are not his preferred weapons of choice.

Known throughout the Rivenspire as being a master hunter; Gaston is both highly skilled and extremely intelligent when it comes to both archery and hunting, the king's experience with wielding and throwing blades helping him greatly when finishing off his wounded prey animal- the many years passing him by giving him the time and opportunity to expand on, and keep his skills sharp while doing all that he could to teach everything that he knew, and had learnt in his past to his second in command, Isabella; and while he is seen to be quite agile when it comes to his field, his slightly bulkier figure has made his reflexes only slightly slower than that of his huntress- though he is still able to shoot an arrow from a distance, and while it might take him a little longer, he is excellent and capable enough to hunt, defend himself, and to have earned himself the title that he so proudly wears.

Weaknesses: Much unlike his father before him who looked after him with a slightly detached-type of love; Gaston has an extremely soft spot, as well as a very special place within his heart for both Cinderella and Isabella which allows them to get away with a lot more than he really should being their King and employ- the young man, though not always seeming like it, doing what he can to always keep an eye on them, and willing to do all and anything within his power to make sure that they was safe, even though it is clear to all that they can sometimes make it exceedingly hard, and are more than capable of looking after themselves.

Magic Capabilities:
While living, working and dealing with many people in the Rivenspire who possess magic; Gaston himself possesses no magical ability or qualities, however he has also never tried to see whether he is capable of such feats- the King preferring to use his own pure strength and skill, rather than relying on feats of magic.

Known to be not only an expert swordsman and blades-man, but also a highly skilled archer; Gaston's weapon of choice will always depend on the task that is presented before him, whether this be something as simple as hunting in the forests surrounding Avonlea, or something more serious as fighting against another who proves to be a worthy opponent- along with his skills with a blade and a bow; Gaston also shows promise with other weapons such as a mace, throwing knives, and a lance- however these are not his preferred weapons of choice, the King more than happy to choose a sword, or a bow an arrow whenever given the choice.

Brief Biography (Life In Rivenspire):
While there are somethings which are widely known about Gaston's past, such as his father's disappearance, his upbringing as the personal hunters for the Royal family of Avonlea, and his close childhood bonds formed not only with the Princess Isabella, but also with the charming young Cinderella and young miss Audrey; not much else is known publicly about his life before coming into power thanks to the Dark Queen's support; however, the young man is caught in one of his odd moods, and is asked about it, Gaston has no issues in answering questions pertaining to the life that he has live thus far.

Brief Biography (Life On Earth):
Becoming the only Prince of Avonlea when his father, Clayton Le' Gume, was crowned King; Gaston did all that he could to help his father raise Isabella, while working hard to become the future ruler that his father always wanted him to become- as such, he not only never made it to Earth; he is completely unaware that such a place even exists.

~Other Information~

Other: Though known around the Rivenspire for sleeping with many a woman who manage to catch his eye, Gaston has an extreme soft spot and special place in his heart for Isabella- the King oftentimes becoming exceeding jealous, and sometimes even dangerously violent whenever he catches men talking, touching, or even so much as looking in her direction; already having come to the conclusion in his mind, and in his heart, that she will one day become his wife- however he speaks of his plans for their future to no-one other than Cinderella.

~Theme Song~

"Kryptonite" By 3 Doors Down.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~Adam Potts - The Beast~

Name: Adam Potts
Other Names: Beast, Prince Adam
Real Name: Adam Le' Gume
Age: 29
Occupation: Shamed Prince

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 16):

Appearance - Today (Age 29 - Beast):

Appearance - Today (Age 29 - Human):

Personality Traits:
After coming into contact with his curse, Adam's personality has a sort of split to it. Though he has two forms, Adam is far from being two different people, or having a split personality. He does, however, have a hard time acting human while a beast, and acting beastly while human.

While human, Adam comes across as somewhat aloof, choosing to distance himself from others outside of his castle family. By being harshly cast away by his own father, Adam has it set in his mind that no one can truly love him, and therefore has a somewhat grim, gruff exterior that takes a bit of effort to chip away. His adoptive mother, Mrs. Potts, saw to it that Adam had everything he could ever want, trying to make him feel at home, comfortable, and loved to distract him from the thoughts of his past and who he was. This, despite her good intentions, only raised him as being selfish, spoiled and expecting most things done for him rather than doing them himself. When he doesn't get his way, for whatever reason, this tends to bring out his irascible side and is quick to anger and frustrarion, though hardly ever becomes violent.

These personality traits are only amplified while in his beast form. He becomes angry, fierce and even merciless very quickly and can become quite abusive with little to no remorse. He seems to have a constant chip on his shoulder, showing that in this form, he becomes extremely touchy if someone even just looks at him the wrong way. It has also been seen that Adam becomes even childish while he is transformed. Impatient, immature and very bitter, Adam simply has practically lost all sense of himself and most times, it feels as though someone else is controlling his actions while he is forced to sit by and watch.

There is a constant, between the two forms, however. No matter what state he is in, Adam has a constant feel of loneliness, memories of his past and knowledge of what he is making him feel tortured from the inside and even suicidal.

Adam constantly longs to be the man that he was before he was afflicted. He used to be kind, gentle, innocent and even humble. He was raised modestly and with very little worldly things. With Belle, he could even be compassionate, heroic, sensitive, protective and especially romantic - all traits he formed early in hopes to win her heart. These were not traits his father was particularly proud of, however, so Adam had to be careful how much of himself he showed to certain people, but Belle always brought out the best in him. His acts were selfless, always gifting her small, circumstantial things, but they were from the heart and therefore, had more meaning. That boy was a far cry from who he was now, and it kills him.

Being born and raised a hunter, Adam possesses skills that relate as such. Tracking, bow proficiency, animal preservation, camouflage and so on... However, since his time in Lupinis, these skills have substantially dismissed for their lack of use. Instead, Adam has taken to the life of Equestrianism. His adoptive mother, Mrs. Potts, saw to it that Adam spent a great amount of time on a horse when not tending to the daily "princely" duties of the castle. At the age of sixteen, Adam became thoroughly introduced to the life of horses and everything that a horse is capable of, including what he can do on a horse. Whether it comes to breeds, breeding, horseshoeing, breaking, branding, or riding, Adam knows it. He has even spent a good amount of time roping animals while on a horse, as Mrs. Potts found it good for his image by entering him in a majority of competitions as he grew up.

When in his beast form, however, Adam has a completely new set of skills. All of his senses are heightened, including (but not limited to) sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. He even has a "sixth sense" about him when things are about to happen. With his beast form, also comes claws, canines and a significant amount of strength. Though not exactly trained in how to use his temporary body, Adam is a "beastly" force to be reckoned with when it comes to physicality. A lot of his hunter instincts from his childhood come back into play in this form, as he is able to see, smell and track down nearly anything he has a scent on. However his unpredictable nature makes it so that he mainly only does it for himself.

Biography (Before Earth):
Born the oldest in a set of twins, Adam was raised immediately into the hunter life by his father, Clayton. He and his brother, Gaston, took it upon themselves to constantly compete with one another in any and all things. Who grew the most over the summer, who could tack a horse the quickest, who was faster, who got the bigger kill, and even, who caught the eye of Princess Isabella first.

Princess Isabella was introduced to them at a very early age. Adam first laid eyes on her at a political announcement of some sort (Adam was too young to really care or pay attention) but the Princess was there, quietly standing and doing her part by just being there. Immediately, Adam knew he was in love. His brother seemed to share the same thought, however it wasn't until their father started making trades with King Maurice that the boys realized they might actually have a chance.

They spent years competing with one another for her favor, though the three did end up creating close bonds with each other and eventually became best friends. The boys would go hunting, and Isabella would be waiting at the lodge on the day of their return to greet them with open arms and an open ear for their stories.

Then, one year, when the boys wereally sixteen, they were out hunting and competing for the largest stag. Gaston's, naturally, was much larger and Adam was desperate to get in a larger kill but they were already heading back into town. Joking with Adam on how Isabella would reward him with a kiss for the larger deer, Adam was then distracted by signs of a deer close by. He dismounted and tracked the animal down, finding the legendary golden stag.

The golden stag was a story passed down through generations, warning and all to not harm it, lest a terrible fate become of them. Not one for believing in such stories, Adam attempted to hunt it down, knowing that if he bagged it, not only would he impress Isabella, but King Maurice as well.

Gaston strongly advised against it, talking Adam out of killing the golden stag, and Adam was left with the puny deer he had fallen earlier. However he came across a rose bush in the place he had last seen the stag and picked one for Isabella. Little did Adam know, that little act would change his life forever.

When they returned, Gaston was tasked to the horses and Adam to their kill. Isabella had been running late that day to greet them, and didn't show up until Gaston was already in the stables. Adam presented the rose to her, expecting nothing more than a hug from the Princess (as per usual) but this time, she kissed him. After a rather surprising intimate moment, Isabella told Adam that she had made her choice of the two brothers, and chose him. Gaston witnessed the event, and in a rage, stormed off, swearing to never forgive his brother for manipulating Isabella into choosing him. Heartbroken for his twin brother, but also wanting to seal his fate with the Princess, Adam went back out into the forest on his own to hunt down the golden stag - he needed something concrete to present to the King before he and Isabella could go public.

It took him all night, but Adam found the golden stag. There was a voice in his head, warning him over and over again to leave it alone. Figuring it was just his brothers words in memory, Adam ignored the warning and shother at the stag. Right before the arrow made impact, it dissolved into thin air, and the golden stag took on the form of a beautiful enchantress.

Adam tried apologizing, but the Enchantress wanted nothing of it. Instead, she bestowed a curse onto the young man, condemning him to a beastly form whenever the moon cycle matched that nights - a full moon. She explained to Adam that because his greed and arrogance clouded his judgement, he would be cursed until he could soften his heart. He was to find someone he could love, and for them to love him in return.

His body changed, hands and feet becoming claws, his teeth sharpening and his skin covered in fur. He was a monster, and for that first night, his thoughts were as such.

If asked today what had happened that night, after much probing, Adam would tell of how he awoke in the forest the next morning, his fur covered in blood and his horse bear devoured next to him. Terrified, and still in his beast form, Adam ventured further into the forest where he couldn't hurt anyone else.

Six nights later, Adam's body returned to normal, and he begrudgingly returned to Avonlea where he was immediately embraced by his father, who believed him to be dead. With hot, spilling tears, Adam told Clayton what had happened, looking for any amount of comfort, but instead his father'saw hand met with his cheek. Clayton was beyond angry, and cast Adam out of Avonlea. His son was a monster now, an animal... so he gave Adam one days head start before he would hunt him down like one.

The last thing Adam saw while he fled his home was one of Isabella's books. Wanting something of hers, as he couldn't even tell her goodbye, Adam took the book, his father's horse, and left the life he knew behind.

Adam travelled for months. He was hungry, cold and weak. Eventually, he just passed out in the snow, ready to die, but a kind old woman found him and took him I'm, choosing to raise him as her own.

Mrs. Potts had once been the Queen of Lupinis, but in the last decade or so, she handed over the Kingdom to her son, Chip. She spent her days in the castle helping wherever she could, especially in the kitchen.

Even knowing of Adam's secret, she raised him as any other boy. She saw to his education and recreational activities, even spoiling him with gifts to help the hole she knew he had in his heart. And when the moon cycle came, Adam was given a prison cell that was separate from the others below the castle where he would be chained up until the cycle passed.

Only a very select few people know about Adam's curse. Not even his adopted brother, Chip, knows where Adam goes for the one week a month. Mrs. Potts has fabricated a story over the years to help Adam's alibi - that he's gone hunting or had a competition in one of the neighboring Kingdoms. During this time, however, Adam is comforted only by his friends, Cogsworth and Lumiere, as they are the only ones brave enough to face him that way.

There have been a few times Adam's anger takes over completely and escapes the castle to terrorize the village or smaller surrounding towns. This started an array of rumors and legends across all Kingdoms of the Lupinis Beast.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Adam has never been to Earth and does not even know of its existence.


Adam has a pet dog named Sultan, and is very rarely from his side.

He is also partial to his Arabian horse, Thunder, and uses him as his preferred mount.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~General Information~

Name (Rivenspire): Belle De' Fortesque.
Other Names (Rivenspire): The Huntress, Head Knight, King's Ward.
Real Name (Rivenspire): Isabella De' Fortesque; Princess of the Avonlea.
Occupation (Rivenspire): Head Knight (Presently), Huntress (Presently).
Place Of Origin: Avonlea; Rivenspire.
Age: Twenty-Seven.
Affiliation (Rivenspire): True Neutral (Presently).

True Neutral (Presently) - * A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way, or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil- after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Fourteen):

Appearance - Rivenspire (Age Twenty-Seven):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire):
Avonlea (Presently) - While no longer seeming to be the sweet and charming Princess of Avonlea; Isabella's wardrobe continues to show her royal status due to being doted on almost hand and foot by the King, Gaston, the young woman's wardrobe full to the brim by a large range of dresses to cover many a different occasion (Royal Dress #01, Royal Dress #02, Royal Dress #03, Royal Dress #04, Royal Dress #05, Royal Dress #06, Royal Dress #07, Royal Dress #08, Royal Dress #09); however it is more than clear by any and all who know her that while she is more than comfortable wearing such gifts of which have been presented to her, she has (over the years) grown used to the practicality and mobility of her uniform- the head Knight slowly beginning to feel more at home within the fitted leather and armor than anything else.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Partner: None.
Father: King Maurice De' Fortesque (Deceased).
Mother: Queen Colette De' Fortesque (Deceased).
Siblings: Prince Phillip De' Fortesque (Presumed Deceased).
Pet/s: Given to her as a present for her nameday when she was younger, Isabella owns and cares for her beloved pet Clydesdale which she calls Phillipe.
Other: None.

~Personal Information~

Personality Traits: Depicted as brave, selfless, extremely resourceful and highly intelligent, Isabella has a very strong and independent survivalist instinct fueled by her difficult past causing her to be quite good at thinking outside the box. Very strong, often stubborn and unwittingly determined, Isabella will most times act first before asking questions later, the woman learning from her past that she needs to do whatever she can to survive though she has a base instinct to protect those who are weak and have no skills or methods in which to protect themselves. Usually a very logical person, Isabella sometimes has trouble controlling her emotions when things become quite stressful around her. Unlike most who are forced into surviving on their own, Isabella is not a natural born healer, becoming quite squeamish and reluctant when it comes to tending her own and the wounds of others around her, instead choosing to focus on things that she deems more important such as: hunting, gathering, tracking and fighting. Nevertheless, she knows the basics of first aid, including how to clean and dress a wound to keep it from getting infected and in turn the person getting worse over time.

A fiercely determined and resourceful fighter, Isabella is easily underestimated by those who stand against her and while a polite young woman, almost always finds herself in some sort of disagreement with those in positions of authority, using her own resources when it comes to getting through life, showing that she does have the true instincts of a survivor. Though seeming confident and calm in most situations she is forced into, Isabella has a nasty habit of biting her nails whenever she gets nervous or anxious, sometimes having to force and consciously stop herself from doing so when she is in the company of others. In addition to her issues when it comes to trusting others around her, Isabella is not always socially adept and most times has a hard time making friends due to the emotional strain on her life, the memories of which sometimes make her come across as cold to those around her; though this is more concerned with the responsibility she has for her position in the royal household rather than with being social, sometimes making her awkward around people.

Though at times she can be rather blunt and bitingly cynical; Isabella has a very passionate side which she only shows around Gaston in the privacy of his chambers, though in the company of others she has a maternal instinct which tends to kick in more than she would like. Not very good at acting for the camera so to say, Isabella comes across best when she is just being herself, however more stressful situations seem to cause her emotions to flair and to overrule her better judgement. With an absolute hatred for games played by those trying to trying to hurt her and those around her, Isabella has a detestation for being used as a "pawn" and dislikes having the weight of her old title weighing down on her shoulders knowing that there's nothing she can do about it now.

Strengths: Known throughout Rivenspire to be both highly skilled and exceedingly intelligent in not only archery, but also in both tracking and hunting; Isabella does all that she can to continue adding to her already quite impressive skill set- the years passing by helping her to become experienced in other area's such as both fishing and trapping while out on a hunt, while her experience with wielding and throwing blades gives her a higher expertise when finishing off a wounded prey animal; her time spent growing up under the care and ever watchful eyes of both Clayton and Gaston, showing both herself and those around her that she is exceptionally skilled at throwing her blades- giving the indication that she also holds the skill to throw most, if not all projectile weapons, however she has not looked too far into this skill.

Also seen to be not only an extremely skilled tree-climber, but also an exceptionally fast runner; Isabella is known to have amazing reflexes, especially when it comes to handling weapons such as a bow and arrow- her great speed and excellent flexibility allowing her to be able to draw an arrow, and strike down several targets in a quick succession of time; spending quite a bit of her time out in the forests on hunts, she has also taken the time in life to educate herself on each edible, medicinal, and highly poisonous plant life- the young woman able to correctly identify almost all flora within Rivenspire; her knowledge in many area's also helping to give her a highly skilled sense of woodcraft.

Weaknesses: Though she hates to admit it to herself, and does all within her power to keep it hidden from those around her, Isabella has a weakness and soft spot within her heart for not only children, but also animals which she considers to be cute or cuddly; the young woman especially having a strong and rather affectionate pull towards felines and equines.

Magic Capabilities:
Although she lives in a world where magic runs deep, and has met people in Rivenspire who possess magic; Isabella herself possesses no magical abilities or qualities, however she has never attempted to see whether or not she is capable of such feats of magic- the young huntress instead relying on both her intelligence and skill set to get her where she needs to be, rather than relying on magic like others that she has met in the past.

Brought up and trained alongside Gaston; Isabella is known to be not only an expert swordsman and blades-woman, but also one of the best archers within Rivenspire- the young woman's weapon of choice however is very much dependent upon the task that is presented before her, whether this be something as simple as being dragged along on another hunting trip with the King in the forests surrounding Avonlea, or something of a much more serious nature such as fighting against another who proves to be a worthy opponent. Along with her skills and rather natural talent with both a blade and bow, Isabella has also shown much promise with other weapons such as the mace, throwing knives, and lances- however these are not her preferred weapons of choice, the huntress much like her King more than happy to choose a sword, or a bow an arrow whenever given the choice.

Biography (Before Earth):
Born into and brought up under the warm and loving care of her family; Isabella grew up an exceedingly caring and intelligent young girl, not only loved by all those who knew and met her, but also extremely close to her younger brother, Phillip- the two of them as thick as thieves and practically inseparable, almost always being found within each others company; whether it be finding themselves wandering into trouble, or just enjoying each others company by the fireplace in their mother's library. However, as the evil that had begun to accumulate and spread throughout the lands, her parents did all that they could to stand up against Maleficent and those who gave her their loyalty; their defiance eventually forcing the Dark Queen's hand and causing her to send her knights after the royal family, sending their lives spiraling down and out of their control.

Forced to do nothing else but hide and stay quiet; Isabella watched on in helpless silence as both her mother and father were struck down in their prime before her very eyes, the young Princess too terrified to leave the place in which her mother had hid her- found hours later by none other than Gaston, both absolutely terrified and clinging to her younger brother, she quickly sought out for comfort within her childhood friends arms, the young man all too willing to give her the care that she both wanted and needed. Searching out for and seeking the guidance of his father on what was to happen to both her and her brother; Isabella was quickly taken in as the new Kings young ward, raised alongside Phillip and Gaston under the care and training of the new King, the young girl soon suffering the loss of her beloved brother before eventually, growing into a beautiful and confident young woman- though the once sweet and innocent young child, while at times striking fear into the hearts of the people of Avonlea, still holding onto a shred of hope that seems to come to her more times than none in the form of dreams... a stunning rose, a golden deer, and the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she has ever seen...

Biography (Life On Earth):
Due to being taken in and raised after the gruesome murder of her parents, as not only a ward, but also as a Knight and a huntress under the ever watchful eye and guidance of both Clayton, and his son Gaston; Isabella never had the chance to go to Earth- the young woman continuing to live within the castle; staying and serving out her duties under Gaston, the new King of Avonlea.

~Other Information~

Other: Whenever she unable to be found on a hunt, or when she no longer has any duties to perform for her title as Head Knight; Isabella is on the rare occasion found hidden away within the (now) locked and boarded up library of Avonlea castle, which was gifted to her mother long before her and her brother were born- the young woman not only having read many of the books that it holds, but she is also able to recall information from those in which she has indeed read, whenever she is asked to do so.

There has only ever been one job in which she has never been able to complete, unable to find it within her heart to go through with just what it was that was being asked of her- the huntress choosing to allow the young woman to run free from her wrath, rather than killing her on the spot; and instead provided the Queen who had hired her services with the heart of a stag that she had hunted down.

~Theme Song~

"Search Inside" By Catty Nior (Monster High).

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name (Rivenspire): Robin Hood.
Other Names (Rivenspire): Lancelot Du Lac.
Real Name (Rivenspire): Philip De' Fortesque.
Occupation (Rivenspire): Self employed; Thief.
Place Of Origin: Avonlea; Rivenspire.
Age: 24.
Affiliation (Rivenspire): Chaotic Good.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (11 Years Old):

Appearance - Rivenspire (24 Years Old):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire):

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Partner: None... for now.
Father: King Maurice De' Fortesque (Deceased).
Mother: Queen Colette De' Fortesque (Deceased).
Siblings: Belle De' Fortesque.
Pet/s: Philip has his own grey horse named, Aussigris.
Other: Robin is incredibly close to his Merry Men.

~Personal Information~

Robin is brave and at times shows lack of care of his own life. This being said he is incredibly protective of those who he deems close to him, even those who are older and are more than capable of protecting themselves. He would gladly throw himself in the way of a bullet and sacrifice himself for anyone he holds dear. These feelings are not unrequited though for those who stand beside him would quickly show him the same courtesy. He is quite intelligent and calculating but he is quick to think on his feet which has gotten him out of many scrapes before. Robin is still young and from that he can be juvenile and despite his brain he sometimes doesn't think before he does. He is fueled by revenge which does, at times, cloud his judgement. Despite the anger inside him, he keeps quite a cool head but is more willing to fight it out verse talk it out. Having been raised to the age of eleven as a noble man's son, some noble mannerisms have stuck with him. Chivalry being one of the major ones.

Robin Hood is a master of most all fighting techniques from long ranged, bow and arrow, to close combat with sword or hand to hand. Hood has a soft footed walk, allowing him to easily sneak around without detection. He can pick locks with easy and is an escape artist. Robin is a natural leader has easily convinced men and women much older than himself to follow him.

Robin is a passionate man and often follows his own whims. He is an excellent leader but often struggles to follow which places him in complicated positions with those of authority. He will often do as he believes is right and sees far more grey in the spectrum of good and evil than most.

Robin keeps a sword, his bow and arrows, and several daggers on his person at most moments.

Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):
Phillip De' Fortesque was once a nobleman. He once had land to his name and a title before it. However, thirteen years ago, after the death of his parents, he and his older sister, Isabella were placed under the wing of Clayton Le' Gume, a man that Phillip never truly trusted. His intuition proved to be right as the man took the throw, Phillip's rightful place as the heir to the crown of Province.However, he was unaware of how deep the man's betrayal went.

After months of finding anyway possible to defy the man, who presented himself like their new father to world and was tyrant in private, Clayton approached him with a truce. Philip would get his own land that he could rule over, so long as he abide by the rules that were laid forth by himself, the King. This wasn't everything that Phillip wanted but it seemed like a compromise. One that allowed Phillip to escape the man. To the feud to rest, Phillip was invited to hunt with the King's party that afternoon but things went unexpectedly.

As Phillip rose his arrow to shoot a deer, he felt a splitting pain in his back, causing him to cry out. Reaching behind himself, he felt an arrow's shaft against his fingers. He turned, raising his bow again, taking aim at his assailant. He released his arrow and watched as it sailed passed the King, missing him entirely. That was when a second arrow collided with his chest, sending him backwards. Stumbling, he fell onto his back lodging the first arrow further into his body. He lay there, choking on his own blood as he heard the sound of hooves leaving.

On his back, he stared at the clouds, tears sliding down his cheeks. In that moment, he tried to accept his death... However, there was too much for him to do, he was simply too young for this fate.

And much to his fortune, this was not his fate. A group of rather jolly men, found the poor bleeding boy and took pity on him. They took him in and nursed his wounds but they never planned for him to live. Merely wished to give him a more comfortable death. However, Phillip fought for his life and against everyone's beliefs survived the brutal attack. It was these men who took the young man, who refused to give them a name, into their fold, naming and teaching him. Phillip desired to better himself in the art of the bow and arrow, so that he might one day seek revenge on the man who had tried to kill him.

However, Phillip was not happy living his days in hiding. As him and the merry men, traveled through the woods, they often came upon towns and villages that were in near ruin thanks to the Queen's men or taxes. At the age of 18, Phillip took it upon himself to help the people and looked to the men he was living with for help. It took a bit of convincing, offering to be the one without a horse for a full week or to make their shelter and fire for the next few times they found a place to stop.

So the next time the men came, Phillip and the jolly men were ready for them and showed them resistance they had not been expecting. With little fighting, the soldiers retreated and the town celebrated. The celebrations did not last long before the soldiers were back with more men and beat Phillip and the men to a pulp. Seeing Phillip as the leader, they took him into custody as they burned the town leaving the people to burn with it. It was then that Phillip learnt that fighting might not always win. The Royals had armies with more trained soldiers than most any town that they attacked could supply. These people didn't need an army... They needed money.

Dragged to some outpost, they tied Phillip to a chair and beat him brutally, trying to beat him into some kind of submission. However, when they finally let the boy be, he threw himself out of his chair and slowly dragged himself across the ground until he reached a table with many blades laid out on it. Struggling to his feet slightly, Phillip turned and grabbed one of the knives and cut into the ropes that held him captive. Once free, the boy had every intention to escape but thought back to his revelation hours prior. With a grin on his face, he quietly snuck around the room, grabbing a bag and stuffing anything that looked to have some kind of value into it. Growing rather cocky, he did not leave with his bag full of treasure just yet. He slipped out into the hall and began to steal the bounty of riches that the outpost held. When his bag became so heavy that he feared he would not be able to carry it back to the village, he snuck into one last room where he found a beautiful bow and quiver. Smiling, he gathered them both onto his back and ran to the window to look below at what the fall held for him. Grinning as he found the stables and a kind pile of hay, he tossed his bag down before him and climbed into the window when he heard a man yell, "Hold, villain."

In quick movement, Phillip removed an arrow from his new quiver and notched it before he turned, pointing the weapon at the man who stood at the other end of the room, brandishing a sword. Phillip smiled, "The Sheriff of Nottingham, I presume," he said as he pointed with his arrow head to the man's rich attire, "Sir, have you any pocket change for a lowly serf?"

"I will give you nothing!" The Sheriff yelled back before he advanced forward.

Phillip pulled the string on his bow back a little further, "Ah, ah, how much time do you think it will take me to put this arrow between your eyebrows? Enough time for you to stop me? I think not."

The Sheriff growled before unhooking his coin purse from his belt and tossing it to Phillip. The boy released the arrow into the Sheriff's sword arm's shoulder before catching the bag. The man howled, "Who are you?"

Phillip laughed... The nobleman he had once been was long dead. That boy was assumed dead by the entire world, "Robin Hood," He said simply, taking the name the merry men had given to him years ago, before he jumped out the window into the hay below and gathered his bag before taking a horse and racing off with his riches.

When he returned to the town, he found it to be in better conditions than he had expected. The people had managed somehow to put out the fire and were doing their best to fix the damages that had been done. The happy men ran to surround Phillip's horse when he returned. Phillip smiled to them, battered and bloodied as he was, "What... You didn't actually expect me to walk while you rode," He joked before he rose his bag into the air, "I bring riches from the kind Sheriff of Nottingham for the people." He tossed it in front of himself, allowing the silver and gold to spill out, "May that cover your taxes."

It was from that day on that Phillip forgot about the boy he had once been and became Robin Hood, the thief who stole from the rich and gave to the poor.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~General Information~

Name (Fairy Tale World): Peter Pevensie.
Other Names (Fairy Tale World): That homeless guy, Pete.
Occupation (Fairy Tale World): Once he was the fated king of Narnia, but now he works in a factory.
Place Of Origin: London, England, Rivenspire.
Age: 26.
Affiliation (Rivenspire - FT World):
True Neutral (Presently) - 'A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way, or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil- after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way'.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (13 Years Old):

Appearance - Ravenspire (26 Years Old):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire - FT World):
(Presently) - Peter barely pays any attention to what he is wearing. Most of his low income goes to bodily pleasures and alcohol. He wears his old and worn black hoodie over a brown shirt. On his back there is normally a backpack to carry his food and water with him to work. On his legs are worn blue jeans and also wears a pair of sneakers.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single, afraid of commitment.
Partner: Various, and the bottle.
Father: Jack Pevensie.
Mother: Helen Pevensie.
Siblings: Edmund, Lucy, and Susan (deceased).

~Personal Information~

Peter has fallen a long way from his old ways. Once he was the proud and stoic defender of the family and his siblings. Back then he would do anything for his siblings and anyone else. Fight for what's right and real in the world. But now his ways have been lost. After the death of Susan in front of his eyes, the grave wounding of his brother. And the final separation of the siblings.

All of this has caused him to lose heart. Believing that all his siblings are dead and he's alone in the world, Peter turned to the bottle. He barely managed to scrape through in school with his once good grades falling. He hates his life and turns to cheap thrills and pleasures to ease his pain. His temper is also shorter than what it already was.

While in Narnia he was a masterful swordsman. A lot of it thanks to his magical sword Rhindon which improves his strength and speed whenever he draws the blade. A lot of his skill also comes from rigorous training while in Narnia. His shield grants him extra protection, magically enhancing any armour he wears.

All of his factory work has also left him quite fit and has also quickened up his reflexes. While his manager has wanted him to become a group leader for his good leadership skills, Peter always declines the offer.

Despite his drinking and lack of lifelust, he has still kept up his training with both sword and shield, along with endurance and strength.

He has a really bad temper and can be very stubborn sometimes. He is a drunk and is often found under a bottle, or a table. He blames himself for everything that has happened to his family. Neither does he have any ambition in life. He wants it to end, but won't allow himself to go. Somehow he keeps struggling forwards.

Magic Capabilities:
None that he knows of.

Rhindon, his trusty shield and a few throwing knives along with a revolver.

Brief Biography (Life In Rivenspire - FT World):
The eldest Pevensie, Peter likely had the easiest time growing up. Perhaps quite a bit had been expected of him, but Peter's natural inclination towards diligence and honest work put him far ahead of most kids his age. Along with his brother, Edmund, he'd been shipped off to boarding school until the Second Great War tore London in two.

Once the war hit London, the Pevensie children were shipped to the countryside. His parents sending them far away from the war to keep them safe and away from harm. With the Queen’s rage and fury much of London was reduced to rubble. They had been able to hear it on the streets. People talking about how most of the kings and queens of the land had sent away their kids. It seemed like most parents had done what theirs had.

Arriving at their country estate, Peter quickly worked to distract his siblings, though Edmund always proved difficult. In doing so, Peter distracted himself and imagined he went a little too far. Lucy came quick from hide and seek, with a tale bigger than she could have possibly woven alone. Edmund was quick to tease and Peter couldn't quite console his sister and her active imagination. Not until she'd shown them herself, at least. Of course, Peter profusely apologized to his sister for not believing her tale, and reprimanded Edmund for being such a petty bully to her.

Their adventure there had turned from a small story into an epic tale within but a few moments. The Pevensies had been swept into an entire new world, rife with conflict, and prophecies. They had been told that they in fact were the true rulers of Narnia, as this land was called, not the Queen that ruled it. In a rising storm, they'd been tasked with returning Narnia back to what it once was. Determined to right the wrongs and injustices wrought upon the people there, soon to be his own people, Peter was quick to assist along with his other siblings. Though, saddened by Edmund's untimely betrayal, after a spat between them, the brother's quickly resolved their differences and turned toward Narnia's aid with renewed vigour.

Peter lead an army to war against the evil Queen while his sisters were away on a much different task. The Ice Queen herself had not been spotted for some of the battle until there was a loud panic and much noise coming from their western flank. “Giants!” someone was screaming on the top of their lunges. Peter had turned and saw to his horror the Queen leading a party of giants and crashing into their flank. The enemy army roared to life at the sight of the force and crashed into their front.

The defenders of Narnia fought valiantly, Peter even fighting the Queen herself in single combat. He was not able to beat her though and Susan rushed in to save him. She shot arrow after arrow towards the Queen, seemingly keeping her at bay. That was until she laughed and grabbed an arrow from the air and threw it back, right into Susan’s chest and she fell over without a sound. Peter roared and attacked the Queen with anger before being pushed away just as the majestic Lion Aslan arrived and whisked him and his remaining siblings away.

Peter found himself no longer in Narnia, but at a now unfamiliar place, London. As the devastation of the war was upon everyone, Peter easily got lost in the crowd. Much to his horror, neither of his siblings was with him. At that moment desperation set in and he blamed himself for their death. At least he assumed they were all dead. He wanted to end his life, but something kept him going.

He finished school with average grades and took a job at a factory to have something to do with his life. Something productive that would take his mind off the loss of his siblings. Much of this he found in the bottle and in the company of women. Anything that would lessen his sorrow.

~Theme Song~

"The Day That Never Comes" By Metallica

"Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
But the sunshine never comes, no
No, the sunshine never comes"

"God, I'll make them pay
Take it back one day
I'll end this day
I'll splatter color on this gray"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~General Information~

Name (Rivenspire): Arthur Pendragon.
Other Names (Rivenspire): King Arthur of Camelot.
Real Name (Rivenspire): King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot.
Occupation (Rivenspire): King.
Place Of Origin: Camelot; Rivenspire.
Age: 31.
Affiliation (Rivenspire - FT World): Lawful Good.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (18 Years Old):

Appearance - Earth (31 Years Old):

Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire - FT World):
Camelot (Presently) - Currently flips back and forth between the clothes of a king and those of a knight. He is most comfortable in just pants and a shirt though.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Engaged (Arranged marriage).
Partner: Merida Kayley Biorna.
Father: King Uther Pendragon (Deceased).
Mother: Igraine (Deceased).
Siblings: None.
Pet/s: Various animals live with in the castle but beyond his horse (Otis) and two dogs (Ina and Bjorn) none are his own.
Other: Lady Morgana Pendragon (Faux-sister and murderer of his father).

~Personal Information~

To put it best, Arthur is a king. He is a leader with determination and is strong willed. He is never one to give up in a fight he believes in and you will see him on the front lines fighting for it. Arthur's Round Table is set so that no one man sits above the rest, not even himself. In these moments, his humble side and groundedness shine through. He doesn't seek glory for himself but for Camelot.

He cares deeply for those in his care and strives to do better by them. In a time that is rocky with fear sweeping the world, he holds Camelot as a stronghold of lawful integrity... And those who do wrong will not get away with it.

Arthur understands that two heads are better than one and is willing to work with and listen to others. However, he also knows when too many voices are being heard and to step in and correct the course.

Arthur is a master of sword fighting and well versed in hand to hand. Long range is where he is weakest and struggles the most although usually still manages to hit a target or two.

Arthur is very trusting of people. He believes if he is honest then they will be honest too. However, due to this it has often place those around him into the position of needing to butt heads with him, to try and reason with him. Although in the moment, Arthur might not care to be told he is wrong but these moments, to him, mean that those he has assembled as strong, unafraid, and loyal but not blindly so.


Brief Biography (Life In Rivenspire - FT World):
There had been a period in his life when Arthur had been a very different man. He had been a reckless and delinquent Prince. He gambled and drank and found every moment to be merry. Often times, this lead his learnings to falter in areas that he was not natural good at (archery).

~Other Information~

Other: ?.

~Theme Song~

"?" By ?.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

~General Information~

Name (Fairy Tale World): Kayley Biorna.
Other Names (Fairy Tale World): The Bear Princess, Red-haired Archer, Bear Whisperer, Lassie.
Real Name (Fairy Tale World): Merida Kayley Biorna; Princess of Dun Broch.
Occupation (Fairy Tale World): Princess; Future Queen of Dun Broch.
Place Of Origin: Highlands of Dun Broch; Fairy Tale World.
Age: Twenty-Six.
Affiliation (Fairy Tale World): Neutral Good (Presently), True Neutral (Presently).

Neutral Good (Presently) - * A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. She is devoted to helping others. She works with Kings and Magistrates, but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.

True Neutral (Presently) - * A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Thirteen):

Appearance - Fairy Tale World (Age Twenty-Six):

Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World):
DunBroch (Presently) - -

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Betrothed/ It's Complicated.
Partner: King Arthur Pendragon (Betrothed), Sir Lancelot (Forbidden Love).
Father: King Fergus Biorna (Deceased).
Mother: Queen Elinor Biorna.
Siblings: Harris Biorna, Hubert Biorna, Hamish Biorna.
Pet/s: ?.
Other: Merlin (Family Friend), Lord Macintosh (Family Friend), Young Macintosh (Childhood Friend), Lord MacGuffin (Family Friend), Young MacGuffin (Childhood Friend), Lord Dingwall (Family Friend), Wee Dingwall (Childhood Friend).

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